
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:


www.fundame.net/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Spain Grupo Español de Pacientes Con Cáncer (GEPAC)

www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 60.00

Expense reimbursement for the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient

Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Spain Grupo Español de Pacientes Con Cáncer (GEPAC)

www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 60.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Patient Group Advisory Board

meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Spain Grupo Español de Pacientes Con Cáncer (GEPAC)

www.gepac.es Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 390.00

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Spain Grupo Español de Pacientes Con Cáncer (GEPAC)

www.gepac.es Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 870.00

Consultancy service at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology Patient Group

Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00 Financial support for Breast Cancer Website within GEPAC webpage

Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.50 Financial support for Lung Cancer Awareness Day

Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.50 Financial support for Lung Cancer guide

Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 3.00 Financial support for the Skin Cancer awareness campaign


www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00

Financial support for IV GEPAC (Grupo Español de pacientes con cáncer) awards


www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 6.00

Financial support for GEPAC (Grupo Español de Pacientes con Cáncer) training


Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 6.00 Financial support for Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 8.00 Financial support for webpage maintenance


www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 10'000.00

Financial suppor for Grupo Español de Pacientes con Cancer- service of

psycological education


www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 14.00

Financial support for World Cancer Awareness Day and Cancer Survival Day



www.gepac.es Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 310.00

non- financial support (transportation) for attendance to International Experience

Exchange for Patient Oganization meeting

Spain GEPAC,GRUP ESP PACIENTES CON CANCER www.gepac.es Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 19.00 Financial support for XI Cancer Patients Congress



www.gepac.es/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Sweden Nätverket mot gynekologisk cancer gyncancer.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 4.50 Contribution accomodation gyn cancer patient group forum in Budapest

Sweden Nätverket mot gynekologisk cancer

gyncancer.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 6.32

Contribution for the attendance at Gyn cancer patient group forum in Budapest,

organized by Roche Basel

Sweden Mag- och tarmförbundet http://magotarm.se/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 23.72 Consulting engagement fee for a report regarding intestinal cancer

Sweden Mag- och tarmförbundet http://magotarm.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 17.87 Fee for a report regarding intestinal cancer

Sweden Mag- och tarmförbundet http://magotarm.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 32.00 Fee for an article regarding intestinal cancer

Sweden Nätverket för spinal muskelatrofi http://nsma.nu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations SEK 960.00

Contibution travel expenses, Internationel Experience Exchange for Pationet

Organisations (IEEPO), Copenhagen 2016.

Sweden Blodcancerförbundet http://www.blodcancerforbundet.se/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 22.00 Contribution for updating organisation brochures


Bcf Johanna Göteborg Bohuslän

http://www.bro.se/local_start.asp?nodeid=117980 Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

CHF 800.00

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich (accommodation

and flight)


Melanoma Patient Network EU

http://www.melanomapatientnetworkeu.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 41.25

Partial support of the organization’s annual conference ‘Power to the Patient - With

great power comes great responsibility’, March 2016 and the autumn workshop on

Health Technology Assessment in November 2016

Sweden Nätverket mot cancer http://www.natverketmotcancer.se/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 1.84

Contibution travel expenses, Internationel Experience Exchange for Pationet

Organisations (IEEPO), Copenhagen 2016.

Sweden Nätverket mot Cancer http://www.natverketmotcancer.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 6.57 Speaker fee, seminary about cancer

Sweden Nätverket mot cancer http://www.natverketmotcancer.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 20.23 Speaker fee, social media education for patient organizations.

Sweden Nätverket mot cancer http://www.natverketmotcancer.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 25.00 Consulting engagement fee for developing a patient law application (digital)

Sweden Nätverket mot cancer http://www.natverketmotcancer.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 65.00 Consulting engagement fee for a debate article about cancer.

Sweden Svendka Ödemförbundet http://www.svenskaodemforbundet.se/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 1.71

Contibution travel expenses, Internationel Experience Exchange for Pationet

Organisations (IEEPO), Copenhagen 2016.

Sweden Svenska Ödemförbundet http://www.svenskaodemforbundet.se/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 9.05 Contibution travel expenses, Breast Cancer Patient Group Forum 2016 in Milano.

