第一章 定義
A. 理事會:部長理事會
B. 國家投資委員會:該委員會根據(jù)本法成立,負責(zé)起草國家投資政策指南并監(jiān)督其執(zhí)行情況。該委員會只負責(zé)聯(lián)邦投資項目。
C. 地區(qū)委員會:地區(qū)投資委員會負責(zé)發(fā)放該地區(qū)投資許可證。
D. 省級委員會:省級投資委員會負責(zé)制定該省投資規(guī)劃以及發(fā)放該省投資許可證。
E. 委員會:國家投資委員會、地區(qū)委員會或省級委員會。
F. 委員會主任:國家投資委員會主任。
G. 項目:適用本法規(guī)定的經(jīng)濟行為。
H. 資產(chǎn):專供項目所使用的工具、器材、器械、機器、必需品、成套設(shè)備、交通工具及辦公家具以及賓館、旅游城市、醫(yī)院、學(xué)校、大學(xué)的家具、裝飾材料和必需品。
I. 外國投資者:非伊拉克籍的個人投資者,或在外國注冊的法人。
J. 伊拉克投資者:伊拉克籍的個人投資者,或在伊拉克注冊的法人。
K. 稅收和費用:根據(jù)所適用法律征收的所有稅收和費用。
L. 預(yù)定生產(chǎn)能力:根據(jù)供應(yīng)商機器中提供的文件設(shè)定在特定單位時間內(nèi)(小時、天等為單位)的生產(chǎn)能力。
M. 投資組合:股票和債券投資總和。
N. 投資:給國家?guī)砗戏ㄊ找娴膶?jīng)濟、服務(wù)行為或項目的資本投資。
第二章 國家投資委員會及地區(qū)、省級投資委員會
A. 應(yīng)總理要求,部長理事會應(yīng)提名一名部長級委員會主任、一名副部級副主任,任期五年,提名上呈國民議會批準。
B. 總理應(yīng)任命四名司局級委員會委員,任期五年。
C. 總理應(yīng)從委員會主任提名中挑選來自私營部門的三位委員會委員,任期五年,并根據(jù)相關(guān)法律確定其薪酬。
D. 本條第A、B段涉及的委員會成員任期結(jié)束,開除或辭職除外,總理應(yīng)指派他們擔(dān)任同級別的其它政府職位。第A段提到的成員若未擔(dān)任同級別的其它政府職位,則享受退休養(yǎng)老金。
E. 國民議會可以直接解雇國家投資委員會主任及副主任,或應(yīng)總理要求并有充分理由這樣做。
F. 如委員會任何委員違反了委員會規(guī)章制度,部長理事會有權(quán)直接將其解雇、調(diào)離或任命他人取代。
G. 國家投資委員會董事會應(yīng)該應(yīng)董事會主席邀請召開會議。委員會應(yīng)頒布法規(guī)規(guī)定委員會的法定人數(shù)、決策建議、工作流程及其它任何相關(guān)事項。
H. 國家投資委員會應(yīng)與總理建立聯(lián)系。
I. 委員會職工工資和福利水平由總理根據(jù)國家投資委員會主任的建議決定。
A. 根據(jù)委員會提議而通過的法規(guī),如項目資金滿足部長理事會或地區(qū)部長理事會規(guī)定的最低要求,,委員會應(yīng)接受該項目的投資許可證申請。
B. 如投資項目價值超過2.5億美元,委員會應(yīng)在獲得部長理事會批準之后發(fā)放許可證。
C. 委員會應(yīng)在申請?zhí)岢龊?5天內(nèi)就投資許可證申請作出最后決定。
D. 審批投資項目是委員會為實現(xiàn)本法目的而承擔(dān)的法定義務(wù)。
第三章 優(yōu)惠及保障
A. 交易在伊拉克股票市場上流通的股票和債券。
B. 以股票和債券的投資組合形式進行投資。
第四章 投資者義務(wù)
第五章 豁免
第六章 投資及項目成立許可證發(fā)放程序
A. 填寫委員會提供的申請表
B. 適格銀行提供的經(jīng)濟能力證明
C. 投資者在伊拉克境內(nèi)外運營的項目
D. 準備投資的項目詳情及經(jīng)濟可行性
E. 完成項目的時間表
第七章 一般條款
A. 與項目有關(guān)的實物資產(chǎn)。
B. 項目成立所需的機器、工具、設(shè)備、樓房、建筑、交通工具、家具及辦公設(shè)備。
C. 無形權(quán)利包括專利、注冊商標(biāo)、商業(yè)秘密、工程服務(wù)、行政及營銷服務(wù)等等。
1. 因工作合同而產(chǎn)生的爭議應(yīng)完全適用伊拉克法律,受伊拉克法院管轄。如工作合同另有規(guī)定,非伊拉克籍勞工應(yīng)得到豁免。
2. 如爭議當(dāng)事方為非伊拉克籍,并且爭議并非源于犯罪行為,當(dāng)事方可以對適用的法律、管轄法院等問題協(xié)商一致,并根據(jù)該協(xié)議解決爭議。
3. 如受本法規(guī)定影響的項目合伙人之間或項目所有人和項目其他人員之間產(chǎn)生的爭議導(dǎo)致項目停工三個月以上,投資委員會可以撤銷許可證并要求項目所有人在三個月之內(nèi)解決爭議。如三個月過后仍未解決項目合伙人之間或項目所有人和項目其他人員之間產(chǎn)生的爭議,委員會可采取法律手段清算項目并告知項目所有人或合伙人。清算結(jié)余在償清國家債務(wù)或其他債務(wù)之后應(yīng)存在一家銀行。
4. 如爭議一方受本法調(diào)整,當(dāng)事方在簽署協(xié)定時可就解決爭議的機制達成一致,包括根據(jù)伊拉克法律或其他任何國際認可的機構(gòu)進行仲裁。
5. 委員會或任何政府機構(gòu)與受本法調(diào)整的當(dāng)事方之間就不違反本法規(guī)定的事項產(chǎn)生的爭議應(yīng)適用伊拉克法律,受伊拉克民事法庭管轄。如在界定當(dāng)事方關(guān)系的合同中包含了仲裁條款,則當(dāng)事方可根據(jù)該條款將商業(yè)爭議訴諸仲裁。
The Investment Law No (13) of 2006
In the name of the people The Presidency Council Pursuant to what was approved by the Council of Representatives and endorsed by the Presidency Council and based on the provisions of paragraph (First) of Article (61) and paragraph (Third) of Article (73) of the Constitution, the following law is promulgated:
No (13) of 2006
The Investment Law
