
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Funding to support the organization's general education and advocacy efforts

focused on the general public, patients and caregivers.

Canada CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY http://www.cancer.ca/en/region-selectorpage/?url=%2fen%2f

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 25.00

Funding to support the organization's education and advocacy activity called Let's

Talk Cancer that will engage children,youth and educators in cancer research.

Canada CANADIAN BREAST CANCER FDN http://www.cbcn.ca/index.php?pageaction=content.pag

e&id=2&lang=en Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CAD 1'000.00

Funding to suppport the educational activities including sessions facilitated by

experts for patients.

Canada CANADIAN BREAST CANCER NETWORK http://www.cbcn.ca/index.php?pageaction=content.pag

e&id=2&lang=en Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 6.12

Cost of flight for organization to participate in the International Experience

Exchange for Patient Organization (IEEPO), global networking conference

Canada CANADIAN BREAST CANCER NETWORK http://www.cbcn.ca/index.php?pageaction=content.pag

e&id=2&lang=en Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 60.00

Funding to support educational opportunities and focused advocacy efforts.

Canada COLORECTAL CANCER ASSN OF CANADA http://www.colorectal-cancer.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CAD 200.00

Support to the organization's fundraising event "Blue to New" to help people with

colorectal cancer in Canada

Canada COLORECTAL CANCER ASSN OF CANADA http://www.colorectal-cancer.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 70.00

Funding to support the organization's education and advocacy activities focusing on

patients and their families.

Canada DIABETES HOPE FOUNDATION http://www.diabeteshopefoundation.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 12.00

Support for Parent & Teen Transition Workshops + Type 1 Diabetes Canadian

Youth Expo

Canada DIABETES HOPE FOUNDATION http://www.diabeteshopefoundation.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 23.00

Support for the foundation's scholarship program for 7 students with diabetes,

selected by the foundation, to support post-secondary education.

Canada CANADIAN HEMOPHILIA SOCIETY http://www.hemophilia.ca/en/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CAD 180.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Roche Haemophilia Advisory

Board December 2016

Canada CANADIAN HEMOPHILIA SOCIETY http://www.hemophilia.ca/en/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) CAD 750.00

Consultancy service of one member at the Roche Haemophilia Advisory Board,

December 2016

Canada CANADIAN HEMOPHILIA SOCIETY http://www.hemophilia.ca/en/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 2.68

Support for the attendance at the Roche Haemophilia Advisory Board, December


Canada CANADIAN HEMOPHILIA SOCIETY http://www.hemophilia.ca/en/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 10.00 Funding to help the organization's core programming needs of the organization.

Canada KIDNEY FOUNDATION IN ALBERTA http://www.kidney.ca/page.aspx?pid=266 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 5.00

Funding to support the organization's short term financial emergency assistance

program to patients.

Canada KIDNEY FOUNDATION IN ALBERTA http://www.kidney.ca/page.aspx?pid=266 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 10.00

Funding to support the organization's advocacy activitites focusing on the Kidney

Foundation's Short Term Financial Assistance



http://www.kidneycancercanada.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kCAD 8.00

Funding to support the organization's education focusing on material development,

dissemination and in-kind translation that were critical for patients during and after


Canada KIDNEY CANCER CANADA http://www.kidneycancercanada.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 12.00

Funding to support the coalition's advocacy for health policy change in Ontario and

each of the Atlantic Provinces.

Canada THE LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA http://www.lls.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 20.00

Funding to support organization's general education and advocacy platform

focused for patients, caregivers, healthcare practitioners and other stakeholders

Canada LMC http://www.lmc.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 15.00

The advanced self-care program involves designing an assessment tool to assist

with identifying the barriers to better care in the high-risk population.


