
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Liquid Gas Equipment Limited(t/a Babcock LGE Process) was foundedin 1967 and acquired by Babcock International Groupin 2012. Thecompany focuses on Engineering, Procurement and Project Management of specialised systems for the processing, handling and storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas on new build liquefied gas ships and is aglobal market leader. The company’s export strategy is based on developingclose relationships with customers and UK based activities are supported by engineers based at customers shipyards. Currently the company exports 92% of its sales to South Korea with 8% to China. Overseas sales have grown by 180% over the last three years with an increase inUK employees and profitability. All the company’s sales are exported. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over the last three years. One of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.

Merlin ERD Ltd

Merlin House

Necessity Brae




Managing Director: Mr Iain Hutchison

Press Contact: Iain Hutchison

Tel: +44(0)1738 62***

Email: wendy.wisher**[ta]**inerd.com


Merlin ERD Ltd

was startedin 2007 to develop oil and gas drilling techniques combined with aerospace engineering risk management. Thecompany supplies engineering, training and rig site implementation and its current main export markets are Azerbaijan, Kenya, Malaysia,Australia and Vietnam. Although their main competitor is alarge American corporation, the company’s strategy is to focus on markets whereindependent consultants are preferred. The company previously won the Queen’s Award for International Tradein 2014. Sales have grownby 200% over the last three years with an increasein UK employees and overall sales. The proportion of sales exported has also grown by 200%. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over the last three years.

Online Valves Limited

Ashley Base

Pitmedden Road Dyce

AB21 0DP


Director: Mr Dave Sim

Press Contact: Dave Sim

Tel: +44(0)1224 71***

Email: ds**[ta]**ne-valves.com


Establishedin 2012, Online Valves Ltd

became fully independentin 2015 when its sister company was purchased by aNorwegian

company. The company manufactures all types of valves and pipe fittings for the oil and gas industry and has won the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over three years. It has developed aclear international strategy for expandinginternational sales based on growing market sharein existing markets and expanding into new markets resultingin overseas sales growthyear on year over three years totalling 840%. The company now sellsin 27 markets worldwide and has overseas officesin the USA andTrinidad and arein the process of opening an officein Dubai.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 61 PA4 9RE


Peak Scientific Instruments Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin international sales over threeyears. Establishedin 1997 it has previously won the Queens Award for International Tradein 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2014. The company designs and manufactures laboratory gas generators for usein analytical testing, academic research laboratories, the food and drink industry,and QA/QC laboratories. The generators were anew innovation and are an alternative to using gas cylinders and considerably improve safety within laboratories. World leadersin its field the company has 17 offices globally and exports have grown by 38% over three years and nowgo to over 130 markets worldwide. Overseas sales accountf or 85% of total turnover. Peak Scientific Instruments are one of only six doublewinners for the Queen’s Awards this year, they have also won the Queen’s Awards for Innovation.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Claire Locke

Dodpits House

Dodpits Lane


Isle of Wight

PO41 0TW


Press Contact: Claire Locke

Tel: +44(0)7881 92***

Email: claire.locke**[ta]**o.co.uk


Claire Locke DL co-founded asuccessful catalogue and internet company marketing high quality Italian clothes and accessories andwent on to sell itin 2006. Since then she has had asubstantial impact on young people, particularlyin her local area, from the wide range of enterprise promotion activities that she has carried out. Claire joined the Prince’s Trustin 2009 and subsequently became an Enterprise Fellow, and more recently Vice Chair of the Enterprise Fellowship. As the High Sheriff of the Isle of Wightin 2014/15 her main themewas enterprise and business; she dedicated her time and effort towards developing agreater understanding of the economic and socialimplications of growing up on the island.in April 2015 Mrs Locke joined the 1851 Trust; she is arole model and ambassador for the trustand has already become its Vice Chair.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Cash Bases Limitedthe Drove


East Sussex




Immediate Parent: Cash Bases Group Limited

Managing Director: Mr Phil Stone

Press Contact: Judit Ruckes

Tel: +44(0)1273 61***

Email: jnr**[ta]**bases.co.uk


Cash Bases Ltd

wins an Innovation award for their SMARTtill Cash Management Solution.

The SMARTtill Solution is an intelligent cash drawerthat continually monitors the amount of coins and notes it contains and automatically reconciles the cash to the sales transactions. Thiseliminates the need for cashiers to regularly count the cashin the tills, instantly resolves customer queries such as incorrect change beinggiven. It also avoids the problem of not enough orin some cases too much changein the till. Retailers that use the SMARTtill Solution are able to realise significant operational efficiencies whether it’s from improved cash losses or improved labour savings. The innovation has hel***

Cash Bases Ltd

to grow both financially andin staff numbers, has led to high profile orders from Tesco and is helping the company to expand

into the USA.in 2015 Cash Bases merged with APG Cash Drawer of Minneapolis, USA. The new combined entity is taking the SMARTtill

Solution into the US.

