
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

36 周寧縣端源片區綜合開發 周寧縣 在浦源鎮端源片,完成1000畝以上連片開發土地的規劃、土地預審、環評、立項、征地、報批、“三通一平”及部分設施建設。100000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣新城區指揮部 葉建樹,1386037***


36 Integrative Development of Duanyuan Zone of Zhouning County Zhouning County In Duanyuan Zone, finish the plans of 1,000 Mu of land for development with its preexaminiation, environment evaluation, listing, land reclamation, submission for approval and infrastructural constructions,etc. 100,000 Equity Cooperation PPP The Leading Headquarters of New Towns of Zhouning County and Mr. Ye Jianshu;Tel:1386037***


37 周寧縣第三水廠建設項目 周寧縣 新建日供水能力為4萬噸的水廠1座,配套建設¢600管道10公里。22000 股權合作 PPP 縣自來水公司,黃天松,1895935***


37 Zhouning No.3 Water Plant Zhouning County A 40,000-Ton water plant is to be built with its accessory project of 10-km pipelines of 600. 22,000 Equity Cooperation PPP Zhouning Tap Water Co., Ltd and Mr.Huang Tiansong;Tel:1895935***


38 周寧縣虎崗工業園區 周寧縣 在獅城鎮規劃面積2000畝,第一期征地200畝已入駐6家企業(已于2013年完成)。第二期征地500畝,投資1億元,建設園區內道路等三通一平等設施。100000 購買服務 PPP 周寧縣城市建設投資經營有限公司,徐耕耘,1395932***


38 Hugang Industrial Park of Zhouning County Zhouning County 2000 Mu of land is to be planned in Shicheng Township. Phase-I reclamation of 200 Mu of land saw 6 enterprises settle down in 2013. Phase-II land reclamation is 500 Mu with an investment of 100 million yuan for constructing roads, water and electricity facilities and so on. 100,000 Purchase Service PPP Zhouning Urban Construction and Investment Co., Ltd and Mr. Xu Gengyun;Tel:1395932***


39 周寧縣城區第二污水處理廠及配套管網工程 周寧縣 在七步鎮往龍溪方向2公里處新建城區第二污水處理廠,占地面積50畝,日污水處理近期2萬噸,遠期3萬噸。20000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣住建局凌明安 1390503***


39 Zhouning No.2 Sewage Treating Plant and its Accessory Pipes Project Zhouning County At 2 kilometers in the direction of Longxi Village, Qibu Township, No.2 Sewage Treating Plant is to be built and it covers 50 Mu of land and treats 20,000 tons of sewage daily at present and 30,000 tons in future. 20,000 Equity Cooperation PPP Zhouning Housing Construction Bureau and Mr.Ling Mingan;Tel:1390503***


四、公共服務(33項) 213***

Public Services( 33 projects) 107***


40 蕉城區體育場(館)項目 蕉城區 在金涵組團大金溪北側、規劃西環路東側建設一座占地面積約70畝的蕉城區體育(場)館(一個田徑中心,一個綜合體育館,一個游泳館)。項目已完成土地預審,勘察、建設設計,土地收儲也正在進行中,計劃在今年7月可開工建設。14000 股權合作 PPP 寧德市蕉城區文體新局,繆里舟,1390593***


40 Stadium(Gymnasium) of Jiaocheng District Jiaocheng District The construction of a 70 mu stadium borders Da Jinxi River in the Jinhan Cluster to the north, and Xihuan Road to the east( including a field and track center,a multipurpose sports stadium and a swimming center). The project has completed land preliminary examination , investigation and construction planning, and the land purchase and storage is ongoing, and plans to start construction in July. 14000 Equity Cooperation PPP Culture, Sports and News Bureau of Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, and Mr.Liao lizhou;Tel: 1390593***


41 屏南中西醫結合醫院建設項目 屏南縣 項目規劃用地面積約28.51畝,建筑總面積約22824平方米。主要建設門診樓1座、醫技綜合樓1座、綜合樓1座、職工宿舍樓1座、食堂1座及停車場、圍墻、綠化景觀給排水等附屬設施和設備購置。10800 股權合作 PPP 屏南縣衛生局1598037***


