
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Support for patients education about stress management

Dominican Republic


DE ARTRITIS REUMATOIDEA unpasodefe.wix.com/inicio#!sobre-un-paso-de-fe Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.49

Support for activity regarding the aniversary of the foundation

Dominican Republic


GINECOLOGIA (FIGO) www.sdog.org.do Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.20

Support for the continuos medical education attending to FIGO Congreso

Federacion Internacional Obstetricia y Ginecología

Dominican Republic FUNDACION UN AMIGO COMO TU www.unamigocomotu.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Support for education about cervical cancer for patients


Fundación Ecuatoriana de ayuda a pacientes con

Fibrosis Quística "FUNDAFIQ" http://www.fundafiq.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.21

Talk about patients' rights in three cities of the Ecuadorian Austro

Ecuador Fundación Jóvenes contra el cáncer https://jovenescontraelcancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 21.57

Support project 1800 Cancer, the call of hope, care for cancer patients at the

national level

Ecuador Fundación ecuatoriana fibrosis quistica NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Support for networking and awareness talks on cystic fibrosis.


Asociación Ecuatoriana de ayuda a pacientes con

cáncer Esperanza y Vida NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

USD 780.00

Support for the participation of one representative to participate in the Latin

American Patient

Organizations Workshop (LAPOW) in Peru, 2016


Fundación Suyana

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

USD 950.00

Support for the participation of one representative to participate in the Latin

American Patient

Organizations Workshop (LAPOW) in Peru, 2016

Ecuador Asociación de Pacientes Oncológicos NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.88

Donation to patient organization for a project that includes talks for patients in

Hospital Carlos Andrade Marin about their rights and good heath care


Asociación Ecuatoriana de ayuda a pacientes con

cáncer Esperanza y Vida NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.92

Support for the organization of awareness and prevention activities for the

leukemia day

Ecuador Favca ayudame a vivir con cáncer NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 4.00

Donation to patient organization for a project that includes talks for patients in

Hospital Eugenio Espejo about their rights and good heath care

Ecuador Fundación Fibrosis Quísitica Guayaquil NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 6.84

Support for the organization's general awareness activities and for the purchase of

diagnostic supplies


Asociación Ecuatoriana de ayuda a pacientes con

cáncer Esperanza y Vida NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 22.23

Donation for walking on cancer day and spport for talks to patients in hospitals


Red de Organizaciones de Pacientes acuerdo contra

el cáncer www.acuerdocontraelcancer.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 13.03

Support for the digital communication campaign and public relations for the

prioritization of cancer in Ecuador.

Ecuador Fundacion los Fresnos www.casadeladiabetes.org.ec Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Support for monitoring the patients of the children and young camp

Ecuador Fundación Cecilia Rivadeneira www.fcr.org.ec Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) USD 1'080.00

Support for the participation of one representative to participate in the Latin

American Patient Organizations Workshop (LAPOW) in Peru, 2016

Ecuador Fundación Cecilia Rivadeneira www.fcr.org.ec Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 15.00

Donation for awareness raising on the disease in 4 plays with cancer patients in

Quito and Cuenca

Ecuador Fundación de Diabetes Juvenil Ecuador www.fdje.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.00 Support for monitoring the patients of the children and young camp

Ecuador Cepreme www.mujercepreme.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.65 Talks about patients' rights and access to diagnosis.

Ecuador Sociedad de lucha contra el cáncer www.solca.med.ec Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.36 Organization of socialization and prevention activities per day of leukemia

Ecuador Sociedad de lucha contra el cáncer www.solca.med.ec Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kUSD 7.45 Donation of a cold chamber to Solca Gye

Ecuador Sociedad de lucha contra el cáncer www.solca.med.ec Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.64

Support in event "Advances in the diagnosis in the field of oncohematology with the

technique of Molecular Biology"

Ecuador Sociedad de lucha contra el cáncer www.solca.med.ec Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.92 Support at the VI National Congress of Oncology, scientific event


Can Survive

www.icansurvive.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Can Survive

www.icansurvive.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kEGP 5.45

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


MS Care Society

www.mscaregypt.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kEGP 36.29

Support to attend the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple

Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) congress and the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation

(MSIF) meeting in London

El Salvador FUNDACION EDIFICANDO VIDAS edificandovidas-elsalvador.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 400.00 Support for patients education related to Lung , Cervix and Ovarian Cancer

El Salvador FUNDACION EDIFICANDO VIDAS edificandovidas-elsalvador.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 400.00 Support for patients education related to Lung Cancer

El Salvador FUNDACION EDIFICANDO VIDAS edificandovidas-elsalvador.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Support the association's activity about cervical and ovarian cancer

El Salvador FUNDACION EDIFICANDO VIDAS edificandovidas-elsalvador.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 560.00

Support for the continuos medical education participating in the International

Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)

El Salvador FUNDACION EDIFICANDO VIDAS edificandovidas-elsalvador.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Support for activity for Patients related to Breast Cancer Day

El Salvador FUNDACION EDIFICANDO VIDAS edificandovidas-elsalvador.org Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kUSD 11.31 Support for the association's activites to help patients with Breast Cancer

El Salvador


SALVADOR NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'020.00

Support for the association's medical education about Biotherapeutic Drugs

El Salvador


SALVADOR NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Support to train leaders about biosimilars

El Salvador


SALVADOR NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.00

Support for medical education sessions " I Encuentro Anual de Biored"

El Salvador


SALVADOR NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.60

Support for administrative activities in the association

El Salvador


SALVADOR NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 4.00

Support for the organization of an educational meeting to train leaders about

biosimilars, meeting with 10 non governmental organizations

El Salvador


ESPERANZA PARA EL REUMATISMO APARE papantzi.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 700.00

