
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


APMPS - Associação Paulista dos Familiares e

Amigos dos Portadores de Mucopolissacaridoses e

Doenças Raras http://www.vidasraras.org.br/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


APMPS - Associação Paulista dos Familiares e

Amigos dos Portadores de Mucopolissacaridoses e

Doenças Raras http://www.vidasraras.org.br/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kBRL 33.50

Sponsorship of National Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patient Forum in São Paulo

Brazil Associação Rosa Viva https://associacaorosaviva.wordpress.com Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016

Brazil Associação Rosaviva https://associacaorosaviva.wordpress.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 1'050.00

Travel and accomodation support for one representative of FEMAMA's affiliate to

attend Brazilian Forum of Breast Cancer Patient Organizations, São Paulo 2016

Brazil Associação Rosaviva https://associacaorosaviva.wordpress.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


Rede Feminina De Combate Ao Cancer Do

Amazonas https://pt-br.facebook.com/rede.f.amazonas Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016


AAPECAN - Associação de Apoio às Pessoas com

Câncer https://www.aapecan.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


AAPECAN - Associação de Apoio às Pessoas com

Câncer https://www.aapecan.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016


AAPECAN - Associação de Apoio às Pessoas com

Câncer https://www.aapecan.com.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 17.45

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign


AAPECAN - Associação de Apoio às Pessoas com

Câncer https://www.aapecan.com.br/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016

Brazil Associação de Apoio a Pessoas com Câncer https://www.aapecan.com.br/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


Associação Brasileira de Apoio aos Pacientes de



?fref=ts Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 1'050.00

Travel and accomodation support for one representative of FEMAMA's affiliate to

attend Brazilian Forum of Breast Cancer Patient Organizations, São Paulo 2016


Associação Brasileira de Apoio aos Pacientes de



?fref=ts Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


AGAM - Associação Gaúcha de Assistência à

Muscoviscidose https://www.facebook.com/agam.fibrosecistica?fref=ts Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


AGAM - Associação Gaúcha de Assistência à

Muscoviscidose https://www.facebook.com/agam.fibrosecistica?fref=ts Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 12.85

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA, Sao Paulo, June 2016.


AGAM - Associação Gaúcha de Assistência à

Muscoviscidose https://www.facebook.com/agam.fibrosecistica?fref=ts Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 5.38

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA in Sao Paulo in June.

Brazil AGEM - Associação Goiana de Esclerose Múltipla https://www.facebook.com/agememmovimento/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 5.64

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Multiple Sclerosis PGs in

Management, São Paulo, 2016

Brazil AGEM - Associação Goiana de Esclerose Múltipla https://www.facebook.com/agememmovimento/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil AGEM - Associação Goiana de Esclerose Múltipla https://www.facebook.com/agememmovimento/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 10.00 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Campaign

Brazil AGEM - Associação Goiana de Esclerose Múltipla https://www.facebook.com/agememmovimento/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 16.20

Support to the organization's activities to improve the awareness on the importance

of an early diagnosis in Muliple Sclerosis


Associação em Educação e Saúde da Mama

Jesuína Estrela -AMAJES


Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016


AMAPEM - Associação Mineira de Apoio a

Portadores de Esclerose Múltipla https://www.facebook.com/amapem.esclerosemultipla/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 5.64

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Multiple Sclerosis PGs in

Management, São Paulo, 2016

Brazil Associação das Amigas da Mama de Cabo Frio https://www.facebook.com/amigasdamamacf/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil Associação Amigas do Peito Pará https://www.facebook.com/amigasdopeitopara/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016

Brazil AMOVI - Associação Amor à Vida https://www.facebook.com/amovicriciuma Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil AMOVI - Associação Amor à Vida https://www.facebook.com/amovicriciuma Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016

Brazil AMOVI - Associação Amor à Vida https://www.facebook.com/amovicriciuma Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 8.75

