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14 10mwp光伏發電試點模塊為單位,分批次實施,建成裝機 容量100mwp的太陽能光伏發電站。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 引進資金 180000 180000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可新增稅收1億元,解決就業人員1200人。前期工作 合作方式 合資或合作 市場分析及預測 太陽能光伏發電是綠色能源產業,本項目利用小金縣大量荒坡,不破壞植被、不影響景觀,在發 電光伏板的下方,可以種植藥材、甜蘿卜等經濟作物,同時發展家禽家畜養殖,形成立體開發態 勢,具有良好的經濟效益和社會效益。建設條件 太陽能資源豐富,年均日照時數達2214小時,具備開發條件。小金縣多荒坡,項目建設用地充 足且價格低廉。建設工期 3 建設性質 新建

14 S/N Industry New energy Project Contents Construction site Xiaojin County It is planned to carry out construction in batches with 10mwp photovoltaic power generation pilot module as unit and finally construct the solar photovoltaic power generation project with installed capacity of 100mwp. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Solar photovoltaic power generation is a green energy industry. The project makes use of a lot of slopes in Xiaojin County, does not destroy vegetation and affect the landscape. Under the power generation photovoltaic panel, the planting of the economic crops such as medicinal materials and sugar beet can be developed; at the same time poultry livestock cultivation can be developed to form an three-dimensional development situation. The project has good economic and social benefits. Building Conditions Solar energy resources are abundant, annual average sunshine hours are up to 2214, the project has development conditions. Xiaojin County has a lot of slopes, and the project construction land is plentiful and cheap. Total Investment Introduction of capital 180000 180000 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that newly-increased tax revenue of RMB 100 million and jobs of 1200 persons can be solved. Pre-phase Work Ways of Cooperation joint venture or cooperation Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***


10mwp Grid Connection Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Project 10mwp






Phone Number: 0837-672***


15 新能源 在黑水縣瓦缽鄉、慈壩鄉、扎窩鄉新建裝機容量200MW的太陽能大型地面并網電站。黑水縣 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 240000 引進資金 240000 企業自籌 經濟效益 預計投資回收期5-7年。前期工作 合作方式 獨資 市場分析及預測 黑水縣太陽能資源豐富,年均日照時數2300小時。太陽能發電以其綠色、無污染、可再生等特 點,已成為新能源的熱點,在國家產業指導目錄中,太陽能發電被列為新能源鼓勵類的第一項,政策支持大。建設條件 太陽能資源豐富,空氣透明度高,年均日照時數達2300小時;500畝以上的連片荒地較多,適宜建 設太陽能大型地面并網電站;電網建設完善,項目建設地附近有500千伏、220千伏變電站各1座。建設工期 1 建設性質 新建

15 S/N Industry New energy 240000 Total Investment 240000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site Heishui County It is planned to newly build solar energy large-scale ground grid connection power station with installed capacity of 200MW in Wabo Village, Ciba Village, Zhawo village in Heishui County. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast There are abundant solar energy resources and annual average sunshine of 2300 hours in Heishui County. Solar power generation has become a hot spot of new energy with its green, pollution-free and renewable characteristics and so on. In the national industry guidance directory, solar power generation is listed as the first item in the "Encouraged" category of new energy and greatly supported by policy. Building Conditions There are abundant solar energy resources, high air transparency, annual average sunshine of 2300 hours; relatively more continuous wasteland of more than 500 mu, where is suitable for construction of solar energy large-scale ground grid connection power station;The construction of power grid is complete, there are one 500kV substation and one 220KV substation near the project construction site. Economic Benefits It is predicted that cost can be recovered within 5-7 years. Pre-phase Work Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship Construction period One year Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***


Construction project of solar thermal power generation demonstration base



E-mail: 718915589**[ta]**com




Phone Number: 0837--282***

Contact:Tian Wenhua



16 1、林下養殖:新建年產生態野山雞20萬只,野豬0.4萬頭的 標準化養殖基地;2、林下種植:新建大球蓋菇、金針菇等食用菌種植基地7- 14個;建秦艽、紅毛五加等中藥材種植基地1400畝。馬爾康梭磨鄉 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 8200 引進資金 5600 企業自籌 2600 經濟效益 按年產生態野山雞20萬只,野豬0.4萬頭、菌類、中藥材1000噸計算,預計可實現年銷售收入 8000萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 合資、獨資 市場分析及預測 隨著人們生活水平不斷提高,人們的膳食結構也發生了極大的變化,對高蛋白、低脂肪、純天然 無公害的健康食品需求越來越大;"綠色、生態"野山雞、野豬、無公害綠色農產品市場需求量 大,價格高,市場前景好。建設條件 項目建設地梭磨鄉自然條件優越、森林覆蓋率高、適宜規�;l展特色種植與養殖;水、電、路、交通等基礎設施配置齊備,可滿足項目建設需求。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

