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年產3萬臺()新能源汽車充電樁項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目投資總額3000萬美元,占地60畝,建設筑面積5萬平方米,主要建設生產車間、研發中心、質檢中心、辦公及附屬設施。項目建成后,年產新能源汽車充電樁3萬臺()項目投資市場分析:近年來,隨著新能源汽車市場規模的快速發展,充電樁的需求量也大幅提升,在全球市場,各國紛紛出臺相關政策,加快充電樁設施建設。目前市場上在售的新能源汽車品牌和車型不斷增多,現有的充電設施規模遠遠無法滿足未來電動汽車的發展需求。隨著新能源汽車的規模不斷擴大,以充電樁建設為重心的電動車后服務市場,正掀起一股掘金熱潮。隨著新能源汽車的規模不斷擴大,公共充電市場成為了重中之重。招商引資建設條件:霸州市永興車輛配件有限公司位于霸州勝芳經濟開發區內,交通便利,基礎設施完善,區位優勢明顯。霸州市永興車輛配件有限公司擁有雄厚的科研實力,一直致力于新能源汽車充電樁及相關產品的研發和生產。招商引資合作方式:合資或合作均可。招商引資聯系人:張志剛 招商引資地址:霸州勝芳經濟開發區招商引資電話:1383367*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-753*** 招商引資郵箱:957085838**[ta]**com


An annual output of 30 thousand units (sets) of new energy vehicle charging pile expansion project

Project content and scalethe total investment of the project is 30 million US dollars, covering an area of 60 mu, with a construction area of 50 thousand square meters. After the completion of the project, an annual output of 30 thousand new energy vehicle charging pile (sets) .Market analysisin recent years, with the rapid development of the scale of the new energy vehicle market, the demand for charging piles also significantly improved in the global market, countries have introduced policies to accelerate the construction of charging pile facilities. Currently on the market in the sale of new energy vehicles brands and models are increasing, the scale of the existing charging facilities can not meet the needs of the future development of electric vehicles. With the continuous expansion of the scale of new energy vehicles, the construction of the center of the electric car charging pile as the focus of the service market, is set off a nuggets boom. With the continuous expansion of the scale of new energy vehicles, public charging market has become a top priority .Construction conditionsBazhou Yongxing Vehicle Fittings Co., Ltd. is located in Shengfang Economic Development Zone of Bazhou, with convenient transportation, perfect infrastructure and obvious location advantages. Yongxing Bazhou Auto Parts Co., Ltd. has a strong scientific research strength, has been committed to new energy vehicle charging pile and related products R & D and production .Cooperation formjoint venture or cooperation .ContactZhang Zhigang Contact AddressShengfang Economic Development Zone, Bazhou Tel1383367*** Fax0086-316-753*** E-mail957085838**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:建設用地面積為363600(5454),新建車間、庫房、宿舍樓、綜合樓、附屬用房等總建筑面積為228101(計算容積率時建筑面積439642)。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額2485746萬美元,全部由企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:家具是人們的居家生活的必須消費品,這個前提條件為行業定義了一個很大的市場。百強家居(文安縣)有限公司通過對市場周密的調查、科學分析,瞄準智能家具發展趨勢,積極擴大智能家具生產規模,提升產品檔次。公司通過組建高效的團隊、采用先進節能工藝設備,實現生產規模擴大,來增強市場競爭力,促進企業可持續發展,使資本運作發揮出最佳效益。招商引資建設條件:項目擬建于河北文安工業園區內,該項目選址交通方便,基礎配套設施健全。投資項目效益分析:預計正常年銷售收入28882萬美元,利潤7184萬美元,稅金2380萬美元,創造就業崗位2000人。項目招商機構:百強家居(文安縣)有限公司是集研發、生產、營銷、服務為一體的大型綜合性家具企業。公司經營網絡已覆蓋全國所有省份,進駐150余個城市,基本覆蓋全國一二級城市。全國已有500余個經營店面。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:陳曉太招商引資電話:1883163*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-865*** 招商引資地址:河北文安工業園區 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:yqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com


Annual output of1 million 200 thousand sets of intelligent environmental protection furniture proj***

