企業名稱(英文):Guangxi Daring Commerce Services Co.,Ltd.
地址(英文): 5th Floor,Nanning Software Park,4 KeyuanDongwu
展示內容/項目信息: 廣西達譯商務服務有限責任公司以服務于中國-東盟的區域性物流基地、商貿基地、加工制造業基地和信息交流中心的建設為目標,以中國-東盟地區的政府、企業為服務對象,致力于建設中國-東盟多語種商務服務中心,專業提供以下服務: 1、文稿精準翻譯 2、多語種網站建設 3、在線即時翻譯 4、行業信息跨語言搜索系統定制 5、指定語種、領域的機器翻譯系統定制 6、軟件產品本地化 服務范圍覆蓋英語、越南語、泰國語、印尼語、馬來西亞語等各東南亞語種。
展示內容/項目信息(英文): Guangxi Daring Commerce Services Co., Ltd. aims at serving for the construction of regional logistics bases, trading bases, manufacturing bases and information exchanging centers within the China-ASEAN region, where governments and enterprises are our target of service. We focus on building a China-ASEAN multilingual commercial service center which offers the following services in a professional way: 1. Fine Document Translation 2. Multilingual Website Construction 3. Online Instant Translation 4. Customization of Cross-language Search System on Industry Information 5. Customization of Machine Translation System in Designated La nguages and Fields 6. Localization of Software Products Our services cover not only English, but also Southeast Asian languages such as Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian and Malaysian.