41 Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Pingnan County Pingnan County The project plans to cover an area of 28.51 mu with 22,824 square meters building area. The project includes a clinic building; medical technology complex; complex building; dormitory; canteen; subsidiary facilities in parking lot, fences,landscaping, water supply and drainage and equipment purchasing. 10800 Equity Cooperation PPP Health Bureau of Pingnan County;Tel: 1598037***


42 屏南縣雙溪古鎮旅游項目 屏南縣 項目總用地面積為1863畝,建設古鎮路網、廣場、公園、換乘中心、污水處理等所有公建項目設施及服務設施及古鎮改造建設;具備較為完善的旅游配套服務設施。87000 股權合作 PPP 福建雙溪古城建設有限公司1359982***


42 Tourism in Shuangxi Ancient Town Pingnan County The project covers an area of 1863 mu, plans to build service facilities, renovation construction of the town and all the public infrastructure facilities, such as road network, square, park, transfer hub and sewage treatment so that the town is to be equipped with rather complete supporting service facilities for tourism. 87000 Equity Cooperation PPP Fujian Shuangxi Ancient Town Construction Co., LTD;Tel: 1359982***


43 周寧縣新城區文化中心 周寧縣 主要建設文化館(面積3500平方米)、科技館(面積1750平方米)和影劇院(面積3300平方米)。10000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣文體新局 詹其木 1370604***


43 Culture Center of the New Urban District of Zhouning County Zhouning County To mainly construct a cultural center (with an area of 3500 square meters), a science and technology center(with an area of 1750 square meters) and a movie theater (with an area of 3350 square meters) 10000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Zhouning County,and Mr. Zhan Qimu ;Tel: 1370604***


44 寧德市蕉城區支提山旅游集散中心 蕉城區 項目用地221.6畝,扣除溪流、道路等實際用地172.36畝,寧屏路貫穿其中,擬在寧屏路西側建設有旅游集散廣場、紅色革命紀念館、旅游服務中心、停車場、四星級賓館,寧屏路東側建設有汽車營地、汽車4S店、加油站等。目前項目已完成立項、用地、規劃審批等前期工作和服務區大門建設。22130 股權合作 PPP 寧德市蕉城區宏鑫交通工程有限公司,黃先碑,1385966***


44 Zhiti Mountains Tourist Distributing Center in Jiaocheng District, Ningde City Jiaocheng District The project covers an area of 221.6 mu, and 172.36 mu of actual land area except for the brook and roads. With Ningping Road running through, the project plans to build a tourist distributing center, a revolution memorial hall, a tourism service center, parking lots, and a four-star hotel to the west of Ningping Road, and automobile camping facilities,an automobile 4S shop, a gas station and so on. The project has completed preliminary work, such as project approval, planning and approval for the use of the land as well as construction of gate to the service center. 22130 Equity Cooperation PPP Jiaocheng District Hongxing Transportation Engineering Co., LTD of Ningde City and Mr. Huang Xianbei;Tel: 1385966***


45 福安市中醫院異地搬遷建設項目 福安市 項目建設用地面積39267.6平方米,總建筑面積71991.9平方米,其中地上建筑面積60837.2平方米,建設門診醫技樓面積29296.0平方米、住院樓面積31315.9平方米、連廊面積225.3平方米,地下建筑面積11154.7平方米,包括汽車庫、設備房、自行車庫等。并配建停車場、道路及綠化的配套工程。31000 股權合作 政府補貼 合作 福安市中醫院 0593-638***


45 The Relocation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Fu'an City Fu'an City The project covers an area of 39267.6 square meters, and its total construction area covers 71991.9 square meters, with 60837.2 square meters above the ground, among which the clinic building covers 29296.0 square meters, inpatient building covers 31315.9 square meters, corridor covers 225.3 square meters; underground construction covers an area of 11154.7 square meters, including garage, equipment rooms and bicycle parking and so on. In addition, auxiliary projects of parking lots, roads and landscaping will also be included. 31000 Equity Cooperation, Government Subsidies cooperation Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Fu'an City;Tel: 0593-638***


