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花卉市場項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目總占地面積26875平方米,主要建設1個大型綜合項目,兩棟20層花卉經營樓和一座五層臨街商業樓。項目市場與投資項目效益分析:在原址新建以花卉市場為主線集購物、觀賞、休閑為一體高標準的臨街商業網,滿足市民需求,并使之成為廊坊市一道靚麗的風景。該項目建成后不僅能成為兒童樂園的一個窗口,達到以商養園的目的,而且能使公益性園區進一步得到持續發展和保障。此項目完工投入使用后將新增就業崗位400余個,成為周各莊新的經濟增長點,可以更好地帶動其他經濟發展,增加集體收入,最大限度地解決500余名居民的失業下崗問題。項目招商機構:廊坊市天利和房地產開發有限公司,始建于20022月,注冊資金2200萬元,現具有房地產開發二級資質。公司現有員工115人,具有中級以上技術職稱的專業技術人員32人,占公司員工的27%,是具有規模開發、綜合經營管理的房地產開發企業。司成立以來,先后開發建設了廊坊市芳菲苑小區、天津武清區住宅小區、華普超市、天利得益商務中心、匯督•Office等項目。項目進展:城中村改造申請已通過審批,已簽訂改造協議。正在競拍土地。招商引資合作方式:合作、招租 項目招商機構:廊坊市天利和房地產開發有限公司 招商引資聯系人:張英宣 招商引資電話:0086-316--209*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316--209*** 招商引資地址:廊坊市廣陽區新開路158 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:lftianlihe2011**[ta]**com


The Project of Flower Market

Project contentThe total area of the project is 26,875 square metersincluding one large comprehensive market ,two 20-storey flower managing buildings and a 5-storey commercial building along the street .Market and Economic Effectiveness AnalysisConstruct a new high-standard business network along the street taking the flower market as the main line and integrating shopping, sightseeing and leisure on the original location to satisfy the demands of the citizens, and make it a beautiful landscape of Langfang. After completion, this project will not only become a window to the children's amusement park so as to financially support the park, but also further sustain and guarantee the development of the non-commercial park. After being put into operation upon completion, this project will create more than 400 jobs and become the new economic growth point of Zhougezhuang, which will boost the economic development in other fields and increase the collective income as well as greatly settle the unemployment problem of more than 500 residents .Company ProfileLangfang Tianlihe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. was established in February, 2002 with the registered capital of 22 million yuan. Now it has the secondary qualification of real estate development. There are115 employees in the company currently, and 32 of them have intermediate technical title or above, making up 27% of the total staff. The company is a real estate development enterprise with the ability of large-scale development and comprehensive management. Since the establishment of the company, it has successively developed and constructed projects such as Fangfeiyuan Community in Langfang, Residential Community in Wuqing District of Tianjin, Huapu Supermarket, Tianlideyi Business Center, Huidu Office and so on .Project ProgressThe application of urban village reconstruction has been approved, and the reconstruction agreement has been signed. And the land auction is in progress .Cooperative Formscooperativefor lease

Company NameLangfang Tianlihe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd ContactPersonsZhang Yingxuan Tel0086-316-209*** Fax0086-316-209***

Mailing AddressNo.158, Xinkai Road, Guangyang District, Langfang Zip code06*** Addresslftianlihe2011**[ta]**com


