
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Centre Microélectronique de Provence

École Nationale Supérieure des Mines

880, ****. de Mimet, 13541 Gardanne

Fon: (+33 4) 42 61 6***

Fax: (+33 4) 42 61 6***

E-Mail: collot**[ta]**e.fr

Website: http://www.**cmp.emse.fr


Centre Technique du Papier

Domaine Universitaire BP 251, 38044 Grenoble Cedex 9

Fon: (+ 33 4) 4 76 15 4***

Fax: (+ 33 4) 4 76 15 4***

E-Mail: gept**[ta]**ctp.com

Website: http://www.**webctp.com



32 rue de Soyouz, 87068 Limoges Cedex

Fon: (+ 33 55 5) 38 2***

E-Mail: n_bernardin**[ta]**adrop.fr

Website: www.**ceradrop.fr


Changzhou Institute of Printed Electronics Industry Co., Ltd

No. 9-4 Taihudonglu Road, 213000 Changzhou City, Jiangsu

Fon: (+86 519) 69 88 5***

Fax: (+86 519) 69 88 5***

E-Mail: ruoxi.wang**[ta]**pei.com

Website: http://www.**czipei.com


CIDETEC Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastián

p° Miramón, 196, 20009 Donostia, San Sebastián

Fon: (+34 943) 30 9***

Fax: (+34 943) 30 9***

E-Mail: eochoteco**[ta]**etec.es

Website: http://www.**cidetec.es


Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH

Industriepark Höchst, G 860, C012, 65926 Frankfurt

Fon: +49 69 305 8***

E-Mail: carsten.schauer**[ta]**riant.com

Website: http://www.**clariant.com


CNR - ISMN Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Via Salaria ICM 29, 300, 00015 Monterotondo Stazione (Roma)

Fon: (+3906) 90 67 2***

E-Mail: g.guidicelli**[ta]**ismn.cnr.it

Website: http://www.**ismn.cnr.it


Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH

Roseller Str. 4, 41539 Dormagen

Fon: (+49 2133) 97 84 ***

Fax: (+49 2133) 97 84 ***

E-Mail: tkolbusch**[ta]**tema.de

Website: http://www.**coatema.de


Coherent GmbH

Hans-Böckler-Str. 12, 37079 Göttingen

Fon: (+49 551) 69***

Fax: (+49 551) 6 8***

E-Mail: rainer.paetzel**[ta]**erent.com

Website: http://www.**coherent.com


Coruna Printed Electronics GmbH

Lindenbergstr. 5, 5618 Bettwil

Fon: (+41 56) 6 67 2***

E-Mail: j.biegel**[ta]**una.ch

Website: http://www.**coruna.ch


CSEM Muttenz

CSEM - Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de

Microtechnique SA, Tramstr. 99, 41032 Muttenz

Fon: (+41 61) 690 ***

Fax: (+41) 6 16 90 ***

E-Mail: giovanni.nisato**[ta]**m.ch

Website: http://www.**csem.ch


CSIRO Future Manufacturing Flagship

Bayview Avenue, VIC 3168 Melbourne

Fon: (+61 3) 95 45 2***

Fax: (+61 3) 95 45 2***

E-Mail: Gerry.Wilson**[ta]**ro.au

Website: www.**csiro.au/flexibleelectronics


cynora GmbH

Werner-von-Siemenstr. 2-6, 76344 Bruchsal

Fon: (+49 7251) 919 ***

Fax: (+49 7251) 919 ***

E-Mail: mydlak**[ta]**ora.com

Website: www.**cynora.com


Dinema SpA

Via San Polo 183, 25124 Brescia

Fon: (+390 30) 2 30 0***

Fax: (+390 30) 2 30 0***

E-Mail: paulo.marella**[ta]**ema.it

Website: http://www.**dinema.it


DOWA HD Europe GmbH

Ostendstr. 196, 90482 Nuremberg

Fon: (+49 911) 5 69 89 32-0

Fax: (+49 911) 5 69 89 3***

E-Mail: yutaka.hisaeda**[ta]**a-europe.com

Website: http://www.**dowa.co.jp/en/jigyo/electronics_summary.html


DuPont Microcircuit Materials

Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay, BS16 1QD Bristol

Fon: (+44 117 ) 93 13 ***

Fax: (+44 117 ) 93 13 ***

E-Mail: kerry.adams**[ta]**ont.com

Website: http://www.**dupont.com


DuPont Teijin Films UK Ltd.

