
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:


招商引資內容:項目投資總額50000萬美元,占地面積2000畝,主要吸引涉及電力設施、電力裝備、電氣設備的研發及生產制造企業入駐,將逐步形成研究范圍涵蓋電力科學及其相關領域,集科研試驗成果轉化、產業發展于一體的產業化基地。項目投資市場分析:目前園內已有中國電力科學試驗生產基地項目、華北電網特高壓桿塔生產項目入駐。我們將依托中國電力科學研究院強大的研發試驗能力,吸引更多的主要從事發電機組、大容量蓄能電池等一系列電力裝備與系統、機械制造與新材料、信息集成與信息安全三大產業的電力企業,加快科研試驗成果轉化,形成電力產業集群發展的態勢,以滿足國內電力市場的需求。投資環境:霸州津霸經濟開發區地處京、津、保三角中心,驅車15分鐘、25分鐘、40分鐘可分別到達天津市、天津機場和天津港,50分鐘可到達北京市區,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,配套基礎設施完善 招商引資合作方式:合資、合作或獨資均可。招商引資聯系人:李 招商引資地址:霸州市津霸經濟開發區管委會 招商引資電話:0086-316-755*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-755*** E-mailbzjgyq**[ta]**com


Electric science and Technology Industrial Park Project

Project contentThe project construction categories, the project covers an area of 2000 mu, the main attractions involved in the power facilities, electrical equipment, electrical equipment R & D and manufacturing enterprises settled in, we will gradually form a study covers the power of science and related fields, set scientific research and test results into industrial development in one of the industrial base .Market analysisAt present, Tianjin Harbor Industrial Park have been scientific experiments, production base of China's electric power projects in North China Power Grid production project of UHV tower settled. We will rely on a strong China Electric Power Research Institute's R & D testing capacity to attract more generating units mainly engaged in large-capacity storage battery and a series of electrical equipment and systems, machinery manufacturing and new materials, information integration and information security, the three major industries power enterprises, speed up transformation of scientific research and test results to form a cluster development trend of power industry to meet the domestic electricity market .Investment EnvironmentBa Jin Hong Kong City industrial park office in Beijing, Tianjin, Paul triangular center, Hozu road on Metro are equipped with exports, drove15 minutes, 25 minutes, 40 minutes respectively to reach Tianjin, Tianjin Airport and the Tianjin Port, location superior, convenient transportation and advantageous geographical location, and the supporting infrastructure complete .Cooperation FormJoint-venture, cooperation or sole proprietorship

ContactLi yang Contact Addressindustry park of Bazhou Tel0086-316-755*** Fax086-316-755*** E-mailbzjgyq**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:該項目占地面積1500畝,建筑面積18萬平方米,配套設施12000平方米,主要是食品加工、食品包裝等。將其逐步形成集農作物種植、加工、銷售、出口為一體的農業產業化基地。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:預計總投資60000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:現園區內已有廊坊華康農業發展有限公司、廊坊誠康食品有限公司、霸州奇利食品有限公司等三家食品加工企業。主要產品以脫水蔬菜、出口精加工為主,還給臺灣頂新集團做國內配套,產品出口韓國、日本、及歐美國家,產品供不應求,市場前景很好。招商引資建設條件:園區內基礎設施已達到“七通一平”,政策優惠,服務高效。項目招商機構:霸州津霸經濟開發區地處京、津、保三角中心,保津公路在新城內設有出口,驅車15分鐘、25分鐘、40分鐘可分別到達天津市、天津機場和天津港,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作或獨資均可。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com


