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新型高端動力機械渦管電機生產項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:擬建在河北香河環保產業園區。項目規劃用地總面積為400,其中廠房占地250畝,辦公樓占地100畝。投資估算與資金來源:總投資12億美元,資金來源為企業自籌 項目投資市場分析:渦管電機的應用領域十分廣泛,在特定條件下,渦管電機具有普通電機和液泵無可替代的獨特優勢,且市場價位不高于同類型電機和水泵的組合價位。渦管電機發明是一條新型電機可行性技術創新產業鏈的一個節點,有較高的經濟和社會價值與科技開發前景,符合國家產業政策,是國家“十三五規劃”重點扶持項目。投資項目經濟效益:提高企業的經濟效益,更可以創造可觀的社會效益,增加就業崗位,緩解就業壓力。招商引資建設條件:項目建設地點位于香河環保產業園內,香河環保產業園已實現九通一平,基礎設施完備、交通便利。項目招商機構:河北香河環保產業園為河北省政府批準的省級園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由國興投資股份有限公司負責園區的整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作,目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完備。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:劉彬 胡序光 招商引資電話:0086-316-826*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-826*** 招商引資地址:河北香河環保產業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:xhjjgyy**[ta]**a.com


New high level power mechanical vortex motor production project

Project content and scaleproposed in Hebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park. Project planning land area of 400 acres, of which plant covers an area of 250 acres, the office covers an area of100 acres .Investment estimates and sources of fundsa total investment of120 million US dollars, the source of funds for the enterprise self

Market analysisThe application of vortex motor is very wide. Under certain conditions, the vortex motor has the unique advantages of ordinary motor and liquid pump, and the market price is not higher than the combination price of the same type of motor and water pump. Turbine motor invention is a new type of motor feasibility of technological innovation industry chain of a node, a higher economic and social value and scientific and technological development prospects, in line with national industrial policy, is the national "thirteen five plan" key support project .Economic benefitsto improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can create considerable social benefits, increase jobs, ease employment pressure .Construction conditionsThe project construction site is located in Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park, Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park has achieved nine straight, complete infrastructure, convenient transportation .Chinese contractors OverviewHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park for the provincial government approved the provincial park, adhere to the "government to promote, business operations, market operation," the development model, by the State Investment Co., Ltd. is responsible for the overall development of the park, Infrastructure construction, investment work, the park has achieved nine straight, the infrastructure is complete .Mode of CooperationSole proprietorship

ContactContactLiu Bin Hu Xuguang Tel0086-316-826*** Fax0086-316-826*** AddressHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park Management Committee Post Code06*** E-mailxhjjgyy**[ta]**a.com


電磁超聲導波缺陷檢測儀器項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目擬建設于香河新興產業示范區,項目擬占地面積75畝,主要建設生產廠房、辦公樓及其他附屬用房等。投資估算與資金來源:3750萬美元,企業資金自籌。項目投資市場分析:電磁超聲波檢測設備可實現對鋼板和鋼管缺陷的快速掃描,既滿足電磁超聲導波實驗室需求又可滿足工程應用,特別是針對高校用戶提供開放式數據接口和檢測數據源文件,可方便高校教師和學生科研使用。可廣泛應用于油田管網檢測、石化企業管道檢測、電站管道檢測。投資項目經濟效益:該項目按照國際壓力管道檢測工程通行價格計算,為每公里1萬美元,可以創造可觀的經濟效益,增加就業機會,緩解就業壓力。預計年繳稅金320萬美元。招商引資建設條件:河北香河新興產業示范區坐落于京津冀腹地,緊鄰京哈高速路出口,起步區已全部實現“九通一平”,投資環境優越。項目招商機構:河北香河新興產業示范區坐落于京津冀腹地,緊鄰京哈高速路出口,起步區已全部實現“九通一平”,投資環境優越。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:魏娜 招商引資電話:0086-316-887*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-887*** 招商引資地址:河北香河新興產業示范區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:510522**[ta]**com


