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教授南希羅斯維爾教授,FRS,校長和副校長,以身作則,她自己在神經科學領域的研究正在進行中,了解和治療中風和領導部損傷的腦損傷有重大的進展,她于一九八七年加入曼徹斯特維多利亞大學,一九九四年成為生理學教授,并于一九九八年至二零一零年期間擔任MRC研究 主任,與她的教職員工一起,她還擔任大學副校長(2004-2007)和擔任副總裁兼副校長(2007-2010, 她于二零零四年六月當選皇家學會會員,二零零五年六月成為英帝國大使指揮官,以表彰她對科學服務,20179,她開始長達一年的英國科學協會主任,20107,南希大學校長擔任校長和副校長,這是第一位領導曼徹斯特大學或其兩個前身機構的女性, 她是生物學協會的創始主任,并且是阿斯利康的非執行董事和皇家社會理事會成員,她目前是總裁事會理事會共同主任,大中華區曼徹斯特副中尉和大曼徹斯特地方企業合作委員會成員,南希大學對公共科學傳播表現出強烈和積極的興趣,曼徹斯特大學,牛津路,曼徹斯特M13 9

電話:+440161 306 ***



副校長兼副校長Colin Bailey

科林•貝利(Colin Bailey)是大學副校長和副校長,在全系列大學職能方面提供戰略領導和運營管理, 科林于2002年加入曼徹斯特大學,擔任結構工程教授,曾任設計顧問洛維爾建筑公司,卡梅倫•泰勒•貝德福德(Cameron Taylor Bedford,克拉克•尼科爾(Clarke Nicholls)和馬塞爾(Marcel)工作,在那里他設計并監督了許多建筑結構的建造,他還曾在鋼結構研究所和建筑研究機構工作,他的實踐和研究經驗導致了結構工程的重大發展,他的主要專長是結構,膜作用,風荷載和鋼筋混凝土復合系統的消防安全工程,他是120多篇研究論文和實用設計指南的作者,并獲得了9項研究成果,他是皇家工程院院士,


電話:+440161 306 ***



Lemn Sissay,總裁

Lemn Sissay MBE是獲獎作家和廣播公司,他是南岸中心的副藝術家,Letterbox俱樂部和讀者組織的贊助人,以及兒童閱讀基金大使,Lemn是鑄造博物館的研究員,2012年倫敦奧運會的官方詩人,他的公共藝術地標詩被安裝在整個曼徹斯特和倫敦,蓋恩的隱士由主教德斯蒙德圖圖揭幕,他是文學,紀錄,廣播紀錄片,公共藝術和戲劇等一系列詩歌的作者,他的安裝詩如何在皇家學院展出,從東京到紐約巡演世界,21世紀詩歌在洛茨菲爾德發行了數百萬的銷量屢獲殊榮的專輯 左派,Viktoria MullovaBBC Proms演出的小提琴協奏曲的靈感來自于他的詩生活忠告,英國廣播公司的電視紀錄片 內部飛行和無線電紀錄片國家的兒童都播了他的生活,他的TED關于童年的談話有五十多萬觀點,Lemn是英國北部第一位位于曼徹斯特的黑人作家發展工作者,2010,他被授予文學服務MBE,護理畢業生的Sissay博士獎學金是同類首創,已經運行了六年,他經常閱讀舞臺上和全球大學作為一位鼓舞人心的演講者和詩人,他寫了2017年足總杯的官方詩

電話:+440161 306 ***



理事會主席 愛德華•阿斯特爾和校長

愛德華•阿斯特(Edward Astle)于2014年加入理事會,并于2017年被任命為董事會成員,愛德華已將其大部分職業生涯用于電信和公共事業部門,他在董事會任職,并在有線和無線(1989-97,BICC1997-99)和國家電網(2001-08)等各個部門進行了大量部門的工作,1999年至2001年期間,他主持了兩家初創公司和一家剛剛在倫敦證券交易所上市的公司,所有這些都是電信相關的,2008年至2013,愛德華是倫敦帝國理工學院的Pro Rector(企業),領導一支支持大學與企業聯系的團隊,特別是為企業研究經費和國際企業,他還負責監督大學與帝國創新的關系,在曼徹斯特語法學校和皇后學院牛津大學受過教育