16 S/N Industry Modern agriculture 8200 Total Investment Planned capital attraction 5600 Project Contents Construction site Suomo Village, Maerkang 1. Breeding in forest: it is planned to newly build a standardized breeding base with annual output of 200000 ecological pheasants and 4000 wild boars; 2. Planting in forest: it is planned to newly build 7-14 edible mushrooms planting bases; 1400 mu base of traditional Chinese medicinal materials such as gentiana macrophylla and acanthopanax giraldii harms. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast As people's living standard improves unceasingly, people's diet structure also has generated great changes, their demands for pure natural and pollution-free healthy food with high protein and low fat become more and more large; "Green and ecological" pheasant, wild boar, pollution-free green agricultural products have large market demands, high price and good market prospects. Building Conditions The project construction site Suomo Village has superior natural conditions and high forest coverage rate, where is suitable for scale development specialty planting and breeding; and has complete configuration of infrastructures such as water, electricity, road and traffic, which can meet the project construction demands. Economic Benefits Through calculation as per annual output of 200000 pheasants, 4000 wild boars and 1000 tons of mushrooms and traditional Chinese medicinal materials, it is predicted that annual sales revenue of more than RMB 80 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation joint venture ,sole proprietorship Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself 2600 Unit: RMB 10***


Planting (Breeding) Project in Forest






Phone Number: 0837-248***

Contact:Zhou Fulan



17 阿壩縣 1、新建年加工牛羊肉4500噸生產能力的加工廠1個;2、新建年加工鮮奶1萬噸生產能力的乳制品加工廠1個;3、新建養殖基地1個,養殖基地含暖棚、配種圈舍、養殖圈 舍、獸醫室等。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 9000 引進資金 9000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年利潤2300 萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 合作 市場分析及預測 阿壩縣牛羊肉具有天然野味及低鹽、低糖、低脂肪、高蛋白、肉質優良等特性,近年來備受消費 者的青睞。牦牛奶免疫球蛋白含量高,富含天然乳鈣,能夠幫助人體調節免疫力,提高抗病能 力,還含有人體所必需的氨基酸、共軛亞油酸、а-亞麻酸、花生四烯酸、維生素H等多種稀有營 養成分。近年來國內外對牛羊肉、牦牛乳制品的需求不斷增加,市場價格不斷攀升,項目建設市 場前景廣闊。建設條件 項目建設地水、電、路等基礎設施齊備;畜牧業是全縣的支柱產業,有天然草場1321萬畝,因 純天然放牧,飼草料、水質、空氣無污染,肉、奶等產品均屬上乘綠色健康食品。建設工期 3 建設性質 新建

17 S/N Industry Modern agriculture 9000 Total Investment 9000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site Aba County 1. It is planned to newly construct one processing yard with annual processing and production capacity of 4500 tons of beef and mutton; 2. newly construct one milk product processing factory with annual processing and production capacity of 10000 tons of fresh milk; 3. Newly construct one breeding base, including brooder, mating Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Aba County's beef and mutton has the characteristics such as natural game, low salt, low sugar, low fat, high protein and good meat quality, which are favored by the customers in recent years. Yak milk has high content of immunoglobulin and abundant natural milk calcium, which can help human body to adjust immunity and enhance disease resistance, and also contains multiple nutritional ingredients necessary for human body, such as amino acid, conjugated linoleic acid, a - linolenic acid, arachidonic acid and vitamin H. In recent years, the demands for beef and mutton and yak milk products are increasing continuously and their market prices are soaring, thus the project construction has broad market prospects. Building Conditions The project construction site has complete infrastructures such as water, electricity and road. Animal husbandry is the pillar industry of the whole county, where has 13.21 million mu of natural pasture, because of natural grazing and pollution-free fodder grass, water quality and air, meat and milk product all belong to superior green and healthy food. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual profit of RMB 23 million and tax payment of RMB 9 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation cooperation Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***