46 福鼎市文化藝術中心 福鼎市 文化藝術中心建設文化館、圖書館、博物館、科技館、大劇院、文化廣場,總建筑面積39300平方米 25000 購買服務 PPP 福鼎市文體局費允忠1370693***


46 Culture and Art Center of Fuding City Fuding City Culture and Art Center will include building a cultural center, a library, a museum, a science and technology center,a grand theater and a cultural square. The project covers an area of 39300 square meters 25000 Purchase Service PPP Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Fuding City,and Mr. Fei Yunzhong;Tel: 1370693***


47 屏南一中新校區建設項目 屏南縣 教學樓、科技樓、大型綜合性梯型教室、醫護室、配電房、辦公用房、體育館、學生食堂等及配套附屬設施。25000 匹配資源 PPP 屏南縣教育局 包章語1390593***


47 NO.1 Middle School New Campus of Pingnan County Pingnan County The construction includes a teaching building, a science and technology building, a large comprehensive trapezoidal classroom, medical rooms, a distributing substation, an office building, a gymnasium, a canteen and affiliated facilities. 25000 Resources Matching PPP Education Bureau of Pingnan County and Mr. Bao Zhangyu ;Tel: 1390593***


48 古田縣大白溪瑞士風光旅游項目 古田縣 高起點規劃,將杉洋鎮、鶴塘鎮納入大白溪旅游開發范圍統籌規劃和開發,建設游客服務中心、停車場、水電等旅游配套設施和交通路網,打造以“白溪草場、瑞士風光”為主的大白溪旅游區。30000 股權投資 PPP 古田縣旅游局,杜新坤1317812***


48 Dabaixi Switzerland-Style Scenic Grassland Tourism Project of Gutian County Gutian County The project puts forward a visionary idea to bring Shanyang Township, Hetang Township into Dabaixi Tourism development project. In order to build a tourism spot featuring “ Baixi grassland presents Switzerland scenery”, the project includes transportation networks, auxiliary facilities of a tourist service center, parking lots, water supply and electricity etc. 30000 Equity Investment PPP Tourism Bureau of Gutian County and Mr.Du Xinkun;Tel: 1317812***


49 周寧縣禮門風景名勝區及鎮區建設 周寧縣 建設陳峭、滴水巖、蝙蝠洞、后壟大峽谷等景區基礎設施配套及立茲曼茶博園;2.建設通白水洋、連接支提山等旅游公路網絡。100000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣城市建設投資經營有限公司 徐耕耘 1395932***


49 Limen Scenic Spot and Township Construction of Zhouning County Zhouning County Firstly, to construct Liziman Tea Expo Garden and infrastructure facilities serving scenic spots, such as of Chenqiao Village, Dripping Grotto, Bat Cave and Houlong Grand Canyon; secondly, to build road networks that connect Baishuiyang Scenic Spots, Zhiti Mountains and so on. 100000 Equity Cooperation PPP Zhouning County Urban Construction and Investment Management Co., LTD and Mr. Xu Yungeng;Tel:1395932***


50 周寧縣瑪坑鄉茶業旅游觀光項目 周寧縣 在瑪坑鄉,以萬畝茶園建設千畝為平臺建設茶博園、茶業交易市場、茶業公共服務中心及旅游配套設施。10000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣綠立茶葉開發有限公司 詹興堂 1395935***


50 Tourism and Sightseeing of Tea Industry in Makeng Township, Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to build 1000 mu of areas for a tea expo garden, a tea market,a tea public service center and tourism facilities based on about 10,000 mu tea plantations there. 10000 Equity Cooperation PPP Zhouning Lvli Tea Industry Development Co., LTD and Mr. Zhan Xingtang;Tel:1395935***


51 周寧縣休閑旅游綜合開發 周寧縣 依托縣內生態旅游、田園風光、旅游景區及生態農業觀光采摘園等,推進生態休閑旅游開發,完善相關休閑旅游配套設施。30000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣旅游局 鄭劍輝 1390593***


