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難民健康合作伙伴(RHP)是與巴爾的摩國際救援委員會及其特殊健康需求計劃的學生合作伙伴關系, 協助新來的難民和慢性和/或復雜的醫療條件的難民。嚴重的健康狀況往往由于海外困難的生活條件和缺乏必要醫療保健的機會而加劇, 美國醫療機構的障礙可能進一步加劇。該計劃側重于三個主要目標:密集醫療協調, 確保及時獲得文化主管護理和客戶授權。RHP有助于入選一批一年級學生, 在該計劃中擔任長達一年的志愿者“健康伙伴”(從第一年1月至第二年12, 與縱向文員計劃相吻合), 通過它們與三名隊伍的難民患者配對。然后, 這些小組一起合作, 在多個提供者之間跟蹤難民病人(盡可能到診所訪問, 并到家訪問病人), 并定期向IRC特別衛生需要護理協調員報告患者的進展情況。小組成員每月聚會一堂, 為反思會議和教師進行專家討論, 討論一系列難民健康問題。然后, 這些小組一起合作, 在多個提供者之間跟蹤難民病人(盡可能到診所訪問, 并到家訪問病人), 并定期向IRC特別衛生需要護理協調員報告患者的進展情況。小組成員每月聚會一堂, 為反思會議和教師進行專家討論, 討論一系列難民健康問題。然后, 這些小組一起合作, 在多個提供者之間跟蹤難民病人(盡可能到診所訪問, 并到家訪問病人), 并定期向IRC特別衛生需要護理協調員報告患者的進展情況。小組成員每月聚會一堂, 為反思會議和教師進行專家討論, 討論一系列難民健康問題。

聯系人:Orit Abrahim oabrahi1**[ta]**i.edu


繼承人生 - 霍普金斯希望

“繼承人生”是非盈利性的美國癌癥協會的簽名籌款者, 協會資助癌癥研究, 提高認識, 改善病人護理。Patricipants全年籌集資金, 最終在4月的一個活動中致力于慶祝幸存者, 記住失落的親人, 并對抗這種可怕的疾病。作為醫學生, 我們已經看到癌癥的影響不僅在我們的個人生活中, 而且在醫院和教室。繼續生命使我們能夠立即開始反擊, 更多地了解癌癥治療和立法, 幫助資助最新的癌癥研究(包括霍普金斯大學), 并建立一個可以分享我們的故事并尋求支持的社區。

聯系人:Marcus Daniels mdanie56**[ta]**i.edu

Mariam Faiz-Nassar mfaiz1**[ta]**i.edu



內森學院 - 梅根·戈爾特(Mogan Gornet


薩賓學院 - 凱特Culbreath kculbre1**[ta]**i.edu

Taussig學院 - Hannah Carl hcarl2**[ta]**i.edu

托馬斯學院 - Justin Lowenthal jilowenthal**[ta]**i.edu



分享是一個恢復有用的醫療用品的組織, 否則將被丟棄, 以便將其捐贈給發展中國家。該計劃完全由志愿者和其他約翰·霍普金斯社區成員管理, 他們利用業余時間收集, 消毒, 標簽, 分類和包裝醫療用品。大多數回收材料來自手術室, 干凈, 可用, 但由于目前的規定或外科手術, 霍普金斯不能重復使用。該程序通過靈活的班次和任務分配進行; 志愿者可以根據自己的需要做出多少時間, 從每個月的班次到團隊的董事會任職。房間總是開放的, 你可以隨時幫助, 一個理想的機會, 如果你想幫助, 但不想每周承諾一個特定的時間和日子。您可以根據您的可用性制定自己的時間表。分享是一個很好的方式給您一些時間對世界各地人們的健康產生巨大影響, 我們希望您能加入我們。CCI年度展會的總體目標是改善健康狀況服務不足的社區。這次即將到來的展會將是第四年, 展會將在巴爾的摩東部的一個教堂舉行, 距離約翰霍普金斯醫院不超過八個街區。該展覽會在面臨許多內部城市問題的社區進行:物質濫用, 暴力, 缺乏綠色空間和新鮮食物以及污染。社區成員很高興參加這個活動, 利用健康教育, 篩選和獲取當地資源。每個參與者還留下一個健康食物的取樣袋。