The project of Food Industrial Park

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 1500 mu, building area of 180,000 square meters,12,000 square meters facilities, mainly food processing, food packaging .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe estimated total investment 600 million U.S. dollars .Market AnalysisThe park has now huakang Industry Development Co., Ltd. Langfang Cheng Kang Food Co., Ltd. Bazhou Benchley food and three food processing companies. The main products are dehydrated vegetables, mainly export finished, Ting Hsin Group returned to Taiwan to do the domestic support, export to Korea, Japan, and European countries, product demand, market outlook is very good .Construction ConditionsThe park infrastructure has reached "a seven-level", preferential policies, efficient service .Benefit AnalysisGeneral Description of Chinese SponsorBazhou Port Industrial Park is located in Beijing, Tianjin, security triangle center Hozu highway exit at Metro features a招商引資電話:15-minute drive, 25 minutes and 40 minutes respectively to reach Tianjin, Tianjin Airport and Tianjin Port, excellent location, transportation convenient, unique geographical location .Cooperative FormJoint venture, cooperation or sole proprietorship ContactPersonFan Guodong Tel0086-316-786*** Fax0086-316-786*** AddressBazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code06*** E-mailbzzsfwzx**[ta]**com



總投資估算和資金來源:總投資300萬美元。項目投資市場分析:目前園區內有各類企業10家,已入駐上海馬鮑鋁鋼窗有限公司、順通車架廠、勝強五金廠、世現電子等等都是一些經濟效益高、市場前景廣闊的企業。招商引資建設條件:霸州津霸經濟開發區地處京、津、保三角中心,驅車15分鐘、25分鐘、40分鐘可分別到達天津市、天津機場和天津港,50分鐘可到達北京市區,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,配套基礎設施完善。12幢廠房全部為框架結構,彩鋁門窗、水泥地面,其中10幢廠房每幢為80米×20米,另外兩幢每幢為80米×32,抗震烈度按八度設防,建筑安全等級二級,耐火等級二級。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作或獨資均可。招商引資聯系人:徐春利 招商引資地址:霸州市津霸經濟開發區管委會 招商引資電話:0086-316-755*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-755*** 招商引資郵箱:bzjgyq**[ta]**com


Standardization Workshop for Lease Projects

Project contentThe project total investment 3 million dollars , covers an area of100 mu, construction, building area of 45 million square meters, "planning scientific, rational design, fully furnished, fully functional," the modern standard factory park. To mechanical and electrical processing package, microelectronics communications, light industry, etc. as the carrier at the same time characteristics of different industries and investors, the specific requirements of special "tailor-made."

Market analysisCurrently the park there are10 kinds of enterprises have settled in Shanghai Mabao Aluminum Steel Window Co., Ltd., Shun opening frame factory, Sheng Qiang Hardware Factory, the Bank is now electronic, and so are some with high economic efficiency, the market prospects of the enterprise .Construction conditionBa Jin Hong Kong City industrial park office in Beijing, Tianjin, Paul triangular center, Hozu road on Metro are equipped with exports, drove15 minutes, 25 minutes, 40 minutes respectively to reach Tianjin, Tianjin Airport and the Tianjin Port, location superior, convenient transportation and advantageous geographical location, and the supporting infrastructure complete.All12 plants within the framework of structure, color aluminum doors and windows, cement floor, of which10 factories in respect of each of 80 m × 20 m, another two units in each block of 80 m × 32 m, 8-degree earthquake intensity according to fortification, building security level 2, fire-resistant grade 2

DevelopmentmodeJointventure, cooperation or sole proprietorship ContactPersonXu chun li Contact Addressindustry park of Bazhou Tel0086-316-755*** Fax0086-316-755*** E-mailbzjgyq**[ta]**com


標準化廠房對外招商項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目投資總額2200萬美元,占地80畝,建設筑面積12萬平方米,主要建設規劃合理、布置統一、設計合理、功能齊備的標準化廠房。項目投資市場分析:一期17棟標準廠房總建筑面積12萬平方米,現剩余6棟招商出售,廠房建筑面積分別為:A16720平方米;A2A3A4A5A6A7A8553411平方米;A955468平方米;B1B2B3B5B6B7779167平方米;B47680平方米;B878164平方米。院落面積分別為:A1140平方米;B1480平方米(贈送)。招商引資建設條件:廊坊富沃德實業有限公司被評為標準廠房的首席制造商,擁有低首付,標準廠房定制廠房雙模式、可融資,資產放大數倍、標桿企業扶持、雙證大產權等招商吸引點。更推出樣板企業扶持計劃,幫助企業突破資金瓶頸,幫助作坊式生產向現代工廠轉型飛躍,幫助創業、生產、交易成本大幅降低,提升中小企業形象、塑造企業強勢品牌。招商引資合作方式:合資或合作均可。招商引資聯系人:王云澤 招商引資地址:霸州勝芳經濟開發區招商引資電話:1593363*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-762*** 招商引資郵箱:srfdczs**[ta]**com