Sweden Johan Dahlström Stipendium https://www.accu-chek.se/om-accuchek/idrottsstipendiet/

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 12.50

Financial grant to support young athletes living with diabetes type-1.


Colorectal Cancer Association

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Mouth and Throat cancer Association

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (NSMA)

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Swedish Network Against Cancer

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningen Amazona

www.amazona.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 5.00

Contribution speaker fee, lecture with Sara Margolin from Karolinska Institutet

(Department of Oncology-Pathology)

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningen Amazona www.amazona.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 5.00 Open lecture with Dr Sara Margolin held in Stockholm on October 10.

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningen Amazona www.amazona.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 24.52 Support for arranging meeting with speaker in Stockholm.

Sweden Blodcancerförbundet www.blodcancerforbundet.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 6.88 Contribution travel expenses, Almedalsveckan i Visby.

Sweden Blodcancerförbundet www.blodcancerforbundet.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 24.23

Financial Contribution to an information day regarding Chronic lymphocytic

leukemia (CLL) held in Stockholm.

Sweden Blodcancerförbundet www.blodcancerforbundet.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 43.64 Contribution premises, seminary about blod cancer, Almedalsveckan 2016

Sweden Blodcancerförbundet www.blodcancerforbundet.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 280.48

Speaker expense related to seminar about blod cancer, held during a political rally

meeting "Almedalsveckan" on Gotland in July, 2016.

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningen Misteln www.bro.org.se/local_start.asp?nodeid=118002 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 7.07 Contribution to open meeting for members, held in Västerås.

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningen Rosa på Gotland www.bro.org/gotland Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 9.00 Open meeting, held on Gotland, for all members

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningarnas riksorganisation BRO www.bro.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 6.12 Contibution travel expenses, Breast Cancer Patient Group Forum 2016 in Milano.

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningen Emelie Norra Bohuslän www.bro.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 6.32 Contribution to "The Pink Ribbon day" held in the city Uddevalla.

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningarnas riksorganisation BRO www.bro.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 6.47 Contribution breast cancer patient group meeting.

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningarnas riksorganisation BRO www.bro.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 21.32

Fees for printing the book "a little book about breast cancer", published by


Sweden Bröstcancerföreningarnas riksorganisation BRO www.bro.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 3.80 Consulting engagement fee, "A little book regarding breast cancer"

Sweden Bröstcancerföreningarnas Riksorganisation - BRO www.brostcancerfonden.se/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 1.41

Reimbursed expenses for the Patient Expert Committee meeting, November 2016,

to include their voices and reflect their needs.


Bröstcancerföreningarnas Riksorganisation - BRO

www.brostcancerfonden.se/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

CHF 440.00

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Patient

Expert Committee meeting, November 2016, to include their voices and reflect their


Sweden Bröstcancerföreningarnas Riksorganisation - BRO www.brostcancerfonden.se/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 7.18

Consultancy service at the Patient Expert Committee meeting, November 2016, to

include their voices and reflect their needs.

Sweden Umeå Cancerkompisar www.cancercompisar.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 10.00 Contribution to the activity "Umeå-Cancerkompisar Live" in Umeå

Sweden Lund Cancerkompisar www.cancercompisar.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 100.00

Contribution to a research project performed by the organisation "Lund


Sweden Carpa www.carpapatient.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 2.66

Contibution travel expenses, Internationel Experience Exchange for Pationet

Organisations (IEEPO), Copenhagen 2016.

Sweden Reumatikerdistriktet Dalarna www.dalarna.reumatikerforbundet.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 13.92 Contribution open meeting for members, held in Rättvik.

Sweden Svenska Ödemförbundet

www.gyncancer.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 40.00

Contribution for accommodation to participants during the 2016 "GYN cancer

patient group forum" held in Budapest.

Sweden Gyncancerföreningen Fjärilen

www.gynsam.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 5.00

Financial contribution to an open meeting for members held in the city Gävle on

October 20.

