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Foundedin 1998 Inclusive Technology Ltdprovides IT resources that help learners with complex and more severe special needs and disabilities to communicate, learn and live afull and independent life. The company develops accessible software aimed at children who perhaps can only make asingle voluntary movement or sound and they provide alternative keyboards, joysticks, rollerballs, switches, touch screens and eye-gaze technology that learners may need. They believe their biggest competitor is ignorance of the wealth of resources that can transform the learning experience.

Recently the company has evolved to meet the demands of changing technology brought about by the advent of tablets and the online delivery of their HelpKidzLearn software as aservice. Through investment, new product development, and afocused strategy the business has becomestronger with a£4m turnover, 28% of which is from overseas and profits more than doubled, winning the Queen’s Award for International Trade.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

IPEC Limited

Rutherford House

Manchester Science ParkM15 6SZ


Managing Director: Dr Colin Smith

Press Contact: Francine Turner Gros

Tel: +44(0)1612 26***

Email: frankie.turner**[ta]**.co.uk


Established 20 years ago as aspinout from the University of Manchester, agapin the market was seen for test equipment of mediumand high voltage electrical plant using On-line Partial Discharge testing and monitoring equipment.in the last three years, earnings fromoverseas have grown dramatically and the percentage of sales exported reached 87%. With over 200% growthin international earningsthe company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade. Its Mission is “Bringing expertise and market leading products and services to the power industry by listening to customers’ needs and creating innovative, quality, technical solutions that are sustainable, reliableand long-term”. Both utility and industrial clients use its monitor for permanent installations on over 3,500 high voltage assets worldwide.


gives distributers all the tools needed to grow interestin existing and potential territories including demo products, promotionalmaterial and any other technical support required, whilst responding to market and environmental demands.

Linemark UK Limited

Unit 1-3

Riverside Business ParkHolme Lane




Joint Managing Director: Mr Antony Holt

Press Contact: Tony Holt

Tel: +44(0)7734 19***

Email: tony.holt**[ta]**mark.co.uk


Linemark UK Limited

was establishedin 1995 and supplies line-marking paint products and machines to major international stadiums, andgolf courses. The company won the Queen’s Award for Innovationin 2011. The company’s export strategy is based on investmentin marketresearch, identifying and educating distributors, and market specific product development. Currently the company exports to 34 countries witha single distributor for each of its main marketsin USA, Australia, South Africa, Denmark and France. Overseas sales have grown by over 80%over the last three years with an increasein UK employees and overall sales. The proportion of sales exported has increased to 29% of totalsales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over the last three years.

LPW Technology Ltd

16 Berkeley Court

Manor ParkWA7 1TQ


Managing Director: Dr Phil Carroll

Press Contact: Carole Garrett

Tel: +44(0)7811 39***

Email: Carole.Garrett**[ta]**echnology.com


LPW Technology Ltd

began tradingin 2007 supplies metal powders and powder solutions usedin 3D printing.in 2015 awholly ownedsubsidiary was establishedin USA, the company’s largest export market, with other major salesin Germany, Italy and Japan. Thecompany’s strategy for European and American markets is to sell through strong relationships with the providers of 3D printing equipment,with Europe served by the UK office, and North and South America through the USA office. Asian markets are approached throughresellers. Overseas sales have grown by over 300% during the last three years with an increasein UK employees and overall sales. Theproportion of sales exported has increased to 70% of total sales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growth inoverseas sales over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**


Crown House

Manchester Road Wilmslow




Founder: Mr Nick Stammers

Press Contact: Damian Leonard

Tel: +44 (0)1625 44***

Email: damian.leonard**[ta]**ca.com


Mobica was formedin 2004 and provides software development, consultancy and testing to large technology companiesin avariety of sectors. The company has headquartersin the United Kingdom and United States of America, focusing on Western Europe and NorthAmerica. Rather than outsource to India or the Far East, the company chose to base engineers locally to its customers with centres inPoland and Mexico. Overseas sales have grown by over 100% over the last three years with an increasein UK employees, profitability and overall sales. The proportion of sales exported is now 66% of total sales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo rNorthern Drives & Controls Ltd

Unit 1a

Clarke Industrial Estate St Modwen Road M32 0ZF



Managing Director: Mr David Griffin

Press Contact: David Griffin

Tel: +44(0)161 865***

Email: dgriffin**[ta]**uk.com


Establishedin 1995, Northern Drives and Controls Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas salesgrowth over three years. The company specialisesin the reverse manufacture of variable speed drives (VSDs) for elevators and repairsand re-manufactures VSDs. It is now the world leaderin its field. Northern Drives and Controls put an international strategyin place in2012 and now have over 700 clientsin over 40 markets worldwide. It provides aservice that is both niche and unique, built on technical

excellence and customer service. Exports have grown year on year over the three years by atotal of 764%.

