
來源:胡俊生    瀏覽:

一、項目名稱  古潭綠洲文化產業示范園
Ancient Lake Park Oasis Cultural Industry Model
二、項目建設背景和條件  承載2100年歷史,繁昌縣正進入全新的發展時期。尤其是近年來,繁昌縣委、縣政府本著“科學發展、和諧發展、率先發展”的思路和理念,著力于城鄉統籌協調發展,著力于產業升級集約發展,縣域經濟社會各項事業跨越到一個嶄新的平臺。在此背景下,集生態、旅游、文化、戶外影視拍攝為一體的古潭綠洲生態觀光農業示范園的建設規劃水到渠成。
Carrying 2100 history Fanchang is entering a new period of development. Especially in recent years, Fanchang county government the spirit of "scientific development, harmonious development, pioneered the development of" ideas and concepts, focus on coordinated development of urban and rural areas, intensive focus on the development of industrial upgrading, economic and social undertakings across the county to a new platform. In this context, the set of ecological, tourism, culture, and outdoor film shooting as one of the ancient oasis of eco-tourism Lake agriculture demonstration park construction plans fall into place.
三、項目前景和效益分析  項目以打造“蕪湖第一園”為目標,旨在進一步優化提升繁昌農業產業結構,完善充實繁昌旅游產業布局,通過影視作品推廣繁昌,提升繁昌文華產業品味,在推進城鄉統籌、農民增收和城市知名度推廣等方面將作出有益探索,具有顯著的現實意義和長遠的戰略意義。
0bject to create "Wuhu First Garden" as the goal to further enhance the Fanchang optimize agricultural structure, improving the layout of the tourism industry to enrich Fanchang, through film and television works to promote Fanchang enhance taste Fanchang Mandarin industry, in promoting urban and rural areas, farmers’ income and awareness and promotion, and the city will make a useful exploration, has significant practical significance and long-term strategic significance.

四、項目投資估算  古潭綠洲生態、觀光現代農業示范園計劃總投資10億元人民幣,項目總占地面積約3200畝(包括水庫),其中250畝為出讓用地;其余2950畝(包括水庫)為租用地,租期40年。
Ancient Lake oasis ecology and tourism of modern agricultural demonstration park plans a total investment of 10 billion yuan, total area of about 3200 acres (including reservoirs), of which 250 acres for the transfer of land; the remaining 2950 acres (including the reservoir) for the lease, the lease 40 years.
五、項目建設內容和規模  1、苗木花卉產業科普實踐、觀賞區占地約2000畝,以苗木培育種植作為主導產業,著力于推進苗木種植經營規模化、產業化、觀賞化,以此優化當地農業產業結構,同時滿足縣城新總體規劃的要求。2、古潭綠洲旅游景區占地1000畝,包括迎賓廣場、假山跌水、古潭公社特色餐飲、野趣垂釣、橋映荷塘、濕地公園、休閑沙灘、香林花雨-桂花園、桃林盡染-桃花園、櫻花爛漫-櫻花園、梅海尋幽-梅園、竹徑通幽-竹海、開心農場體驗區、芳草園花卉種植區、鳳鳴谷、喬家老宅、虎噴泉、野外拓展活動基地、燒烤基地等景點,是一個集觀光、參與、互動為主體的休閑度假場所。3、建設浙江長城影視的野外拍攝基地,利用本項目獨特的地理環境和項目打造的碧海藍天、青山綠水、鳥語花香的優美環境,提升繁昌縣的知名度和繁昌文化產業品位。
1, seedlings flower industry practice of science, viewing area, covering about 2,000 acres, planted with seedling as the leading industry, focused on promoting the cultivation of seedlings scale, industrialization, viewing technology as a way to optimize the local industrial structure of agriculture, while meeting the county new master plan requirements. 
2, the ancient oasis of scenic Lake covers 1,000 acres, including the Welcome Plaza, rockery or water, food and drink ancient Tan commune, wild fishing, bridge mapping pond, wetland, recreational beaches, Hong Lin Hua Yu - Gui Garden, Taolin dye - Blossom, cherry blossoms - Sakura Park, Meihai the beautiful - plum, bamboo path through quiet - Bamboo, fun farm experience area, herb garden flower growing areas, Fengming Valley, Jia old house, tiger fountains, outdoor expansion activity base, base barbecue spots, a set of tourism, participation, interaction as the main leisure venues. 

3, the construction field, Zhejiang Great Wall video shoot base, the use of the unique geographical environment of the project and the project to build the blue sky, mountains, flowers, beautiful environment, to enhance the visibility and Fanchang Fanchang quality cultural industries.
五、合作方式  合資或合作
六、項目建設地點  繁昌縣繁陽鎮古潭沖

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