Sweden Gyncancerföreningen Ada och Beda www.gynsam.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 6.92 Financial contribution to open meeting held in Gothenburg

Sweden Gynsam www.gynsam.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 7.29

Contribution for the attendance at Gyn cancer patient group forum in Budapest,

organized by Roche Basel

Sweden ILCO, Tarm, uro- och stomiförbundet www.ilco.nu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations SEK 1'040.00

Contibution travel expenses, Internationel Experience Exchange for Pationet

Organisations (IEEPO), Copenhagen 2016.

Sweden ILCO, Tarm, uro- och stomiförbundet www.ilco.nu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 5.00 Support to "intestinal cancer day" held in Karlstad on 1st of October.

Sweden ILCO, Tarm, uro- och stomiförbundet www.ilco.nu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 90.00 Support to ILCO's "intestinal cancer day" in March 2016

Sweden Magtarmföreningen, Gävleborg www.magotarm.se/gavleborgs Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 8.00 Support to "intestinal cancer day" in March 2016

Sweden Mun- och halscancerförbundet www.mhcforbundet.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 3.02

Contibution travel expenses, Internationel Experience Exchange for Pationet

Organisations (IEEPO), Copenhagen 2016.

Sweden Nätverket mot Cancer www.natverketmotcancer.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 23.27 Seminary held in Stockholm on world cancer day.

Sweden Nätverket mot Cancer www.natverketmotcancer.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 40.00

Seminary about this year's most important questions related to healthcare, held in

Visby during "Almedalsveckan"

Sweden Neuroförbundet www.neuroforbundet.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 30.00 Contribution to breakfast meeting held during Almedalsveckan in Visby.

Sweden Neuroförbundet www.neuroforbundet.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 224.00

Fees for a market research project performed by neuroförbundet regarding follow

up in health care.

Sweden Patientföreningen ProTjust www.protjust.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 5.00 Open meeting for members held in the city Västervik.

Sweden Lungcancerförbundet, STÖDET www.stodet.se Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kSEK 10.00 Contribution to open meeting for members, held in Sundsvall.

Sweden Lungcancerförbundet, STÖDET www.stodet.se Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kSEK 35.20

Fees for public relations in connection to the Lung cancer Day held in Stockholm.



engage.esgo.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Switzerland Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation http://www.cmladvocates.net/about-lepaf Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 60.00

Support towards commencement of network activities around Chronic lymphocytic

leukaemia (CLL)

Switzerland Stiftung Kinder-Brücke http://www.kinder-bruecke.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.00 Grant to support "project monitoring" home care for teenagers and children

Switzerland Krebsliga beider Basel http://www.klbb.ch Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.00 Grant for ballet gala 2016, fundraiser

Switzerland Ligue Genevoise contre le rhumatisme http://www.laligue.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 1'000.00

Support for educational activities at the ogranization's holiday camp for kids

suffering from rheumatism

Switzerland LuCE (Lung Cancer Europe) http://www.lungcancereurope.eu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 27.00

Support of Action Plan 2016 in order to help represent the patient’s voice at EU

level through the CARE program.


ho/noho - schweizerische patientenorganisation für

lymphombetroffene und angehörige http://www.lymphome.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 1.60

Grant for Lymphoma Coalition Global Summit & Annual General Meeting 2015


ho/noho - schweizerische patientenorganisation für

lymphombetroffene und angehörige http://www.lymphome.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 3.00

Grant for patient symposia during the World Lymphoma Awareness Day (WLAD)



ho/noho - schweizerische patientenorganisation für

lymphombetroffene und angehörige http://www.lymphome.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 11.70

Grant for the reprint of patient brochures

Switzerland Ho/noho & Lymphoma Coalition http://www.lymphome.ch/ueber-uns.html Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 220.00

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Switzerland Retina International (Switzerland) http://www.retina-international.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kEUR 1.44

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Health Policy

Round Table on Geographic Atrophy 2016 in Brussels

Switzerland Ronald Mc Donald Haus http://www.ronaldmcdonald-house.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.48 Grant for room at Ronald McDonald house Basel

Switzerland SMA Schweiz http://www.sma-schweiz.ch/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 540.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance of one representative at the Roche

Working Group Meeting, July 2016


SMA Schweiz

http://www.sma-schweiz.ch/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


SMA Schweiz

http://www.sma-schweiz.ch/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

CHF 250.00

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