Integrated surface plasmon resonance sensor chip

Project contentThe project intends to build new industrial demonstration zone in Xianghe, the project covers an area of 567 hectares, mainly the construction of R & D center, production workshop, office building and ancillary facilities, with an annual output of 35 tons in forming the surface wave plasma biochemical sensor chip .Investment estimates and funding sourcesTotal investment of $45 million 500 thousand, the proposed use of foreign investment $20 million .Market analysisThe product to environmental pollution, disease detection, food safety and other livelihood hot simple and rapid monitoring and integrated chip, small size, can be integrated with portable devices, sensing stable performance, wide application field .Economic benefitsAt present, there is no similar products in the country, and this product can be applied in many fields, such as disease detection, environmental monitoring, drug identification, and so on. This chip is easy to use, the sample does not have two pollution, stable performance, biochemical small molecules on nano probe have high sensitivity, relative to other types of sensors, has obvious technical and economic advantages .Construction conditionsHebei Xianghe new industry demonstration zone is located in the hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, close to the exit road Jinghagaosu, qibuou has all realized "Nine", the investment environment is superior .General situation of the Chinese contractorsHebei Xianghe new industry demonstration zone for the approval of the Hebei provincial government and the Provincial Park, adhere to the "development model of government, enterprise and market operation", by Langfang Rui Sheng Investment Limited by Share Ltd responsible for the park overall development, infrastructure construction and investment work; at present, the park has achieved infrastructure, improve infrastructure construction .Cooperation modeSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation. Contactinformation

CommissionerWei Na AddressXianghe New Industrial Demonstration Zone Management Committee Zip code06*** Tel0086-316-887*** Fax0086-316-887*** E-mail510522**[ta]**com


低壓電器生產項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目擬建設于香河新興產業示范區,項目擬占地面積150畝,主要建設生產車間、中試試驗廠房、員工宿舍及附屬用房等,研發生產低壓電器500萬臺()低壓電器設備。投資估算與資金來源:項目擬投資5500萬美元,企業資金為企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:該項目專門從事漏電斷路器、小型斷路器、交流接觸器、塑殼斷路器、智能型萬能式斷路器等產品的開發、生產與銷售。該項目擁有一支中高級工程技術人員組成的科技隊伍,技術力量雄厚,配備了精良的設備、先進的工藝、完善的檢測設備,形成了完善的質量保證體系。該項目以他高品質的配電產品和開關設備筑定了他在國際市場的領導者地位。在世界各地,梅蘭日蘭品牌的各種高、中、低壓設備提供著不間斷供電,監控和保護著電氣裝置,確保著人員和設備的安全。投資項目經濟效益:該項目專門從事漏電斷路器、小型斷路器、交流接觸器、塑殼斷路器、智能型萬能式斷路器等產品的開發、生產與銷售。預計年產值500萬臺() 低壓電器設備,銷售收入約071億美元,利稅70萬美元,利潤029億美元。招商引資建設條件:河北香河新興產業示范區坐落于京津冀腹地,緊鄰京哈高速路出口,起步區已全部實現“九通一平”,投資環境優越。項目招商機構:河北香河新興產業示范區為河北省政府批準的省級園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由廊坊瑞盛投資股份有限公司負責園區整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作;目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完善。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:魏娜 招商引資電話:0086-316-887*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-887*** 招商引資地址:河北香河新興產業示范區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:510522**[ta]**com


The project of low voltage equipment production

The content of the projectThe project intends to build new industrial demonstration zone in Xianghe, the project covers an area of 567 hectares, mainly the construction of R & D center, production workshop, office building and ancillary facilities, with an annual output of 35 tons in forming the surface wave plasma biochemical sensor chip .Investment estimates and funding sourcesTotal investment of $45 million 500 thousand, the proposed use of foreign investment $20 million .Market analysisThe product to environmental pollution, disease detection, food safety and other livelihood hot simple and rapid monitoring and integrated chip, small size, can be integrated with portable devices, sensing stable performance, wide application field .Economic benefitsAt present, there is no similar products in the country, and this product can be applied in many fields, such as disease detection, environmental monitoring, drug identification, and so on. This chip is easy to use, the sample does not have two pollution, stable performance, biochemical small molecules on nano probe have high sensitivity, relative to other types of sensors, has obvious technical and economic advantages .Construction conditionsHebei Xianghe new industry demonstration zone is located in the hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, close to the exit road Jinghagaosu, qibuou has all realized "Nine", the investment environment is superior .General situation of the Chinese contractorsHebei Xianghe new industry demonstration zone for the approval of the Hebei provincial government and the Provincial Park, adhere to the "development model of government, enterprise and market operation", by Langfang Rui Sheng Investment Limited by Share Ltd responsible for the park overall development, infrastructure construction and investment work; at present, the park has achieved infrastructure, improve infrastructure construction .Cooperation modesole proprietorship ContactinformationCommissionerWei Na AddressXianghe New Industrial Demonstration Zone Management Committee Zip code06*** Tel0086-316-887*** Fax0086-316-887*** E-mail510522**[ta]**com