Lung Cancer Canada

http://www.lungcancercanada.ca/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Canada LUNG CANCER CANADA http://www.lungcancercanada.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 1.28

Cost of flight for organization to participate in the International Experience

Exchange for Patient Organization (IEEPO), global networking conference

Canada LUNG CANCER CANADA http://www.lungcancercanada.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 5.00

Funding to support organization's educational platform focused on molecular

testing, best practices)



http://www.lungcancercanada.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kCAD 15.00

Funding to support organization's education with campaign activities (patient &

caregiver resources, peer programs, HCP to patient programs)



http://www.lymphoma.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kCAD 60.00

Funding to address the patients' need for current information through live

educational forums and webinars and create updated resource materials to

enhance a patient portal

Canada Ovarian Cancer Canada http://www.ovariancanada.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CAD 90.00

Reimbursed expenses for the participation of one representative at the Global

Action for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore

Canada Ovarian Cancer Canada http://www.ovariancanada.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 1.68

Travel expenses for the attendance at the 2nd Cancer Patient Organization Summit



Ovarian Cancer Canada

http://www.ovariancanada.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 6.47

support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Cancer Patient Organization Forum

2016 in Copenhagen

Canada Ovarian Cancer Canada http://www.ovariancanada.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kSGD 10.70

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Global Action

for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore

Canada Ovarian Cancer Canada http://www.ovariancanada.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 65.00 Sponsorship World Ovarian Cancer Day May 2016



http://www.ovariancanada.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kCAD 20.00

Funding to support the organization's educational activities focusing on the

information By Your Side guide for ovarian cancer available in English and French.

By Your Side ($40,000)

Canada ASSOCIATION PULMONAIRE DU QUEBEC http://www.pq.lung.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 1.50

Support to the organization's fundraising event "Bulles et Tapis Rouge" to help

people with lung diseases in Canada

Canada ASSOCIATION PULMONAIRE DU QUEBEC http://www.pq.lung.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 2.00

Funding to support the organization's translation and distribution activities for the

Quebec Pulmonary Association

Canada ASSOCIATION PULMONAIRE DU QUEBEC http://www.pq.lung.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 2.50 Funding to support organizational advocacy by focusing on a quarterly letter

Canada ASSOCIATION PULMONAIRE DU QUEBEC http://www.pq.lung.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 10.00

Funding to support the organization's advocacy activities focusing on 4 conferences

in 2016

Canada S****E YOUR SKIN FOUNDATION http://www.skincancer.org/for-medicalprofessionals/research-grants

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 15.00

Funding to support the organization's educational activities focusing on immunooncology

and its landscape.

Canada S****E YOUR SKIN FOUNDATION http://www.skincancer.org/for-medicalprofessionals/research-grants

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 70.00

Support for the Survivorship Project (ILP), Monthly Patient Webinars, Policy and

Government Relations, Augmented Quebec Strategy and Melanoma Roundtable

Canada LA SOCIETE DE LARTHRITE https://arthrite.ca/accueil Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 8.00

Funding to support organization's educational and advocacy activities focused on

workshops and professional development

Canada BLADDER CANCER CANADA https://bladdercancercanada.org/en/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 5.00

Funding to support the organization's educational activities including a 3rd

guidebook for patients to better understand their bladder cancer.

Canada BLADDER CANCER CANADA https://bladdercancercanada.org/en/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 25.00

Funding to support the organization's education series of two brochures focusing

on newly diagnosed support and awareness on early signs and symptoms.

Canada MS SOCIETY OF CANADA https://mssociety.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 3.68

Cost of flight for organization to participate in the International Experience

Exchange for Patient Organization (IEEPO), global networking conference

Canada MS SOCIETY OF CANADA https://mssociety.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 5.00

Funding to support the organization's advocacy activities including a Day at Queens

Park on September to bring together MPPs and policy makers.

Canada MS SOCIETY OF CANADA https://mssociety.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 12.00

Funding to support organization's education activities focused on the Espoir Famille

workshop, raise awareness and support


Rethink Breast Cancer

https://rethinkbreastcancer.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

CAD 350.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the iAdvise Advisory Board meeting on

Breast Cancer and the needs of people exposed to the disease. Nov 16 - Dec 2,


Canada RETHINK BREAST CANCER https://rethinkbreastcancer.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 20.00 Request for an education grant for Care Guidelines for young women.

