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膜生物反應器項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:占地面積150畝,總建筑面積為60000M2,建設內容包括重點實驗室、生產車間、質檢車間、組裝車間、包裝車間、倉庫、輔助生產工程及辦公樓、職工宿舍等服務性工程。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額7980萬美元,企業自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:據水利部公告的數字,2012年全國廢污水排放總量就已達768億噸,其中只有30%的污水在排放前經過處理。且沒有數據顯示這些處理水是否真正達到了排放標準。膜生物反應器的處理能力大約為每天每平方米05噸。如此推算,即便假設膜生物反應器按全年100%的運行效率,膜的潛在需求量為大約4億平方米。膜的平均售價為大約200元人民幣,據此推算市場的膜的潛在需求總量在2012年就已達到數百億人民幣,并以2030%的速度逐年遞增。投資項目效益分析:建成后將實現年銷售收入16億美元,為當地財政貢獻稅收約798萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬選址于龍河高新技術產業區,該區位于廊坊市南城區,總規劃面積375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分別為40公里和60公里,區位優勢突出,園區基礎設施完善,能夠滿足本項目各方面的建設需要。項目招商機構:龍河高新技術產業區先后被評為“國家火炬計劃廊坊信息產業基地”、“省級高新技術產業示范區”及首批“省級產業聚集區”。高新區位于北京和天津兩大直轄市的黃金分割點,享有環渤海、環京津、環首都的“三環”優勢,周邊產業資源高度密集,市場容量巨大,高速鐵路、高速公路、鐵路貨運、機場港口構成的立體化交通網絡發達,物流通暢。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:孫文昕 招商引資電話:0086-316-267*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-267*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市安次區南龍道39號創業大廈 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com


The project of membrane bio-electro reactor

Project ContentThis Project will cover

u, with total construction area of 60,000 M2 Construction works will include key laboratory, production workshop, quality workshop, assembly workshop, packaging workshop, warehouse, aided production engineering, office buildings, staff quarters and other service projects .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment in this Project is USD 798 million. which will be self-financed by enterprise on its own .Market AnalysisAccording to the data announced by Ministry of Water Resources, nationwide wastewater and sewage discharge totaled 768 billion tons in 2012, among which only 30% of sewage was treated before discharge. And no data prove that whether such treated water really came up to emission standards. Daily processing capacity of membrane bioreactor is about 05 ton/M2 It is inferred that even membrane bioreactors assumedly run by100% of annual operating efficiency, the potential demand for membrane is about 400 million square meters. The average selling price of membrane is about 200 yuan. According to the calculation, total potential market demand for membrane amounted to tens of billions yuan in 2012, which has witnessed annual growth rate of 20-30% .Benefit AnalysisUpon completion of this Project, enterprise will realize annual sales revenue of USD16 billion . and contribute to local fiscal revenue by about USD 798 million .Construction ConditionsThis Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively. Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese SponsorIt is successively appraised asLangfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development, Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, two golden point, a "three-ring" advantage Bohai Sea, around Beijing and Tianjin, Our park have intensive industries and wide horizon of development in the market. The traffic network made up of High-speed railway, expressway, railway transport, airport and port is very convenient .Cooperative Formjoint venture or cooperation ContactPersonSun Wenxin Tel0086-316-267*** Fax0086-316-267*** AddressAnci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code06*** E-mailwenxinsun**[ta]**com


新型醫用功能材料項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目占地30畝,總建筑面積16000㎡,其中廠房5000平方米,綜合樓6000平方米,研發中心5000平方米。主要建設人工軟骨,人工關節生產線及產品研發中心。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額4790萬美元。項目投資市場分析:我國每年20萬例的人工關節置換手術。近20年來,我國關節疾病的發病人數不斷攀升,其中老年性骨關節炎是發病最多的一種關節疾病。需要做人工關節的人數在200萬以上,按每例人工關節材料費4-6萬計算,市場理想需求在800億以上,但是目前需要做手術并且實施手術的比例大約占10%-20%。也就是目前市場規模大約是80億到160億,隨著生活提高和醫改深入,醫療條件改善,市場規模將進一步擴大。投資項目效益分析:該項目投資總額4790萬美元,年銷售收入預計可達6400萬美元,利潤1280萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬選址于龍河高新技術產業區,該區位于廊坊市南城區,總規劃面積375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分別為40公里和60公里,區位優勢突出,園區基礎設施完善,能夠滿足本項目各方面的建設需要。項目招商機構:龍河高新技術產業區先后被評為“國家火炬計劃廊坊信息產業基地”、“省級高新技術產業示范區”及首批“省級產業聚集區”。高新區位于北京和天津兩大直轄市的黃金分割點,享有環渤海、環京津、環首都的“三環”優勢,周邊產業資源高度密集,市場容量巨大,高速鐵路、高速公路、鐵路貨運、機場港口構成的立體化交通網絡發達,物流通暢。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:孫文昕 招商引資電話:0086-316-267*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-267*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市安次區南龍道39號創業大廈 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com