德爾福汽車系統研發生產基地項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目擬建設于香河新興產業示范區,項目擬占地面積180畝,主要建設研發中心、生產車間、展示展覽產品中心、辦公樓、附屬設施等,年產7萬套汽車系統研發生產項目。投資估算與資金來源:企業計劃投資5億美元,全部為企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:主要經營生產銷售汽車電控系統、汽車零部件及售后服務和相關的技術咨詢,該項目在中國幾乎為所有主要的整車生產廠供貨,其中包括上海大眾、上海通用、一汽-大眾、神龍汽車有限公司、長安奧拓、北京吉普等,具有廣闊的市場空間。投資項目經濟效益:中心將能進行汽油/柴油電噴系統的全套開發設計,汽車安全系統(ABS,門鎖防盜等)的開發,汽車電氣系統的設計開發,汽車電子產品如各種電子控制模塊的設計。預計年產值700萬美元,稅收80萬美元。招商引資建設條件:河北香河新興產業示范區坐落于京津冀腹地,緊鄰京哈高速路出口,起步區已全部實現“九通一平”,投資環境優越。項目招商機構:河北香河新興產業示范區為河北省政府批準的省級園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由廊坊瑞盛投資股份有限公司負責園區整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作;目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完善。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:魏娜 招商引資電話:0086-316-887*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-887*** 招商引資地址:河北香河新興產業示范區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:510522**[ta]**com


Delphi Automotive Systems Research and development Base project

The content and scale of the projectthe project construction in Xianghe new industry demonstration zone, the project covers an area of 180 acres, the main building R & D center, production workshop, product exhibition center, office building and ancillary facilities, with an annual output of 70 thousand sets of automobile production system development project .Investment estimates and sources of fundsthe company plans to invest $500 million, all for the enterprise self .Market analysismainly engaged in the production and sale of automotive electronic control system, auto parts and customer service service and related technical consultation, the project in Chinese almost all major vehicle production factories, including Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai GM, FAW Volkswagen, god dragon automobile Limited company, Changan Alto, Beijing jeep. Has a broad market space .Economic benefitsthe center will be able to carry out a full set of design and development of diesel EFI system / gasoline, automotive safety systems (such as ABS, lock anti-theft development, etc.) the design and development of automotive electrical systems, automotive electronic products such as electronic control module design. Estimated annual output value of $7 million, tax $800 thousand .Construction conditionsHebei Xianghe emerging industry demonstration zone is located in the hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, close to the exit road Jinghagaosu, qibuou has all realized "Nine", the investment environment is superior .General description of Chinese enterpriseHebei Xianghe Emerging Industries Demonstration Zone for the approval of the Hebei provincial government and the Provincial Park, adhere to the "development model of government, enterprise and market operation", by Langfang Rui Sheng Investment Limited by Share Ltd responsible for the park overall development, infrastructure construction and investment work; at present, the park has achieved perfect infrastructure. Infrastructure construction .Cooperation modesole proprietorship ContactinformationCommissionerWei Na AddressXianghe New Industrial Demonstration Zone Management Committee Zip code06*** Tel0086-316-887*** Fax0086-316-887*** E-mail510522**[ta]**com


汽車安全自控系統投資項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:擬建在河北經濟技術開發區。項目規劃用地總面積為30(20000平方米),其中廠房占地15000平方米,辦公樓、測試、庫房占地5000平方米。投資估算與資金來源:總投資4300萬美金,資金來源為單位自籌 項目投資市場分析:項目為了滿足市場需求,擴大產能,提升產品結構;不僅可以提高企業的經濟效益,更可以創造可觀的社會效益,增加就業崗位,緩解就業壓力。投資項目經濟效益:促進企業內部產業升級、提高企業高端產品比重,增加企業營收,促進香河當地稅收以及就業。招商引資建設條件:項目建設地點位于香河經濟開發區,園區坐落于京津冀腹地,緊鄰京哈高速公路出口,已實現九通一平,基礎設施完備、交通便利。項目招商機構:河北香河機器人產業園為河北省政府批準的省級科技孵化器園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由華夏幸福基業股份有限公司負責園區的整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作,目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完備。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:翁芳華招商引資電話:1391109*** 招商引資傳真:0086-10-5737*** 招商引資地址:河北香河機器人產業園 招商引資郵編:10*** 招商引資郵箱:wengfanghua**[ta]**dcn.com


