
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

AP Photonics Limited

聯系電話:+852 2151***

傳真電話:+852 2151***



地址:Unit 212, 2/F, Bio-Informatics Centre, No. 2 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong

簡介:愛佩儀光電技術有限公司,擅長設計及生產高精密光學防抖音圈馬達 (OIS VCM)。透過專利的傾擺式光學防抖技術,成功設計及生產了全世界最小型及最省電的OIS VCM,此產品特別適用于手提移動產品,如手提電話、平板電腦及可戴式裝置等,大大改善了這些產品的拍照及錄影功能,即使在光線不足或震動的情況下亦能拍攝專業影像,為用家留下美麗***

產品:愛佩儀的VCM設計不論在體積和結構精簡度上,比起傳統的鏡片平移技術優勝;而對焦速度及防抖技術更是由我們工程師的精心設計,達致快而精準,領先業界。 生產技術上亦有很大突破,專利的半自動生產技術,減少人手操作,精密而低成本;專利的測試技術,利用精密光學設備測試并驗證 VCM 的特征和性能,準確、高效、無污染及無損害,提高良率及生產效能,令愛佩儀能成功每月量產超過三百萬臺OIS VCM并應用于旗艦級手機。

聯系人:Olive Lau


Apex Print Limited


地址:7/F Kodak House II 321 Java Road North Point Hong Kong

簡介:7/F Kodak House II 321 Java Road North Point Hong Kong


Apostrophe's Company Limited

聯系電話:+852 2116 ***


地址:Unit 308-313, 3/F, Enterprise Place, No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., HK

簡介:Unit 308-313, 3/F, Enterprise Place, No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., HK

聯系人:Yuk Wong


Application Technology Company Limited

聯系電話:+852 2809***

傳真電話:+852 2809***



地址:Unit 317, 3/F, Building 16W, No. 16 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong

簡介:創立于2012 AppTech是一所移動應用程序開發公司,我們在2013年加入了培育計劃并在2014被選中參加科學園第一個加速計劃“LEAP”。 我們曾贏得多個公開的獎項,在2015年我們也已贏得兩個ICT獎項 我們的移動應用產品包括:360的相機,餐廳在線訂位,O2O商店,游戲,移動媒體專輯,客戶管理系統和內容管理系統等




AppoTech Limited

聯系電話:+852 26074090 ext***

傳真電話:+852 2607***



地址:Units 701-709, 7/F., IC Development Ctr, No. 6 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

簡介:Units 701-709, 7/F., IC Development Ctr, No. 6 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

產品:AppoTech's comprehensive 8-bit and 32-bit chips deliver high performance and reliability with low cost and power consumption. We provide a one-stop solution for Ie design and application development, and we maintain a series of high-end, mid-range, and low-end products. Based on our application-specific designs, we have developed several application solutions in the areas of Bluetooth, Video, Audio, Wifi, Mobile Storage, MCU for Mobile Power Bank, and home appliances etc. Apart from IC design, AppoTech is also a solution provider in application development. With a team of dedicated and professional engineers, AppoTech provides complete technical service support for the product total solution project; the customer can fulfill market needs within the shortest response time and utilize the latest technology, and thus increase customer's competitive advantage.

聯系人:Shan Shan Chan


AppUnique Limited

聯系電話:+852 6233***

傳真電話:+852 2191***



地址:Unit 526, 5/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Sicence Park, Pak Shek Kok,HK H.K.

簡介:Unit 526, 5/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Sicence Park, Pak Shek Kok,HK H.K.

產品:1.Bluetooth Smart Device 2.Mobile Application

聯系人:Cruise Siu


APT Satellite Company Limi***

聯系電話:+852 2600***

傳真電話:+852 2522***



地址:22 Dai Kwai Street Tai Po Industrial Estate New Territories.

簡介:22 Dai Kwai Street Tai Po Industrial Estate New Territories.