聯系人:Damian Stobierski damian.stobierski**[ta]**i.edu

Christina Kang ckang12**[ta]**i.edu






BASE計劃是約翰霍普金斯學生國家醫學協會SNMA)第一章由醫學院學生組織的一項計劃。BASE致力于與來自醫學界代表性不足的年輕人合作​​, 表現出在我們提供的支持下, 在學術上有潛力, 個人和專業發展的潛力。我們每周在霍普金斯醫院進行活動, 包括但不限于:輔導, PSAT / SAT準備, 領導技能發展, 大學和獎學金搜索以及大學和學術論文。除了每周四小時的學術濃縮/社交參與課程外, 我們還提供擴展到課堂以外的補充活動, 例如每年醫學教育會議(AMEC)的旅行。

聯系人:Karina Covarrubias kcovarr1**[ta]**i.edu

Percy  Genyk percy.genyk**[ta]**i.edu



性健康意識計劃旨在教育鄧巴中學的青少年身體, 以及積極使用和表達性行為。旨在增加自尊心, 改善關系, 減少青少年懷孕的發生率和性傳播疾病的傳播。該計劃由SNMA協調, 包括醫學院所有班級的非SNMA成員。CASE項目負責人與Dunbar中學管理協調活動, 并招收SOM學生擔任課程指導/導師。

聯系人:Yasmeen Elsakary Yasmeen.Elsakary**[ta]**.edu

Aanika Balaji abalaji1**[ta]**i.edu

Aneesha Cheedalla acheeda1**[ta]**i.edu

Breanne McCarthy bmccar14**[ta]**i.edu




HPREP繼續向市內高中生揭露科學活動, 將其介紹給衛生行業的職業。本課程的學生已接受霍普金斯醫生的講話, 大學文章準備工作的指導和指導以及SAT研討會。HPREP協調員組織招收高中生參加計劃, 招收醫學院志愿者擔任導師, 以及與霍普金斯大學和教師參與該計劃的溝通。

聯系人:Mary Smith msmit256**[ta]**i.edu



SSSP由一群醫學學生組成, Wilmer教員直接監督, 每月大約一次出入東巴爾的摩社區進行視力篩選。所有學生都接受了視力篩選過程的培訓。所有通過這個程序進行篩選的社區成員, 需要后續的眼科護理, 無論他們有能力支付, 都可以在Wilmer教職員診所任職。他們也有資格獲得由貧困患者資助的眼科手術, 并可以通過Wilmer眼鏡店獲得一副免費的處方眼鏡。

聯系人:Melissa Liu liumm**[ta]**i.edu

Olive Tang ang**[ta]**i.edu


線程(正式的獎勵指導計劃)促進鄧巴高中學生的學術和個人成長。志愿者為學生提供課后輔導, 反過來, 學生們設計并參與每月的社區服務項目, 使他人受益。此外, 還有季度實地考察, 以建立團隊合作感和友情感。線程在鄧巴高中圖書館的下午315分至6點在星期一和星期二開會。為學生和志愿者提供晚餐。欲了解更多信息, 請發送電子郵件至 information**[ta]**entivementeringprogram.org


聯系人:Helene Kahn helene.kahn**[ta]**ead.org



沃爾夫街學院放學后計劃由一群醫學學生于2007年啟動, 致力于激發沃爾夫街的學生, 不僅成為優秀的學生, 而且成為健康和全面的個人。在過去3, 我們已經發展成為一個多層次的課后課程, 包括輔導課程, 園藝課程, 體育診所和為60多名學生服務的服務俱樂部。目前, 我們有30多名活躍成員和100多名校友。多年來, 我們已經成為沃爾夫街學院的重要組成部分。根和射擊俱樂部是沃爾夫街學院ASP的新增內容。它為學生提供了一個獨特的機會, 讓學生參與到服務學習中, 讓學生以切實的方式參與到社區, 并將服務項目與課堂學習相結合。我們的使命是教育學生在社區每天面對的社會問題, 激勵他們實施滿足這些需求的社區服務項目, 并通過幫助他人并與同齡人在學校和周圍地區分享他們的經驗來增強他們的能力世界。在根和芽俱樂部, 我們挑戰我們的學生使用他們在課堂上學到的東西來解決現實生活中的問題。學生不僅學習公民資格, 還通過他們的服務積極地為公民和社區成員做出貢獻。在根和芽服務俱樂部, 我們真的相信, “每個人都可以偉大, 因為每個人都可以服務”, 馬丁·路德·金說, 我們希望我們的學生將意識到, 無論他們多大, 他們可以有所作為。

聯系人:Chengcheng Gui cgui1**[ta]**i.edu

Alan Shan ashan**[ta]**i.edu


SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center)