The project of New Medical Functional Material

Project ContentThis Project will cover 30 mu, with total construction area of16,000 square meters (including plant covering 5,000 square meters, comprehensive building covering 6,000 square meters and R & D Center covering 5,000 square meters). This Project is intended to build artificial cartilage, artificial joint production line and Product R & D Center .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment in this Project is USD 479 million .Market Analysis200,000 surgical operations of artificial joint replacement are made in China every year. In the past two decades, the number of joint disease patients constantly increases, and elderly osteoarthritis is a type of joint disease with the highest incidence. two million patients need artificial joint replacement. On the basis of artificial joint material fee of 40,000-60,000 yuan under every case, the market demand amounts to more than 80 billion yuan under the ideal premise. However,10%-20% of patients need surgery and undergo surgical operations. In other words, the current market scale is about 8-16 billion yuan. With improved living conditions and progress in health care reform, medical conditions will be improved, and the market scale will be further expanded .Benefit AnalysisThe total investment in this Project is USD 479 million. Enterprise will realize expected annual sales revenue of USD 64 million and profit of USD128 million .Construction ConditionsThis Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively.Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese SponsorIt is successively appraised asLangfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development, Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, two golden point, a "three-ring" advantage Bohai Sea, around Beijing and Tianjin, Our park have intensive industries and wide horizo of development in the market.The traffic network made up of High-speed railway,expressway,railway transport,airport and port is very convenient .Cooperative Formjoint venture or cooperation ContactWay ContactPersonWang Xuanya Tel0086-316-267*** Fax0086-316-267*** AddressAnci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code06*** E-mailwenxinsun**[ta]**com


杭蕭鋼結構生產研發中心項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:占地面積300畝,總建筑面積為199800平方米,建設內容包括杭蕭鋼構專業設計、制造、施工(安裝)廠房鋼結構、多()高層鋼結構、大跨度空間鋼結構、鋼結構住宅、綠色建筑(包括TD、鋼筋桁架、鋼筋桁架模版及連接件、CCA墻體部件、防火包梁柱體系等產品) 項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額13億美元,企業自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:現代航天軍工高端裝備制造業是先進制造技術、信息和智能技術的集成和深度融合,是搶占制造裝備發展制高點的重點,它將引領航天軍工高端裝備制造業發展的新潮流。投資項目效益分析:2018年產值約5億元,稅收9000萬,2019年產值8億元,稅收15億元。招商引資建設條件:安次經濟開發區的區位優勢得天獨厚。距離北京40公里、距離天津60公里、距離首都第二國際機場(二機場現已動工,2018年底開通)僅僅15公里、距離首都機場60公里、距天津國際機場70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全達到“一小時最優工業區”的國際標準。項目招商機構:杭蕭鋼構股份有限公司(簡稱“杭蕭鋼構”)成立于1985年,經過近30年的努力,已發展為國內首家鋼結構上市公司(股票代碼:600477),被列入住建部首批建筑鋼結構定點企業、國家火炬計劃重點高新技術企業和國家住宅產業化基地,杭蕭鋼構與浙江大學、同濟大學、福州大學、西安建筑科技大學等多所著名院校和研究所建立了密切的合作關系,擁有院士工作站、博士后科研工作站。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:王萬鑫招商引資電話:1863261*** 招商引資郵編:31*** 招商引資郵箱:18632613**[ta]**com