Foreign investment project a plant of Langfang fuwode Industrial Co. Ltd .項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目投資總額2200萬美元,占地80畝,建設筑面積12萬平方米,主要建設規劃合理、布置統一、設計合理、功能齊備的標準化廠房。

Content and scale of the projectthe total investment of the project is 22 million US dollars, covering an area of 80 mu, building area of120 thousand square meters, the main construction planning is reasonable, uniform layout, reasonable design, full-featured standardized plant. 項目投資市場分析:一期17棟標準廠房總建筑面積12萬平方米,現剩余6棟招商出售,廠房建筑面積分別為:A16720平方米;A2A3A4A5A6A7A8553411平方米;A955468平方米;B1B2B3B5B6B7779167平方米;B47680平方米;B878164平方米。院落面積分別為:A1140平方米;B1480平方米(贈送)

Market analysisa17 standard factory buildings total construction area of120 thousand square meters, the remaining 6 merchants sell, plant construction area of A1 building are6720 square meters; A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 building, 553411 square meters of building 55468 square meters; A9; B1, B2, B3 B5, B7, B6, B4, building 779167 square meters; 7680 square meters; B8 building 78164 square meters. Courtyard area wereA row1140 square meters; B row of1480 square meters (gift). 招商引資建設條件:廊坊富沃德實業有限公司被評為標準廠房的首席制造商,擁有低首付,標準廠房定制廠房雙模式、可融資,資產放大數倍、標桿企業扶持、雙證大產權等招商吸引點。更推出樣板企業扶持計劃,幫助企業突破資金瓶頸,幫助作坊式生產向現代工廠轉型飛躍,幫助創業、生產、交易成本大幅降低,提升中小企業形象、塑造企業強勢品牌。

Construction conditionsLangfang fuwode Industrial Co. Ltd was named the top manufacturer of standard factory building, with a low down payment, the standard factory workshop custom dual mode, financing, assets to enlarge the benchmarking enterprise several times, support, property investment attraction with double. Also launched plans to support the model enterprise, help the enterprise to break the bottleneck of funds, help the workshop production leap to the modern transformation of the factory, to help business, production and transaction costs are greatly reduced, the promotion of small and medium enterprise image, create a strong brand enterprises. 招商引資合作方式:合資或合作均可。

Cooperation formjoint venture or cooperation. 招商引資聯系人:王云澤

ContactWang Yunze Address:招商引資地址:霸州勝芳經濟開發區

Shengfang Economic Development Zone, Bazhou招商引資電話:1593363*** Tel1593363*** 招商引資傳真:0316-762*** Fax0086-316-762*** 招商引資郵箱:srfdczs**[ta]**com E-mailsrfdczs**[ta]**com


石油農場整體開發建設項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:原石油二部農場搬離該區后,計劃引進先進制造業及高新技術產業入區,建設新興產業園區。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該區項目規劃總投資16000萬美元,項目投資計劃企業自籌4800萬美元,對外融資11200萬美元。項目投資市場分析:煎茶鋪鎮石油二部農場總占地1108畝,該場土地1973年開始長期租給華北石油建設使用,2007年歸還地方,現主要由煎茶鋪鎮東二街和東一街管理。招商引資建設條件:石油農場搬離該區后,本著合理規劃、適當補償的原則,調整該區項目布局,科學合理地利用該原有的房屋、機井、道路與基礎設施和建設用地。投資項目效益分析:項目區建成后,年產值可實現 20億元,增加值15億元,上繳稅金5000萬元。項目招商機構:位于煎茶鋪鎮區東北部,正南距112國道25公里,西鄰康仙莊鄉石城村土地,東部與北部均與永清縣接壤。招商引資合作方式:可采用獨資或合資方式,由我方提供土地方式開展合作。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com