Project contentthe construction area of 363600 square meters (5454 acres), new workshop, warehouse, dormitory, building and ancillary buildings and other total construction area of 228101 square meters (volume rate is calculated when the building area 439642 square meters) .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is 248 million 574 thousand and 600 US dollars .Market analysisPeople's life at home must be consumer goods furniture is the prerequisite, the definition of a large market for the industry. Home Furnishing100 (Wen'an) Co., through the investigation, thorough market scientific analysis, aiming at the development trend of intelligent furniture, smart furniture expand production scale, improve product quality. By setting up a high performance team, the use of advanced technology for energy saving equipment, to achieve the scale of production, to enhance market competitiveness, promote the sustainable development of enterprises, the capital operation play the best benef***

Construction conditionsthe project is planned to be built in Wen'an Industrial Park, Hebei. The site is convenient and the infrastructure is perfect .Economic benefit analysisit is estimated that the annual sales income will be USD 288 million 820 thousand, the profit will be US $71 million 840 thousand, the tax will be $23 million 800 thousand, and the employment will be ***

Profile of the Undertaker100 Home Furnishing (Wen'an) Co., Ltd. is a R & D, production, marketing, service as one of the large-scale comprehensive furniture enterprises. Business network has covered all provinces, more than150 in the city, covering one or two national city. The country has more than 500 stores.Mode of cooperationjoint venture, cooperation can be .ContactChen Xiaotai Tel1883163*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressWen'an Industrial Park, Hebei Zip code06*** E-mailyqzhaoshangju**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:建設廠房、綜合辦公樓、庫房等共36000平方米,專門從事新能源車配件、節能電器精密配件以及電子元器件研發、生產和銷售的企業。該產品應用于新能源車、節能電器。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資2000萬美元,企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:中國節能環保科技的飛越發展,使得新能源汽車及節能電器產業在經濟發展中占具主要地位,人民的環保理念也隨著逐步提升,更多家庭愿意選擇新能源交通工具及節能家電。招商引資建設條件:土地平整,九通一平,交通方便 投資項目效益分析:產值1500萬美元、銷售收入300萬美元、利稅100萬美元。項目招商機構:文安經濟開發區位于文安縣城北側,東臨廊滄高速,20117月份被批準為省級開發區,重點發展裝備制造、電子信息、新能源新材料、汽車零配件四大產業。招商引資合作方式:合作、合資、獨資均可。招商引資聯系人:祁宏昌招商引資電話:1863375*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-528*** 招商引資地址:河北省文安縣豐利路231 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:swd888**[ta]**com


New energy and energy saving products accessories production project

Content of the projecta total of 36000 square meters of construction plant, office building, warehouse and so on, specializing in new energy vehicle parts, energy saving electrical precision accessories and electronic components R & D, production and sales of enterprises. The product is used in new energy vehicles, energy-saving appliances .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment is 20 million US dollars .Market analysisChina over the development of energy saving and environmental protection technology, making the new energy vehicles and energy-saving electrical appliance industry in economic development occupy the main position, the people with the concept of environmental protection also gradually improve, more and more families are willing to choose new energy vehicles and energy-saving appliances .Construction conditionsland leveling, infrastructure, convenient transportation .Economic benefit analysisoutput value of 15 million U.S. dollars, sales revenue of $3 million, profit and tax of $1 million .General description of Chinese enterpriseWen'an economic development zone is located in the north of Wen'an County, east of Langcang expressway, 2011 July was approved as a provincial Development Zone, focus on the development of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials, new energy automotive parts industry four .Mode of cooperationcooperation, joint venture or sole proprietorship .ContactQi Hongchang Tel1863375*** Fax0086-316-528*** AddressHebei province Wen'an County Feng Li Lu No. 231 zip code06*** E-mailswd888**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:占地100畝,總建筑面積8萬平米。新建辦公樓、綜合樓、生產車間、中心分析室、倉庫及其他附屬設施,購置生產線三條、生產及輔助設備297()。主要產品為稀貴金屬、鉬酸、偏釩酸銨及環保建材,主要用于化工及建筑行業。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資6066萬美元,全部由企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:廢舊催化劑處理一直是我國政府較為關注的問題之一。相比國外的回收利用率,我國的回收利用率水平較低。廢舊催化劑能夠為我國提供大量的能源以及新產品,因此,我國應更為重視廢舊催化劑的回收利用。招商引資建設條件:項目地理位置優越,交通十分便捷,是建設該項目的理想場所。該區域基礎設施完善,配套條件較好,有利于加快項目建設進度,可使項目早日投產、早見效益。投資項目效益分析:項目達產后,將形成每年綜合利用廢催化劑10萬噸的生產能力,可吸納就業人數105人,年銷售收入6095萬美元,利潤2177萬美元,稅金667萬美元。項目招商機構:河北欣芮再生資源利用有限公司,占地45畝,現有員工48人,年銷售收入4208萬美元,利潤1233萬美元,稅金566萬美元。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:李利軍招商引資電話:1507565*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-865*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市文安縣新橋經濟開發區 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:waxqgyq**[ta]**com