大辛閣白塔寺旅游景區建設項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目總占地300畝,主要建設無公害蔬菜采摘、旅游觀光、素齋餐飲一體化。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額2000萬美元,擬利用外資總額1300萬美元。項目投資市場分析:大辛閣白塔寺景區旅游資源豐富,市場前景廣闊,有中國北方僅存的遼代白石塔,有華北地區最大的臥佛,景區綜合開發指日可待,熱忱歡迎有意向客商前來考察投資。投資項目效益分析:白塔寺景區建成后,可以極大的促進永清旅游經濟的發展,其三產服務功能可帶動2000余勞動力就業,通過餐飲、旅游產品銷售、觀光采摘、農家接待、旅游資源開發等配套功能的進一步完善,推動當地旅游經濟的蓬勃發展,每天的游客接待量可以達到千人以上。招商引資建設條件:目前,該寺內已建成山門、七佛殿、天王殿、大雄寶殿、萬佛樓、弘法樓、法堂、寮房、鐘鼓樓、禪堂、居士林、停車場等建筑,建筑面積達到23000平方米。寺院周邊已集中規劃土地300畝,用于各種餐飲、觀光采摘、休閑度假等旅游服務設施的開發建設 項目招商機構:白塔寺已申報為國家AAA級旅游景區。現每天都有大批來自北京、天津、及永清周邊等地的香客游客前來參觀,成為了永清旅游的一大亮點,招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:周振輝 招商引資電話:0086-316-650*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-650*** 招商引資地址:河北省永清縣大辛閣鄉政府 招商引資郵編:06***


Daxinge Baita Temple scenic spot construction project

Content and scale of the projectThe project covers an area of 300 mu,the main construction of pollution-free vegetable picking, sightseeing,vegetarian restaurant integration .The investment estimation and fund sourcesThe Projects with a total investment of $20 million, plans to use $13 million more. .Market analysisDa Xin Ge TA Si rich tourism resources, the market prospect is broad, there is only China North Liao Dynasty White Pagoda,North China's largest Wofo, point the day and await for it scenic area comprehensive development, warmly welcome customers to visit the investment intention .Analysis of economic benefitAfter the completion of the White PagodaTemple scenic area, can greatly promote the development of Yongqingtourism economy, the third estate service function can be driven more than 2000 labor employment, by catering, tourism products, tourism picking farm sales, reception, tourism resources development and other supporting functions to further improve, promote the vigorousdevelopment of the local tourism economy every day, the tourist recieves a quantity can reach more than a thousand people .Construction conditionsAt present, the temple has been built, the permitted seven Shanmen, king hall, main hall, Wanfo building, floor, hall,lecture room, Bell Tower and Drum Tower, the meditation hall, hermit,parking and other buildings, construction area reached 23000 square meters. The temple has 300 acres of land surrounding the central planning, used for a variety of food, sightseeing, leisure and othertourism service facilities development and construction

General description of Chinese enterpriseThe White Pagoda Templehas been declared as the national AAA level scenic spots. Every day a large number from Beijing, Tianjin, and Yongqing and other places around the pilgrims tourists come to visit, to become a major bright spotLe Yongqing tourism,

Cooperation modeJoint venture, cooperation

ContactContact personZhou Zhenhui Tel0086-316 650*** Fax0086-316-650*** AddressHebei province Yongqing County Da Xin Ge Xiang Government

Postal Code06***



招商引資內容:該項目總規劃用地面積5000畝,農業設施建設面積達240萬平方米。產業園規劃了六大功能區:“集約化蔬菜育苗區”, “科技集成展示區”, “蔬菜高效安全生產區”, “生態觀光體驗區”, “農產品檢驗檢測中心”,“冷鏈物流倉儲區”。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目計劃投資16129萬美元,擬利用外資總額5000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:中國人均收入已經超過6000美元,這就意味著第3次消費升級轉型時代的到來。中國在食品消費層面可以分為3個階段:吃飽(標志食物是主糧);吃的營養(肉蛋奶);吃的健康(果蔬)。招商引資建設條件:新苑陽光農業有限公司根據項目規劃要求,在項目施工建設時達到三通一平,運營時實現九通一平,保障項目順利開工建設、投入運營。投資項目效益分析:該項目投產后,預計年營業收入約人民幣9億元。年納稅約人民幣2億元。項目招商機構:新苑陽光農業有限公司隸屬于新奧集團。該公司 招商機構簡介:公司成立于2012710日,注冊資本1億,法人代表于建潮。新苑陽光農業有限公司主要經營各類蔬菜、瓜果及相關農作物的種植、銷售;各類花卉苗木及用于市政、園林相關觀賞植物的種植、銷售等。招商引資合作方式:合資開發。投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:于建潮招商引資電話:1583166*** 招商引資郵箱:weiqi7265259**[ta]**com招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市經濟技術開發區華祥路118


