
來源:網(wǎng)群國(guó)際    瀏覽:

The new trains will be builtin modules to reduce.development, construction and operational costs.

As many results can be applied to all rail vehicles,regional trainsare also set to benefitinthe future.

The NGT project hasthe potential to bring. technological progress tothe entire European rail. network.

DLR radarin space. Since June 2007 Germany‘s first national radar satellite. has been orbitingthe earth and gathering data that. is used to generate impressive images. The pictures. document, for example,the dramatic effects that. global warming has had on Arctic glaciers. TerraSar-X. circlesthe earth from pole to pole at aheight of appro***

514 km, using radar to scanthe earth‘s surface with. radar waves. It is able to deliver data regardless of weather, cloud coverage and light conditions, and theimage resolution is so detailed that one pixel. corresponds to one metre. The imagesare mostly of landmasses. Thanks to its sophisticated sensor. technology,the satellite can identify and map different. land-use types, such as forests or fruit crops. thesatellite also monitors geologically active areas such. as volcanoes or fault line***

The five-year mission is being conductedin aprivatepublic partnership between DLR and Astrium GmbH.

Astrium builtthe satellite, and its subsidiary Infoterra. GmbH marketsthe data for commercial client***

The DLR is responsible for managingthe project,operatingthe satellite and providingthe data to scientific institutions. In October 2009the partnership. plan to launchthe TerraSAR-X‘s sister satellite, theTanDEM-X, which will flyin close formation with theTerraSAR-X to produce digital elevation models of allthe planet‘s landmas***


Alfred Wegener Institute for

Polar and Marine Research

Am Handelshafe***

27570 Bremerhaven

Tel:+49 471 4***

Fax +49 471 4831-***




Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY


22607 Hamburg

Tel:+49 40 8***

Fax +49 40 8998-***




German Cancer Research Center

Im Neuenheimer Feld***

69120 Heidelberg

Tel:+49 6221***

Fax +49 6221 42-***




German Aerospace Center

DLR. Linder Höhe

51147 Köln

Tel:+49 2203 ***

Fax +49 2203 6***




German Centre for Neurodegenerative

Diseases. Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2

53175 Bonn

Tel:+49 228 30***

Fax +49 228 30899***




Forschungszentrum Jülich.


52428 Jülich

Tel:+49 2461***

Fax +49 2461 61-***




GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht.

Max-Planck-Straße 1

21502 Geesthacht

Tel:+49 4152***

Fax +49 4152 87-***




GSI Helmholtz Centre for.

Heavy Ion Research. Planckstraße

64291 Darmstadt

Tel:+49 6159***

Fax +49 6159 71-***




Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für.

Materialien und


Hahn-Meitner-Platz4109 Berlin

Tel:+49 30 8***

Fax +49 30 8062-***




Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research.

Inhoffenstraße 7

38124 Braunschweig

Tel:+49 531 6***

Fax +49 531 6181-***




HelmholtzZentrum München - German Research.

Center for Environmental Health.

Ingolstädter Landstraße 1

85764 Neuherberg

Tel:+49 89 3***

Fax +49 89 3187-***





Published by.

Hermann von Helmholtz Association.

of German Research Centres.

Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 20178 Berlin Germany

Tel:+49 30 206***

Fax +49 30 20632***




Helmholtz Association Registered Office.


53175 Bonn Germany

Tel:+49 228 30***

Fax +49 228 3081***


Thomas Gazlig.design. Okan Tustas.communication

Design. Printed byin puncto druck + medien, Bonn. Print run 1***

Berlin 2009the Strategy ofthe Helmholtz Association. Top-level research for. society, science andthe economy. Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Telegrafenberg4473 Potsdam

Tel:+49 331 ***

Fax +49 331 288-***




Helmholtz Centre for.

Environmental Research

UFZ. Permoserstraß***

04318 Leipzig

Tel:+49 341 ***

Fax +49 341 235-***




Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Hermann von Helmholtz-Platz

76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Tel:+49 7247***

Fax +49 7247 82-***

info**[ta]**. edu

http://www.**t. edu


Max Delbrueck Center for.