Content Guru Ltd

Radius Court

Eastern Road Bracknell


RG12 2UP


Managing Director: Mr Sean Taylor

Press Contact: Alex Smith

Tel: +44(0)1344 85***

Email: ats**[ta]**entguru.com


Content Guru Ltd

wins aQueen’s Award for Innovation for the development and implementation of their product CONTACT. CONTACT is acloud model to deliver multi-channel, enterprise-grade contact centre services. Rather than manufacture individual systems to handle different

processes, Content Guru Ltd

was foundedin 2005 and has combined multiple systems into asingle super-platform. The proliferation of communication systems can potentially leave businesses with complex and information and communications technology estates, numerous

providers and disparate maintenance contracts and Service Level Agreements. Content Guru Ltd’s super-platform converges social media,instant messaging, text, voice email and web channels alongside payment and other third party systems. Over the last five years Content Guru Ltdhas grown from two employees to 41. Content Guru Ltdhas developed ascalable, profitable product with international appeal that isallowing it to compete with some of the biggest brandsin the wor***

Dryad Maritime Limited

Technopole Building

Kingston Crescent






Chief Executive Officer and

Founder: Mr Graeme Gibbon Brooks

Press Contact: Nikki Carpenter

Tel: +44(0)2392 65***

Email: nikki**[ta]**dmaritime.com


Dryad Maritime Ltd

wins aQueen’s Award for Innovation for their maritime operational products. The company developed aservice innovationwhich helps direct shipping through risk areas by analysing various data inputs. The service prevents piracy and Dryad Maritime Ltd

was alsoable to expand the service to provide weather and oceanographic data enabling the clients to not only safely transport their goods but also to do soin the most economical manner. Dryad Maritime Ltd(establishedin 2009) is able to identify new threats against shipping before they manifest themselves and often before the industry has reacted to them. This has meant that they have been able to position themselves asleadersin the field and been able to both advise clients of new threats and adapt services promptly to mitigate them.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Ecoegg Ltd

Unit 21 Bircholt Road Maidstone

Kent ME15 9GQ



CEO: Mr Robert Knight

Press Contact: Amy Barron

Tel: +44(0)1622 53***

Email: amy.barron**[ta]**gg.com


A Queen’s Award for Innovation has been made to Ecoegg Ltd

for their innovative laundry product The Ecoegg Laundry Egg. The productis an egg-shaped container for laundry with openings which contains two types of pellets able to offer an alternative to common chemicaldetergents. The cleaning properties of The Ecoegg Laundry Egg are based on aslow release natural surfactant whose efficacy is improvedby pH changesin the washing machine induced by ceramic ion technology. The product’s double-lock casing mechanism has beensubmitted for apatent. The company developed from adermatological perspective as asuitable skin-kind detergent was not available onthe market, however, afurther appeal is money saving. Using The Ecoegg Laundry Egg product, each wash works out at three pence asopposed to an average of twenty pence for mainstream detergents. The applicant started tradingin 2008 and this is their first Queen’s Award.

FISCAL Technologies Ltd

10 Beacontree Plaza





Immediate Parent: Fiscaltec Group Ltd.

United Kingdom

CEO: Mr David Griffiths

Press Contact: Ann Prahl

Tel: +44(0)1344 98***

Email: aprahl**[ta]**altec.com


FISCAL Technologies Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for its financial software package AP Forensics. The software is used by corporationsand government organisations to protect spend, cut costs and reduce financial risk by analysing accounts payable transactions, mastersupplier files and VAT entries. These capabilities allow the software to identify and prevent overpayments, erroneous payments and anomalous or fraudulent payments. The continuous monitoring provided by the software works within Enterprise Resource Planning systems and meansthat companies do not have to rely on retrospective analysis by recovery auditors to spot errors. This innovation has disrupted an existing market with anew product that adds value and has seen the company grow from its inceptionin 2003 to astaff of***