51 Overall Development of Recreational Tourism of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to promote the development of ecological recreational tourism, and improve related supporting facilities on the basis of Zhouning tourism resources, such as ecological tourism, idyllic scenery, scenic spots, ecological agriculture sightseeing and picking garden and so on. 30000 Equity Cooperation PPP Tourism Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr.Zheng Jianhui;Tel:1390593***


52 周寧八蒲溪景區 周寧縣 在七步鎮總規劃用地3000畝(林地),建設原八蒲溪森林公園、情人谷漂流、龍井探險體驗、修建保護廊橋、新四軍遺址等及度假休閑娛樂實施、景觀棧道約8公里與九龍漈景區融為一體,形成紅色旅游線路。5000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣旅游局鄭劍輝 1390593***


52 Bapuxi River Scenic Spot of Zhouning County Zhouning County On the basis of 3000 mu(forest) of Qibu Town, the project plans to launch red tourism routes, including constructions of original Bapuxi Forest Park, Valentine Valley Rafting, Longjing Canyon Adventure, holiday leisure entertainment facilities that protect covered bridges and the New Fourth Army Ruins, and 8 kilometers long plank road to integrate with Jiulongji Scenic Spots. 5000 Equity Cooperation PPP Tourism Bureau of Zhouning County Mr.Zheng Jianhui;Tel:1390593***


53 周寧縣旅游休閑文化產業園 周寧縣 規劃建設東大門公園(含仙溪森林公園、緣福公園、文化創意園、塔山公園),修建和完善棧道、步游道總長約6000,吊橋一座通往獅子頭;建設生態農產品展銷中心、商服中心、體育休閑中心等。30000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣住建局 凌明安 1390503***


53 Tourism and Leisure Culture Park of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to build Dongdamen Park( including Xianxi Forest Park, Fuyuan Park, Culture and Creation Park and Tashan Park), meanwhile build and improve about 6000-meter plank walk and footpath for travelers,as well as one drawbridge to Shizitou Scenic Spot; in addition,it is planned to build an ecological agriculture exhibition center, a business and service center, sports and recreation centers and so on. 30000 Equity Cooperation PPP Housing Construction Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr.Ling Ming’an;Tel:1390503***


54 周寧縣亞高原水上休閑、度假、訓練基地 周寧縣 在純池鎮、泗橋鄉(鐘山橋湖、芹山湖庫區)規劃建設環鐘山橋湖、芹山湖旅游公路,連接泗橋縱三線、純池縱三線,標準化泳道,跳水臺、碼頭、停車場、健身房及游艇、帆船等設施,建成亞高原水上訓練基地。90000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣文體新局 詹其木 1370604***


54 Water Recreational, Holidaying and Training Base on the Sub-plateau in Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to build a tourism highway surrounding Zhongshanqiao Lake, Qinshan Lake in Chunchi Township and Siqiao Township( Zhongshanqiao and Qinshan reservoir areas), which connects three vertical provincial main roads from Siqiao Township to Chunchi Township; in addition, the project will build a sub-plateau water training base , which covers standardized swimming pools, diving platforms, piers, parking lots, yacht and sailing facilities and so on. 90000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Zhouning County,and Mr. Zhan Qimu;Tel:1370604***


55 周寧縣高速互通口物流園 周寧縣 總建筑面積35萬平方米,建成商服中心、集貨中心(含倉儲、配送、中轉)、加工、汽配、車輛停泊、農貿市場、交易市場、電子交易中心及酒店區、科研中心(專家樓)、家居辦公區、職工公寓等。108000 購買服務 PPP 周寧縣城市建設投資經營有限公司 徐耕耘 1395932***


55 Highway Interchange Logistic Center of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project covers an area of 350,000 square meters, including a business service center,a collecting-distributing center(storage, distribution and transfer), processing, automobile accessories, parking lots,a traditional agricultural product market, a trading center, a digital trading center and a hotel zone, a scientific research center( experts building), SOHO, dormitories and so on. 108000 Purchase Service PPP Zhouning County Urban Construction and Investment Management Co., LTD and Mr.Xu Yungeng;Tel:1395932***