Chapter One
Article 1
The following terms, wherever mentioned in this Law, shall have the following specific
meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
A. The Council: The Council of Ministers
B. National Commission for Investment: The Commission established in accordance with this law responsible for drawing up the national policy and laying out its guidelines and monitoring the implementation of these guidelines and instructions in investment. It shall specialize in investment projects of a federal nature exclusively.
C. Region's Commission: The investment commission of the region responsible for granting investment licenses in the region.
D. Governorate Commission: The investment commission of the governorate not organized in a region responsible for investment planning and granting investment licenses in the governorate.
E. The Commission: The National Commission for Investment or the Region's Commission or the Governorate Commission as the case.
F. Chairman of the Commission: The Chairman of the National Commission for Investment
G. The Project: The economic activity subject to the provisions of this law.
H. The Assets: The tools, apparatuses, equipments, machineries, requirements, gear, transportation means and office furniture specified for exclusive use in the project, and the furniture, furnishings and the requirements of the hotels, tourist cities, hospitals, schools and colleges
I. The Foreign Investor: Is the investor who does not hold the Iraqi nationality in the case of a real person, and is registered in a foreign country in the case of a juridical or legal person
J. The Iraqi Investor: Is the investor who holds Iraqi Nationality in case of a real person and is registered in Iraq in the case of a juridical or legal person.
K. Taxes and Fees: All types of taxes and fees levied in accordance with the applicable laws.
L. The designed production capacity: Is the production capacity designed within a specific unit of time (hour, unit, day ... etc) in accordance to what is fixed in the documents incoming with the machines of the supplier.
M. Investment Portfolio: A collection of investments in shares and bonds.
N. Investment: Is the investment of capital in any economic or service activity or project that results in a legitimate benefit for the country.
Goals and Means
Article 2
This law aims at the following:
First: To promote investment and transfer modern technologies in order to contribute to the process of developing and enhancing Iraq, and expanding and diversifying its production and service base.
Second: To encourage the Iraqi and foreign private sector to invest in Iraq by providing the required facilities for establishing investment projects and enhancing its competitive capacities in the local and foreign markets for projects included in this law.
