
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Chief,Supply and Transport Section

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Case Postale ***

CH-1211 Geneva 2 Depot,Switzerland

Tel: (41-22) 739 ***

Fax: (41-22) 739 ***

E-mail: hqsf00**[ta]**cr.ch


Mr. Martin Halland


Tel: (41-22) 739 ***

E-mail: hqsf00**[ta]**cr.ch


Director of Administration

General Services and Publications Section

International Trade Centre

54-56Rue de Montbrillant

1202 Geneva,Switzerland

Tel: (41-22) 730 0 ***

Fax: (41-22) 733 4 ***

E-mail: itcreg**[ta]**racen.ORG


Chief,Procurement Section

4Route des Morillons

CH-1211 Geneva 22,Switzerland

Tel: (41-22) 799 ***

Fax: (41-22) 799 ***

E-mail: hovda**[ta]**.ORG


Chief,Procurement Service

Food and Agriculture Organization

Administrative Services Division

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla00100,Rome,Italy

Phone: (39-06) 570 5 ***

Fax: (39-06) 570 5 ***

Email: AFSP-Vendors-list**[ta]**.ORG

Internet: www.**o.ORG


Chief,Procurement Service

7,Place de Fontenoy

75352,Paris 07 SP,France

Phone: +33 - 1 - 45 68 0 ***

Fax: +33 - 1 - 45 68 5 ***

Email: procurement.info**[ta]**sco.ORG

Internet: www.**esco.ORGprocurement


Chief,Procurement Section

Technical Cooperation Bureau

International Civil Aviation Organization

999 University Street,Montreal,QuebecCanada H3C 5H7

Tel: (1-514) 954 ***

Fax: (1-514) 954 ***

Fax: (1-514) 954 ***

E-mail: procurement**[ta]**o.int




Regional Office for Africa,Harare,Zimbabwe

Dr. A.A. Bouékassa,Supply Services Officer

Tel: (001) 407 733 9 ***

Fax: (001) 407 733 99 ***


Regional Office for the Eastern


Mr. I. AsadiLogistics Support Officer

Tel: (203) 40 40 ***

Fax: (203) 48 33 ***

E-mail: asadii**[ta]**.sci.eg


Regional Office for South-East AsiaNew Delhi,India

Mr. H.W. Stephenson,Medical Supply Officer

Tel: (91-11) 331 7 ***

Fax: (91-11) 331 8 ***

E-mail: stephensonh**[ta]**sea.ORG


Regional Office for the Americas,Washington,USAMr. W. Erdahl,Acting Chief of Procurement,PAHO

Tel: (1-202) 974 3 ***

Fax: (1-202) 974 3 ***

E-mail: erdahlwi**[ta]**o.ORG


Regional Office for Europe,Copenhagen,Denmark

Mr. C. Nathan,Administrative Services Officer

Tel: (45) 3917 ***

Fax: (45) 3917 ***

E-mail: cjn**[ta]**.dk


Regional Office for the Western Pacific,Manila,Philippines

Mr. Peter KingSupply and Administrative Officer

Tel: (632) 528 8 ***

Fax: (632) 521 1 ***

E-mail: kingp**[ta]**.ORG.ph


Procurement Services Unit

Pan American Health Organization

525 23rd Street N.W.

Washington,D.C. 20037,USA

Tel: (1-202) 974 ***

Fax: (1-202) 974 ***

E-mail: procurement**[ta]**o.ORG

Procurement Policy and Services Group


1818 H. St. NW,Washington,DC 20433,USA

Tel: (1-202) 473 ***

Fax: (1-202) 522 ***




ChiefProcurement SectionGeneral Services Department


1818 H. St. NW,WashingtonDC 20433USA

Tel: (1-202) 473 ***

Fax: (1-202) 522 ***

Email: Tballard**[ta]**ORG


Universal Postal Union

Case Postale

CH-3000 Berne 15,Switzerland

Tel: (41-31) 350 3 ***

Fax: (41-31) 350 3 ***

E-mail: info**[ta]**.int

Internet: www.**u.int


Chief,Business Development Unit

International Telecommunication Union

Place des Nations

CH-1211Geneva 20Switzerland

Phone: (41-22) 730 ***

Fax: (41-22) 730 ***

Email: cosmas.zavazava**[ta]**.int

Internet: www.**u.ORG


ChiefProcurement and Travel Office

7 bisavenue de la Paix

Case Postale No. ***

CH-1211 Geneva 2,Switzerland

Tel: (41-22) 730 ***

Fax: (41-22) 730 ***


Facilities Manager

International Maritime Organization

4Albert Embankment

London SE1 7SR,England

Tel: +44 (0)20 7735 ***

Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 ***

E-mail: info**[ta]**.ORG


Head,Procurement and Contracts Service

World Intellectual Property Organizat ***

34,Chemin des Colombettes

CH-1211 Geneva 20,Switzerland

Tel: (41-22) 338 8 ***

Fax: (41-22) 338 8 ***

E-mail: wipo.mail**[ta]**o.int

Web site: www.**po.int


Director,Administrative Services Division

Finance and Administration Division

International Fund for Agricultural Development

Via del Serafico107,00142 Rome,Italy

Tel: (39-06) 54 ***

Fax: (39-06) 504 ***

E-mail: ifad**[ta]**d.ORG

Internet: www.**ad.ORG


Requirements for technical cooperation

projects in developing countries and for

research contracts,contact:

Field Procurement Section (FPS)

Division for PlanningCoordination &

Evaluation Department of Technical


Tel: (43-1) 2600 2 ***

Fax: (43-1) 2600 29590 Ema ***



Operational,maintenance and administrative

requirements for research laboratories,safeguards and all IAEA offices worldwide,Procurement and Supply Section (PSS)

Tel: (43-1) 2600 2 ***

Fax: (43-1) 2600 2 ***

Email: j.lunn**[ta]**a.ORG


World Tourism Organization

Capitán Hay ***


Phone: (34-91) 567 ***

Fax: (34-91) 571 ***

Email: omt**[ta]**ld-tourism.ORG

Internet: www.**rld-tourism.ORG



Chief,Procurement Services


Vienna International Centre

Wagramerstrasse 5

P.O. Box ***

A-1400 ViennaAustria

Tel: (43-1) 26030 ***

Fax: (43-1) 26030 5 ***


The Head

Procurement Monitoring and Consulting Services Unit

African Development Bank

01 B.P. 1387,Abidjan 01,Ivory CoastAfrica

Tel: (225) 20 4 ***

Fax: (225) 20 4 ***

Email: o.kane**[ta]**b.ORG


ChiefCentral Operations Services Office

Asian Development Bank

P.O. Box ***

0980 Manila,Philippines

Tel: (63-2) 632 ***

Fax: (63-2) 632 6816 or 741 ***

E-mail: adbhq**[ta]**l.asiandevbank.ORG


Office of External Relations

Inter-American Development Bank

1300 New York Avenue,N.W

WashingtonD.C. 20577USA

Tel: (1-202) 623 ***

Fax: (1-202) 623 ***

Telex: 64141/24 ***


Email: business**[ta]**b.ORG


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