Powder Systems Ltd.

international manufacturer of filtration, drying and containment solutions for the pharmaceutical industry,establishedin 1989, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over three years.

Originally aturnkey engineering provider, arange of product innovationsin 2010 enabled the company to move to being aproductbased manufacturer. Products were specifically designed to address global market demands and overseas sales accountf or over 90% of total turnover. Traditional marketsin Europe and the USA remain strong but over the last three years business has expanded intoIndia, Latin America, Australia, China and SE Asia. Exports have grown by over 40% over three years. One of only six double winners fo rthe Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 51 RealityMine

Warren Bruce Court

Warren Bruce Road M17 1LB


Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer: Mr Garry Partington

Press Contact: Bill Daddi

Tel: +44(0)1646 370***

Email: bill**[ta]**ibrand.com


Establishedin 2012, RealityMine is atechnology company that develops solutions for collecting behavioural data which provide clients withconsumer insightsin 25 markets worldwide and it has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseassales over three years. The company’s data collection tools, which measure activity through arange of devices, provide acomprehensive

view of individual consumer behaviour with acomplete picture of consumption, behaviour and context, enabling clients to formulate future

strategy on advertising spend, marketing plans and product development. International sales have grown by over 2000% over three yearsand now accountf or over 90% of total turnover.

Regatta Limited


Mercury Way Urmston

M41 7RR



Managing Director: Mr Graham Rickard

Press Contact: Laurent Houlier

Tel: +44(0)7901 51***

Email: lhoulier**[ta]**tta.com


Regatta Ltd.

establishedin 1972, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over threeyears. Previous winners of the same Awardin 2012 and 2013, the company produces arange of outdoor clothing, footwear, campingequipment, accessories and backpacks. It also has aseparate brand focussing on snow sports. Originally all sales were wholesalebut the company has moved on to retail and direct sales as well. astrategy of heavy investmentin additional warehousing space anddeveloping anew website and on line ordering/stock control to ensure guaranteed stock availability all year round has led to increasedinternational sales over three years of over 20% which now accountf or over 40% of total turnover.

RSK Group plc

Spring Lodge

172 Chester Road Helsby WA6 0AR



CEO: Dr Alan Ryder

Press Contact: Garry Charnock

Tel: +44(0)7968 06***

Email: gcharnock**[ta]**co.uk


Establishedin 1989, RSK Group PLC

 the largest privately owned, multidisciplinary environmental consultancyin the UK, has won theQueen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over three years. Employing over 1,000 staff worldwideit provides awide range of scientific and engineering consultancy services. Building on areputation establishedin North sea Gas development the business has expanded into major products across Europe and more recently into Russia and Turkey with amajorpresence alsoin Iraq. Total overseas sales over three years have grown by over 160% and now stand at 37% of total turnover.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

S+B UK Ltd

Labtec StreetSwinton

M27 8SE



Managing Director: Mr Mike Serridge

Press Contact: Mike Serridge

Tel: +44(0)1617 28***

Email: mike_serridge**[ta]**sb.co.uk


Establishedin 2006, S+B UK Ltd.

adesigner, manufacturer and installer of educational and laboratory furniture, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over three years. Originally established by aDutch company inthe 1960’s the present company was established by amanagement buyoutin 2006. It provides adesign, supply and installation servicecovering all laboratory furniture and fume cupboard needs for clientsin education, pharmaceutical research, healthcare, utilities andindustry. Since 2012 the business has moved into international markets developing astrategy to identify and target opportunities for allmarket sectorsin particular large concentrations of British/International schools resultingin major projectsin Europe, Middle East, Far East and the USA. More recently the company has penetrated the African market. International sales have grown by atotal of over 700%over three years and now accountf or over 20% of total turnover.

Sandon Global Engraving Technology Ltd

7 Boleyn Court




Managing Director: Mr John Millington

Press Contact: Richard Millington

Tel: +44(0)7791 75***

Email: richard.millington**[ta]**onglobal.co.uk


Foundedin 2004, Sandon Global Engineering Technology Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuousoutstanding growthin overseas sales over six years. The company manufactures anilox sleeves and rolls for the flexographic printindustry and gravure cylinders for the gravure print industry. Originally founded to fill agapin the UK market, more recently the businesshas expanded into international markets andin 2015 were awarded the gold medal for Supplier of the Year by the internationalrepresentative body for its industry. The company exports to Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East and international sales have grownover six years by atotal of over 650% and now accountf or over 50% of total turnover.

