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Vita Liberata Ltd

began tradingin 2003 and is an independent company that brands, manufactures and distributes non-toxic,organic self-tan, spray-tan and skincare products. The company is a2014 Queen’s Award for International Trade winner. Thecompany sells to more than 1,200 spas and salonsin the UK and Ireland, and it has agrowing presencein key retail chains,such as Boots, where products are placedin 1000 stores. Internationally, the company sold to 25 countriesin over 1000 storesandin 2014, extended its channels to include QVCin the USA.

Vita Liberata’s growth strategy includes identifying beauty retailersin amarket, choosing specific local distributors and partnering with key retailers. Key sales marketsin 2014 were USA,France, and the Republic of Ireland.


Contra Vision Ltd

Victoria House

19-21 Ack Lane East





Chairman: Mr Roland Hill

Contactf or press enquiries: Jo Bentley

Tel: 07557 03***

Email: jo**[ta]**ravision.com


an Innovation Award is made to Contra Vision Ltd

for developing asuite of see-through graphics products. The patentedproducts comprise panels of transparent material onto which print patterns and other designs can be superimposed; aproportion of the panels remaining transparent. Commonly deployed as advertisement displays, for example on shop and buswindows, they are also utilised for architectural glazing, partitions, balustrades and signsin buildings and as security devices.

The robust products provide clear views and can withstand considerable wear and tear. They enable customers to easily incorporate novel advertising, branding, signage and decoration. Configuration options include opaque and translucent printpatterns, back lighting and reduction of solar heat, glare and UV radiation. Licensed to international corporations and deployedon various tasks, including covert observation, they are driving profitable growthin the company.

Mike India 5 Ltd t/a The Brownsword GroupDelta House

Alphagate Drive


M34 3SH



Managing Director: Mr Anthony Heaton

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Anthony Heaton

Tel: 0161 320 ***

Email: aheaton**[ta]**nsword.com


Mike India 5 Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing the Credit Hire Validation Plus service. The valuable service enablesinsurance companies to check validity of claims by third parties for hire cars whilst third party vehicles are off the road. Itresponds to the growth of fraudulent claims for excessive hire charges; previously such claims being out of the control of theinsurance companies of ‘at fault’ drivers. The service consists of interviews with third parties and witnesses, supported by proprietary questionnaires. Tailored to meet the needs of individual insurers, the questionnaires are designed to elicit legally admissible evidence. The service is supported by afield force comprising 170 trained personnel. Since its introductionin 2009,the commercially successful service has saved clients an estimated £50 million.

Beaconsfield Footwear Ltd

Unit 2 Peel Road WN8 9PT


Employees: ***

Immediate Parent: Hotter Ltd

CEO: Mr Peter Taylor

Contactf or press enquiries: Mel Killilea

Tel: 01695 71***

Tel: 07769 55***

Email: m.killilea**[ta]**er.com


Beaconsfield Footwear Ltd

is alarge shoe manufacturer which began tradingin 1959. Its parent is Hotter Ltdand it is underthis name that the company’s retail arm is known. The company’s experiencein exporting is more recent and is agood example of atraditional British manufacturer adapting to opportunitiesin the 21st Century with commercial indicators seen to bepositive. The company has invested £6m to build the largest new shoe making facility openedin the UK since the 1970s. Thisstate-of-the-art factory is capable of making apair of shoes every 20 seconds. The company has acall centre on site whichservices UK and US customers and since 2012 it has expanded from five UK stores to over 70. It wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 123%in the last three years.

Evans Vanodine International Plc

142-146 Walton Summit CentreBamber Bridge

Preston PR5 8AH



Managing Director: Mr Peter Evans

Contactf or press enquiries: Joan Barlow

Tel: 01772 32***

Email: jbarlow**[ta]**svanodine.co.uk


Evans Vanodine International Plc has beenin operation since 1919 and is an experienced exporter of cleaning and hygienechemicals for industrial and janitorial use. Evans Vanodine base their overseas sales strategy around expansion of its distributornetwork and the company uses exhibitions and trade shows to augment its expansion. It supports this approach with the use of local distributors alongside production of multi lingual packaging and materials. Total sales have increased from £22.9m in2012 to £25.9min 2014 and company profits are seen to be rising. The company currently exports to 72 countries worldwide,with afurther 10 countries serviced by licensed manufacturing units overseas. Over the last three years new sales territorieshave been added such as New Zealand and South Africa, with the latter noted as being particularly promising. It wins theGen-X IT Ltd