Project of Eco Agriculture Park and Service Platform for Beijing, Tianjin and Surrounding Areas

The project contentThe total planning area of 5000 acres of land with an area of 24 million square meters for its agricultural facilities. Six function areas were planned in the industrial park, namely, intensive vegetable seedling area, science and technology exhibition area, safe and high-yield vegetable production area, eco-sightseeing and experiencing area, agricultural product inspection center and cold chain logistics and warehousing area .Investment estimation and fund sourceProject plans to invest $16129 million, plans to use $50 million more .Market analysisChina has more than $6000 per capita income, this means that the third time consumption upgrading transformation era. In food consumption level in China can be divided into three stageseat (logo is staple food); Eat nutrition (meat, milk and eggs); Eating healthy (fruit) .The construction conditionsSun-yard Agricultural Co., Ltd. according to the project planning requirements, to achieve the three links one ping in the project construction, implementation of infrastructure operations, ensure smooth project construction, put into operation .Economic benefit analysisAfter the project put into operation, the estimated annual sales income of about 900 million RMB.The annual tax of about 200 million RMB .General description of Chinese enterpriseXinyuan sunshine agriculture co., LTD belongs to Yu Xinao group. The company was founded in 2012 on July10,100 million of registered capital, the legal representative in the building boom. Xinyuan sunshine agriculture co., LTD mainly manages all kinds of vegetables, fruits and crops planting and sales; All kinds of flowers and plants nursery stock and used in municipal, landscape ornamental plant cultivation, sales, etc .Cooperation modeIn the form of added shares ContactPersonYu jianchao Tel1583166*** AddressNo.118 Huaxiang Road, Economy and Technology Development Zone, Langfang City, Hebei Province


林棲谷森林溫泉度假區項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目占地26357畝,總建筑面積268406平方米,目前林棲谷森林溫泉度假區項目已完成地下基礎設施、道路、停車場、游客中心(兩個)、悅心湖、藝術林、宋遼古城、樹上溫泉、木屋酒店、婚紗攝影基地、滑雪場、創意坊、設計師工作室、兒童游樂場、花海采摘園、生態餐廳、花海洋家樂、房車基地、拓展基地、VTV沙灘車基地等項目建設。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額1億美元。項目投資市場分析:林棲谷森林溫泉度假區,位于北京新機場臨空經濟區內,毗鄰京臺高速,距北京市區48公里,半小時車程,距天津市區59公里,50分鐘車程,距廊坊市區13公里,15分鐘車程。度假區擁有森林、溫泉、宋遼文化等三大特色旅游資源。定位高端休閑度假,依托北京國際機場提供高品質養生、養心、養老旅游產品,全力打造“北方最大的洋家樂度假基地”、“森林創意花海”、“不夜夢幻森林”,培育新旅游“度假+農莊”的永清模式,以林棲谷為核心,形成集群效益,創造京南國際度假小鎮 生態休閑之城。投資項目效益分析:該項目被評為國家AAA景區并納入了省十三五重點項目。省、市旅游局,專家組,國內旅游休閑行業專家、學者也多批次到項目考察,各方一致認為該項目的建成將為推進永清區域旅游產業發展做出巨大貢獻,為周邊及京津冀區域人群“微度假”提供了一個非常好的去處,助力永清縣環境提升,經濟發展。投資項目條件:根據項目規劃要求,在項目施工建設時達到三通一平,運營時實現七通一平,保障項目順利開工建設、投入運營。項目招商機構:永清首督大千世界娛樂有限公司,法人代表:楊曉偉,注冊資金17960萬元,成立于20052月。主要經營范圍:森林旅游、農業觀光、接待。招商引資合作方式:獨資開發。招商引資聯系人:崔云睿 電話:0086-316-277*** 招商引資郵箱:376484294**[ta]**com招商引資地址:永清縣首督路1