Hangxiao Steel Structure Production and R&D Center Project

Project content and scaleit covers an area of 200,000 m2, and the total construction area is199,800 m2 The project is to design, manufacture, and construct (install) plant steel structure, multi (ultra)-high-rise steel structure system, large-span space steel structure, steel structure residence, green building materials (including TD, steel truss, steel truss template and connector, CCA wall components, flame-resistant beam and column system and other products) .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is招商引資電話:130 million USD, which is raised by the enterprise by itself .Market analysisthe modern high-end aerospace and military equipment manufacturing industry deeply integrates advanced manufacturing technology, information and intelligent technology; it is the key to seize the commanding point of manufacturing equipment development, and will lead the development of high-end aerospace and military equipment manufacturing indust***

Economic benefit analysisit is predicted that in 2018, the output value will be 500 million Yuan, and the tax revenue will be 90 million Yuan; in 2019, the output value will be 800 million Yuan, and the tax revenue will be

illion Yuan .Construction conditionsAnci Economic Development Zone is endowed with advantageous location. It is 40 km from Beijing, 60 km from Tianjin,

m from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use by the end of 2018), 60 km from Beijing Capital International Airport, 70 km from Tianjin Binhai International Airport, and 80 km from Tianjin New Port, which can fully meet the international standard of “Optimal Industrial Zone”-accessible with one-hour drive .Profile of Chinese organizerHangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd. (referred to as Hang Xiao Steel Structure) was established in1985 After nearly 30 years of development, it has developed into the first listed steel structure company (stock code600477). Hang Xiao Steel Structure was listed as the first batch of building-steel-structure designated enterprise, key high-tech enterprise of National Torch Plan and National Housing Industrial Base. Hangxiao Steel Structure has established close cooperation with many well-known universities and research institutes including Zhejiang University, Tongji University, Fuzhou University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, etc., with academician workstation and postdoctoral scientific research station .Cooperative wayJoint venture, Cooperation Contactinformation ContactPersonWang Wanxin Tel1863261*** Zip code31*** E-mail18632613**[ta]**com


納米陶瓷防腐涂料生產研發中心項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:占地面積20畝,總建筑面積為13000平方米,建設內容納米陶瓷防腐涂料生產研發中心 項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額900萬美元,企業自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:該項目實施后,將陸續開發出高技術含量的、整個生產過程和整個使用過程VOC零排放的機械裝備,石油化工裝備、管道,海洋裝備、艦艇船舶、碼頭設施,光伏電站、風力發電裝備,建筑領域等所需綠色環保、高防火、高阻燃、高隔熱、高強度、高耐磨、電磁屏蔽、常使用壽命、低價格的先進復合防腐材料,其材料的先進性和環保性及經濟性是目前我國普遍采用的鍍鋅、有機等防腐材料所不能比擬的。投資項目效益分析:2018年產值約3000萬元,稅收600萬,2019年產值5000萬元,稅收1000 招商引資建設條件:安次經濟開發區的區位優勢得天獨厚。距離北京40公里、距離天津60公里、距離首都第二國際機場(二機場現已動工,2018年底開通)僅僅15公里、距離首都機場60公里、距天津國際機場70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全達到“一小時最優工業區”的國際標準。項目招商機構:青島科技大學高分子工程材料研究所主要從事高分子新材料、高分子制品以及相關的機電一體化生產設備的研制、開發與工業化生產。有較強的科研與產品開發能力,先后承擔了國家計委、經貿委、科技部、山東省計委、山東省科委、青島市科技局等科研主管部門委托的“八五”、“九五”重大科研攻關任務,并多次獲得國家和省部級科技獎勵。現有科技人員30余名,主要由教授、副教授、博士、碩士組成。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:潘炯璽招商引資電話:1873168*** 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:18731682**[ta]**com


Nano Ceramic Anti-Corrosion Coating Production R&D Center Project

Project content and scaleit covers an area of about13,300 m2, and the total construction area is13,000 m2 Construction contentnano ceramic anti-corrosion coating production R&D center .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is 9 million USD, which is raised by the enterprise by itself .Market analysisupon implementation, this project is expected to develop advanced and green composite anti-corrosion materials with features of high fire proofing, high flame retarding, high thermal insulation, high strength, high wear resistant, electromagnetic shielding, long service life and low price, with high technology content and zero VOC emission in the entire production and use process, which is necessary for machinery equipment, petrochemical equipment, pipeline, marine equipment, naval vessel and ship, wharf facility, photovoltaic power station, equipment of wind power generation, construction industry, etc. The advancement, environmental protection and economic efficiency of the new materials outdistance galvanized, organic and other anti-corrosion materials which are widely used currently .Economic benefit analysisit is predicted that in 2018, the output value will be 30 million Yuan, and the tax revenue will be six million Yuan; in 2019, the output value will be 50 million Yuan, and the tax revenue will be10 million Yuan .Construction conditionsAnci Economic Development Zone is endowed with advantageous location. It is 40 km from Beijing, 60 km from Tianjin,