The project ofOil farm project area industrial development and construction

Project ContentThe original oil move out after the farm, plans to introduce advanced manufacturing industry and high-tech industry in the area, the construction of new industrial park .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceProject planning in the area with a total investment of $160 million, the project investment enterprise raise $048 million, $112 million of foreign financing .Market AnalysisFrying oil tea shops town total farm covers an area of1108 mu, farm land in1973 began to huabei petroleum construction use for a long time, back in 2007, is now mainly by Fried tea shops town east second street and the east street management .Construction ConditionsOil move out after the farm, in line with the principle of reasonable planning, appropriate compensation, adjust the project layout, scientific and reasonable use of the original building, shaft, road and infrastructure and construction land .Benefit AnalysisAfter the completion of the project is expected to be employed 500 people, $100 million of sales revenue, profit 45 million yuan,15 million yuan of taxes .General Description of Chinese SponsorProject site location and convenient transportation. Relying Shengfang metallic glass furniture industrial park, the perfect infrastructure, adequate technical personnel, rapid development momentum .Cooperative FormSole ContactPersonFAN Guodong Tel0086-316-786*** Fax0086-316-786*** AddressBazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code06*** E-mailbzzsfwzx**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:項目占地150畝,規劃建設車間廠房、庫房及辦公樓等總建筑面積104803平方米。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資2000萬美元,資金構成為自籌。項目投資市場分析:創業園項目加速了中小企業的發展,提高了創業的成功率,良好的創業環境和優質的創業服務,使一大批中小企業在創業園中快速成長。實惠的政策支持,是中小企業創業者的需求,注定本項目建設的必要性以及建成后廣闊的發展前景。招商引資建設條件:項目擬建于河北文安工業園區內,該項目選址交通方便,基礎配套設施健全,場址選擇是可行的。投資項目效益分析:可吸納就業人員500人,年銷售收入1500萬美元,銷售稅金及附加300萬美元。項目招商機構:廊坊昌潤塑料制品有限公司,主要提供加工塑料制品、膠合板加工、五金沖壓件加工等產品。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:崔滿常招商引資電話:1803160*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-865*** 招商引資地址:河北文安工業園區 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com


Small and medium sized Enterprise Pioneering Park Project

Project contentthe project covers an area of u, the planning and construction workshop workshop, warehouse and office buildings and other construction area of104803 square meters .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment is 20 million US dollars .Market analysisBusiness Park project to accelerate the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the success rate of entrepreneurship, a good business environment and the quality of business services, so that a large number of rapid growth of small and medium enterprises in the park. The benefits of policy support, small and medium-sized enterprises is the needs of entrepreneurs, this is the necessity of project construction and completion after the broad prospects for development .Economic benefit analysisit can absorb 500 employees, annual sales income of $15 million, sales tax and additional $3 million .The general situation of the Chinese contractorsLangfang Chang run Plastic Products Co., Ltd., mainly to provide processing plastic products, plywood processing, metal stamping parts processing products .Mode of cooperationjoint venture, cooperation can be

ContactCui Manchang Tel1803160*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressWen'an Industrial Park Zip code06*** E-mailyqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com


遠景廠區合作開發項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目為高新材料研發制造、機械裝備制造、綠色食品加工制造、綠色能源裝備制造、電子信息設備制造等。占地面積373畝,完成建設面積128畝完成標準廠房8萬平方米,有銀行抵押債務。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:擬利用外資總額13500萬美元 投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,正常年產值達24000萬美元,年納稅額在1620萬美元左右。招商引資建設條件:處于園區核心位置,有現成的土地和部分廠房等設施,項目能快速落地。依托京津冀一體化核心區位和省級經濟開發區的投資環境,具備快速發展的良好基礎。招商機構概況:大城現代制造業工業園總規劃面積100平方公里,起步區8平方公里。開發區的功能定位為京津冀地區高端制造業、科技研發轉化、現代服務業、信息產業、文化產業發展帶,京津生態環境支撐區。目前,8平方公里起步區已投入建設資金5億多元,實現“九通一平”,具備了大項目落地的基本條件。現已投產運營和正在建設的億元以上項目20多個。招商引資合作方式:合作 招商引資聯系人:孫炳章招商引資電話:1372266*** 招商引資地址:大城經濟開發區招商中心 招商引資郵箱:zhaoshang**[ta]**com