615 N. Wolfe St., Suite W***

Baltimore, MD 2***

P: 410-955-***

F: 410-502-***






SOURCE Community Council Members


Gayne Barlow-Kemper

Director, Kennedy Krieger Southeast Early Head Start


Gayne Barlow-Kemper received her undergraduate degree from the University of

California at Santa Cruz, and her master’s degree in Human Services Administration

from Springfield College in Massachusetts. Gayne has been working with poor, at

risk families in east Baltimore for the past 20 years. She began as a health

educator for the BMSI Healthy Start program, working with pregnant and

parenting teenagers. From there she worked at a Family Center as the Service

Coordinator and then accepted the position at Kennedy Krieger Institute as

Director of the Southeast Baltimore Early Head Start. Gayne has worked in this

capacity for the past fifteen years.

SEEHS is a family center model Early Head Start program funded for 55 infants,

toddlers and their parents. The Center offers a comprehensive early childhood

program for the infants and toddlers, and a wide array of adult education for their parents, which includes ABE/GED, ESL

and parenting. Parent/child activities are infused throughout the adult education programming. Family advocates visit

all families, offering child development programing and case management in the homes.

As Director of SEEHS, Gayne oversees all aspects of program development, supervision of staff, budget, enrollment and

facilities. She is responsible for networking with the community, coordinating outreach to community organizations and

partnering with colleges and universities. In this capacity, Gayne has created a public health learning environment for

many college interns and has hosted student nurses from various schools on their community health rotations. SEEHS

has been a site for SOURCE scholars and students and is looking forward to the new year and new students.

Pamela Bohrer Brown

Director of Maternal and Child Health and Multicultural Programs,

Baltimore Medical Systems, Inc.



Pamela Bohrer Brown a resident of Baltimore, MD, resided in Venezuela for 17 years and is

a member of a bilingual/bicultural family. She has been active in the Latino community of

Baltimore for over 15 years and worked in a number of health education programs.

Cultural competency in health care and access to health care for immigrants are areas of

particular interest. As the Prenatal Coordinator of Planned Parenthood of Maryland from

1999 through 2002, she had the opportunity to accompany many immigrant women through labor and delivery as Adoula (labor companion). She is a trained medical interpreter and trainer of interpreters. Pamela has worked on

increasing access to health care for immigrants with Baltimore HealthCare Access and Baltimore Medical System. She is

a member of the Board of Education-Based Latino Outreach; formerly served on the Baltimore City Commission of Social

Services and was an Associate Editor for “Progress in Community Health Partnerships”, a journal dedicated to

Community-Based Participatory Research. She currently is Director of Maternal and Child Health and Multicultural

Programs for Baltimore Medical System and coordinates the activities of B’more for Healthy Babies in Patterson Park

North and East.

Patrick Diamond

Volunteer Manager, Health Care for the Homeless


Patrick Diamond is the Volunteer Manager at Health Care for the Homeless. He cultivates

partnerships among various constituencies to promote better outcomes for vulnerable

individuals and families in Maryland. He believes that building a more just and equitable

society is shared work and that with a diverse community of supporters, Health Care for

the Homeless is better positioned to prevent and end homelessness.

He joined Health Care for the Homeless in 2014 and manages all Health Care for the Homeless volunteers, interns, days

of service opportunities and academic-community partnerships. Patrick recently completed his service as a Community

Service-Learning Fellow with SOURCE where he contributed to several service-learning opportunities in partnership with

students and faculty.

Patrick earned a BA in Global Studies from Loyola University Maryland, where he participated in several service-learning

courses including a year-long prison-based philosophy course at Jessup Correctional Institute. He is an active supporter

of Médecins Sans Frontières, Beans & Bread Center, Viva House Catholic Worker, and serves as the communications cochair

of Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Baltimore. Patrick is also a part-time student of entrepreneurship and

social impact at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, where he is pursuing his Master of Business Administration.

Mike Glenwick

Community School Coordinator, Commodore John Rodgers


Mike Glenwick is the community school coordinator at Commodore John Rodgers, one of

Baltimore's most successful turnaround schools. Having grown up in New York City, Mike

has now spent nearly ten years in Baltimore. He received his undergraduate degree in

International Studies and Spanish from Johns Hopkins. He then taught Spanish at

Commodore for four years. He also served as a middle school advisor and as the chair of

the school's athletic department. While teaching, he also received his MAT in Secondary

Foreign Language from the Hopkins School of Education. After his fourth year teaching, he

studied family and community engagement at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where he received his MSEd in

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