Qigu forest Hot Spring Resort Project

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 26357 acres, a total construction area of 268406 square meters, the current forest Qigu forest hot spring resort project has completed the underground infrastructure, roads, parking lot, visitor center (two), clear lake, forest, the ancient city of Song Liao, the art of Tree Spa, Timber House Hotel, wedding photography base, skiing, and creative designer studio, children's playground, picking flowers garden, eco restaurant, sea Kellogg, RV base, expand the base, VTV ATV base construction projec***

Investment estimates and funding sourcesThe total investment of USD100 million .Market analysisQigu forest forest hot spring resort, located in Beijing's new airport airport economic zone, adjacent to the Beijing high-speed, 48 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing, a half hour drive from Tianjin City 59 kilometers, 50 minutes away from Langfang City,招商引資電話:13 km,15 minutes. The resort has three special tourism resources, such as forest, hot spring, Song Liao culture and so on. The positioning of high-end leisure resort, relying on the Beijing International Airport to provide high-quality health, Yangxin, endowment of tourism products, to create "the North's largest ocean Kellogg Resort Base" and "creative forest flowers" and "sleepless dream forest", cultivate new tourism "holiday + farm" in Yongqing, Lin Qigu as the core, the formation of clusters benefit, create international ecological leisure resort town south of the city.The theme of "life dream forest", to create a dream forest environment, give full play to the advantages of the original ecological forest resources, while protecting the forest, enjoy the gift of nature. Recuperate in the forest, in the forest meditation, in the forest health, with the forest cabin, the tent camp, on the tree hot spring as the standard disposition, provides the best one-stop, the high standard hotel management service for you.Based on the Yu Yang Kellogg health resort in the mode of modern western philosophy and way of life into the forest, and the development of five continents customs Yang Kellogg, holiday manor, creative tribe, Song Liao City, forest huts and other holiday products, and enrich the leisure elements, integrate ecological food, forest park, spa, skiing, forest forest, forest theater, coffee bar, UTV, cave forest bicycle e***

Economic benefit analysisThe project was named the national AAA scenic spot and key project included in招商引資電話:13th Five-Year. The expert group of provincial and Municipal Tourism Bureau, tourism and leisure industry, domestic experts and scholars have multiple batches to the project investigation, the parties agreed that the completion of the project will make great contribution to promote the regional tourism industry development in Yongqing, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region for the surrounding crowd micro vacation provides a very good place to help Yongqing county environment and promote economic development .Construction conditionsAccording to the project planning requirements, in the construction of the project to achieve three pass one level, the operation of the realization of the seven links and a flat, to ensure the smooth start of the project, put into operation. All levels of province, city and county leaders attach great importance to the progress of the project, to create new high-end resort project, wild extravagance "in the original forest on the request of the project, as the vanguard of Yongqing tourism development, and strive to three years to become the" Yongqing name card, city living room "ranked AAAAA scenic area and provincial leisure resort .General situation of the Chinese contractorsYongqing world wide Entertainment Co., Ltd., legal representativeYang Xiaowei, registered capital of179 million 600 thousand yuan, was founded in February 2005 Main business scopeforest tourism, agricultural tourism, hospitality .Cooperation modesole proprietorship .ContactCui Yunrui contact Tel0086-316-277*** E-mail376484294**[ta]**com AddressNo.1, Yongqing Road, No .


寶能金融服務中心項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:本項目占地500畝,總建筑面積525800平方米,建設內容為金融后臺服務基地,國際健康養護中心,及其他的附屬配套建筑等。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:投資總額為33537萬美元,擬利用外資總額10061萬美元。項目投資市場分析:河北廊坊現代服務產業園區四通八達的交通,加之優越的自然環境、高端的產業定位、廣闊的發展空間,是諸多現代服務型產業項目聚集黃金地域。投資項目效益分析:正常年銷售收入24065萬美元,利稅總額11637萬美元。招商引資建設條件:園區管委會根據項目規劃要求,在項目臨建前達到三通一平,運營時實現九通一平,保障項目順利開工建設、投入運營。項目招商機構:寶能集團總部位于深圳,在華南、華北、華東等區域設有分支機構,并與多個發達國家的企事業機構建立業務合作關系。寶能集團控股上海A股市場(600892)寶誠股份,是深圳A股市場(000006)深振業的第二大股東。集團現已發展成為以物流、高科技產業、文化旅游產業、健康產業、保險產業等的管理科學、運作規范的大型現代化集團公司。招商引資合作方式:合資開發。投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:尹光哲招商引資電話:1861174*** 招商引資地址:北京市朝陽區阜通東大街12號寶能中心16 招商引資郵箱:Yinguangzhe**[ta]**u.com