Auto Safety Automatic Control System Investment Project

Project content and scaleproposed in Hebei Economic and Technological Development Zone. Project planning land area of 30 acres (20,000 square meters), of which plant covers an area of 15,000 square meters, office buildings, testing, the Treasury covers an area of 5,000 square meters .Investment estimates and sources of fundingTotal investment of 43 million US dollars, the source of funds for the unit self-raised

Market analysisthe project in order to meet market demand, expand production capacity, enhance product structure; not only can improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can create considerable social benefits, increase jobs, ease employment pressure .Economic benefitsto promote the upgrading of internal enterprises, improve the proportion of high-end products, increase business revenue, promote Xianghe local tax and employment .Construction conditionsThe project construction site is located in Xianghe Economic Development Zone, the park is located in the hinterland of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, close to the export of Beijing-Kazakhstan Expressway, has achieved nine-level, complete infrastructure, convenient transportation .Chinese contractor OverviewHebei Xianghe Robot Industrial Park for the provincial government approved the provincial science and technology incubator park, adhere to the "government to promote business operations, market operation," the development model, by the China Happiness Foundation Co., Ltd. responsible for the overall park Development, infrastructure construction, investment work, the park has achieved nine straight, the infrastructure is complete .Mode of CooperationSole proprietorship

ContactContactWeng Fanghua Tel1391109*** Fax0086-10-5737*** AddressHebei Xianghe Robot Industrial Park Post Code10*** E-mailwengfanghua**[ta]**dcn.com


機器人核心零部件項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目擬占地81畝、總建筑面積70000平方米、建設內容標準和定制廠房、產品規模達到總產值2個億美元等。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:包括項目投資總額美元1個億、擬利用外資總額美元05億美元。項目投資市場分析:機器人共4大組成部分,本體成本占22%,伺服系統占224%,減速器占36%,控制器占12%。三大關鍵零部件決定了產品的性能、質量及價格,因此核心零部件是機器人產業發展必不可少的一個環節,占機器人市場接近一半的總市場份額。投資項目效益分析:預期產值2個億、銷售收入3個億。招商引資建設條件:河北香河開發區坐落于京津冀腹地,是全省唯一與京津零距離的省級開發區,具有臨兩高、兩空三海港的立體交通優勢,起步區已經全部實現“九通一平”,投資環境優越。項目招商機構:香河機器人產業園位于北京東南45公里,現有工業/服務機器人、無人機、減速器等機器人企業16家,利用項目的交通、政策、人才、金融服務等優勢條件,發展機器人研發、零部件、本體、系統集成等環節,為企業提供優良的研發、生產、辦公載體,全力打造京津冀地區機器人產業集群。招商引資合作方式:包括合資、合作、以及轉股等合作方式。投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:譚秀苗 招商引資電話:0086-010-5737*** 招商引資傳真:0086-010-5737*** 招商引資地址:北京市朝陽區霄云路38號,現代汽車大廈 招商引資郵編:10*** 招商引資郵箱:tanxiumiao**[ta]**dcn.com


The project of Robotics Key Components

Project ContentRobotics Key Components, taking up 81 acres of land and estimated to build 70000 square meter of factory and office. The objective production value is USD 200 million

Investment Estimation and Fund Sourcetotal investment is100 million USD,50% from self funding and 50% from foreign investment

Market AnalysisAsia Pacific led the global industrial robotics market revenue share in the year 2013, accounting for over half of the global market revenue share. The region is analyzed to dominate the market over the forecast period 2014 to 2020 owing to the immense research and development infrastructure growth in countries such as Japan, Australia, China and India. Moreover, the adoption of robotics in small and medium enterprises (SME’s) is further expected to bolster the industrial robotics market in the Asia Pacific region

Benefit AnalysisThe estimated total production value would be USD200 million with sales forecast of USD300 million