電話:+440161 306 ***



校長Gillian Easson


Gillian Easson30年前開始擔任斯托克波特的律師職業,并繼續成為西北地區首批女性起訴律師之一,GillianStockport NHS Foundation Trust主任,TrustportHigh Peak的兒童和****提供醫院服務,以及為Stockport,TamesideGlossop提供社區衛生服務,她以前是科視Christie癌癥中心的非執行董事,目前是曼徹斯特大學第一任女校長,大學全球領導委員會成員,曼徹斯特大學出版社管理委員會主任,她定期進行講座,為出版物做出貢獻,并代表NHS基金會信托監管機構Monitor進行評估

電話:+440161 306 ***





Will Spinks將擔任2011年度注冊處處長,秘書和首席運營官的職務,在這個角色,他領導大學行政管理,并領導專業支持服務,他是大學高級領導團隊的成員,并參與了大學戰略和政策,并向總統和副校長等高級同事提供咨詢,作為參議院和理事會秘書,他負責大學治理,在加入曼徹斯特之前,Will將在拉夫堡大學首席運營官和私營部門擔任ICI,Zeneca和阿斯利康的高級職位,將在全國范圍內擁有多項高等教育角色,這些包括大學行政管理學會會長和全國學生聯合會學生工會評估中的角色,在高等教育之外,他主持了兩個慈善信托

電話:+440161 275 ***



研究與創新副主席盧克•喬高基教授 盧克 - georghiou

作為研究與創新副主席,Luke Georghiou教授負責制定和實施大學研究策略,以及知識轉移活動和與業務的接觸,在這個角色中,他正在尋求將大學研究的質量和雄心從高層次上提高,確保對經濟社會做出重要貢獻,他自己對科學與創新政策,公共采購和展望的研究一直非常有影響力,特別是在歐洲舞臺上,他曾擔任多個高級別調查的成員,其中包括有影響力的Aho集團向歐洲領導人提出的創新創新歐洲報告,他的出版物包括自然, 科學, 哈佛商業評論 研究政策等雜志上的文章 ,他擁有曼徹斯特維多利亞大學博士(1982年)和理學學士學位,并曾擔任曼徹斯特創新研究所所長,最近他是人文學院副院長兼研究副院長,他還擔任大學理事會的參議院代表兩人

電話:+440161 275 ***



教授,學習和學生副校長Clive Agnew教授 克萊夫 - 阿格紐

作為教學,學習和學生副校長,Clive Agnew教授負責該領域的戰略和政策制定,他的目的是確保大學擅長其教育任務的各個方面,Clive擔任物理地理學主任,他在水資源開發和應用水文學領域進行研究和教學,他的第一學位是1976年從紐卡斯爾大學獲得物理地理學(理學學士),他的博士生于1980年從東安格利亞大學發展研究學院獲得,用于西非水資源和干旱工作,他曾在尼日利亞尼亞美的CILSS / WMO AGRHYMET中心擔任博士學位,并繼續致力于解決環境退化和水資源管理問題,He has worked extensively in both the drylands and the wetlands of Africa, Europe and the Middle East, developing strategies for the management of water shortages at local and regional levels.His most recent book, Water Resources and Development, written with Philip Woodhouse,examines stewardship of the water environment to give a balanced treatment of the role of environmental, social and political priorities in the allocation of water.Currently he is engaged in research projects investigating the management of water and ecosystems in the UK uplands, Bangladesh and Tanzania

He was appointed to the Systems Department of the Open University in 1979 and, from 1981 to 1999, was a lecturer then senior lecturer in Geography at University College London.In 2000 Clive was appointed as Head of Geography at Manchester and from 2004 to 2009 served as Head of the newly created School of Environment and Development (Including Architecture, IDPM, Geography and Planning).He was appointed Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Students in ***

Clive continues to teach undergraduate and postgraduate students.In earlier appointments he has held various teaching management positions, including Director of Geography Programmes, Chair of Geography QAA, Director of MRes and numerous programme leads.He has written on interactive teaching for large groups and developing numeracy skills, and has held national positions as a curriculum and teaching reviewer and training facilitator.The three main goals of his current position are the enhancement of student experience, to support widening participation and to improve student employability

