
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Non-linear physics


Zamorano Jose Pablo ES Rural,agricultural and food R+D Institute of the Madrid Region Alcala de Henares Spain

Zanca Federica IT UZ Gasthuisberg & KUL Leuven Leuven Belgium

Zarli Alain FR CSTB - Centre Scientifique & Technique du Bâtiment Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis France Systems design


Modelling tools

Knowledge technology

Energy technology

Energy efficient buildings

Digital systems

Database management

Construction technology

Computer systems

Automation and control systems

žárský Viktor CZ Charles University,Prague Prague Czech Republic Plant development

Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms

Zaruk David CA Risk Perception Management Zaventem Belgium

Zaslavsky Ilya US University of California San Diego La Jolla United States

Zavrel Martin CZ 2K Czech Prague Czech Republic Video-Games developer and producer - Media

Technology commercialisation

Technology assessment

Event moderation

Application assessment

Zazula Monika PL AWM - Da Vinci Academy Olsztyn Poland

Zeadan Jeihad DE Robert Bosch GmbH Hildesheim Germany

Zeelenberg Erik NL Lloyds Register Rotterdam Netherlands Technological sciences

Robotics for inspection and monitoring

Nuclear technology

Non-destructive inspection and evaluation

Mechanical design

Measurement technology

Certification,Verification,Validation,Technical Compliance,Standards

Zellhofer Georg AT Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte OG Wien Austria Railways law

Private,public and social law

Legal studies,constitutions,comparative law

Informatic law

Global and transnational governance,international law,human rights

European law

Construction law

Administrative law

Zenith Federico NO SINTEF Trondheim Norway


Zerjav Tansek Mojca SI University Medical Center Ljubljana,University Children's Hospital Ljubljana Slovenia Screening programme

Rare diseases

Population dynamics,aging,health and society

Legal medicine

Human genetics

Health sciences

Zerr Inga DE dept of neurology gottingen Germany

Zervos Antonios EL University of Southampton Southampton United Kingdom

Zhang Jianwei DE University of Hamburg Hamburg Germany

Zhao Ternehäll Huan SE Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg Sweden

Zheng Lirong SE KTH - Kungl Tekniska Högskolan Kista-Stockholm Sweden Systems engineering,sensorics,actorics,automation


Computer architecture,pervasive computing,ubiquitous computing

Zhou John (Jun Liang)

UK University of Technology Sydney Sydney Australia

Zicari Roberto V.IT Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany

Zin Ivan UA Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academey of Sciences of Ukraine Lviv Ukraine

Ziou Djemel* CA the Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Canada Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)


Computer vision

Ziuriene Ryte LT Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Vilnius Lithuania

Ziveri Patrizia IT ICREA at Universitat Autonoma Barcelona (UAB)

Bellaterra (Barcelona)

Spain Paleoclimatology,paleoecology

Oceanography (physical,chemical,biological,geological)




Geological oceanography

Environmental sciences

Climatic research

Biological oceanography

Zocchi Sergio IT Badseed Milan Italy

Zografos Konstantinos EL Lancaster University Lancaster United Kingdom Transport management

Supply chain management


Zotter Armin AT Technical University of Vienna Vienna Austria

Zoulovits Mina EL Innovation & Network Executive Agency (INEA)

Brussels Belgium

Zucca Elena IT University of Genova Genova Italy Technological sciences

Zuccarini Monica IT Carlo Cattaneo Institute Bologna Italy

Zuidweg Johan NL Next:Generation Networks Research S.L.Barcelona Spain

Zunder Thomas*hagen UK Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom

Zweglinski Tomasz PL The Main School of Fire Service Warsaw Poland

Zwissler Sonja DE IBM (R&D - Solution Lab)

Boeblingen Germany

Expert Family Name Expert First Name Expert Type Expert 1st Nationality Code Most Recent Employer Name Most Recent Employer Country Most Recent Employer City Skills and Competences

Abdool Karim Salim EVALUATOR ZA University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Durban Innate immunity and inflammation


Clinical trials

Arak Robin EVALUATOR UK Archway Engineering (UK)

Limited United Kingdom Elland Telecommunications technology

Technological sciences

Strategic management

Specific business types (mutual,cooperatives,family businesses,liberal professions,etc

Networks (communication networks,sensor networks,networks of robots,etc.)