100,000 Tons/Year of Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Catalyst Projects

Project ContentCovers an area of100 acres, with a total construction area of 80,000 square meters. New office buildings, building, manufacturing plant, Central Analysis Office, warehouse and other ancillary facilities, the acquisition of three production lines, production and auxiliary equipment, 297 (set). Main products of precious metals, acid, ammonium vanadate and environmentally friendly building material, mainly used in the chemical industry and the construction industry .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment of the project is 418 hundred millions yuan. The company is to self-raise all the funds .Market AnalysisWaste catalysts is one of more issues of concern to my Government. Compared to foreign recycling rate, low level of recycling. Waste catalysts are able to provide our country with a lot of energy, as well as new products, therefore, we should place more emphasis on recovery and utilization of waste catalyst .Construction ConditionAs an ideal place to build the project, it has superior geographical position and convenient traffic. Except that, this region has a set of complete infrastructure and better necessary condition. All of these can speed up the construction progress and make the project put into production as soon as possible, so we can see the benefits earlier .Benefit AnalysisThe project reaches the postpartum, will form a comprehensive utilization of waste catalyst production capacity of100,000 tons a year, to absorb employment105, annual sales revenue of 420 million Yuan, profit of illion Yuan, and tax is 46 million Yuan .General Description of Chinese SponsorHebei Xin Rui renewable resources Co., Ltd., covers an area of 45 acres, the existing staff of 48 people, with annual sales revenue of $290 million, profit of 85 million yuan, tax of $39 million .Cooperative FormJoint venture or cooperation ContactPersonLi Lijun Tel0086-1507565*** Fax0086-316-865*** AddressEconomic development zone in langfang city, hebei wenan new bridge Post Code065*** E-mailwaxqgyq**[ta]**com


年產3000萬千瓦時農業光伏項目招商引資項目內容和估摸:項目擬占地1000畝,總建筑面積5萬平方米,主要建設光伏大棚、冷庫、綜合辦公樓及其他輔助用房。項目建成后將增加發電收入。項目投產后,正常年產蔬菜、水果4000萬噸,發電3000萬千瓦時。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目計劃總投資5000美元,擬利用外資2500萬美元。項目投資市場分析:光伏農業一體化并網發電,將太陽能發電、現代農業種植和養殖、高效設施農業相結合,形成光伏發電、節能減排、節約土地、農業增產、農民增收多項效益并行的新格局。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,正常年發電3000萬千瓦時,預期年產值將達到7000萬美元、利稅250萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目地址位于大城縣廣安鎮肖零巨村,地理位置優越,交通便利,是項目建設理想廠址。招商機構概況:河北舒棗醇酒業有限公司位于河北省大廊坊市大城縣肖零巨村。公司集營養白酒開發、生產、銷售為一體。該技術通過省級科技成果鑒定,填補了我國以棗釀造白酒的空白,是農業產業化龍頭企業。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:楊中華 招商引資電話:0086-1383165*** 招商引資地址:大城縣廣安鎮肖零巨村 招商引資郵箱:hbszcjy**[ta]**com


Annual output of 30 million KWH agricultural projects

Project ContentThe project covers an area of1000 mu, total construction area of 50000 square meters, the main building greenhouses, cold storage, comprehensive office building and other auxiliary. After the completion of the project will increase generating revenue. After the project put into production, the normal an annual output of 40 million tons of vegetables, fruits, generating 30 million kilowatt-hours .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceProject plan with a total investment of $5000, plans to use of foreign capital of $25 million .Market AnalysisAgricultural integration grid power, solar power generation, modern agricultural planting and breeding, high efficiency facility agriculture, the combination of power generation, energy conservation and emissions reduction, saving land, agricultural production, increasing farmers' income the new pattern of multiple benefits in parallel .Construction ConditionsThe project is completed, the normal power generation 30 million KWH, annual output value is expected to reach $70 million, profits of $25 million .Benefit AnalysisThe project address is located in town Xiao Lingju village, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, is the ideal project construction site .Company profileNutrition liquor company set development, production, sales as one. Passed the provincial scientific and technological achievements appraisal, the technology to fill the gaps in our country to jujube fermented liquor, is the agricultural industrialization leading enterprises .Cooperation PatternJoint venture and cooperation ContactPersonYang Zhonghua Tel.:0086-1383165***

