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International Trade 17 5

Innovation 2 11 Sustainable Development 1 12the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion ***

International Trade 1***

Innovation ***

International Trade 1***

Innovation ***

International Trade 1***

Innovation 1 33the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion ***

Innovation ***

Sustainable Development 1 36the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion ***

International Trade 2***

Innovation ***

Sustainable Development 1 47the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion ***

International Trade 1***

Innovation ***

Sustainable Development ***

International Trade 2***

Innovation 1***

Sustainable Development 3

70the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion 3


International Trade 1***

Innovation 5 76the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion ***

International Trade ***

Innovation 2 80the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion:Lifetime Achievement (Honorary) 1 81 International Trade ***

Innovation ***

International Trade 1***

Innovation ***

EAST INTERNATIONAL TradeA1 Pharmaceuticals PLC

Unit 20-21 Easter Park Industrial Estate,Beam Reach

Ferry Lane Rainham

RM13 9BPA1 Pharmaceuticals PLC

is aleading namein the worldwide supply of major international brands of pharmaceuticals andmedical devices including surgical dressings. The company is awarded aQueen’s Awardin recognition of its significantcontribution to international trade and has demonstrated 139% growthin overseas earnings over the last 3 years. The company focuses on exporting to emerging marketsin the EU and around the world by exploiting its international reputation and extensiveglobal network to represent manufacturersin sourcing suitable global trading partners. They continue to develop new own labelproducts including surgical dressings & pharmacy over the counter products where 90% of its strong growth is achieved fromits existing loyal customers and suppliers.

CPC4 Capital ParkEstablishedin 2001, BlueGnome Ltd

works closely with the clinical and scientific community to design, manufacture andsupply microarray-based products for the investigation of genetic disorders. The company’s products are supplied to hospitals,specialist genetics centres and IVF clinicsin over 35 countries where they are used to investigate the genetic causes of infertility,developmental delay, certain specific cancers and an associated list of known genetic syndromes. They win the award for thefirst time for their outstanding achievementin growing overseas sales by 167% from 2008 to 2010 through well-managed exportexpansion including setting up operationsin key markets such as the US and Singapore,in addition to existing marketsin Europe,served from the UK headquarters. The mix of direct and distribution sales channels has resultedin international sales of over 80%.

Coborn Engineering Company Limited

Chesham Close

Cedar Road Romford


Establishedin 1942, Coborn Engineering Company Ltd

designs and manufactures precision grinding machines for super hard

materials. Recognised for its outstanding achievement, Coborn has realised overseas earnings growth of over 260% over the lastthree years raising its overseas sales to almost 95% of turnover. They have realigned the company strategy to focus on overseasmarkets to achieve this considerable success which is based on the development of astrong brand, highlighting service andsupport as ameans of differentiating itself within the industry and an average investment of 15% of turnoverin productdevelopment each year to ensure it keeps pace with the industry.


Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr Gary Lewis

Tel: 01708 528***

Email: anup**[ta]**c.co.uk

Back to winners: by Region/Category by a- Z

CEO: Dr Nicholas Haan

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Sally Cartwright

Tel: 01223 885***


Chairman: Mr John Innocent

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Stephen Westlake

Tel: 01708 744***

Email: steve.westlake**[ta]**rn.com


Colortrac Limited

3 - 5 Brunel Court,Burrel Road PE27 3LW

Basedin Cambridge and foundedin 1989, Colortrac Ltd

manufactures digital colour image capture for large format copyingand wide format scanning applications. aprevious winner of aQueen’s Award for International Trade they have again won theAward with exports accounting for 96% of asignificantly increased turnover contributing to overseas earnings growth of 93%over athree-year period. An experienced exporter they are trading with every major countryin the world whether as standaloneproducts or embeddedin other manufacturers’ products. The Company has awell-established support infrastructure making full

use of web based technology and has appointed 69 distributors covering 105 countries opening new markets and establishingsales and support officesin Beijing, China and the USA.

Contamac Limited

Bearwalden Business Park,Royston Road,

Wendens Ambo

CB11 4JX

Contamac Ltd.

celebrating its 25th anniversary, has demonstrated continuous growthin International Trade over the last sixyears within the ophthalmic medical device industry, developing and manufacturing specialist polymers. Contamac’s Tradestrategy includes overseas distributors, awholly owned subsidiary, amultilingual sales and marketing team, medical deviceexperts and strategic alliances. Integral to this strategy, Research and Development and Eye Care Practitioner Education isdelivered through the company’s Centre of Excellence and the recently formed Contamac Specialty Lens Institute.

Trafalgar Way CB23 8TU

Domino Printing Sciences plc was incorporatedin 1978. The company is amanufacturer of coding, marking and variabledata printing equipment, including the development, manufacture and sale of marking devices, printers, and inks. It wins theAward for the first time for its continuous improvementin export activity and an accompanied growthin commercial success.

