
來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:


Irish Lung Fibrosis Association

http://www.ilfa.ie/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement)

kEUR 1.22

Speaker service at the 6th AIR meeting 2016 to provide international physicians the

patient perspective of living with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), November

2016 Vienna

Ireland The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland http://www.ms-society.ie/pages/what-wedo?gclid=CNbzrr30_dECFVAo0wod7bIG7g

Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 200.00

Support for the participation of one representative at the Multiple Sclerosis Patient

Group Forum 2016 in Zürich



http://www.shineonline.ie/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Arthritis Ireland

www.arthritisireland.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 8.00

To support the JA road trip - a weekend for teenagers living with Juvenile Idiopathic

Arthritis. The Road Trip combines disease management workshops and outdoor


Ireland Arthritis Ireland www.arthritisireland.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 25.00

The funding is to meet Arthritis Ireland's commitment to both UCD and TCD to

invest into rheumatology research over the coming years.


Irish Cancer Society

www.cancer.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 5.28

Support 12th annual national seminar for Irish Cancer society nurses for education

and training of night nurses to ensure continued delivery of high level service.

Ireland Irish Cancer Society www.cancer.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 10.00

Sponsorship for the international psycho-oncology society world congress

09.11.2016 to further develop the science and practice of psychosocial oncology


European Health Management Association

www.ehma.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Ireland Irish Lung Fibrosis Association www.ilfa.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 12.05

Support to produce DVD outlining the principles of "The National patient Charther

for IPF" to complement printed patient information.

Ireland Irish Lung Fibrosis Association Ireland www.ilfa.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 12.16 Grant for the development of a home exercise DVD for Lung Fibrosis patients

Ireland Irish Lung Fibrosis Association (ILFA) www.ilfa.ie/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 300.00 Speaker service at the Roche Global Alignment Meeting 2016, London UK


Marie Keating Foundation

www.mariekeating.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 14.38

Support the 'No Ifs or Buts: Get screened' cancer awareness campaign to highlight

the importance of early detection of bowel cancer to ensure more positive


Ireland Marie Keating Foundation www.mariekeating.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 20.00

To provide sponsorship to fund the costs related to the design of a garden at bloom

incorporating Out of the Other Side stories of survivorship


MS Society of Ireland

www.ms-society.ie Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 10.00

Financial support to produce physcial copies of MS News Autumn/ winter edition

for people that do not have access to information through the internet or social

media channels.

Israel MS Home organisation http://mshome.org.il/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 4.00

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations in Copenhagen

Israel MS Home organisation http://mshome.org.il/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 150.00 Contribution for raising awareness for Multiple Sclerosis disease

Israel Israel Cancer Association http://www.cancer.org.il/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations ILS 720.00

Reimbursed expenses for the Patient Expert Committee meeting, November 2016,

to include their voices and reflect their needs.


Israel Cancer Association

http://www.cancer.org.il/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kCHF 1.53

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Patient

Expert Committee meeting, November 2016, to include their voices and reflect their

needs. (Accommodation, Travel)

Israel Israeli Association melanoma http://www.melanoma.org.il/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 4.00

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations in Copenhagen

Israel Israeli Association for melanoma http://www.melanoma.org.il/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kILS 2.28

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the Breast Cancer Patient Group

Forum - Milan June 2016


MS Association

mssociety.org.il/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Multiple Sclerosis Networking Breakfast

2016 in Copenhagen

Israel Amutat Halil Haor NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 150.00

Expense reimbursement for the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient

Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Israel Amutat Halil Haor NA Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 700.00

Consultancy service at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient Group

Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Israel Amutat Halil Haor NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 1.45

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich


Young Joints Association

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.24

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


CLL Advocates Network

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


the Israeli organisation for melanoma

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Israel Israel Cancer Association www.cancer.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 2.14

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the Breast Cancer Patient Group

Forum - Milan

Israel Israel Cancer Association www.cancer.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 4.00

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations in Copenhagen

Israel Israel Cancer Association www.cancer.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 7.00 Contribution for help in funding the event generating breast cancer awareness

Israel Israel Cancer Association www.cancer.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 7.50

Participation of 2 Association Representative in the Breast Cancer Patient Group

Forum - Milan June 2015

Israel Israel Cancer Association www.cancer.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 36.00

A Spark of Hope - allow sick children receive support and personal assistance and