The project of Baoneng Financial Service Center

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 500 mu, with a total construction area of 525,800 square meters. The construction contents include financial background service base, international health care centers, and other ancillary buildings .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment is $ 335,370,000, and the proposed use of foreign investment is $100,611***

Market AnalysisAdvantages of convenient transportation, favorable natural environment, high-end industrial location and a broad space for development make Langfang Modern Service Industrial Park become the gathering gold fields for a lot of modern service industry project .Benefit AnalysisNormal annual sales income is $ 240,655,000, and annual total profit and tax is $116,372***

Construction ConditionsIn accordance with the requirements of project planning, Park Administrative Committee is sure to achieve the conditions of three supplies one leveling before construction and nine supplies one leveling before operation, to guarantee the construction and operation of the project smoothly .General Description of Chinese SponsorBaoneng Group is headquartered in Shenzhen, with branches in the south, north, east and other regions of china, and has established business relations with a number of enterprises and institutions in developed countries. Baoneng Group holds Shanghai A-share market (600,892) Baocheng shares, and is the Shenzhenye's second largest shareholder of Shenzhen A-share market (000006). Baoneng Group has developed into a large modern company with science management and regular operation including logistics, high-tech industries, cultural tourism industry, health industry, insurance industry and others .Cooperative FormJoint venture ContactWay18611749261 ContactPersonGuangzhe Yi Address16th Floor, Baoneng Center, No.12, Futong East Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Post Code10*** E-mailYinguangzhe**[ta]**u.com


綠色建筑技術研發中心項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:本項目占地230畝,總建筑面積99597平方米,建設內容:綠色建筑研究管理中心、綠色建筑設計中心、咨詢管理培訓中心、綠色建筑科學研究成果的中試基地及配套服務設施等。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:投資總額為16460萬美元,利用外資為4938萬美元。項目投資市場分析:環保產業符合廊坊市政府提出的“高端發展,綠色崛起,奮力打造河北環京津新增長極的戰略突破口”這一戰略方向。河北廊坊現代服務產業園區以高端現代服務產業為主要招商對象,引進的產業均為非工業、環保型產業,是打造環保產業園項目的最佳地域。投資項目效益分析:預計年收入8783萬美元,年利稅額約1209萬美元。招商引資建設條件:園區管委會根據項目規劃要求,在項目臨建前達到三通一平,運營時實現九通一平,保障項目順利開工建設、投入運營。項目招商機構:中太建設集團股份有限公司是由原中國人民解放軍基建工程兵352團集體轉業后組建的。集建筑設計、市政道橋、公路工程、鐵路工程、園林綠化等為一體的綜合性特大型企業集團。招商引資合作方式:合資。招商引資聯系人:董翔招商引資電話:1503069*** 招商引資地址:廊坊市廣陽道20號中太大廈 招商引資郵箱:dong_xiang**[ta]**com


The project of green building research and development center

Project ContentThe project covers an area of 230 mu, with a total construction area of 99,597 square meters. The construction contents include green building research management center, green building design center, consulting management training center, pilot test base of green building science research and supporting service facilities .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment is $164,602,800, and the proposed use of foreign investment is $ 49,380***

Market AnalysisAdvantages of convenient transportation, favorable natural environment, high-end industrial location and a broad space for development make Langfang Modern Service Industrial Park become the gathering gold fields for a lot of modern service industry project .Benefit AnalysisProjected annual income is $ 87,835,000, and annual profit and tax is approximately $12,090***