Tel+44 (0) 161 275 ***



Professor Martin Schr.der, Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering

馬丁•施羅德教授 Professor Schr.der is an expert in materials chemistry applied to energy research and nanosciences.He leads a programme of research in the development of porous metal organic frameworks (MOFs) for a variety of applications including H2 storage, CO2 capture and the separation of fuel and toxic gases and hydrocarbons.He joined The University of Manchester in June 2017 as Vice President and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering and Professor of Chemistry.He was previously Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Nottingham

A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, he is also currently Principal Investigator for the EPSRC Programme Grant ‘Coordination Chemistry for Energy and our Sustainable Futures’ and has previously held ERC Advanced and Proof of Concept Grants.He has won many awards for his research, most notably from the Royal Society of Chemistry, including the Corday Morgan Medal and Prize (1989), the Tilden Lectureship and Medal (2001), the award for Chemistry of the Transition Metals (2003) and the award for Chemistry of the Noble Metals and their Compounds (2008).He has held a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (2005-2010), a Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship (2006), and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Tallinn Technical University, Estonia in ***

Previously Martin has held a Personal Chair at the University of Edinburgh, and Visiting Professorships at the University of Toronto, the University of Otago in New Zealand, and the Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.He was Lecturer of the Year of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry in The Netherlands in 2010 and Guest Special Professor of Wuhan University, China in 2013.He has published 470 papers, reviews and patents

The University of Manchester, Sackville Street Building, Sackville Street, Manchester M13 9PL

Tel+44 (0)161 306 ***



Professor Keith Brown, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities


Professor Keith Brown graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1979 with an MA in Modern and Scottish History, and was also awarded a PhD there in ***

He was appointed Glenfiddich Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews in 1983 and went on to hold a number of fellowships there until becoming a Lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Stirling in ***

In 1995 he returned to the University of St Andrews as Professor of Scottish History and was appointed Head of the School of History in 1997.He became Vice-Principal (Teaching) for the University in 2001 and in 2003 was appointed Master of the United College, managing the overall academic operation of the University.His remit was extended to include the role of Deputy Principal in ***

In 2010 he joined The University of Manchester as Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.The Faculty of Humanities is the largest of the University’s four faculties with 17,000 students, around 2,000 academic and professional support staff and a diverse portfolio of disciplines organised around the Schools of Arts, Languages and Cultures, Environment, Education and Development, Law, and Social Sciences, as well as Alliance Manchester Business School

Keith is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.His field of research is early modern Scottish and British History.He led the team that in 2007 launched the acclaimed online archive of the proceedings of the original Scottish Parliament, from its first surviving act of 1235 to its union with the English Parliament in ***

In recent years he has published a three-volume edited history of the Scottish Parliament and a monograph entitled Noble Power in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution (Edinburgh University Press; 2011).His current work is on Scottish migration to England from the 16th to the 18th century, for which he holds an Arts and Humanities Research Council Network Grant

The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT

Tel+44 (0) 161 306 ***



Professor Ian Greer, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

伊恩格里爾教授 Professor Ian Greer is a clinician, scientist and leader of international note who joined Manchester in the summer of 2017 from the University of Liverpool

At Liverpool, he was Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences from 2010 and Provost responsible for research policy from ***

Professor Greer led a major period of change during his time at Liverpool, significantly increasing research income, instituting practices to develop progression for early career researchers, recruiting internationally renowned scientists and attracting new investment in partnership with the private sector, the NHS and government

Professor Greer is also Director of the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC), and Chair of the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) - a partnership of the eight research-intensive universities in the north of England with their major partner NHS Hospital Trusts, and the four Northern Academic Health Sciences Networks

Previously, he was Dean and Professor of Obstetric Medicine at Hull York Medical School, Regius Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty at the University of Glasgow, and Clinical Scientist at the Medical Research Council Reproductive Biology Unit, Edinburgh

His clinical practice and research focuses on medical disorders in pregnancy, and womens vascular health, particularly in relation to haemostasis and thrombosis, and he has attracted over 10 million in funding during his career

The University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9NT

Tel+44 (0)161 306 ***



司長,秘書及首席運營官Will Spinks


電話:+440161 275 ***



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