
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

In 1917, the Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE – 中國工程師學會) was founded in US by a group of able, dedicated well educated Chinese engineers. These charter members were graduate students from American colleges and/or were receiving practical training in American railroads and industries. The CIE merged with Chung-Hwa Engineers (中華工程師學會- founded in 1910) in August 1931, at a combined engineering convention held in Nanking.The headquarter was then relocated to Nanking 南京. The organization remained active during the World War II in Chongqing (重慶), re-established the convention in 1938, and formed chapters in Kunming (昆明), Chengdu (成都), Guiyang (貴陽), Lanzhou (蘭州), Guilin (桂林) and Chongqing . (重慶),During the period of Japanese invasion of China, the engineers provided the needed technical services to the government to defend China.


The CIE-NY was re-activated as an independent entity in July 1953 in New York City. The CIE/USA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (CIE/USA-SF), 美洲中國工程師學會舊金山分會, was established in 1979.



The CIE/USA National Council, a federation organization of CIE/USA, was established in 1986 with the Greater New York and San Francisco Bay Area Chapters as its founding chapters. In the following years, the National Council was expanded to include Seattle Chapter, OCEESA Chapter (海外華人環保學會), Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter and New Mexico Chapter and Southern California Chapter.



The missions of CIE/USA-SF are to promote technological advancement, networking, and communicating among engineers and scientists, and to promote well-being of engineering community.


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