Wilton Centre, TS90 4RF Redcar

Fon: (+44 1642) 57 2***

Fax: (+44 1642) 57 2***

E-Mail: angela.gardner**[ta]**.dupont.com

Website: http://www.**dupontteijinfilms.com


Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

Westerduinweg 3, 1755 ZG Petten 1755 ZG

Fon: (+31 224) 56 4***

Fax: (+31 224) 56 8***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**.nl

Website: https://www.**ecn.nl/



9A Science park Milton Rd, Milton, CB4 OFE Cambridge

Fon: (+44 1223) 43 7***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**ht19.com

Website: http://www.**eight19.com



Grossmannstr. 105, 20539 Hamburg 2***

Fon: (+49) 4 07 89 46 ***

Fax: (+49 40) 7 89 46 ***

E-Mail: mark.abendroth**[ta]**ana.com

Website: http://www.**elantas.com/beck


EMPA Materials Science and Technology

Überlandstr. 29, 8600 Dübendorf

Fon: (+41 58) 7 65-1***

Fax: (+41 58) 7 65-1***

E-Mail: contact**[ta]**a.ch

Website: http://www.**empa.ch


ENEA C. R. Portici - UTTP-NANO

p.le E. Fermi, 1, 80055 Portici (NA)

Fon: (+39 81) 7723***

Fax: (+39 81) 7723***

E-Mail: paolo.tassini**[ta]**a.it

Website: http://www.**enea.it


Enfucell Oy Ltd

Petikontie 10, 01720 Vantaa

Fon: (+358 45) 1 20 6***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**ucell.com

Website: http://www.**enfucell.com


Engineered Materials Systems, Inc.

101 Johnson Drive, 43015-8699 Delaware, OH.

Fon: (+1 740) 3 62 4***

E-Mail: emssales1**[ta]**adhesives.com

Website: http://www.**emsadhesives.com


Erhardt + Leimer GmbH

Albert-Leimer-Platz1, 86391 Stadtbergen

Fon: (+49 821) 2 43 5***

Fax: (+49 821) 2 43 5***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**ardt-leimer.com

Website: http://www.**erhardt-leimer.de



Leonhard-Karl-Str. 24, 97877 Wertheim

Fon: (+49 9342) 80 0***

Fax: (+49 9342) 80 ***

E-Mail: juergen.friedrich**[ta]**tzersa.de

Website: http://www.**ersa.de


Eurecat Centre Technològic de Catalunya

Av.Universitat Autònoma, 23, 8290 Cerdanyola del Vallès

Fon: (+34 93) 5 94 4***

Fax: (+34 93) 5 80 1***

E-Mail: ana.villacampa**[ta]**ecat.org

Website: http://www.**eurecat.org


Evonik Industries AG

Paul-Baumann-Str. 1, 45772 Marl

Fon: (+49 2365) 49 5***

Fax: (+49 2365) 49 80 5***

E-Mail: juergen.steiger**[ta]**nik.com

Website: http://www.**evonik.com


Exakt Advanced Technologies GmbH

Robert-Koch-Str. 5, 22851 Norderstedt

Fon: (+49 40) 52 95 ***

Fax: (+49 40) 5 24 9***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**kt.de

Website: http://www.**exakt.de


Fachhochschule Köln Cologne University of Applied Sciences

Steinmüllerallee 1, 51643 Gummersbach

Fon: (+49 2261) 81 96 6***

E-Mail: stefan.bergfeld**[ta]**koeln.de

Website: http://www.**fh-koeln.de


FDRC - Flexible Display R2R Center Konkuk University

1 Hwayang-dong, Kwanjin-Gu, 143-701 Seoul

Fon: (+85 822) 4 50 3***

Fax: (+85 822) 4 47 5***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**kuk.ac.kr

Website: http://www.**konkuk.ac.kr


Felix Böttcher GmbH & Co. KG

Stolberger Str. 351 - 353, 50933 Köln

Fon: (+49 221) 49 07 46 7

Fax: (+49 221) 49 07 ***

E-Mail: reinhard.sommer**[ta]**ttcher-systems.com

Website: http://www.**boettcher-systems.com


FlexEnable Ltd.

34 Cambridge Science Park, CB4 0FX Cambridge

Fon: (+44 1223) 70 6***

Fax: (+44 1223) 70 6***

E-Mail: info**[ta]**xenable.com

Website: http://www.**flexenable.com


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