
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:


Society of Parents of Children with JIA

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen

Georgia Georgian Patient Union NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGEL 1.50 Financial support for patricipation in 2016 GYN Cancer Patient Group Forum


Hautkrebs-Netzwerk Deutschland i.Gr.

http://hautkrebs-netzwerk.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Germany MammaMia http://mammamia-online.de/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 100.00

Expense reimbursement for the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient

Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Germany MammaMia http://mammamia-online.de/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 700.00

Consultancy service at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient Group

Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Germany MammaMia http://mammamia-online.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 710.00

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich


Interessengemeinschaft Hämophiler e.V.

http://www.igh.info/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Initiative "Forschung und Therapie für die Spinale

Muskelatrophie" im Förderverein für die Deutsche http://www.initiative-sma.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Germany Lebensmut e.V. http://www.lebensmut.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00 Sponsorship "Nutrition seminar - Oncological nutrition for lung cancer patients"

Germany Lebensmut e.V. http://www.lebensmut.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00

Sponsorship "Support of patients and their relatives, especially psychooncological


Germany Non-Hodgkin Lymphom Hilfe e.V. http://www.nhl-hilfe.eu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 320.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "2. Nationaler Erfahrungsaustausch Patient

und Politik"

Germany PRO-RETINA http://www.pro-retina.de/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 110.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Roche Roundtable Discussion on

the importance of geographic atrophy, Brussel, June 2016

Germany PRO-RETINA http://www.pro-retina.de/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 150.00 Speaker service at the Roche Educational Masterclass in Bonn, November 2016

Germany PRO-RETINA http://www.pro-retina.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 380.00

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the Health

Policy Round Table on Geographic Atrophy 2016 in Brussels


Selbsthilfe Hautkrebs Buxtehude

http://www.shg-hautkrebs-buxtehude.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.81

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Germany Selbsthilfe Hautkrebs Buxtehude http://www.shg-hautkrebs-buxtehude.de/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 540.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organizations 2016"

Germany Selbsthilfe Hautkrebs Buxtehude http://www.shg-hautkrebs-buxtehude.de/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 570.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organizations 2016"

Germany Deutsche Hämophiliegesellschaft e.V. https://www.dhg.de/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 330.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Roche Haemophilia Advisory

Board September 2016

Germany Deutsche Hämophiliegesellschaft e.V. https://www.dhg.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 470.00

Support for the attendance at the Roche Haemophilia Advisory Board, September


Germany Deutsche Hämophiliegesellschaft e.V. https://www.dhg.de/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 950.00

Consultancy service of one member at the Roche Haemophilia Advisory Board,

September 2016


Mukoviszidose e.V. - Bundesverband Selbsthilfe bei

Cystischer Fibrose (CF) NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 70.00

Supporting membership

Germany PaJuBS Selbsthilfegruppe Braunschweig e.V. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Support of Tai-Chi training for young Parkinson's patients

Germany SHG Hof Frauenkrebs BKG e.V. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00

Sponsorship of the colon cancer awareness event "Darmkrebs - ein Tabuthema?"

Germany SHG Hof Frauenkrebs BKG e.V. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 750.00

Sponsorship "breast cancer therapy at the breast cancer center of the Sana Clinic"

Germany SHG Hof Frauenkrebs BKG e.V. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 750.00 Sponsorship "Skin cancer screening as life insurance for your skin"

Germany SHG Hof Frauenkrebs BKG e.V. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00 Support of training events for breast and ovarian cancer patients

Germany Lebenshilfe Krebs e.V. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.50 Sponsorship "Supporting membership"


Selbsthilfegruppe für Krebsbetroffene in Mainz und

Umgebung NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.00

Sponsorship "Event on the subject of cancer"

13.07.16 in Mainz


Selbsthilfegruppe für Krebsbetroffene in Mainz und

Umgebung NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.00

Sponsorship of the "Information day for patients on the subject of intestinal health"


Mukoviszidose e.V. - Bundesverband Selbsthilfe bei

Cystischer Fibrose (CF) NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 4.00

Sponsorship "50th annual meeting cystic fibrosis"


Mukoviszidose e.V.– Bundesverband Selbsthilfe

bei Cystischer Fibrose (CF) NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 4.50

Sponsorship "Event 19. Deutsche Mukosviszidose Tagung"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 10.00 Travel costs for the attendance at the Patient advisory board lung cancer

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 60.00 Travel costs for the attendance at the Patient advisory board lung cancer

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 230.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the Event "The Second Breath - living with lung


Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 300.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the Event "The Second Breath - living with lung


Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 320.00 Travel costs for the attendance at the Patient advisory board lung cancer

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 350.00 Travel costs for the attendance at the Patient advisory board lung cancer

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 360.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the Event "The Second Breath - living with lung


Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 390.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the Event "The Second Breath - living with lung


Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 700.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organizations 2016"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 750.00 Sponsorship Event "The Second Breath - living with lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 750.00 Sponsorship Event "The Second Breath - living with lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 750.00 Sponsorship Event "The Second Breath - living with lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 750.00 Sponsorship Event "The Second Breath - living with lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 860.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organizations 2016"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00 Advisor "Patient advisory board lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00 Advisor "Patient advisory board lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00 Advisor "Patient advisory board lung cancer"

Germany Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs Berlin e. V. www.bsl.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00 Advisor "Patient advisory board lung cancer"


Bundesverband Selbsthilfe Lungenkrebs e. V.

www.bundesverband-selbsthilfe-lungenkrebs.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Germany Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc. www.ccalliance.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the2016 St. Louis Undy Run/Walk fundraiser


Das Lebenshaus e.V.

www.daslebenshaus.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Germany Multiple Sklerose SHG Waldeck-Frankenberg www.dmsg-hessen.de/waldeck-frankenberg/wir Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00

Support patients recently affected as well as longer affected with multiple sclerosis.

Advising on questions and problems around the disease


DMSG Rheinland-Pfalz

www.dmsg-rlp.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


Familienhilfe Darmkrebs e.V.

www.familienhilfe-darmkrebs.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Verein zur Förderung Gemeinsam gegen Brustkrebs

e.V. www.foerderverein-gegen-brustkrebs.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 250.00

Advisor at the breast cancer event "Durch die Brust ins Herz in Duisburg"

Germany SHG Lebertransplantierte Deutschland e.V. www.lebertransplantation.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00

Support of members traveling expenses to information events of the organisation

"Lebertransplantierte Deutschland e.V."

Germany Leukämiehilfe Rhein-Main g. e.V. www.leukaemiehilfe-rhein-main.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 80.00

Travel Costs for the attendance at the patient advisory board cancer

immunotherapy 17.11.16 in Düsseldorf

Germany Leukämiehilfe Rhein-Main g. e. V: www.leukaemiehilfe-rhein-main.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 800.00 Support patient event "5th German Waldenstrom forum"

Germany Leukämiehilfe Rhein-Main g. e. V: www.leukaemiehilfe-rhein-main.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 120.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organizations 2016"

Germany Leukämiehilfe Rhein-Main g. e.V. www.leukaemiehilfe-rhein-main.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00

Advisor at the Patient advisory board cancer immunotherapy 17.11.16 in Düsseldorf


LHRM Leukämiehilfe Rhein-Main G.e.V.

www.leukaemiehilfe-rhein-main.de/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Germany Lungenemphysem-COPD Deutschland e.V. www.lungenemphysem-copd.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.10 Support of the 9th symposia on the subject of lung

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 300.00

Reimbursed travel expenses for the consultancy service in the Roche clinical trial

on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, October 2016, Basel

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 240.00

Consultancy service in the Roche clinical trial on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,

October 2016, Basel

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 40.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the Pulmonary fibrosis campagne - Living to


Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 170.00

Travel costs for the attendance at the "2. Nationaler Erfahrungsaustausch Patient

und Politik"

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.25

Event on the subject of pulmonary fibrosis - Workshop Lungenfibrose in Essen on


Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.25

Event on the subject of pulmonary fibrosis -Interstl. Lungenerkrankungen &

Lungenfibrose - ein interdisziplinäres Problem in Wuppertal am 21.06.2016

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.25

Event on the subject of pulmonary fibrosis - Event Lungenfibrose in Schönau a.

Königssee am 20.05.2016

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.25

Event on the subject of pulmonary fibrosis - Event Lungenfibrose in Schönau a.

Königssee am 20.05.2016

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.25

Sponsorship "Pulmonary fibrosis and lung diseases as an interdisciplinary problem - Event Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen in Essen am 27.02.2016"

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.80 Sponsorship "Advertising campaign Breathing for life in Magazine " Atemlo2"

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 500.00

Speaker at internal event for Ideophathic Pulmonary fibrosis campaign - Breathe

for life

Germany Lungenfibrose e.V. www.lungenfibrose.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00 Support of upcoming patient events under the topic of pulmonary fibrosis

Germany Magdeburger Krebsliga e.V. www.magdeburger-krebsliga.de Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Event on the subject of young cancer patients 13.04.16 in Magdeburg

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