Amutat Hof

www.hof-ipf.org.il Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Israel Association for Pulmonary Fibrosis patients in Israel www.hof-ipf.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 4.00

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations in Copenhagen



www.ica-is.org.il/en Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Israel American Liver Foundation www.liverfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the Liver Life Walk Cleveland 2016 fundraiser

Israel Israel association for young RA patients www.mifrakim.org.il Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 32.00 Contribution for the meetings of support groups conducted during 2016


Mifrakim Zeirim

www.mifrakim.org.il/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.24

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen

Israel Israel association for young RA patients www.mifrakim.org.il/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 2.50 Participation for 1 Association Representative in the EULAR London Meeting

Israel Israel association for young RA patients www.mifrakim.org.il/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kILS 4.00

Participation of 1 Association Representative in the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations in Copenhagen

Italy Europa Donna Italia europadonna.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 30.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Breast Cancer Patient Group

Organization Meeting June, 2016

Italy Europa Donna Italia europadonna.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 190.00

Reimbursed expenses for the participation at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Europa Donna Italia

europadonna.it/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Italy Europa Donna Italia europadonna.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 80.66 Sponsorship for "Diritti al centro" project

Italy ADNA - ASS. DIABETE DEL NARNESE AME http://beta.pgcesvol.com/corediabumbria/chipartecipa/associazione-diabetici-narni-amelia/

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 4.90

To improve patients knowledge about right lifestyle in terms of alimentation; to

improve relationship between HCPs and Patients


Lega Italiana Per La Lotta Contro I Tumori - Sezione

Ferrara HTTP://LEGATUMORIFERRARA.IT/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00

Donation to support the organization's annual activites.

Italy AGORA http://www.agora-platform.eu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 16.50 Grant to AGORA for the 5th Agora conference


Ail Pisa - Associazione Italiana Contro Le Leucemie

Linfomi E Mieloma http://www.ailpisa.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 20.00

Request to support a project finalised to improve services to emathological patients


AIL SASSARI Associazione Italiana Contro Le

Leucemie Linfomi e Mieloma http://www.ailsassari.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00

Support to the patient organisation to help raise patient's awareness throughout




http://www.aism.it/home.aspx Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Multiple Sclerosis Networking Breakfast

2016 in Copenhagen



http://www.aism.it/home.aspx Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kEUR 1.18

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Multiple Sclerosis Networking Breakfast

2016 in Copenhagen

Italy Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society http://www.aism.it/index.aspx?codpage=intro_aism_fis

m_eng Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 200.00

Support for the participation of one representative at the Multiple Sclerosis Patient

Group Forum 2016 in Zürich

Italy A.Ma.R.V.Associazione Malati Reumatici Del Veneto http://www.amarv-veneto.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 12.00

Support to the patient organisation's core activities to help raise awareness for

rheumatic diseases

Italy Associazione Morgagni Malattie Polmonari Onlus HTTP://WWW.AMMPFORLUNG.IT/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00 Request for data manager support



http://www.apmar.it/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 10.36

Support for the participation of two representatives at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen



http://www.apmar.it/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

EUR 870.00

Support for the participation of two representatives at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


APMAR Associazione Persone Con Malattie

Reumatiche Onlus http://www.apmar.it/Default.as Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 20.00

Support to patients awareness project

Italy ASS. SAN LUIGI GONZAGA ONLUS http://www.associazionesanluigi.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 9.50

Implementation of right lifestyle in patients with diabetes type 1 and type 2 trough

classroom and individual training.

Italy Attivecomeprima http://www.attive.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00 Support to "dear son" project adolescent facing cancer experience in their family

Italy Cittadinanzattiva http://www.cittadinanzattiva.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00 European Patients Right Day 2016

Italy Europa Donna Italia http://www.europadonna.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 75.00

Partial support towards the European Breast Cancer Coalition 2016 Programme to

raise awareness and advance advocay on Breast Cancer


AMA fuori dal buio

http://www.fuoridalbuio.it/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 12.50

Support for the international awareness campaign “IPF World Week” including the

IPF World Week’s website, accessable for all patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary

Fibrosis (IPF).


Ama Fuori Dal Buio Associazione Malati Autoimmuni

Orfani Rari HTTP://WWW.FUORIDALBUIO.IT/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 15.00

Support to the patient organisation's core activities to help raise awareness for rare



LILT - Lega Italiana Per La Lotta Contro I Tumori -

Sezione Di Benevento HTTP://WWW.LILTBN.IT/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 19.00

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