The company shows positive growthin overseas earnings across the 6 year period with the company exporting approximately 90% of its product. They operate globally and show acomprehensive strategy with various routes to market, developed to s***

regional conditions.


Director: Mr Peter de Winter-Brown

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Peter de Winter-Brown

Tel: 01480 464***

Email: peterdwb**[ta]**rtrac.com

Director: Mr Robert McGregor

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Jane Dukes

Tel: 01799 544***

Email: janed**[ta]**amac.co.uk



Group Managing Director: Mr Nigel Bond

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Sheila Richardson

Tel: 01954 782***

Email: sheila.richardson**[ta]**no-uk.com


Giga Communications Ltd

Unit 9

Icknield Way Industrial Estate HP23 4JX

Giga Communications Ltdhas operated since 2008 and manufactures and sells fixed, portable and vehicle mounted microwaveand satellite transmit/receive terminals. The company is able to show commercial success through growthin company size,turnover and profit since 2008 and it wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin export growth whichis shown to be some 314% overall. This success is backed by aconsidered strategy of targeting specific customersin aniche market sector, anew range of products and afocus on customer servi***

Hidden Technology Systems International Ltd

5 Cornhouse Buildings

Claydons Lane



Hidden Technology Systems International Ltd

establishedin 2003 develops and manufactures advanced tracking equipmentsystems for usein intelligence gathering and protection of personnel and VIPsin threat situations. asmall company operatingin aspecialist area, they have won aQueen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding achievement over the last threeyears. The company designs and manufactures acompletely secure, stand-alone tracking solution, which includes the hardwareitems and the control software. Sales have increased with exports accounting for 89% of turnover; overseas earnings growthwas 693% for the period. The company has won ordersin Australia, the Middle East and Europe and substantial business fromthe FBI and the LAPD. The award of the multi-million 5-year contract with the US Department of Defence to aprivately ownedBritish SME company is asignificant achieveme***

Horizon Discovery Ltd

Building ***

Cambridge Research ParkHorizon Discovery Ltd

is aleading provider of research tools to support translational genomics research and development of personalised medicines. Using its proprietary gene-editing technology, Horizon is able to alter any endogenous genesequence of ahuman or mammalian cell line quickly, reliably and without introducing unwanted and confounding genotypesand/or phenotypes. Foundedin 2005 and basedin Cambridge, the company wins the Award for the first time for itsoutstanding achievementin export growth, showing 361% overall growth over the last three years. This growth has beenbuilt upon acustomer base including academic organisations, biotech, diagnostic and pharma companies, through directselling and partnerships.


Managing Director: Mr Christopher Lay

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Christopher Lay

Tel: 01442 892***

Email: chris.lay**[ta]**-com.co.uk



Int. Marketing & Special Projects Director: Mr Christopher Nyland

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Chris Nyland

Tel: 07711 679***

Email: chris**[ta]**entec.com

CEO: Dr Darrin Disley

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Katie Odgaard

Tel: 07787 502***

Email: katie.odgaard**[ta]**communications.com


Italian Beverage Company Stirling Way WD6 2HP

Establishedin 2004 the Italian Beverage Company manufactures and distributes food productsin the form of ancillary productsFor the coffee bar, coffee shop & food service market sectors. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin growing its overseas sales by some 257%, £400k over the last three years. This success is the result of its decision to developits own product range / brand and to export this over awide range of markets globally. The rapid growth has been achievedthrough the implementation of an ambitious structured approach to its export activities.

LMK Thermosafe Ltd

Unit ***

Moonhall Business ParkHelions Bumpstead Road Haverhill


Family business LMK Thermosafe Ltd

manufactures industrial drum and container heaters for usein potentially explosive

atmospheres and now exports the majority of its products. To achieve export growth the company successfully implementednew product development and specialist certification programmes, thus extending its capability into new geographic markets.

A mixture of export strategies are employed to support direct, OEM and agent sales;in addition associates and overseasoffices have been set upin key regions enabling wide ranging technical and marketing assistance to be given to end users.

Underpinning this and contributing to the company’s commercial success, they have also expanded their web presence withtailored, geographically targeted websites and by advertising through overseas foreign language technical web directories.