Mailing AddressDacheng county Xiao lingju Post Code06*** E-mailhbszcjy**[ta]**com


廊坊市智慧環境生態產業研究院項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:廊坊市環境生態產業研究院(廊坊),旨在打造集人才匯聚、科學研究和產業孵化為一體的綜合研究實體。位于廊坊經濟技術開發區,總建筑面積達2100平米,地處京津之黃金地帶,在中國工程院院士、國家級突出貢獻專家、“千人計劃”專家等人才及六大產業技術核心,基礎研究中心、應用開發中心、生態機器人中心、海外合作中心、戰略規劃中心、產業孵化中心的支撐下;目前研究院已成功孵化四家公司,資產達到14個億。獨特的地域優勢和專業技術人才為研究院未來發展提供了良好的基礎。投資項目效益及市場預測分析:廊坊市環境生態產業研究院是創新研發、人才培育、智權加值、育成企業、技術服務等關鍵職能上很好的角色,是政府的好助手,產業的好推手,企業的好幫手。它既承擔政府的戰略推廣任務,又按照市場需求自主研發技術、產品并孵化企業,推動相關產業。項目招商機構:廊坊智慧環境生態產業研究院有限公司 招商引資合作方式:1、技術研發合作:由國家級千人計劃專家、環境行業多位專家學者組成的專業技術研發團隊進行產業技術的研發和應用,聯合企業以高度針對性的市場推廣方案進行產業化。2、企業入駐孵化合作:為入孵企業提供良好的創業環境和條件,幫助企業將發明和成果盡快形成商品進入市場,提供綜合服務。運用廊研院在投融資、管理、財務、廣告策劃、法律咨詢等方面的優勢,全面介入前期的項目運作。把項目和團隊組合到一起,共同出資成立公司。3、技術咨詢合作:技術升級,技能交流、技術規劃、技術評估、技術培訓,向企業輸送產業技術,為工業企業提供技術革新。投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:郭海龍招商引資電話:1863041*** 招商引資郵箱:guohailong**[ta]**eco.com


Langfang Smart Eco-environmental Industrial Research Institute Project

Project Content and ScaleThe Langfang Eco-environmental Industrial Research Institute aims to build itself as an integrated research entity that attracts talents, provides space for scientific research and incubates new industries. With enviable short distances to Beijing and Tianjin, the institute is situated in the prosperous Langfang Economic and Technological Development zone with a gross floor area of 2100 square meters. It is backed by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, national experts with outstanding contributions, experts of the1,000 Talents Plan, etc. and supported by such 6 industrial technological hubs as the Basic Research Center, the Application Development Center, the Ecobot Center, the Overseas Cooperation Center, the Strategic Planning Center and the Industrial Incubation Center. Up till now, 4 start-ups have been successfully incubated by the institute with a combined asset value up to RMB140 million. The unique location advantages and professional and technical talents the institute enjoys have laid a solid foundation for its further development down the line .Economy and social benefit analysisThe Langfang Eco-environmental Industrial Research Institute will play an important role in promoting innovation and R&D, cultivating talents, adding value to intellectual property rights, incubating businesses, delivering technical services and performing other key functions. For its own purpose, the institute now stands poised to provide assistance to the government, enable industries and support businesses. The institute will take on the task to carry out strategic promotion for the government, independently develop new technologies and products that meet market demand and incubate market-oriented businesses, thus giving a strong boost to the development of relevant industri***

Organized byLangfang Smart Eco-environmental Industrial Research Institute

Cooperation modeR&D CooperationWith a professional R&D team that is composed of experts of the1,000 Talents Plan and environmental experts, the institute is carrying out the development and application of industrial technology and industrializing the market with highly-targeted promotion plans under the cooperation with related enterprises.Enterprises Incubation & CooperationWork to provide desirable entrepreneurial environment and conditions for start-ups the institute incubates, assisting them in making products based on their inventions and technological achievements and putting them into the market. Make use of the institute’s merits in terms of investment and financing, management, fiance, advertising planning, legal consultancy, etc. for the all-round involvement in the earlier operation of the project. Combine the project and the team as a whole and make contributions altogether to organize enterprises.3 Technical Consulting CooperationInvolve technological upgrading, skills exchange, technology planning, technology assessment and technical training. Work to deliver industrial technology to enterprises and make technical innovations for industrial enterprises. ContactPersonGuo Hailong Tel1863041***