Arbele Limited

聯系電話:+852 8191 ***



地址:Unit 522, 5/F, Biotech Centre 2 No. 11 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok

簡介:Unit 522, 5/F, Biotech Centre 2 No. 11 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok

產品:Arbele is focused on antibody-based therapeutic platforms, including chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T and Bi-specific T cell engager (BiTE) technology, while leveraging new technology on CRISPR genome editing. Our first-in-class CAR-T therapeutics for cancer treatment is targeted to enter into clinical trials in about one year.

聯系人:Cindy Shek


Archimedia Technology Limited

聯系電話:+852 2481***

傳真電話:+852 3422 ***



地址:Unit 115B, 1/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK HK

簡介:Unit 115B, 1/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK HK

聯系人:Chi Long Tsang


Archiplus International (HK) Limited

聯系電話:+852 2793***



地址:香港九龍塘達之路72 創新中心603

簡介:香港九龍塘達之路72 創新中心603



Around Technology Limited

聯系電話:+852 6738***


地址:Unit 308-313 , 3/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue HK

簡介:Unit 308-313 , 3/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue HK

產品:Around Technology Limited is dedicated to create a platform to engage our users to interesting places, resources and information on both the internet and in the physical offline world. Multiple channels are being used, including mobile application technology, web service, IOT (Internet of Things) technology. Currently, Around is featuring two mobile applications for end-users, namely “Around Neighbours” and “Around Points”. These two applications empower users to connect with information and neighbours around where they live; and engage with interesting places and shops around where they go. In the future, information around our users will become more available and transparent than ever. This practical application of technology can also be expanded to many other areas such as public facilities, local NGO and so on. By creating all these different products, Around is contributing its effort to make cities and countries become smarter

聯系人:Tam Chun Kit Matthew


ARTOP Group (HK) Limited

聯系電話:+852 3628***

傳真電話:+852 3628***



地址:Unit 505, 5/F, IC Development Centre, No. 6 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

簡介:AG集團(ARTOP GROUP)以香港為中心,以中國大陸為依據輻射全球業務,是以全產業鏈設計創新為核心競爭力,整合全球資源,創造高附加值的創新型集團。15余載,為全球合作伙伴提供品牌及產品策略、產品規劃、創意設計、研究開發、生產制造、采購物流、成本控制、品質控制、市場營銷和品牌整合管理等一體化解決方案,共同實現更好的商業及社會價值和科學的持續發展。



Arvato Digital Services Ltd


地址:9 Dai Hei Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong Hong Kong

簡介:9 Dai Hei Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong Hong Kong


Arwin Technology Limited

聯系電話:+852 9155***



地址:Unit 716B, 7/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T. HK

簡介:Unit 716B, 7/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T. HK

產品:Arwin Technology provides home automation solutions with Zigbee technology. We offer end-to-end solutions, from hardware design, embedded software development, to iOS/Android mobile device Apps development.

聯系人:William Tse


ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited


Tel       (852) 3183 ***

Fax      (852) 3741 ***

地址:22 Chun Wang Street Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate Kowloon Hong Kong

簡介:22 Chun Wang Street Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate Kowloon Hong Kong


Ashley Technology Limited

聯系電話:+852 3692***

傳真電話:+852 3692***



地址:Room 533B, 5/F., Core Building 2, No. 1 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong

簡介:Room 533B, 5/F., Core Building 2, No. 1 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong

產品:Ashley Technology Limited is formed to develop and support its product, Vodep Suite. Vodep Suite is the first product in the worldwide market to help enterprises, carriers and service providers to solve VoIP deployment problems, like poor voice quality, NAT-traversal-problem, ISP-blocking-problem, and a lack of integration flexibility in VoIP equipment. Ashley Technology Limited is formed to develop and support its product, Vodep Suite. Vodep Suite is the first product in the worldwide market to help enterprises, carriers and service providers to solve VoIP deployment problems, like poor voice quality, NAT-traversal-problem, ISP-blocking-problem, and a lack of integration flexibility in VoIP equipment.



Asia Int'l Enterprise (Hong Kong) Ltd

地址:Tai Po Industrial Estate

簡介:Tai Po Industrial Estate



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