Canada THE LUNG ASSOC OF SASKATCHEWAN https://sk.lung.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 12.00

Funding to support the organization's educational grant focusing on the IPF


Canada BRAIN TUMOUR FOUNDATION https://www.braintumour.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 8.00

Funding to support in-kind translation and printing cost for the organization's

Pediatric french handbooks.

Canada GI SOCIETY https://www.cag-acg.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 15.00

Funding to support organziation's education and advocacy focusing on SEBS,

personalized medicines and patient implications

Canada FOND POUR ENFANTS DIABETIQUES https://www.diabetes-children.ca/fr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 4.00

Families Symposium, conferences, workshops and sharing on diabetes in young

people. Booth space, company acknowledgment

Canada ALLIANCE DES COMMUNAUTES https://www.lautorite.qc.ca/en/eggf-educp-fraudaccess-conso.html

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 5.00

Funding to support the organization's educational program that address needs,

barriers and knowledge sharing

Canada MELANOMA NETWORK OF CANADA https://www.melanomanetwork.ca/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 10.00

Funding to support the organization's education focusing on youth's sun safety


Canada World Ferderation of Hemophilia https://www.wfh.org/en/page.aspx?pid=492 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 268.00 Partial sponsorship of the 2016 World Congress

Canada MELANOMA NETWORK OF CANADA melanomanetwork.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 45.00

Funding to support the organization's patient education including a website and online


Canada OVAIRE ESPOIR Roche.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 2.00

Funding to support the organization's education activities including support groups,

disseminate information and update modules about clinical trials.

Canada Arthritis Foundation, Heartland Region, Inc. www.arthritis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Walk to Cure Arthritis fundraiser -



The Asthma Society

www.asthma.ca/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Gastronintestinal Society

www.badgut.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Canada CANADIAN SKIN PATIENT ALLIANCE www.canadianskin.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 10.00

Funding to support the educational, awareness and advocacy activities focusing on

the clinical trials among dermatology patients.

Canada CancerCare Inc.

www.cancercare.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards CancerCare's Gynecologic and Ovarian Cancer

Online Support Group Program

Canada Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education www.cancerGRACE.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Direct from ASCO 2016: Highlights and New

Approaches in Lung Cancer

Canada CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOC WINNIP www.cda.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CAD 800.00 2016 Diabetes Education sessions geared at educators

Canada CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION www.cda.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 2.00

Support for the Association's HCP Conference & Public Education Session in

Newfoundland and Labrador

Canada CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOC WINNIP www.cda.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 2.10

Support for the Association's HCP Conference & Public Education Session in


Canada CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION www.cda.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 21.00

19th Annual Canadian Diabetes Association. Canadian Society of Endocrinology &

Metabolism Professional Conference & Annual meetings

Canada CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION www.cda.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 25.00

Support for the Associations National Expo Series, Type 1 Expo, as well as

Webinars (provision of booth space, company acknowledgement, and education)

Canada COALITION PRIORITE CANCER www.coalitioncancer.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 15.00

Funding to support the organization's educational activities focusing on the think

tank initiative involving key stakeholders in cancer.

Canada COLON CANCER CANADA www.coloncancercanada.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 15.00

Funding to support the organization's educational activities with in-kind translation

for the first print edition of My Colon Cancer Companion.


Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada

www.colorectal-cancer.ca/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Canada Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada www.colorectal-cancer.ca/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kSGD 8.62

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Global Action

for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore

Canada DIABETE QUEBEC www.diabete.qc.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCAD 5.00 Sponsorship for Training Day Diabetes Quebec (kiosk, logo, bag)



www.jdrf.ca Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kCAD 55.80

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