Information technology

Computer technology

Computer hardware and architecture

Computer engineering

Communication technology

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Business p***

Avramopoulos Iraklis EVALUATOR EL National Technical University of Athens Greece Zografou Athens Technological sciences

Physical sciences

Photonic components


Opto-electronic components

Optical components


Communication technology

Communication engineering

Broadband technology

Applied optics

Banks Craig EVALUATOR UK Manchester Met Uni United Kingdom Manchester Physical chemistry,Polymer science,Electrochemistry (dry cells,batteries,fuel cells,corrosion metals,electrolysis)


Physical chemistry

Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale)


Nano-materials (production and properties)



Analytical chemistry

Beenakker Carlo EVALUATOR NL Leiden University Netherlands Leiden Transport properties of condensed matter

Thermal properties of condensed matter


Statistical physics (condensed matter)





Mesoscopic physics

Macroscopic quantum phenomena:superconductivity,superfluidity,etc.

Electronic properties of materials,surfaces,interfaces,nanostructures,etc.

Electronic properties of materials and transport

Condensed matter properties

Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics,superconductivity)

Borg Jonathan EVALUATOR MT University of Malta Malta Msida Vocational Education and Training (VET)


Technology development

Simulation engineering


Precision engineering

Mechanical engineering

Measurement technology

Manufacturing and processing

Knowledge engineering

IT skills and competence

Innovation methodologies

Industrial technology

Industrial engineering

Impact evaluation

Higher Education

Environmental technology


Design engineering

Biomedical engineering

Adult Education

Boucheron Agnes EVALUATOR FR Rhizome S.A.Belgium Brussels Types of innovation

Transport planning and social aspects of transport

Social innovation

Renewable energy sources

Natural resources and environmental economics

Knowledge infrastructure

Internationalisation - Market access

Innovation Management Assessment

Health policy and services

Event moderation


Ethics in research and innovation

Environmental sciences


Energy Efficiency

Education,general (including training,pedagogy,didactics)



Competitiveness,innovation,research and development

Cluster excellence

Business and Management

Cavaleri Marco EVALUATOR IT European Medicines Agency United Kingdom London Public health policies

Pharmacology and pharmacy

Infectious diseases

Antimicrobial resistance

Cekanauskaite Asta EVALUATOR LT Vilnius University Lithuania Vilnius Medical ethics

Ethics in medical sciences

Ethics and morality,bioethics

Clinical trials


Chernaeva Totka EVALUATOR BG Ministry of Transport,Information Technologies and Communications Bulgaria Sofia Technological sciences

Regulatory framework for innovation

Innovation systems

Innovation support services

Innovation strategies

Innovation policy

Innovation methodologies

Computer hardware and architecture

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Fortunato Elvira EVALUATOR PT Faculty of Science and Technology at the New University of Lisbon Portugal Caparica Thin films

Surface science and nanostructures

Surface modification

Structural properties of materials

Photonic integration,photonic integrated circuits


New materials:oxides,alloys,composite,organic-inorganic hybrid,nanoparticles

Nanotechnology,nano-materials,nano engineering


Nano-materials (production and properties)


Micro- and nanoelectronics,optoelectronics

MEMS /Microsystemes technologies

Materials engineering (biomaterials,metals,ceramics,polymers,composites,etc.)


Characterization methods of materials

Galloway Tamara EVALUATOR UK UNIVERSITY OF EXETER United Kingdom EXETER Toxicology

Pollution (water,soil),waste disposal and treatment

Marine ecosystem management

Environmental toxicology at the population and ecosystems level

Environmental health

Environmental genomics

Environmental biology

Environmental and marine biology


Giovannini Chiara EVALUATOR IT ANEC Belgium Brussels Secure Societies

Research integrity and research misconduct

RES consumers

Regulatory framework for innovation

Private,public and social law

Legal systems,constitutions,foundations of law

Legal studies,constitutions,comparative law

Innovation strategies

Innovation policy

Innovation and diversity (e.g.gender)


Human rights

Global and transnational governance,international law,human rights

Generic skills

Foresight /Forecast


EU research policy /Research policies in the EU

Ethics and morality,bioethics

Goossens Herman EVALUATOR BE University Hospital Antwerp Belgium Antwerp Viruses


Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA,proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interv

Severe acute respiratory syndrome


Prescription practises







Diarrhoeal diseases

Biomaterials (as related to medical implants,devices,sensors)

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