Scientific and Technological Demonstration Park Project of Modern Yak Industry






Phone Number: 0837-248***


18 阿壩縣 1、新建蔬菜種植基地10000畝;2、新建20000平方米天然色素提取廠1個;購置安裝水溶性 色素加工生產線4條,蔬菜功能食品生產線1條,蔬菜保健品 生產線1條。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 10200 引進資金 10200 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年利潤2950萬元。前期工作 項目前期工作正在進行(可研、初設等) 合作方式 獨資、合資 市場分析及預測 阿壩縣在蔬菜種植過程中無施用農藥的習慣,水體、土壤和空氣無工業性污染,符合綠色農產品 生產條件,蔬菜具有綠色無污染特性;隨著消費者對食品安全的重視程度不斷提高,生態天然食 品添加劑將受消費者、食品加工企業(商戶)的青睞,市場前景廣闊。建設條件 阿壩縣地處川西北高原西北部,日照充足,耕地資源豐富,獨特的氣候條件為蔬菜生產提供了有 利的條件;“牧民定居”、“幸福美麗家園”等系列民生工程的實施,使縣內基礎設施得以全面升 級,能滿足項目需求;2012年的蔬菜標準化種植基地和2013年生態效益農業示范園的建設成 功,為蔬菜產業發展奠定了堅實的基礎。建設工期 3 建設性質 新建

18 S/N Industry Modern agriculture 10200 Total Investment 10200 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site 1. Newly build one 10000 mu vegetables planting base. 2. Newly build one 20000 m2 natural pigment extraction plant; purchase four processing and production lines which installing soluble pigment, one vegetable function food production line and one vegetable health care product production line. Aba County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast In the process of vegetable planting, Aba County has no habit to apply pesticide, water body, soil and air are free of industrial pollution, which comply with green agricultural products production conditions, vegetables has green pollution-free features; As consumers increasingly pay attention to food safety, ecological natural food additives will be favored by customers, food processing enterprises ( merchants). It has wide prospects of market. Building Conditions Aba County is located in northwest of Northwestern Sichuan Plateau, where climate is cool, sunshine is adequate, cultivated resources are abundant, unique climate conditions provide favorable conditions for vegetable production; the implementation of series livelihood projects such as "herdsmen settlement" and "happy and beautiful homeland" will make the county's infrastructures update completely to be able to meet the project needs; Successful construction of vegetable standardized planting base in 2012 and ecological profitable agriculture demonstration park in 2013 lay a solid foundation for the development of vegetable industry. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual profit of RMB 29.53 million and tax payment of RMB 7.38 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The preliminary work of project is in progress (i.e., feasibility study and preliminary design ). Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



Vegetables Planting and Refining Processing Project

E-mail: 184054285**[ta]**com


Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture 19 S/N Industry Modern agriculture 6000 Total Investment 6000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site It is planned to construct 10000 mu gentiana macrophylla, 3000 mu rheum officinale, 5000 mu acanthopanax giraldii harms and 2000 mu codonopsis pilosula planting bases; Newly construct a 500 mu seeds production and seedlings culture base, including soil improvement, fence, production house irrigation and operation way ancillary facilities construction; Newly construct one supporting Chinese herbal pieces plant. Heshui County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Heishui County belongs to monsoon plateau type climate with distinct drought and rainy seasons, adequate sunshine and average frost-free period of 166.1 days, its unique climate conditions are suitable for growth of multiple precious traditional Chinese medicinal materials such as gentiana macrophylla, rheum officinale, acanthopanax giraldii harms and codonopsis pilosula. In recent years, as wild traditional Chinese medicinal materials resources reduce rapidly and the market demands increase continuously, to develop the ten thousand mu of traditional Chinese medicinal materials project in Gaoban Mountain, Heishui County has broad market prospects. Building Conditions In the county, there are 96000 mu available land for returning the grain plots to forestry, land cost is low and the masses has high enthusiasm to plant traditional Chinese medicinal materials; gentiana macrophylla, rheum officinale, acanthopanax giraldii harms, codonopsis pilosula, etc. have been successfully planted in several villages and towns successively, the project has matured implementation conditions. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual earnings of RMB 40 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work The planning is being prepared. Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself




