
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:


AMAM - Associação Mineira de Assistencia à

Mucoviscidose www.amam.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 6.78

Travel and accomodation support to Fórum Interamericano de Filantropia

Estratégica - FIFE [Inter American Forum of Estrategic Philantropy]


AMAM - Associação Mineira de Assistencia à

Mucoviscidose www.amam.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


AMAM - Associação Mineira de Assistencia à

Mucoviscidose www.amam.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 12.85

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA, Sao Paulo, June 2016.

Brazil AM****I - Associação Maria Vitória de Doenças Raras www.amaviraras.com Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 6.18

Logistic support for one representative to attend the IEEPO – International

Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, Copenhagen 2016


AM****I - Associação Maria Vitória de Doenças Raras

www.amaviraras.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kBRL 20.00

Sponsorship of PGs rare deseases meeting (Multiplos Sclerosis and

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis ) in Brazilian Federal Distric on January, 25th, 2016)

Brazil Américas Amigas www.americasamigas.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 3.48

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend Oncoguia's

Public Policy Forum in Brasilia

Brazil Américas Amigas www.americasamigas.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 4.12

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Cervical Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2015

Brazil Américas Amigas www.americasamigas.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil Américas Amigas www.americasamigas.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.23

Logistic support for one representative to attend the IEEPO – International

Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, Copenhagen, 2016

Brazil Américas Amigas www.americasamigas.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 167.58

Support to patient group to promote training/improvement of professionals in

mammogram field in Manaus in partnership with Barretos Hospital.

Brazil Américas Amigas www.americasamigas.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 172.10

Support to patient group to promote training/improvement of professionals in

mammogram field in Fortaleza in partnership with Barretos Hospital.

Brazil AME - Associação Amigos Múltiplos pela Esclerose www.amigosmultiplos.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 6.18

Logistic support for one representative to attend the IEEPO – International

Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, Copenhagen 2016

Brazil AME - Associação Amigos Múltiplos pela Esclerose www.amigosmultiplos.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 20.79

Sponsorship of Fórum Atores da Saúde [Healthcare Actors Forum], São Paulo

2016. It aimed to qualify Multiple Sclerosis groups in NGO management.

Brazil AME - Associação Amigos Múltiplos pela Esclerose www.amigosmultiplos.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 43.07 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Campaign - Balloon Action in Orange August

Brazil AME - Associação Amigos Múltiplos pela Esclerose www.amigosmultiplos.org.br/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


AMUCORS - Associacão de Apoio a Portadores de

Mucovicidose do Rio Grande do Sul www.amucors.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


AMUCORS - Associacão de Apoio a Portadores de

Mucovicidose do Rio Grande do Sul www.amucors.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 5.10

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA in Sao Paulo in June.


ANAPAR - Associação Nacional de Grupos de

Pacientes Reumáticos www.anapar.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 15.00

Support for the National Meeting of Rheumatoid Arthritis patient groups in order to

restructure and improve their organization and networking


APAM - Associação Paulista de Assistência a

Mucoviscidose www.apam.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


APAM - Associação Paulista de Assistência a

Mucoviscidose www.apam.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 12.85

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA, Sao Paulo, June 2016.


APAM - Associação Paulista de Assistência a

Mucoviscidose www.apam.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 7.50

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA in Sao Paulo in June.


APPO - Associação Petropolitana dos Pacientes

Oncológicos www.appo.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 3.48

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend Oncoguia's

Public Policy Forum in Brasilia


APPO - Associação Petropolitana dos Pacientes

Oncológicos www.appo.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


APPO - Associação Petropolitana dos Pacientes

Oncológicos www.appo.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


APPO - Associação Petropolitana dos Pacientes

Oncológicos www.appo.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 27.10

Sponsorship of the cancer volunteers capacity building program.

Brazil I****B - Instituto Arte de Viver Bem www.artedeviverbem.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil I****B - Instituto Arte de Viver Bem www.artedeviverbem.com.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 121.61 Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign using national mass media.