56 周寧衢寧鐵路道口物流倉儲中心(一期) 周寧縣 在咸村鎮,規劃用地900畝,其中倉儲物流區500畝。規劃建設商服區、農貿交易市場、倉儲物流區、汽車物流、商貿物流、冷鏈物流等主要功能區,建成現代化公共物流中心及基礎配套實施等。100000 購買服務 PPP 周寧縣城市建設投資經營有限公司 徐耕耘 1395932***


56 Zhouning County Logistic and Storage Center ( first stage) at the Interchanges of Quzhou-Ningde Railway Zhouning County The project plans to cover 900 mu in Xiancun Township, including 500 mu of a storage and logistic area. The project plans to build a modern public logistic center and infrastructure supporting facilities with the construction of some major functional sections, covering commercial service areas, agricultural product trading centers, storage and logistic areas, automotive logistics, commercial logistics, cold-chain logistics and so on. 100000 Purchase Service PPP Zhouning County Urban Construction and Investment Management Co., LTD and Mr.Xu Yungeng;Tel:1395932***


57 周寧縣新興產業公共服務平臺(互聯網+) 周寧縣 項目用地面積30畝(原恒躍水晶公司廠房10畝,建筑面積約6000平方米,周邊擴展征地20畝)。通過原有廠房技改,建成新興產業孵化器、信息咨詢、培訓教育、冷鏈物流、商服會務等軍民兩用公共服務平臺。30000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣經濟和商務局,謝承禮1386037***


57 Emerging Industrial Public Service Platforms( Internet plus)of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project covers an area of 30 mu(10 mu from the plant of original Hengyue Crystal Company with an area of 6000 square meters, and 20 mu from expansion and land acquisition of the surrounding area). After the reconstruction, the project plans to build a dual-use public service platforms, including emerging industrial incubators, information consultant, training education, cold chain logistics, commercial service and so on. 30000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Economy and Commerce of Zhouning County and Mr.Xie Chengli;Tel:1386037***


58 周寧縣物流園二期(臥龍山莊) 周寧縣 在七步鎮官洋村與溪頭村,規劃用地140畝,建設臥龍山莊及生態住宅小區。30000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣城市建設投資經營有限公司 徐耕耘 1395932***


58 Wolong Villa Logistic Center in Zhouning County( Phase-II) Zhouning County The project plans to build Wolong Villa and an ecological residential quarters of 140 mu in Guanyang Village and Xitou Village of Qibu Township. 30000 Equity Cooperation PPP Zhouning County Urban Construction and Investment Management Co., LTD and Mr.Xu Yungeng;Tel:1395932***


59 周寧縣亞高原(仙風山)體育訓練基地 周寧縣 在仙風山建設康復療養中心、停車場以及比賽、訓練、培訓場館(運動員之家)等設施。30000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣文體新局 詹其木 1370604***


59 Sub-plateau Sports Training Base(in Xianfeng Mountain) in Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to build a nursing and rehabilitation center, parking lots and other facilities, such as a competing and training stadium and Home of Athletes. 30000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Zhouning County and Mr. Zhan Qimu;Tel: 1370604***


60 周寧縣藥材基地綜合開發項目 周寧縣 周寧縣屬于亞 熱帶濕潤氣候,有利于中藥材等植物的栽培和生長,建設和推廣中藥材良種繁育基地,既有利于農民增產、增收,也有利于構建地方特色產業。12000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣林業局 吳永忠 1515943***


60 Comprehensive Development of Medicinal Herbal Base in Zhouning County Zhouning County Zhouning is conducive to the cultivation and growth of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs due to its subtropical humid climate. The construction and promotion of traditional Chinese medicinal seed breeding bases, is not only good for the increase of farmer’s production and income, but also good for the construction of the particular industry with local characteristics. 12000 Equity Cooperation PPP Forestry Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr. Wu Yongzhong;Tel:1515943***


61 周寧縣花博園 周寧縣 周寧縣屬亞 熱帶季風山地氣候,氣候適宜苗木花卉生長,特別適合蘭花和牡丹花的生長,建設周寧縣高山花卉基地,打造博覽園,是旅游業發展的配套產業之一。30000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣林業局 吳永忠 1515943***