廊坊中清環保科技孵化器項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目位于廊坊經濟技術開發區139號。中清環保孵化器圍繞環保新材料、新技術的研發、中試,通過精準對接京津等地的科研院所、大專院校和高科技企業的最新科研成果,加速高科技成果轉化和產業化,不斷吸引孵化新型環保企業,在廊坊打造新型環保企業孵化基地,環保新材料、新技術中試基地,新型環保設備制造基地,新型環保產業、高端新材料產業集聚區。廊坊中清環保科技孵化器歡迎廣大以環保新材料、環保新技術為核心的科技創新創業企業入駐,共同發展,盡快實現新型環保科技企業在廊坊開發區的集聚。投資項目效益及市場預測分析:中清環保孵化器的建設規模以國家級專業科技企業孵化器為標準,并力爭在成立兩年后即鑒定成為省級專業科技企業孵化器,三年后成為國家級專業科技企業孵化器,其擁有的中試實驗室的建設目標為三年后鑒定成為企業國家重點實驗室。孵化器預計成立三年內實現2億銷售額(包括基地的孵化企業,以下同),五年內實現銷售額10億元以上,第八年銷售額30億以上,實現稅收3-6億元。孵化器成立后計劃每年申請發明專利、著作權和行業標準10件以上,五年內實現發明專利、著作權和行業標準50-100項,無形資產價值10億元以上。項目招商機構:北京浩瀚中清科技發展有限公司 招商引資合作方式:中清環保孵化器專門針對環保新材料、環保新技術領域的科技型小微創業企業,為其提供多方面全方位的創業服務以降低企業創業成本;提供房租低廉的辦公、實驗、生產場地;提供創業培訓、政策、法律、財務、人力資源、市場推廣等方面的創業服務。招商引資聯系人:劉國俊,楊笛招商引資電話:13931603*** 1381168*** 招商引資郵箱:langfanghs**[ta]**com 招商引資郵箱:yangd324**[ta]**com


Project of Langfang Zhongqing environmental protection technology incubator

Project Content and Scalethe project is located at No.139 of Langfang economic and technological development zone. Zhongqing environmental protection technology incubator focuses on the research, development and pilot tests of new environmental protection materials and technologies. By accurately collaborating the up-to-date science research fruits of scientific research institutions, universities and colleges, high-tech enterprises in Beijing and Tianjin area, Zhongqing will speed up the transformation and industrialization of new high tech research fruits and will constantly attract and incubate new type environmental protection enterprises to build an enterprise incubation base for environmental protection enterprises, an pilot base for new environmental protection materials and technologies, a manufacturing base for new type of environmental protection machines and an industrial collection for new type environmental protection industries and high-end new material industries. Langfang Zhongqing environmental protection technology incubator welcomes scientific and technological innovation pioneering enterprises with the core of new environmental protection materials and technologies to enter into for realizing mutual development, so as to realize the gathering of new environmental protection technology enterprises in Langfang economic and technological development zo***

Economic and social benefit analysisthe construction scale of Langfang Zhongqing environmental protection technology incubator takes national level professional science and technology enterprise incubator as standard. It tries to be qualified as provincial level professional science and technology enterprise incubator in two years and as national level one in three years after establishment. The goal of pilot test laboratory within the incubator is to be qualified as national key laboratory for enterprises. After establishment, it is expected that the amount of sales of the incubator, including the incubation enterprises in the base, will be 200 million Yuan in three years and this amount will be more than one billion Yuan in five years and more than 3 billion Yuan in eight years. We will apply more than ten pieces of invention patents, copyrights and industrial standards in each year. We will get 50 to100 pieces of invention patents, copyrights and industrial standards in five years and the value of intangible assets will be more than one billion Yuan .OrganizerBejing Haohan Zhongqing Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd .Cooperation modesZhongqing Environmental protection incubator is especially for small and micro piloting businesses related to new environmental protection materials and technologies to provide them with multi-aspect and all-round innovation services to reduce the start-up costs of enterprises. The incubator will provide cheap sites for office, test and production. Also, innovation services with respect to training, policy, law, finance, HR and market promotion. ContactPersonLiu Guojun, Yang Di Tel1393160*** Tel1381168*** E-maillangfanghs**[ta]**com E-mailyangd324**[ta]**com


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