Molecular Medicine (MDC )

Berlin-Buch. Robert-Rössle-Straße 103125 Berlin-Buch

Tel:+49 30 9***

Fax +49 30 949-***




Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics(Associate Member)

Boltzmannstraße 2

85748 Garching

Tel:+49 89 32***

Fax +49 89 3299-***

info**[ta]**. mpg.de

http://www.**p. mpg.de


Photo credits. Page

03 Helmholtz Head Office/D. Ausserhofer,page

04 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron.deSY, pag***

07 Hannes Grobe/Alfred. Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine. Research, page 20 top Ingo Arndt/AWI, page. 20 bottom r. André Künzelmann/Helmholtz. Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, page. 20 bottom l. German Cancer Research Center,page 22 l. Max Planck Institute for Plasma. Physics, page 22 r. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

für Materialien und

Energie, page 23 German. Aerospace Center DLR, page 24 Forschungszentrum Jülich, page 25 l. Forschungszentrum. Jülich, page 25 r. André Künzelmann/UFZ, page. 26 l. Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research,page 26 r. HelmholtzZentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental. Health, page 27 top l. HZI, page 27 bottom l.

HMGU, page 27 r. HZI, page 28 Johannes. Backes - images.depage 29 l. GKSS Research. Centre Geesthacht, page 29 r. Forschungszentrum Jülich, page 30 Forschungszentrum. Jülich, page 31 DESY/Zeuthen, page 32 DLR,page 33 DLRHermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 20178 Berlin Germany.

Tel +49 30 206***

Fax +49 30 20632***



Registered Office: Ahrstraß***

53175 Bonn Germany



HelmHoltz AssociAtion.

of GermAn reseArcH centres. reseArcH witH An impAct. HelmHoltz scientists work togetHerin six major. researcH fields wHicH spanthe association’s seventeen. researcH centres. tHey develop researcH programmes. wHose content and goalsare reviewed by distinguisHed. scientists from aroundthe world.

energy. New solutions to provide asecure energy supply for tomorrow. which arein keeping with environmental and climate protectionare needed all aroundthe world. The Helmholtz Association’s. energy research exploresthe potential of new energy sources,develops technologies for increasingthe effciency of conventional. power stations and performs nuclear fusion research.

reseArcH proGrAmmes: renewable energies - effcient energy. conversion and use - nuclear fusion - nuclear safety research - technology, innovation and society. eartH and environment. Helmholtz scientists studythe System Earth andthe complex wayin which society and nature interact. Such knowledge forms thebasis for ensuring thatthe use of resources is sustainable so that. future generations will also be able to enjoy agood quality of life.

reseArcH proGrAmmes: geosystem:the changing earth - marine, coastal and polar systems - atmosphere and climate - terrestrial environment. HealtH. Health researchinthe Helmholtz Association aims to gain abetter. understanding ofthe origins of complex diseases so that they canbe treated more successfullyin future. The goal is to develop new. prevention, diagnosis and treatment strategies which can be usedin practice,in collaboration with clinics.

reseArcH proGrAmmes: cancer research - cardiovascular and. metabolic diseases - function and dysfunction of thenervous system - infection and immunity - environmental Health- systemic analysis of multifactorial diseases. key tecHnologies. Research into key technologies aims to open up technology felds. of great innovative potential for science, industry and society.

Helmholtz scientists focus on those technologies which involve. particularly complex methods - from basic research right through to industrial application.

reseArcH proGrAmmes: supercomputing - fundamentals of future information technology - nanomikro - advanced. engineering materials - biosoft - biointerfaces - technology,innovation and society. structure of matter. Researchin this feld focuses onthe worldin its very smallestand very largest dimensions and onthe complexity of matter.