Phone Number: 1804800***


19 1萬畝秦艽、0.3萬畝大黃、0.5萬畝紅毛五加、0.2萬畝黨 參種植基地;新建制種育苗基地500畝,包括改土、圍欄、生產房、灌溉及作業道附屬設施建設;新建配套中藥飲片廠 一個。黑水縣 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 6000 引進資金 6000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年收益4000萬元。前期工作 正在編制規劃 合作方式 獨資、合資 市場分析及 黑水縣屬季風高原型氣候,旱、雨季分明,日照充足,無霜期平均166.1天,獨特的氣候條件適 宜秦艽、大黃、紅毛五加、黨參等多種名貴中藥材生長。近年來,隨著野生中藥材資源迅速減少 預測 建設條件 全縣共有耕地面積0.65萬公頃,退耕還林地面積0.52萬公頃,土地成本低,群眾種植中藥材積極性 高;秦艽、大黃、紅毛五加、黨參等已先后在多個鄉鎮試種成功,項目實施條件成熟。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

Unit: RMB 10***


以及市場需求的不斷增加,在黑水縣開展高半山萬畝道地中藥材項目市場前景廣闊。Ten Thousand mu of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials Processing Project in Bangao Mountain, Heishui County 黑水高半山萬畝道地中藥材種植加工項目3***

E-mail: 718915589**[ta]**com




Phone Number: 0837-282***

Contact:Tian Wenhua



20 新建五星級酒店、會議中心;依山就勢新建嘉絨民居特色別 墅群。在卓克基古鎮與西索民居之間的梭磨河上,新建廊橋 一座,底層作為古鎮到五星級酒店的交通通道,上面幾層設 置為橋上花園餐廳。馬爾康縣 卓克基鎮 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 10000 引進資金 10000 企業自籌 經濟效益 按年均接待游客10萬人次、人均消費500元計算,預計可實現年收入5000萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 獨資 市場分析及預測 本項目所在地有國家重點文物保護單位、全國一百個經典紅色旅游景點--卓克基土司官寨,省 級文物保護單位西索民居,紅軍博物館和嘉絨古鎮等旅游景點,是馬爾康正在創建國家4A級旅游 景區的核心地。因此,在卓克基鎮新建集嘉絨文化、土司文化及紅色文化為一體的標志性景觀和主題酒店,具有良好的市場前景。建設條件 馬爾康是阿壩州的政治、經濟、文化中心,境內及周邊旅游資源極其豐富。汶馬高速、紅原機場 等重大項目的實施,可促進馬爾康縣旅游人數快速增長。項目建設地屬4A級旅游景區創建核心 區,基礎設施能夠滿足項目建設需求。建設工期 5 建設性質 新建

20 S/N Industry Modern Service Industry 10000 Total Investment Introduction of capital 10000 Project Contents Construction site Zhuokeji Town, Maerkang County Newly build five-star hotel and conference center: newly build Jiarong folk house-style villas. Newly build a gallery bridge above the Suomo River between Zhuokeji Ancient Town and Xisuo Folk House with bottom layer as the traffic aisle from the ancient town to the five-star hotel and the above several layers as garden restaurant on the bridge. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast The project location has the tourist attractions such as national key cultural relics protection unit and one of China?s top 100 classic red tourism scenic spots, Zhuokeji Tusi Official Dwelling, provincial cultural relics protection unit Suoxi Folk House, the Res Army Museum and Jiarong Ancient Town, where is the core land of Maerkang for building national level 4A touris attraction. Therefore, to newly construct landmark and theme hotel integrated with Jiarong culture, Tusi culture and red culture in Zhuokeji Town has good market prospects. Building Conditions Maerkang is Aba prefecture's political, economic and cultural center with very abundant tourism resources in the territory and its surroundings. The implementation of major projects such as Wenchuan-Maerkang Expressway and Hongyuan Airport can promote Maerkang's number of tourists to increase rapidly. The project location belong to the core area for building level 4A tourist attraction, infrastructures can meet the project construction needs. Economic Benefits It is predicted that annual income of RMB 50 million can be realized through calculation according to annual average tourist reception capacity of 100000 person-times and consumption per person of RMB 500. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship Construction period Five Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***


Zhuokeji "Chen'ai Luoding" Resort Project



E-mail: 465418753**[ta]**com




Phone Number: 0837-282***

Contact:Tian Wenhua



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