Brazil ASPEC - Ação Solidária às Pessoas com Câncer www.aspecsolidaria.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil ASPEC - Ação Solidária às Pessoas com Câncer www.aspecsolidaria.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016


ASPRECAM - Associação de Prevenção do Câncer

na Mulher www.asprecam.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 730.00

Support for the participation of one representative at the Latin American Patient

Organisations Workshop (LAPOW) in Lima, 2016


ASPRECAM - Associação de Prevenção do Câncer

na Mulher www.asprecam.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kBRL 2.15

Participation in Roche's Long-Term Capacity Building in Management and Project

Elaboration - Phase 1 - for two patient group representatives - São Paulo, 2015


ASPRECAM - Associação de Prevenção do Câncer

de Mama na Mulher www.asprecam.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


ASPRECAM - Associação de Prevenção do Câncer

na Mulher www.asprecam.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 11.90

Participation in Roche's Long-Term Capacity Building in Management - Phase 2 -

September to November/2016 at patient group's office.


ASPRECAM - Associação de Prevenção do Câncer

na Mulher www.asprecam.com.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 39.72

Support for the documentary "Sete Lagoas project" which aims to qualify

healthcare professionals and organize a cancer control database.

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 1'050.00

Travel and accomodation support for one representative of FEMAMA's affiliate to

attend Brazilian Forum of Breast Cancer Patient Organizations, São Paulo 2016

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 1.35

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend All Together

Against Cancer Congress, São Paulo 2016


ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO

www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kBRL 2.15

Participation in Roche's Long-Term Capacity Building in Management and Project

Elaboration - Phase 1 - for two patient group representatives - São Paulo, 2015

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 3.48

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend Oncoguia's

Public Policy Forum in Brasilia

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 4.12

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Cervical Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2015

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 5.32

Travel and accomodation support to 10 representatives to attend Northeastern

Meeting of Breast Cancer Patient Organizations in Fortaleza, Ceará, 20165

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.14

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Colorectal Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2016

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.23

Logistic support for one representative to attend the IEEPO – International

Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, Copenhagen, 2016

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 9.25

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend World Cancer

Congress in Paris

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 11.90

Participation in Roche's Long-Term Capacity Building in Management - Phase 2 -

September to November/2016 at patient group's office.

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 70.60 Support for the organization's awareness and advocacy activities

Brazil ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO www.assocrio.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 85.20

The patient group qualifies community agents on the importance of an early

diagnosis to fight cervical cancer


ASSOCRIO - Associação dos Amigos do CRIO

www.assocrio.org.br/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 3.48

Travel and accomodation support for one representative to attend Oncoguia's

Public Policy Forum in Brasilia


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 4.12

Support for the participation of two representatives at the Roche Cervical Cancer

Workshop in São Paulo, 2015


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 5.34

Attendance at Capacity Building in Strategic Management


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 8.23

Logistic support for one representative to attend the IEEPO – International

Experience Exchange for Patient Organisations, Copenhagen, 2016


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kBRL 36.62

3 Policy Foruns São Paulo (20,June), Ceara (May,25), and DF (20,October) with

decision makers or parliamentarians to discuss access to metastatic breast cancer


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 58.70

Mapping new NGOs and strengthening FEMAMA´s network


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 59.00

Study about Breast Cancer Patient Journey identifying central access barriers and

guiding affiliates to find solutions to guarantee patient navigation.


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 124.91

Survey with 50 metastatic patients to identify the impact of metastatic disease in in

their life calling for action and awareness around priority issues


FEMAMA - Federação Brasileira de Instituições

Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama www.femama.org.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kBRL 165.95

Sponsorship for FEMAMA´s advocacy initiatives such as studying law improvments

and preparing materials for stakeholder engagement to raise awareness around

priority advocacy issues.



www.femama.org.br/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


FIBROCIS - Sociedade de Assistência à Fibrose

Cística www.fibrocis.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 7.00

Attendance at Capacity Building in Project Elaboration to Roche's Call for Proposals


FIBROCIS - Sociedade de Assistência à Fibrose

Cística www.fibrocis.com.br Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kBRL 12.85

Workshop and capacity building on cystic fibrosis disease education, São Paulo,

June 2016


FIBROCIS - Sociedade de Assistência à Fibrose

Cística www.fibrocis.com.br Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kBRL 12.88

Participation in Roche's Capacity Building for Cystic Fibrosis and Rheumatoid

Arthritis in Management and HTA in Sao Paulo in June.


Fundação Laço Rosa - Associação Laço Rosa pela

cura do câncer de mama www.fundacaolacorosa.com Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) BRL 1'050.00

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