First Meeting for Cancer Patients in the South Region of Santa Catarina, Criciúma,



APCVIDA - Associação de Apoio e Prevenção ao

Câncer e a Violência Doméstica


660481467437366/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016


APCVIDA - Associação de Apoio e Prevenção ao

Câncer e a Violência Doméstica


660481467437366/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 9.25

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend World Cancer

Congress in Paris


ASFECER - Associação Feminina De Prevenção E

Combate Ao Câncer De São João Nepomuceno https://www.facebook.com/asfecer.entidadefilatropica Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


ASFECER - Associação Feminina De Prevenção E

Combate Ao Câncer De São João Nepomuceno https://www.facebook.com/asfecer.entidadefilatropica Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


****AO - Associação Voluntariado de Apoio à

Oncologia https://www.facebook.com/avaoparceirospelavida/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


****APAC - Associação de Voluntários de Apoio ao

Paciente de Câncer https://www.facebook.com/avapacoficial Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016


****APAC - Associação de Voluntários de Apoio ao

Paciente de Câncer https://www.facebook.com/avapacoficial/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


Grupo de Apoio aos Portadores de Cancer de

Cachoeiro de Itapemirim


o Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


GACCI - Grupo de Apoio aos Portadores de Cancer

de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim


o/info Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 32.26

Awareness Campaign: Pink October


Centro de Convivência para Apoio ao Paciente com

Câncer https://www.facebook.com/CECANONG/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


CIAM - Centro de Integração Amigas da Mama https://www.facebook.com/ciamamigasdamamamanau

s Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kBRL 2.15

Participation in Roche's Long-Term Capacity Building in Management and Project

Elaboration - Phase 1 - for two patient group representatives - São Paulo, 2015

Brazil CIAM - Centro de Integração Amigas da Mama https://www.facebook.com/ciamamigasdamamamanau

s Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 4.12

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Cervical Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2015

Brazil CIAM - Centro de Integração Amigas da Mama https://www.facebook.com/ciamanaus/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 1'050.00

Travel and accomodation support for one representative of FEMAMA's affiliate to

attend Brazilian Forum of Breast Cancer Patient Organizations, São Paulo 2016

Brazil CIAM - Centro de Integração Amigas da Mama https://www.facebook.com/ciamanaus/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes

Reumáticos do Ceará https://www.facebook.com/garcegrupo/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 890.00

Travel and accomodation support for two patient group representatives to attend

the Alianza Latina Forum, São Paulo 2016


GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes

Reumáticos do Ceará https://www.facebook.com/garcegrupo/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kBRL 2.15

Participation in Roche's Long-Term Capacity Building in Management and Project

Elaboration - Phase 1 - for two patient group representatives - São Paulo, 2015


GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes

Reumáticos do Ceará https://www.facebook.com/garcegrupo/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 6.18

Logistic support for one representative to attend the IEEPO – International

Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, Copenhagen 2016


GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes

Reumáticos do Ceará https://www.facebook.com/garcegrupo/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes

Reumáticos do Ceará https://www.facebook.com/garcegrupo/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 12.85

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA, Sao Paulo, June 2016.


GARCE - Grupo de Apoio aos Pacientes

Reumáticos do Ceará https://www.facebook.com/garcegrupo/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 24.87

Support for GARCE's informative program to improve care to rheumatoid arthritis


Brazil GATEM - Grupo do Alto Tietê de Esclerose Múltipla https://www.facebook.com/gatem.esclerosemultipla Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 5.64

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Multiple Sclerosis PGs in

Management, São Paulo, 2016


Liga Feminina de Combate ao Câncer de Estância

Velha https://www.facebook.com/ligafemininaev/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


Grupo Lótus-Associação Parkinson da Baixada

Santista https://www.facebook.com/LotusParkinson/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


Mão Amiga - Grupo Beltronense de Prevenção ao



471141246250180/?fref=nf Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 1'050.00

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