61 Horticultural Expo Park of Zhouning County Zhouning County The subtropical monsoon mountain climate in Zhouning County is beneficial to the growth of orchids and peonies,and the construction of Zhouning horticultural base and flower expo park is one of the supporting industries to promote tourism development. 30000 Equity Cooperation PPP Forestry Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr.Wu Yongzhong;Tel:1515943***


62 周寧縣農產品轉型升級平臺建設 周寧縣 依托縣內生態農產品的種植加工,推進茶葉、油茶、板栗等農產品交易服務平臺項目,農產品展示館等;建成“農副產品+電子商務+人才培養+智能生活+現代物流”為一體的新興產業系統。23000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣經濟和商務局 謝承禮 1386037***


62 Platform Construction for Transformation and Upgrading of Agricultural Products in Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to build an agricultural products trading service platform on the basis of the plantation and processing of the ecological agricultural products, such as tea, camellia oleifera and chestnut and so on. In addition, the project plans to establish an emerging industry system featuring combination of agricultural and sideline products, digital commerce, talents cultivation, intelligent life and modern logistics. 23000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Economy and Commerce of Zhouning County and Mr.Xie Chengli;Tel:1386037***


63 周寧縣傳統古村落保護 周寧縣 在周寧縣境內所有古村落在不破壞木結構體系的前提下,按照以舊修舊的原則,對古村落進行修復完善,整治巷道、排污排水、垃圾處理等設施;整治現有布局、形式、層數、外墻材料、屋頂形式及色彩等整體風貌不協調的新建建筑物。26000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣住建局凌明安 1390503***


63 Protection of Traditional Ancient Villages in Zhouning County Zhouning County Under the premise of not damaging the wooden structure of all the ancient villages in Zhouning, the project intends to repair and improve the ancient villages with the original material, meanwhile renovate the alleys and facilities of sewage and drainage, garbage disposal and others; unify those newly-built constructions with coordinated styles in overall layouts, shapes, layers, external wall materials, shapes of the ceiling and colors as well. 26000 Equity Cooperation PPP Housing Construction Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr.Ling Ming’an;Tel:1390503***


64 周寧縣康復療醫院 周寧縣 新建康復療養醫院,規劃建設用地20畝,建筑面積10000平方米,集康復、療養、避暑、休閑、健身為一體。12000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣衛計局李孫達 1385035***


64 Rehabilitation and Nursing Hospital of Zhouning County Zhouning County Zhouning County Rehabilitation and Nursing Hospital plans to cover an area of 20 mu with 10000 square meters of constructed area, and mainly provides services in rehabilitation, nursing, summer resort, recreation and fitness. 12000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Health and Family Planning of Zhouning County and Mr.Li Sunda;Tel:1385035***


65 周寧縣少年宮 周寧縣 在周寧縣城區規劃用地20畝,建筑面積8600平方米及基礎配套實施。20000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣文體新局詹其木1370604***


65 Children's Palace of Zhouning County Zhouning County With 8600 square meters construction area, the project intends to build a children’s palace and supporting infrastructure facilities that covers 20 mu in downtown area of Zhouning County. 20000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Zhouning County and Mr.Zhan Qimu;Tel: 1370604***


66 周寧縣新建城東小學 周寧縣 在獅城鎮城新建城東小學,規劃用地面積約50畝,按省級建設標準,規劃建設教學樓、行政樓、圖書館、室內體育館、標準化塑膠跑道及基礎配套實施。12000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣教育局,周敦強1390593***


66 New Chengdong Primary School of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project intends to build a new primary school in Shicheng Town of an area of 50mu. It plans to build a teaching building, an office building, a library, a gym,a standard plastic racetrack and infrastructural supporting facilities. 12000 Equity Cooperation PPP Education Bureau and Mr.Zhou Dunqiang;Tel:1390593***


67 周寧縣城東幼兒園 周寧縣 在獅城鎮城東,按省示范園建設標準,規劃設12個幼兒班,占地面積10畝,總園舍建筑面積8000平方米,綠化面積1580平方米,戶外運動場地1212平方米。6000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣教育局,周敦強1390593***