Sol House

24 Dark Lane

Ardwick Green

M12 6FA


Managing Director: Mr Alan Gould

Contactf or press enquiries: Giles Roe

Tel: 0161 274 ***

Email: giles**[ta]**xit.co.uk


Gen-X IT Ltd

was formedin 2002 and is abroker and authorised distributor of IT network equipment. It operates both nationally and internationally and wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 131% inthe last three years. Total sales have increased from £8.9min 2011 to £15.9min 2013, with exports increasing to £4.8 millionin 2013. The company has two distinct activities. As an authorised distributor (of Transition Networks, MRV, RAD, ZTE andStarView International) it operates largely domestically and this activity is the mainstay of the business. Through the brokerageactivity it buys and sells branded stock to service agrowing number of overseas clients. It has secured salesin awide spread of markets mainlyin Europe with asmall number having been made to the US. There is aclear link between the company’s overseas strategy and success to date.

Grace Cole Ltd

2 Oakwater Avenue

Cheadle Royal Business ParkSK8 3SR


Immediate Parent: Georgia GC Ltd

Managing Director: Mrs Tracy Mort MBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Charlotte Preston

Tel: 0161 492***

Email: charlottepreston**[ta]**ecole.co.uk


Foundedin 2007, Grace Cole Ltd

conceive, design and UK manufacture luxury bathing products which are sold bothin the UKand worldwide. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for achieving significant export growth over the last three yearswith sales rising from £3.6min FY12 to £6.7min FY14, an overall growth of 84.28%. It has aclearly defined strategy andremains strongly focused on delivering further international growth, and prides itself on its expertisein product developmentoften developing bespoke products to meet the requirements of discerning purchasers of luxury bathing products. Thecompany currently exports to 74 countries and is currently seeking to enhance its international reach with opportunities inemerging markets such as Brazil, India and throughout Asia. Grace Cole completes extensive market research on anewterritoryin order to establish the best route to market and what the key consumer purchasing drivers are prior to productlaunches.

Holroyd Precision Ltd

Harbour Lane NorthMilnrow


OL16 3LQ


Immediate Parent: Chongqing Machinery & Electric

Corporation Ltd

Chief Executive Officer: Dr Tony Bannan

Contactf or press enquiries: Neil Jones

Tel: 0170 651***

Tel: 0788 003***

Email: Neil.jones**[ta]**td.com


Establishedin 1861, and now asubsidiary company of Chongqing Machinery & Electric Corporation Ltd.

Holroyd Precision Ltd

design and build specialised grinding and milling machine tools for making accurate helical components such as compressorrotors, gears and pump spindles for the aerospace, automotive, marine, HVAC and power generation sectors. The company’s overseas sales have increased over the last three years, driven by the success of its Zenith 400 grinding machine. Now owned by aChinese engineering corporation, its current international business remains highly dependent upon the development of themarketin China, although sales are also growingin the established markets of the USA, Germany and Japan. It wins theWorldwide Recruitment Solutions Ltd

Bowdon House

Juniper Court

Scott Drive


WA15 8AB



Managing Director: Mr Mark Brown

Contactf or press enquiries: Kathie Higginson

Tel: 0161 926 ***

Email: kathie.h**[ta]**dwide-rs.com


Establishedin 2008, Worldwide Recruitment Solutions Ltd

specialisein sourcing both contract and permanent technical

personnel for the global energy industries. The company operates centrally from the UK and provides support services to theircontractors and employees.in addition, it has implemented regional units who deal with clientsin particular geographicallocations, with each unit having an understanding and language skills suited to its region. It has recently opened ‘satellite’officesin the Kurdistan region of Iraq and Singapore and is looking to open morein Houston, Johannesburg and Abu Dha***

Further hires have recently been made taking the headcount from 57 to 75, and investment has been madein both Learningand Development and Travel and Logistics. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its exportearnings of 222%in the last three years.

Knowsley Development Trust Ltd t/a North Mersey Business CentreNorth Mersey Business CentreManagers Office Woodward Road Knowsley Industrial ParkL33 7UY


Group Chief Executive: Mr Stephen Dumbell

Contactf or press enquiries: Stephen Dumbell

Tel: 01515 49***

Email: steve**[ta]**sleytrust.org


asecond Sustainable Development Award is made to Knowsley Development Trustf or converting redundant land into industrialunits and reducing deprivation. The units support start-up companies, create sustainable job opportunities and generate local community benefits within an area of high socio-economic deprivation. Financial surpluses from the company’s Business Centresupport value-adding community ventures. These include the Knowsley Enterprise Academy, which addresses youthunemployment and low educational attainment by those aged between 11 and 25 years, atransport-sharing initiative, bringingtogether community, schools and voluntary bodies, and alearning project, which uses film and social media to engageeducationally-marginalised young peoplein personal development. Through other activities, 12,000 volunteer-hours and£50,000 were donated to refurbish Ormside Centre and over 150 people participatedin charitable fundraising.