Orange Music Electronic Company Ltd

108 Ripon Way WD6 2JA


Orange Music Electronic Company Ltd

[established 1976] designs, manufactures and distributes electronic music equipment,specifically musical instrument amplification and computers. It wins the Award for International Trade for the third time insix years, for outstanding achievement, having grown its export sales by 90% since 2009. The company is one of the mostrecognised guitar amplifier brandsin the world and they now sell to over 80 countries with new markets such as China, Brazil,Russia and India playing an increasingly important role.in the six years since receiving its first award, they have launched

new products and, expanded into the computer market.


sales Director: Mr Tony Godden

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr Tony Godden

Tel: 07766 545***

Email: tony**[ta]**ianbev.co.uk


Managing Director: Mr Mark Newton

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mark Newton

Tel: 01440 707***

Email: mark**[ta]**heating.com


Managing Director: Mr Damon Waller

Contactf or Press Enquiries: David Philips

Tel: 01604 881***

Email: david**[ta]**keting.co.uk


Establishedin 1996, Plant Parts Ltdsupply spare parts for heavy construction (earthmoving) machinery, namely; hydrostaticfinal drive gearboxes and parts for the Komatsu brand of machines. The FDC (Final Drive Centre) has been developed into aworld-wide brand for final drive sales, enabling them to distinguish itself from its competitors by offering drives from anumber of manufacturers under one recognisable brand along with specifically engineered FDC brand drives to meet specific machinetechnical requirements. Consecutive award winners, Plant Parts have continuously developed their database knowledge systemsallowing quotation of the correct partsin the preferred currency with delivery optionsin amatter of minutes; this quoting andtrading strategy is also adapted to meet customer requirements.

R D Trading Limited t/a RDC

Tekhnicon CentreSpringwood


Formedin 1992, Essex based computer reuse and recycling specialists R D Trading Limited t/a RDC has won the Queen’s Award for outstanding performance over the last three years. Exports accounted for 57% of increasing turnover contributing to overseas earnings growth of 92%. RDC provides refurbishment, recycling and secure data destruction of used informationtechnology equipment. Since opening aGerman service centrein 2004, RDC now operates worldwide with partnershipsin India,Brazil, and the USA. Multi-lingual sales staff supply more than 6,000 customersin 72 countries. RDC’s new Braintree facility isone of the largest dedicated information technology equipment re-processing centrein the world. They are previous winners of the Innovation (2002) and Sustainable Development (2009) categories.

Spiral Software Limited

St Andrews House


Basedin Cambridge, Spiral Software Ltdhas won aQueen’s Award for International Trade for continuous improvementover the last six years. Establishedin 1998, the company quickly established itself as aleaderin its field. Combining cuttingedge mathematics with innovative visualization methods, their tools and services help clients to make the best choices intrading and refining crude oil. Export sales accountf or 92% of turnover contributing to overseas earnings growth of 224%.

Spiral has astrong and ongoing programme of research and development, and their software now plays abusiness-criticalrolein over 80 companies ranging across more than 300 sites around the world.

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Jennifer Finch / Linda Kerridge

Tel: 01473 827***

Email: marketing**[ta]**t-parts.com



Immediate Parent: Computacenter Group

Managing Director: Mr Gerry Hackett

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Gary Griffiths

Tel: 01376 336***

Tel: 07753 771***

Email: ggriffiths**[ta]**co.uk


Managing Director: Dr Matthew Webster

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Dawn Oakley

Tel: 01223 445***

Email: doakley**[ta]**alsoft.com


The Moller Centre For Continuing Education Limited

Churchill College Storey’s Way CB3 0DEthe Moller Centre for Continuing Education Ltd.

established 20 years ago by Churchill College, University of Cambridge to bring the worlds of academia and commerce togetherin atraining and conference centre, has won aQueen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding achievement over the last three years. They offer facilities and educational programmes to arange of clientsin the corporate, public and professional services sectors under the authority of Churchill College. Over 40% of clients are from overseas and export earnings on educational programmes achieved 90% growth. Initially targeting Japan, Thisengagement expanded to include the Chinese market and the Moller Centre now delivers programmes combining academic andpractitioner-based developmentf or business leaders, particularlyin the banking, corporate and healthcare sectors. All profitsare covenanted to Churchill College for investmentin undergraduate and graduate education and student support.

Ubisense Group PLC

St. Andrews House

St. Andrews Road Chesterton

Ubisense Group PLC incorporatedin 2005, designs, develops, manufactures, markets, sells and supports both its innovativeprecise real-time location tracking system and solutions based on industry-standard geographical information systems.it wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin increasing its export sales, showing an overall overseasearnings growth of 83% since 2008. Commercially, the company is seen to be expanding rapidly and has grown from an initialloss-making position to showing continuous profit over the assessment period. This success is seen,in part, to be related to theimplementation of aglobal strategy that sells sector-leading technology solutions while working closely with customers to tailorthese solutions to meet their specific needs. The company now sells its products and solutionsin Korea, China and Japan, inaddition to its original US and European markets. Ubisense also wins the Award for Innovation.


CEO: Mrs Gillian Secrett

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Christine Hartshorne

Tel: 01223 465***

Email: christine.hartshorne**[ta]**cam.ac.uk


CEO: Mr Richard Green

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Sebastian Mathews

Tel: 020 7269 ***

Email: sebastian.mathews**[ta]**onsulting.com


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