Forces Support Ltd

Windrush House

Windrush industrial ParkWitney Oxfordshire

OX29 7DX


Founder/CEO: Mr William McCance

Press Contact: Bill McCance

Tel: +44(0)7737 92***

Email: bill.mccance**[ta]**essupport.uk


Forces Support Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for their novel provision of bereavement support to the families of service personnel. The support

provided by the company takes the form of practical help around the house and home. Since it started tradingin 2010, Forces Support Ltdhas provided professional builders, maintenance personnel and apprentices, who are direct employees of the charity, to work around families’homes and gardens. The company funds the support through the profits from the Forces Support furniture shops, making the charity selfsufficientand sustainable. There are currently 17 storesin existence, with many more planned. Over the last five years the company has grownfrom one employee to astaff of 40.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Hummingbird Sensing Technology Servomex Technical CentreJarvis Brook




Immediate Parent: Servomex Ltd., United Kingdom

General Manager: Mr Dominic Corsale

Press Contact: Coda Communications(Joan Senior / Chris Lawrenson)

Tel: +44(0)1202 72***

Email: joan**[ta]**comms.com / chris**[ta]**comms.com


Hummingbird Sensing Technology wins an Innovation Award for the design and manufacture of oxygen sensors for medical and industrialapplications. The innovation supports RoHS II legislation prohibiting the use of electrochemical cellsin electronic equipment. The Paramagnetic

technology usedin the company’s oxygen sensors gives them ahigh accuracy with alonger lifetime and lower lifetime running costs thanexisting electrochemical technologies. The sensors are usedin equipment where oxygen regulation is required: medical applications include

usein anaesthesia, critical care monitoring and infant incubation; industrial applications include integration into gas analysers and use inemissions monitoring. Hummingbird was foundedin 2006 and this is the company’s first Queen’s Award.

Mobile Vet Ltd

1 Kingston Cottages

Kingston Road Ventnor

PO38 2JY



Managing director, founder, head veterinary surgeon:Dr Daniel Forster

Press Contact: Dan Forster

Tel: +44(0)7896 26***

Email: danforster**[ta]**ail.com


Mobile Vet Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for the provision of mobile veterinary services around the Isle of Wight. Mobile Vet started trading in2013 and has generated anew proposition by developing afully mobile veterinary operating theatre so that the complete range of veterinary services can be carried out in, or at, the pet owner’s home.in developing the service, the applicant overcame many challengesin order to comply with the necessary standards and regulations. Mobile Vet Ltdhas also had to consider other problems associated with mobileoperation, such as using cloud-based software with mobile internet so that notes are always available. Mobile Vet has aclear understanding of the needs of the local community they serve and have designed the service to fill the gapin the market that they identified.

MR Solutions Ltd

Ashbourne Housethe Guildway Old Portsmouth Road Surrey GU3 1LR



CEO: Dr David Taylor

Press Contact: Leonie Onslow or Simon Vane Percy

Tel: +44(0)1737 82***

Email: leonie**[ta]**percy.com


MR Solutions Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for the development of apreclinical MRI scanner which no longer requires liquid helium cooling.in order for high powered MRI scanners to operate properly part of the mechanism, the magnet, needs to be held at avery low temperature(minus 269 degrees centigrade). Normally this is achieved by keeping the magnetin liquid helium. This approach is heavy, expensive and canpose asafety risk. MR Solutions has changed the magnet design and can cool it using areadily available cryocooler unit. This resultsin theincorporation of avery light weight magnet (350Kg as opposed to several tonnes) which can simply be wheeled through the door, rather thaninvolving expensive building modifications and the stray magnetic field has been reduced from metres to centimetres. The scanners are used inresearch laboratories and can be installed alongside other equipment. MR Solutions was foundedin 2004 and this is its first Queen’s Award.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Sesame Access Systems Ltd

Cumberland worksWintersells Business ParkByfleet

KT14 7LF


Managing Director: Mr Steven Lyons

Press Contact: Alison Lyons

Tel: +44(0)1784 44***

Email: alisonl**[ta]**meaccess.com


Sesame Access Systems Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for reinventing the wheelchair liftf or entry into buildings. Many buildingsin the UKdo not have wheelchair access at their main entrance because they spoil the historic aesthetic of the building. Sesame Access Systems Ltd(foundedin 1996) has developed vertically and horizontally retracting lifts, which essentially turn the steps of abuilding into the lift itself. Themechanism of the lift can either be behind the steps or underneath themin acavity space. Sesame Access lifts are invisible’in that they arehidden until they are required by the wheelchair user. Therefore, they are sought after by architects who want wheelchair access but need to protect the architectural aesthetics of the building. This innovation is the applicant’s first Queen’s Award.

Sesui Ltd

Magdalen Centrethe Oxford Science ParkOX4 4GA


Managing Director: Mr Lee Bryant

Press Contact: Rachel Edwards

Tel: +44(0)7900 68***

Email: rachel**[ta]**i.com


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