67 Chengdong Kindergarten of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to be located in the eastern area of Shicheng Town with 12 classes. Under the standard of provincial level demonstration kindergartens the project covers 10 mu with 8000 square meters in kindergarten buildings, 1580 square meters in afforestation, 1212 square meters in outdoor athletic field. 6000 Equity Cooperation PPP Education Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr.Zhou Dunqiang;Tel:1390593***


68 周寧縣影劇院及其他公建項目 周寧縣 在新城區,規劃用地約15畝,建設文化館、影劇院、圖書館、博物館及其他公建項目。15000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣文體新局詹其木 1370604***


68 Movie Theater and Other Public Projects of Zhouning County Zhouning County The project plans to cover 15 mu for building a cultural center,a movie theater, a library,a museum and other public constructions. 15000 Equity Cooperation PPP Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Zhouning County and Mr.Zhan Qimu;Tel: 1370604***


69 周寧縣九龍漈•鯉魚溪景區開發項目(二期) 周寧縣 鯉魚溪景區:新建鯉魚文化園(含民俗館、南山書院等)、仿古建筑群、花卉展覽中心、電瓶車環道等。九龍漈景區:新建觀景平臺及棧道1.5千米等。20000 股權合作 PPP 周寧縣景區管委會 縣旅游局




69 The Development Projects of the Jiulongji Waterfalls and the Carp Brook Scenic Spots(Phase-II) of Zhouning County Zhouning County the Carp Brook Scenic Spots: the construction of the carp cultural park(including folk museum, Nanshan Academy and others), architectural complex in ancient style, flower exhibition center, battery car circuit and so on. In the Jiulongji Waterfalls Scenic Spot, the construction of sightseeing platform and 1500 meters long plank road. 20000 Equity Cooperation PPP Management Committee of the Scenic Spots and Tourism Bureau of Zhouning and Mr. Xiao Muchun;Tel:1385965***


70 柘榮縣第三小學 寧德市柘榮縣 總建筑面積22000平方米,新建教學、綜合樓、圖書館等,配套塑膠運動場等附屬工程。項目建成后,學校辦學規模為42個班,可容納學生1890人。10000 購買服務 BOT 周寧縣教育局,許永安,833***


70 No.3 Primary School of Zherong County Zherong County, Ningde City With 22000 square meters of constructed area to be, the project plans to build a teaching building, a complex building, a library, and other affiliated projects, such as a plastic athletic field. After the construction, the school can accommodate 1890 students and 42 classes. 10000 Purchase Service BOT Education Bureau of Zhouning County and Mr. Xu Yong’an;Tel: 833***


71 柘榮縣體育中心 寧德市柘榮縣 中心包括3000座綜合體育館及400跑道田徑場,用地面積40325.61m2,可建設用地面積36853.33m2、總建設面積15000 m215000 購買服務 BOT 周寧縣文體新局、吳恩銀,836***


71 Sports Center of Zherong County Zherong County, Ningde City The center covers an area of 40325.61 square meters, with 36853.33 square meters for construction and 15000 square meters actually constructed area, including a 3000-seat complex gymnasium and a 400-meter racetrack and an athletic field. 15000 Purchase Service BOT Bureau of Culture, Sports and News of Zherong County,Wu En’yin ;Tel:836***


72 古田臨水宮景區開發項目 古田縣 包括臨水宮核心朝圣區、民俗文化博覽園、夫人水袖、臨水夫人文化傳承區、旅游服務區、旅游發展預留地等六大功能區,以及聯十線古田臨水宮景區開發項目公路改建工程、水電、路網、綠化、景觀照明等及配套設施。55148 特許經營 PPP 古田縣臨水宮管委會胡宗飛1310597***


72 Development Project of the Linshui Palace Scenic Spot in Gutian County Gutian County The project covers six major functional sections: the pilgrimage area, folk culture expo park, Linshui Brook scenic spot, cultural heritage area of Lady Chen Jinggu, tourism service area, reserved area for tourism development. As the connective roads through Gutian Linshui Palace are under construction , this project also covers a highway rebuilding project,and facilities of water supply and electricity, road network, afforestation, landscape lighting and their supporting affiliations. 55148 Franchise PPP Management Committee of Gutian Linshui Palace and Mr. Hu Zongfei,1310597***


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