m from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use by the end of 2018), 60 km from Beijing Capital International Airport, 70 km from Tianjin Binhai International Airport, and 80 km from Tianjin New Port, which can fully meet the international standard of “Optimal Industrial Zone”-accessible with one-hour drive .Profile of Chinese organizerPolymer Material Research Institute of Qingdao University of Science and Technology is mainly engaged in R&D and industrial production of polymer new materials, polymer products and related mechanical- and electrical- integrated production equipment. With strong research and product development capabilities, the Institute has undertaken key scientific research projects successively in the Eighth Five-year Plan and the Ninth Five-year Plan entrusted by State Planning Commission (referred to as SPC, which is succeeded by The National Development and Reform Commission) , State Economic and Trade Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC, Shandong Planning Commission, Shandong Science & Technology Commission, Bureau of Science & Technology of Qingdao City, and other scientific research departments, and it has won many national-, provincial- and ministerial-level awards. Now the Institute has more than 30 scientific and technical personnel, including professors, associate professors, doctors and master smainly .Cooperative wayJoint venture, Cooperation Contactinformation ContactPersonPan Jiongxi Tel1873168*** Zip code06*** E-mail18731682**[ta]**com


廊坊鴻禹喬防水材料項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目由北京鴻禹喬建材有限公司投資建設,占地40畝,建成后年可生產高分子防水材料3000萬平米。投資估算與資金來源:項目投資總額195172萬美元。項目投資市場分析:公司產品應用在奧運媒體村、首都機場(擴建)、國家安全生產監督管理局、北京兒童醫院、北京****會所、中關村軍藝大廈、中影集團電影數字制作基地、西山美廬別墅區、天津西站、蘇丹共和國大使館主樓等重點工程,優良的產品品質,完美的防水系統,深得用戶信賴。招商引資建設條件:項目位于后奕產業功能區內,緊鄰廊滄、京臺高速出口,據首都第二機場30公里,據天津新港90公里,具有海陸空立體交通網絡,區位優勢顯著。投資項目效益分析:項目建成投產后,可實現年交易額2481萬美元,利潤2481萬美元,稅收達827萬美元。項目招商機構:北京鴻禹喬建材有限公司是專業從事防水材料研發、生產、銷售、施工的現代化企業,公司長期致力于新型防水材料的開發和防水系統化的研究。擁有多條先進的全自動改性瀝青、高分子防水卷材生產線,防水涂料生產線,排水保護板生產線。生產“荷雨”牌HYQ-L1系列改性瀝青防水卷材、HYQ-G2系列高分子防水卷材、HYQ-Z3系列自粘防水卷材、HYQ-T5系列防水涂料、HYQ-P6系列塑料排水保護板等5大系列幾十個品種產品,廣泛應用于各類建筑物屋面、地下室;鐵路、橋梁、隧道、垃圾填埋場、游泳池等防水、防潮、防滲、排水工程。招商引資合作方式:企業獨資 招商引資聯系人:陳俊國 招商引資電話:0086-316-654*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-654*** 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資地址:永清縣后奕鎮 招商引資郵箱:543320784**[ta]**com 網址:www.hyqfs.com


Langfang hongxing YuQiao waterproof material co., LTD

The project contentthe project construction investment by Beijing hong YuQiao building materials co., LTD., plans to invest118 million yuan, covers an area of 40 acres, built in the year after it can produce high polymer waterproof material 3000 square meters, is expected to output value