Air Service Training (Engineering) Ltd

Crieff Road Perth and Kinross



Immediate Parent: Perth College (UHI)

Chief Executive: Mr Peter Farrow

Contactf or press enquiries: Peter Farrow

Tel: 01738 87***

Email: peter.farrow**[ta]**h.uhi.ac.uk


Air Service Training (Engineering) Ltd

provide training and consultancy services to the aviation industry worldwide. Thecompany was originally formedin 1931 and is basedin Perth, Scotland and is along-established training and consultingorganisation operatingin an extremely competitive sector. Strong overall sales and aconsistent export performance underpinthe current growth with the company developing its offerin response to customer demand. It has successfully duplicated itsoriginal training site overseas establishing facilitiesin four countries. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo rAubin Ltd t/a Aubin GroupUnit 1 Castle StreetCastlepark Industrial Estate Ellon

AB41 9RF


Chief Executive Officer: Mr Daniel YoungContactf or press enquiries: Paddy Collins

Tel: 01358 72***

Email: paddy.collins**[ta]**ngroup.com


Aubin Ltd.

trading as Aubin Group, is aspecialist developer and supplier of chemical solutions for applicationin the oil and Gas sector, ranging from quality well services chemicals to innovative subsea materials and has beenin operation since 1986. Thecompany has headquartersin Aberdeenshire, UK and an officein Dubai. With the support of local partners, Aubin Group nowexports to over 16 markets. The UAE is currently the biggest overseas market, accounting for 45% of sales, and new business inthe last three years has been securedin eight countries and these regions now represent 67% of international sales.

Approximately one quarter of the company’s staff are employedin research and development activities. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 108%in the last three yea***

Balmoral Comtec Ltd

Balmoral ParkAB12 3GY



Immediate Parent: Balmoral Group Holdings Ltd

Chairman and

Managing Director: Dr James Milne CBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Steve Gibb

Tel: 01224 85***

Email: S.Gibb**[ta]**oral.co.uk


Balmoral Comtec Ltd

is asubsidiary of Balmoral Group Holdings Ltdand was establishedin 2006. It manufactures technologyled buoyancy, insulation, and elastomer products which it supplies to the global oil and gas industry and holds 2010 and 2012

Queen’s Awards for International Trade. This technology-led company has increased overseas sales on an upward trajectory by £20 million over the last three years, and profits have doubled. Their businessin deep water areas of the world where their oiland gas customers are sited means that they do not operate to traditional country boundaries. The company is able to showcontinued positive performance over their previous Award with the total increasein overseas sales calculated at 61%.

Calnex Solutions Ltd

Oracle Campus


West Lothian

EH49 7LR


CEO: Mr Tommy Cook

Contactf or press enquiries: Tommy Cook

Tel: 01506 67***

Email: tommy.cook**[ta]**exsol.com


Calnex Solutions Ltd

was establishedin 2006 and manufactures advanced electronic test and measurement equipment alongwith software that enables the next generation telecommunication network deployment. The company wins the Queen’s AwardFor International Trade for continuous growthin overseas earnings of 942% over the last six years. Products are designed andmanufacturedin Scotland and sold through aglobal partner network, backed up by in-region staff who provide technical andcommercial support. The company has invested heavilyin product development, listening to emerging needs of equipmentmanufacturers and focusing on developing test solutions that meet the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standa***

Consarc Engineering Ltd

9 Woodside



North Lanarkshire



Immediate Parent: Consarc Corporation

Managing Director: Mr Eric Rennie

Contactf or press enquiries: Eric Rennie

Tel: 01698 73***

Email: erennie**[ta]**arceng.com


Foundedin 1937 and trading from Motherwellin Scotland, Consarc Engineering Ltd

is aspecialised engineering businessdesigning, manufacturing and installing awide range of vacuum and controlled atmosphere furnaces. The company has aclearvision and strategy across all areas of operation and is proactivein growing its international and domestic business, which hasseen it secure major orders within the aerospace industry. Using the expertise of its local Scottish Enterprise organisation andthe UK Embassyin Moscow, it has successfully entered the Russian market, which has resultedin the appointment of alocalagent and the opening of an office and warehouse to aid its onward growthin this market. It also exhibits at international eventswhich is akey part of their export expansion strategy. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 124%in the last three years.

Global Pipe Components Ltd

GPC House

Mugiemoss Road Bucksburn

AB21 9NY


Managing Director: Mr Richard Meldrum

Contactf or press enquiries: Richard Meldrum

Tel: 01224 69***

Email: richard**[ta]**alpipecomponents.co.uk


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