
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

      廣東工業大學坐落在中國南方名城,廣州,是具有50多年歷史的一所以工為主、工理經管文法結合的、多科性協調發展的省屬重點大學。根據學校發展的需要,現向國內外公開招聘以下學院院長,熱忱歡迎海內外優秀專家學者前來應聘。       一、 招聘崗位:       (1)機電工程學院院長; (2)自動化學院院長;       (3)輕工化工學院院長; (4)材料與能源學院院長;       (5)信息工程學院院長; (6)物理與光電工程學院院長;       (7)藝術設計學院院長; (8)外國語學院院長。       機電工程學院、自動化學院、輕工化工學院、材料與能源學院擁有博士學位點和廣東省重點學科或重點扶持學科,并進入廣東省“211工程”三期建設。       二、相關待遇:       1、對于國內人員其工資福利和崗位津貼按照國家和學校有關規定發放。對于持國外護照的人員,按上述薪金水平,經過協商實行年薪制協議工資。       2、學校提供一套約100平方米的周轉住房。到校工作后如需在廣州買房,學校可提供30-50萬元購房津貼。       3、根據工作計劃,學校提供科研啟動費20-50萬元。安排約100平方米的科研用房等。       4、達到“廣東工業大學百人計劃”引進條件的,可享受該計劃的相關待遇(相同內容的只就高享受一項),最高可達到100萬元年薪和1000萬元的科研啟動經費。       三、應聘條件:       應聘者一般應具有博士學位、教授資格、年齡一般在50周歲以下,熟悉高等教育規律和高校教學科研工作,有帶領本學科走跨越式發展道路、建設一流學院的能力。(海外應聘人員,職稱可以適當放寬。外語和藝術設計學院院長的應聘條件可放寬)。       四、應聘材料:       1、應聘申請及個人簡歷(需本人親筆簽名并承諾對材料的真實性負責)。       2、學歷、學位、職稱聘書復印件(原件面試時提供)。       3、近5年教學科研成果清單和3篇以內代表作復印件。       4、應聘崗位的工作思路和預期目標以及個人對工作條件和生活待遇的要求。       五、聯系辦法:       報名時間: 2010年12月10日——2011年3月31日       聯系人: 曾志英       聯系電話: 020--39322792 傳真:020-39322208       郵箱地址:[email protected]       聯系地址: 廣東省廣州市番禺區廣州大學城外環西路100號

      廣東工業大學人事處       2010年12月10日

      Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), Guangzhou, China,       Invites Applications and Nominations for the Positions of 8 Deans       Guangdong University of Technology is located in Guangzhou, in south China. It is a key multi-disciplinary university of Guangdong Province with a history of over 50 years, offering a wide range of courses in engineering, science and technology, business management, liberal arts and law, with major emphasis on the study of engineering.       With the University’s rapid development, we are seeking candidates for 8 faculties’ dean positions at professor levels to work in the fields of (1)Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, (2)Faculty of Automation, (3)Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, (4)Faculty of Materials and Energy, (5)Faculty of Information Engineering, (6)Faculty of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, (7)School of Art and Design, (8) School of Foreign Languages . The student population of most of the above said faculties and schools exceed 3000, with teaching staff number exceeding 100. Besides, Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Automation, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, and Faculty of Materials and Energy are privileged to offer doctoral programs, which are the key programs of Guangdong Province and are supported by Guangdong “211 project” fund.       We offer competitive compensation and benefits to the selected candidates. The maximum annual income and the maximum R&D fee can be RMB1000,000 and RMB10,000,000 respectively. We also provide the selected candidates a 100M2 apartment, and for those who need to buy an apartment in Guangzhou, a housing package of RMB300,000-500,000 is offered.       Candidates should have a PhD degree, an outstanding track record in Higher Education field, the confidence and ability to build up a world-class faculty(requirements to overseas candidates and to candidates for School of Arts Design and School of Foreign Languages can be discussed) Interested and qualified individuals should provide the following documents before 31 March 2011.       a cover letter and a resume with signature in person;       copies of all relevant degrees and qualifications (original ones to be provided upon interview);       list of recent 5 year achievements in scientific research and 3 master works copies;       a statement of future plan for the post and the research interests;       a statement of personal requests to the University.       Contact information:       Contact person: Ms Zhiying Zeng       Telephone : 0086-20-39322792 Fax: 0086-20-39322208       Email: [email protected]       Address: Human Resource Department, Guangdong University of Technology, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou HigherEducation Mega Center, Panyu District, Guangzhou, P.R China. Postcode:510006

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