illion yuan, tax 5 million yuan. Beijing hong YuQiao building materials co., LTD is a professional engaged in waterproof material research and development, production, marketing, construction of modern enterprise, the company long-term commitment to the development of new type of waterproof materials and waterproof systematic research. With a number of advanced automatic production line for modified asphalt, polymer waterproofing materials, waterproofing coating production line, drainage protection plate production line. Production of "lotus rain" brand HYQ L1 series of modified asphalt waterproofing materials, HYQ G2 series polymer waterproofing materials, HYQ-Z3 series adhesive waterproofing materials, HYQ-T5 series waterproof coating, HYQ-P6 series plastic drainage protection board and so on 5 big series dozens of varieties of products, widely used in various building roofing, basement; Railways, Bridges, tunnels, landfills, swimming pool and other waterproof, moisture, seepage control and drainage works .Investment estimation and financing sourcethe project total investment of usd195172 million, all raise for the enterprise .Market analysisthe company's products used in the Olympic media village, the capital airport (expansion), state administration of work safety (saws), Beijing children's hospital, the Hong Kong horse club, Beijing zhongguancun from goshawks building, film digital production base of China film group, xishan mei lu, villa, tianjin west railway station, the main building of the embassy of the republic of Sudan and other key project, excellent product quality, perfect waterproof system, deeply trusted by the user .Construction termthe project is located in the industrial function zone, adjacent to gallery of surging, Taiwan high-speed exports, according to the capital's second airport 30 kilometers, according to a 90 kilometers away from tianjin xingang port, land, sea and air three-dimensional traffic network, geographical advantage is obvious .Benefit analysisafter the project completed and put into operation, which can realize annual turnover of $2481 million, $2481 million profit, revenue of $82***

Descriptionsix and sponsoring units construction projects invested by Beijing hong YuQiao building materials co., LTD, the company has experienced a high level management team, the company long-term commitment to the development of new type of waterproof materials and waterproof systematic research .Method of cooperationsole proprietorship enterprise ContactPersonjun-guo Chen

Telephone0086-316-654*** Fax0086-316-654*** Zip code06*** Addressyongqing after yi town E-mail543320784**[ta]**com websitewww.hyqfs.com


裝配式建筑項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該由河北榆構建材有限公司投資建設,主要建設宿舍樓、職工食堂、研發樓、實驗室、生產車間、辦公樓、庫房等。項目占地22861277平方米,總建筑面積166325平方米。主要產品有:疊合板、墻板、樓梯、陽臺、梁、柱等。投資估算和資金來源:項目投資總額14940萬美元,全部為企業自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:裝配式建筑在住宅建設中,對建筑垃圾、電能、水資源、木材、鋼材上都會帶來大幅度的改變。2012年中國城市化進程依然保持目前的速度,住宅建設量達到10億平方米。發展至今,住宅產業化在歐美、日本、新加坡、香港等發達國家和地區已較為成熟,其應用成效日益顯現。投資項目效益分析:預計年營業收入298億元,,上繳稅收029億元,可安排就業220人。招商引資建設條件:園區基礎設施、交通運輸可以滿足企業生產、生活需求。項目招商機構:公司依托榆構集團自有的預制建筑深化設計技術,重點開發并成功應用了體育場看臺、外墻掛板、住宅產業化構件 等精細化高端鋼模產品。招商引資合作方式:獨資。投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:何德謙招商引資電話:1332113*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-613*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市固安縣東灣鄉楊家屯村 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:3265838665**[ta]**com


Assembly construction project

Content and scale of the projectthe Hebei Yugou building materials Co., investment and construction, the main construction of dormitory, canteen, research building, laboratory, production workshop, office building, warehouse etc.. The project covers an area of 22861277 square meters, total construction area of166325 square meters. The main products arelaminate, wall panels, stairs the balcony, beam, column, and so on .Investment estimates and sources of fundingthe total investment of $149 million 400 thousand, all for the enterprise self financing

Market analysisAssembly Building in residential construction The construction waste, electricity, water, wood, steel will bring the process of Chinese city changed.2012 remains at the current rate, the volume of housing construction reached1 billion square meters. Since the development of the housing industry in Europe and the United States, Japan, Singapore, Hongkong and other developed countries and regions have been relatively mature, the the application of emerging results .Economic benefit analysisthe estimated annual operating income of 298 million yuan, turned over to tax revenue of $29 million, can arrange employment of 220 people

Construction conditionsPark infrastructure, transportation can meet the production needs of enterprises .Cooperation modesole proprietorship

ContactHe Deqian Tel1332113*** Fax0086-316-613*** AddressYang Dong Wan Xiang Jia Tun Cun, Hebei city of Langfang province Guan County; Zip code065500; E-mail3265838665**[ta]**com


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