Construction ConditionsIn accordance with the requirements of project planning, Park Administrative Committee is sure to achieve the conditions of three supplies one leveling before construction and nine supplies one leveling before operation, to guarantee the construction and operation of the project smoothly .General Description of Chinese SponsorZhongtai Construction Group Co., Ltd. is established after the former People's Liberation Army No. 352 infrastructure engineering group was transferred collectively, and it is an integrated large enterprise groups with architectural design, municipal bridge, highway engineering, railway engineering, landscaping and others as one .Cooperative FormJoint venture ContactWay15030695065 ContactPersonXiang Dong AddressZhongtai Mansion, Guang Yang Road No. 20, Langfang City E-maildong_xiang**[ta]**com


紅太陽健康養老莊園項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目建設地點在永清縣北關村,建設紅太陽健康養老莊園項目。該項目計劃總投資60億元,其中:固定資產投58395億元,鋪底流動資金1605億元。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資92368萬美元,擬利用外資總額36000美元。項目投資市場分析:截止到2010年底, 北京老年人口總數已突破254萬人,占到人口總數的15%,到2020年,全市老年人口將達到350萬人,到2050年,將上升到650萬。京津冀地區養老問題日益嚴峻,養老服務體系建設現狀與老年人養老需求之間的矛盾逐步凸顯,社區家庭養老發展滯后、社會辦養老機構管理與服務水平有待提高,加快推進養老服務體系建設,開發建設東方溫泉太陽城養老項目符合社會力量參與養老產業發展趨勢,具有非常廣闊的市場前景。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,預計年產值439323萬美元,稅金2416萬元,吸納就業人員500人。招商引資建設條件:恒都美業投資有限公司包根據項目規劃要求,在項目施工建設時達到三通一平,運營時實現九通一平,保障項目順利開工建設、投入運營。項目招商機構:恒都美業投資有限公司隸屬于恒都美業集團。該公司 招商機構簡介:公司成立于2011726日,注冊資本6600萬元,法人代表關小兵。恒都美業投資有限公司主要經營對服務業、房地產業、建筑業、農業、旅游業的投資。招商引資合作方式:合資開發 招商引資聯系人:關小兵招商引資電話:180326*** 招商引資地址:永清縣城關鎮 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:8724508170**[ta]**com


Red Sun Health endowment manor project

Project contentthe construction site in Yongqing County, Beiguan village, the construction of the red sun health endowment manor project. The project total investment of 6000000000 yuan, of whichfixed assets investment 5839500000 yuan, floating capital160500000 yuan, .Investment estimation and fund sourcesthe total investment of 923680000 US dollars, to use foreign capital of $3*** Market analysisby the end of 2010, Beijing elderly population has already exceeded 2540000 people, accounted for of the total population, by 2020, the city's elderly population will reach 3500000, to 2050, will rise to 6500000 The Beijing Tianjin Hebei region pension problem becomes more and more serious, the contradiction between the status of old-age service system construction and the elderly pension demand gradually highlight, community family endowment lags behind the development of social pension institutions, office management and service level to be improved, accelerating the old-age service system construction, the development and construction of the Orient spring sun city endowment project accords with the social forces to participate in the pension industry development trend, has a very broad market prospects .Analysis of economic benefitafter the project is completed, the estimated annual production value of $4393230000, tax 24160000 yuan, to absorb the employment of 500 people .Construction conditionsconstant beauty industry investment Limited package requirements according to the project planning, achieve three links one ping in the project construction, implementation of infrastructure operations, ensure smooth project construction, put into operation .General description of Chinese enterpriseconstant beauty industry investment limited company belongs to constant beauty group. The company was founded in July 26, 2011, registered capital of 66000000 yuan, Guan Xiaobing legal representative. Heng Du beauty industry investment Limited mainly engaged in the service industry, the real estate industry, construction industry, agriculture, tourism investment .Cooperation modejoint venture development ContactPersonGuan Xiaobing Tel180326*** AddressYongqing County town of Postal Code06*** E-mail8724508170**[ta]**com


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