Scientists need large-scale facilities and scientifc instrumentation such as particle accelerators, synchrotron radiation or. neutron sources so that they can study outer space or subatomic. structures. Such facilities represent aparticular strength of theHelmholtz Association.

reseArcH proGrAmmes: elementary particle physics - astroparticle. physics - physics of Hadrons and nuclei - research with photons,neutrons and ions. aeronautics, space and. transport. Mobility and transport safety, communication, informationand sustainable environmental management -the satisfaction. of these needs is of vital importance to modern societies.

Helmholtz scientists develop concepts and technological. solutions which contribute to mastering this challenge.

reseArcH proGrAmmes: aeronautics - space - transportHermann von Helmholtz Association. of German research centres


Berlin Offce

Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 20178 Berlin, Germany.

Tel: +49 30 206***

Fax: +49 30 20632***


registered head offce.

ofthe Helmholtz Association.

Im Wissenschaftszentrum. Ahrstraß***

53175 Bonn, Germany.

Tel: +49 228 30***

Fax: +49 228 3081***

EMail: info**[ta]**mholtz.de



Contact us. would you like to learn more about our goals and research work?.



Dr. Stephanie Dittmer,

stephanie. dittmer**[ta]**mholtz.de



Dr. Aurelia Herrmann, aurelia. herrmann**[ta]**mholtz.de



Dr. Cathrin Brüchmann, cathrin. bruechmann**[ta]**mholtz.de



Dr. Stefan Joos, stefan. joos**[ta]**mholtz.de



Dr. Sören Wiesenfeldt, soeren. wiesenfeldt**[ta]**mholtz.de



Dr. Ricarda Opitz, ricarda. opitz**[ta]**mholtz.de



Dr. Sören Wiesenfeldt, soeren. wiesenfeldt**[ta]**mholtz.de



Thomas Gazlig, thomas. gazlig**[ta]**mholtz.de


acHieving more. togetHer. collaboration as akey to outstanding results. Collaboration and networks with national and international. partners from science and research and from business and. industry: This isthe Helmholtz Association’s key to achieving. outstanding research results. Research must cross national and. disciplinary bordersin order to be internationally competitiveand produce results of worldwide signifcance.

effcient infrastructurethe Helmholtz Association provides an excellent infrastructure for. research with large-scale facilities, such as particle accelerators,super computers and research ships, some of whichare globally. unique. Every year,the Helmholtz centres welcome several. thousand visiting scientists from home and abroad who come to use these scientifc research opportunities.

a strong member ofthe global scientifc community. Helmholtz couples an effcient infrastructure with experience inthe management of complex projects. This is whythe Helmholtz. Association often and with good reason formsthe focal point of major international research projects. As astrong member of theglobal scientifc community, Helmholtz intends to play its part inshapingthe future of modern societies.

sHapingthe future witH. cutting-edge researcH. 30,000 staff work togetherin 17 centresthe Helmholtz Association is made up of 17 national centres. which perform researchinthe natural sciences, technologyand engineering, andin biology and medicine. They have 30***

staff and an annual budgetin excess of 3 billion euros.

national research labs to solve grand challenges. Whether it‘s about new solutions for areliable energy supply or. mobility, about passing on an intact environment to future. generations or about fnding therapies for treating previously. incurable diseases:the research carried outinthe Helmholtz. Association aims to securethe foundations of human lifein alongterm perspective and to create atechnological basis for wealth. creationin acompetitive economy.

excellent resultsin basic and applied research. More than 12,600 scientifc publications every year and around. 440 new patent registrations, over 2,500 cooperations with. business and industry -the Helmholtz Association shows excellent. resultsin both basic research and application. The association. hasthe technical facilities and management capacity to master. major projects. It can quickly bundle expertise from various. research felds and react flexibly to new challenges.

mission ofthe HelmHoltz. AssociAtion

We contribute to solvingthe grand challenges which face. society, science and industry by performing top-rate. researchin strategic programmesinthe felds of Energy,Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, Structure. of Matter, Aeronautics, Space and Transport.

We research systems of great complexity with our largescale facilities and scientifc infrastructures, cooperating. closely with national and international partners.

We contribute to shaping our future by combining researchand technology development with perspectives for innovative. applications and provisions for tomorrow’s world.


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