Support for educational activity related to Rheumatoid Arthritis "VI Jornada

Internacional del Paciente con Artritis"

El Salvador


ASR reumatologosdeelsalvador.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Support for the association's educational activity related to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Estonia Estonia Cancer Society

www.cancer.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 690.00

Support for the organization to maintain it's yearly membership in the Union for

International Cancer Control (UICC)

Estonia Estonian Cancer Society

www.cancer.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.50

Support for organizing annual breast cancer awareness programs (press releases,

TV, web and radio campaigns about Breast Cancer screening)

Estonia Estonian Cancer Society

www.cancer.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.50

Support for colorectal cancer campaign (CRC cancer week events, brochures,

radio broadcast)

Estonia Estonian Cancer Society

www.cancer.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 9.60

Support for awareness and prevention projects of breast, cervical, and colorectal

cancer in 2016.

Estonia Estonian Cystic Fibrosis Society www.etfy.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 600.00 Support for organizing a Summer school for patients.

Estonia Estonian Patients Union www.patsiendid.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00 Support for Estonian Patients Union annual conference.

Estonia Estonian Rheumatism Association www.reumaliit.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Support for organizing the healthy lifestyle promoting event" Walking Day"

Estonia Estonian Rheumatism Association www.reumaliit.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Support for organizing Rheumatism Forum (awareness event for public).

Estonia Estonian Rheumatism Association www.reumaliit.ee Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00

Support for Estonian Rheumatism Association delegate to participate in EULAR


Estonia Estonian Rheumatism Association www.reumaliit.ee/ financial contributions to Patient Organisations DKK 30.00

Reimbursed expenses for the participation at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Estonian Rheumatism Association

www.reumaliit.ee/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Ethiopia Mathiwos Wondu Ye-Ethiopia Cancer Society www.mathycancersoc.org/wp/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 2.10

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Finland Suomen Suolistosyöpäyhdistys ry http://www.colores.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 850.00 Grant to partially support the Colorectal Summit

Finland Keski-Suomen Diabetesyhdistys http://www.ksdiabetes.fi/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 300.00 Fee for advertisement in the association's membership magazine.

Finland Oulun Diabetesyhdistys ry http://www.oulundiabetesyhdistys.fi/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 330.00 Fee for advertisement in the association's membership magazine.

Finland Seinäjoen Seudun Diabetesyhdistys http://www.seinajoenseudundiabetes.fi/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00 Fee for advertisement in the association's membership magazines.

Finland Sydänlapset ja -aikuiset ry http://www.sydanlapsetja-aikuiset.fi/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 150.00 Fee for advertisement in the association's Sydänlapset membership magazine.

Finland Promama ry http://www.tunnerintasi.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.50 Grant towards the Breast Cancer Day

Finland https://www.europadonna.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 260.00

Support for the attendance at the International Experience Exchange For Patient

Organizations 2016 Copenhagen

Finland Rintasyöpäyhdistys Europa Donna Finland Oy https://www.europadonna.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Grant to support the oganization's patient lectures

Finland Rintasyöpäyhdistys Europa Donna ry https://www.europadonna.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.00 Grant to help develop a tool to support Breast Cancer patients

Finland Pohjois-Savon Syöpäyhdistys ry https://www.pohjois-savonsyopayhdistys.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 800.00

Grant towards awareness raising activities on the 80th anniversary of the


Finland Reumaliitto ry https://www.reumaliitto.fi/fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 900.00 Grant to partially fund the organization's Children's Rheuma Event

Finland Siskot- syöpäkuntoutujat ry https://www.siskot.info/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 3.00 Grant to maintain the organization's internet pages and support the Sisko-day

Finland https://www.syopapotilaat.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 230.00

Support for the attendance at the International Experience Exchange For Patient

Organizations 2016 Copenhagen

Finland Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry https://www.syopapotilaat.fi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 10.00

Grant towards the organization's health care related events and increasing



Finnish Cancer Patients

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Finland Colores www.colores.fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 3.40 Grant for the organization's colorectal cancer awareness and visibility work

Finland Suomen Diabetesliitto www.diabetes.fi Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kEUR 10.64

Fees for various advertisements in the association's magazine, entrance fee to a

congress event and annual glass display shelf rent in the association's premises.


Finnish Breast Cancer Association- Europa Donna

Finland ry www.europadonna.fi/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Finland Hengitysliitto www.hengitysliitto.fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 4.00 Grant to help raise awareness in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Finland Lahden Seudun Diabeetikot Ry www.lahdenseudundiabeetikot.com Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 1'000.00 Fees for advertisements in the association's membership magazine.

Finland Munuais- ja maksaliitto www.muma.fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.60 Grant to support the organization's advocacy work

Finland Neuroliitto www.neuroliitto.fi Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kEUR 4.30

Market research agency costs for a co-operation with Neuroliitto for a patient

survey on equal acces to Multiple Sclerosis treatment.

Finland Neuroliitto www.neuroliitto.fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00 Grant to increase Multiple Sclerosis disease awaraness

Finland Reumaliitto www.reumaliitto.fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 7.77 Grant to support awareness and disease education on Rheumatoid Arthritis

Finland Sylva Ry www.sylva.fi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Grant to help raise awareness on children cancer


Tampereen Diabetesyhdistys

www.tampereendiabetesyhdistys.fi Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement)

EUR 400.00

Fee for Roche's share of space in glass cabinet on Tampere's premises to display

various diabetes meters from all Vendors marketing their meters in Finland.

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