臺灣招商引資網發布:臺灣產學合作與技術發展委員會提供。該司主要產品(中):(1)學術產業: e-portfolio電子歷程檔案系統、iMAP課程地圖暨能力指標平臺、AIMS校友信息管理系統、HEPS推廣教育系統、PCMS心理諮商服務管理系統、UnEIS校務評鑒管理系統、VnVRA學術研究成果管理系統。 (2)醫學美容暨SPA美容產業:若月天使SPA ERP/若月天使SPA Online醫學美容暨SPA芳療產業營銷服務管理系統、多媒體電子型錄建置服務。(3)休閑旅游產業:旅游業營運管理系統、B2B/B2C/ERP系統開發、訂房系統整合平臺。(4)汽車產業:汽車業售后服務暨維修保養系統(4S)解決方案、中古車營運解決方案、零件籌補系統、維修知識庫系統、生產線管控系統、云端EPC電子零附件型錄解決方案。 (5)農業:作物信息系統-育種/育成/新品種/推廣/病蟲害知識與防治/安全農業生產履歷、作物優質生產整合信息平臺-作物栽培歷/防治歷/氣象肥料、土壤數據庫/農作GIS。
主要產品(英):(1)Academic industry: e-portfolio system, iMAP curriculum map-cum-capability indices platform, AIMS Alumni information management system, HEPS promotion of the education system, PCMS counseling service management system, UnEIS school evaluation management system, VnVRAacademic research results-based management system. (2) Medical Cosmetology Industry & SPA beauty industry: SPA ERP /SPA Online Medical Cosmetology Industry & SPA aromatherapy industry marketing services management system, multi-media electronic catalog to build services. (3) Leisure and tourism industry: tourism operations management system, B2B/B2C/ERP system development, booking system integration platform. (4) Automobile industry: the automotive industry after-sales service & maintenance system (4S) solution, used car business solution, parts, chips complement system, maintenance of knowledge-based systems, production line control system, EPC electronic spare parts catalog solutions, and Cloud computing services. (5) Agriculture: crop information system - breeding / incubation / new varieties / promotion / pest and disease knowledge and prevention / safety of agricultural production resume, crop quality production of integrated information platform - crop cultivation calendar / prevention calendar / meteorological fertilizers, soil database / agriculture for GIS
產業類別: 其他
廠商名稱: 中:豐聯信息股份有限公司
英:Info-Link Services Co.,Ltd
統一編號: 16994222
公司地址: 郵政編碼:42881
科學園區:中部科學工業園區 地址(中):中科路6號2樓之3
董事長: 中:黃裕峰
總經理: 中:黃裕峰
公共關系: 中:龔瑞婷
業務連絡: 中:廖于瑄
員工人數: 30
登記資本額: (臺幣)30000000
實收資本額: 10000000