Construction ConditionsThe development zone of Xianghe is located in the hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, is the only provincial Development Zone in Hebei Province which have no distance with Beijing and Tianjin.It is an advantage of transportation of Xianghe that there are three highway, two airports and three seaports near here. And the starting zone had got the situation of ‘nine connections and one smooth’ all .Accordingly, the investment environment is superior .General Description of Chinese SponsorXianghe robot industrial park is located 45km from central Beijing. There are16 companies so far including industrial/service robot, drone and decelerator R&D and production. We dedicate to build robotics industry cluster in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei area by making full use of our advantage in transportation, policy, intellectual resource and financial service etc. and provide excellent working atmosphere for research, production and offi***

Cooperative FormJoint venture cooperation, and share transfer ContactWay ContactPersonTan Xiumiao Tel0086-010-5737*** Fax0086-010-5737*** AddressHyundai Motor Tower,No.38 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing Post Code100*** E-mailtanxiumiao**[ta]**dcn.com


機器人系統集成項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目擬占地133畝、總建筑面積11萬平方米、建設內容標準和定制廠房、產品規模達到總產值3個億美元等。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:包括項目投資總額15億美元、擬利用外資總額美元09億美元。項目投資市場分析:國外系統集成商因為專注于機器人普及率高,且目前系統集成需求最大的汽車行業,通常與汽車廠商有長期合作關系,營收規模可以做到接近100億。國內系統集成企業通常并不局限于某種工藝,但是主要專注于某個行業。只有集成能力最強的新松,可以跨出汽車行業拿到其它行業的很多訂單,當然新松除了系統集成業務,還有物流與倉儲成套設備和交通自動化系統等業務。在業務多元化方面,新松和杜爾類似。投資項目效益分析:預期產值3個億、銷售收入4個億。招商引資建設條件:河北香河開發區坐落于京津冀腹地,是全省唯一與京津零距離的省級開發區,具有臨兩高、兩空三海港的立體交通優勢,起步區已經全部實現“九通一平”,投資環境優越。項目招商機構:香河機器人產業園位于北京東南45公里,現有工業/服務機器人、無人機、減速器等機器人企業16家,利用項目的交通、政策、人才、金融服務等優勢條件,發展機器人研發、零部件、本體、系統集成等環節,為企業提供優良的研發、生產、辦公載體,全力打造京津冀地區機器人產業集群。招商引資合作方式:包括合資、合作、以及轉股等合作方式。投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:譚秀苗 招商引資電話:0086-010-5737*** 招商引資傳真:0086-010-5737*** 招商引資地址:北京市朝陽區霄云路38號,現代汽車大廈 招商引資郵編:10*** 招商引資郵箱:tanxiumiao**[ta]**dcn.com


The project of Robotics system integration technique

Project ContentRobotics Key Components, taking up招商引資電話:133 acres of land and estimated to build110000 square meter of factory and office. The objective production value is USD 300 million

Investment Estimation and Fund Sourcetotal investment is

illion USD,40% from self funding and 60% from foreign investment

Market AnalysisAsia Pacific led the global industrial robotics market revenue share in the year 2013, accounting for over half of the global market revenue share. The region is analyzed to dominate the market over the forecast period 2014 to 2020 owing to the immense research and development infrastructure growth in countries such as Japan, Australia, China and India. Moreover, the adoption of robotics in small and medium enterprises (SME’s) is further expected to bolster the industrial robotics market in the Asia Pacific region

Benefit AnalysisThe estimated total production value would be USD300 million with sales forecast of USD400 million

Construction ConditionsThe development zone of Xianghe is located in the hinterland of Beijing and Tianjin, is the only provincial Development Zone in Hebei Province which have no distance with Beijing and Tianjin.It is an advantage of transportation of Xianghe that there are three highway,two airports and three seaports near here.And the starting zone had got the situation of ‘nine connections and one smooth’ all.Accordingly,the investment environment is superior .General Description of Chinese SponsorXianghe robot industrial park is located 45km from central Beijing. There are16 companies so far including industrial/service robot, drone and decelerator R&D and production. We dedicate to build robotics industry cluster in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei area by making full use of our advantage in transportation, policy, intellectual resource and financial service etc. and provide excellent working atmosphere for research, production and offi***

Cooperative FormJoint venture cooperation, and share transfer ContactWay ContactPersonTan Xiumiao Tel0086-010-5737*** Fax0086-010-5737*** AddressHyundai Motor Tower,No.38 Xiaoyun Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing Post Code100*** E-mailtanxiumiao**[ta]**dcn.com


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