Slingco Ltd

Station Road Whitworth

OL12 8LJ



Immediate Parent: Slingco Holdings Limited

Managing Director: Mr Nick Dykins

Press Contact: Frank Lawton

Tel: +44(0)1706 85***

Email: frank**[ta]**gco.com


Establishedin 1980, Slingco Ltd.has three distinct divisions. Firstly “Rampspares” which supplies the UK Garage Workshop after-marketwith replacement parts for vehicle lifts. Secondly “Cablenet” adivision that designs, manufactures and installs high level access netsfrom steel cablein theatres internationally. Finally its core business are products which make the installation and/or support of industrialcable & hose, easier and safer. The largest export marketf or Slingco is the USA which yields 93% of overseas sales, followed by Norway,Netherlands, Denmark and Australia. The company has targeted South America, Russia, Europe, and the Middle East as presenting themost immediate opportunities for sustained growth. Export sales have more than doubledin three years and now represent 70% of totalsales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 126% over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Wheelwash Limited

Pyms Lane




Managing Director: Mr Ian Jolly

Press Contact: Mr Ian Jolly

Tel: +44(0)1270 21***

Email: ijolly**[ta]**lwash.com


Since 1990, Wheelwash Ltd.has been providing energy efficient and environmentally friendly wheel cleaning systems, which effectively prevent site vehicles and mobile plant spreading dirt and debris onto public roads. It designs and manufactures alarge range of automatically operated, high performance wheel cleaning equipment, and is at the forefront of wheel wash design, incorporatingmany unique features. This makes their standard and bespoke systems highly effective, requiring low maintenance. All products aremanufacturedin the UK by skilled and trained fabricators, using high quality steel. The company has built on its initial focus on Europeand now has an established dealer / agent representationin numerous countries across the globe. It has seen growth of its international Trade of 88% since 2013,in avery specialised market area, and it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstandingoverseas sales growth over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

A.J. Power Limited

1 Charlestown Drive



BT63 5GA



Managing Director: Mr Ashley Pigott

Press Contact: Simon Ballentine

Tel: +353(0)2838 36***

Email: sballentine**[ta]**wer.net


Establishedin 2003, A.J. Power Ltd

manufactures diesel generating sets and associated equipmentin Craigavon, Co. Armagh. to compete with established players it offers its customers increased responsiveness supported by engineering innovation to create globally competitive products. It has also aligned itself with major brands enabling it to combine product skill-sets with distribution strengthincluding Massey Ferguson and Scania. Its generating sets are operatingin awide variety of applications including villagesin the Andes,airportsin Scandinavia, construction sitesin the Middle East, minesin Myanmar, and ahospitalin New Zealand. It has sold products to 67 countries across five continents and over the last three years overseas sales have grown by 66%. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Tradeforthisoutstanding performance. It has taken atactical approach to growingin amarket dominated by established players and has successfully built arapidly growing business through innovation, service and focus.

Devenish Nutrition internationalLagan House

19 Clarendon Road Belfast




Immediate Parent: Devenish Nutrition Ltd.

United Kingdom

Director of International Business: Mr Ian Atterbury

Press Contact: Michelle Black

Tel: +353(0)2890 39***

Email: m.black**[ta]**owcommunications.com


Devenish Nutrition International began tradingin June 2012 as the international arm of its parent company. Foundedin 1952 as Devenishfeeds, the company was boughtin 1997 as aresult of amanagement buyout and became Devenish Nutrition. The company providesnutritional solutions and expertise to the intensive livestock industry outside the UK, Ireland and the USA. Recognising its brand was notwell known outside the UK it created aboth on- and off-line awareness campaign. Markets are chosen following intensive research andassessment as to their potential, with each market divided into three product sub-sectors. The initial five target markets has grown to 20where the company sells directly to single large organisations using aconsultative approach. Devenish now has abasein eight countriesand wins for the first time, the Queen’s Award for International Trade for the outstanding growthin its overseas sales of 300% over thelast three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Liquid Gas Equipment Ltd t/a Babcock LGE processYoung House

42 Discovery Terrace



EH14 4AP


Immediate Parent: Babcock International Group PLC

Programme Director: Mr Neale Campbell

Press Contact: Karen MacDonald

Tel: +44(0)7568 10***

Email: Karen.Macdonald**[ta]**ockinternational.com


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