Vision factory cooperation project

Project ContentThe project for the research and development of high and new material manufacturing, machinery and equipment manufacturing, green food processing manufacturing, green energy equipment manufacturing, electronic information equipment manufacturing, etc. Covers an area of 373 mu, construction area of 373 mu complete standard factory building 80000 square meters, is there a bank mortgage debt .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceUsing a pinch of $135 million

Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal annual output value of $240 million, the tax payable in around $162 million .Benefit Analysisat its core position, have a ready-made facilities, such as land and part of the workshop project can quickly fall to the ground. Relying on the integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region core location and the investment environment of provincial economic development zone, with the development of the good foundation .Company profileCity park planning area of100 square kilometers of modern manufacturing, startDistrict 8 square kilometers.The function orientation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of the development zone of high-end manufacturing, the Beijing-Tianjin ecological environment support area.At present, 8 square kilometers startDistrict construction funds has been invested 500 million Yuan, achieve "nine connections and one leveling", are the basic conditions of the big project to the ground. Has gone into operation and under construction projects more than 20 of one hundred million Yuan of above .Cooperation PatternCooperation ContactPersonSun Bingzhang Tel.:1372 266***

Mailing AddressCity economic development zone investment promotion center Post Code06*** E-mailzhaoshang**[ta]**com


澳格廠區合作開發項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目為高新材料研發制造、機械裝備制造、綠色食品加工制造、綠色能源裝備制造、電子信息設備制造等。項目占地15773畝,廠區完成鉚焊車間鋼結構主體建設和部分地下基礎設施。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:擬利用外資總額5700萬美元。投資項目效益分析:年營業收入達9800萬美元,年納稅額在680萬美元左右。招商引資建設條件:處于園區核心位置,有現成的土地和部分廠房等設施,項目能快速落地。依托京津冀一體化核心區位和省級經濟開發區的投資環境,具備快速發展的良好基礎。招商機構概況:大城現代制造業工業園總規劃面積100平方公里,起步區8平方公里。20102月經河北省人民政府批準為省級工業園區。2016年整合為大城經濟開發區。開發區的功能定位為京津冀地區高端制造業、科技研發轉化、現代服務業、信息產業、文化產業發展帶,京津生態環境支撐區。目前,8平方公里起步區已投入建設資金5億多元,實現“九通一平”,具備了大項目落地的基本條件。現已投產運營和正在建設的億元以上項目20多個。招商引資合作方式:合作 招商引資聯系人:孫炳章招商引資電話:1372266*** 招商引資地址:大城經濟開發區招商中心 招商引資郵箱:zhaoshang**[ta]**com


Australia's factory cooperation project

Project Contentthe project for the research and development of high and new material manufacturing, machinery and equipment manufacturing, green food processing manufacturing, green energy equipment manufacturing, the factory complete Mao Han workshop steel structure body part construction and underground infrastructure .Investment Estimation and Fund Sourceusing a pinch of $57 million .Construction Conditionsthe annual business income of $98 million, the tax payable in around $68 million .Benefit Analysisat its core position, have a ready-made facilities, such as land and part of the workshop project can quickly fall to the ground. Relying on the integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region core location and the investment environment of provincial economic development zone, with the development of the good foundation .Company profilecity park planning area of100 square kilometers of modern manufacturing, startDistrict 8 square kilometers. The approval of the people's government of Hebei province in February 2010 for the provincial industrial park. The function orientation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiregion of the development zone of high-end manufacturing, the Beijing-Tianjin ecological environment support area.At present, 8 square kilometers startDistrict construction funds has been invested 500 million Yuan, achieve "nine connections and one leveling", are the basic conditions of the big project to the ground. Has gone into operation and under construction projects more than 20 of one hundred million Yuan of above .Cooperation Patterncooperation ContactPersonSun Bingzhang Tel.:1372 266***

Mailing Addresscity economic development zone investment promotion center Post Code06*** E-mailzhaoshang**[ta]**com


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