Third: To develop human resources based on market demands and provide work opportunities for the Iraqis.
Fourth: To protect the rights and properties of investors.
Fifth: To expand exports and improve the balance of payments and the balance of trade of Iraq.
Article 3
The following means shall be adopted to realize the objectives of this law:
First: To grant projects covered by the provisions of this law the necessary privileges and guarantees for its continuation and development by providing support in a way that enhances the competitive capacities of these projects in the local and foreign markets.
Second: To grant projects that obtained an investment license from the Commission, additional facilities and exemptions from taxes and fees in accordance with the stipulations of this law.
Chapter Two
The National Commission for Investment and the
Investment Commissions in the Regions and Governorates
Article 4
First: A Commission shall be established and called the "The National Commission for Investment". It shall enjoy a juridical personality and shall be represented by the Chairman of the Commission or the person authorized by him. It shall be responsible for drawing up the national policies for investment and drawing up its plans, regulations and guidelines as well as monitoring the implementation of these guidelines and instructions in investment. It shall specialize in strategic investment projects of a federal nature exclusively.
Second: The National Commission for Investment" shall be managed by a Board of Directors comprised of nine members who must be competent and specialized, and hold a college degree that suits the specialty of the Commission. They must not have been sentenced for a felony or misdemeanor of moral turpitude, or have declared their bankruptcy
A. Upon a request by the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers shall nominate a Chairman of the Commission at a grade of Minister and a Deputy Chairman at a grade of Deputy-Minister for a period of five years and present them to the Council of Representative for approval.
B. The Prime Minister shall appoint four members for a period of five years at a grade of Director General.
C. The Prime Minister shall select three members from the private sector for five years after their nomination by Chairman of the Commission and specifying their compensations according to the bylaws.
D. At the conclusion of the membership of any member of the Commission referred to in Paragraph (A and B) of this Article in cases not involving dismissal and resignation, the Prime Minister shall assign them to any governmental entity at the same grade. Those mentioned in (A) of this article shall be retired on pension when not assigned to a government position equivalent to their grade.
E. The Council of Representatives may directly dismiss the Chairman of the National Commission for Investment and his Deputy, or upon a request by the Prime Minister for compelling reasons.
F. The Council of Ministers may dismiss or replace any member of the Commission or replace him with others in case he does not adhere to the standards and regulations of the Commission.
G. The Board of Directors of the National Commission for Investment shall meet at the invitation of its Chairman. A bylaw issued by the Commission shall specify the quorum, decision taking, making recommendations and the course of work of the Commission and any other issue.
H. The National Commission for Investment shall be connected to the Prime Minister.
I. The salary scale and entitlements of the Commission's employees shall be determined by a decision of the Prime Minister based on a proposal from the Chairman of the National Commission for Investment.
Fourth: The Commission's headquarters shall be in Baghdad and it may appoint representatives in the regions and governorates.
Fifth: The National Commission for Investment shall draw up an overall national strategic policy for investment identifying the more important of the sectors and shall prepare a map of investment projects in Iraq in the light of the information it receives from the regions and governorates. It shall also prepare lists of investment opportunities in strategic and federal investment projects with initial information about these projects and making it available to those wishing to invest.
Article 5
First: The regions and governorates not organized in a region may form investment commissions in their areas. The latter shall enjoy the powers of granting the investment licenses, investment planning, promoting investment and opening branches in their areas within the provisions of this law in consultation with National Commission for Investment to guarantee the availability of the legal conditions.
Second: the Investment Commissions of the regions and governorates shall be composed of at least seven members including the chairman and the vice chairman of at least seven years of experience and competence and with a university degree appropriate to the specialization of the commission and not convicted in a felony or a misdemeanor involving turpitude or has declare his bankruptcy.
Third: The regions and governorates not organized in a region shall establish a mechanism of forming the investment commission of the region and the governorate and removing the Commission's members in case he/she does not adhere to the standards and charters of the Commission in a way which is not in conflict with the provisions of this law.
Fourth: The Investment Commissions of the regions and governorate shall coordinate their work with the National Commission for Investment, and shall coordinate and consult with local governments regarding investment plans and facilities.
Fifth: The regions and governorates commissions shall draw up their investment plan in a way that does not contradict with the federal investment policy and shall prepare list of the investment opportunities in the areas that are subject thereto, with initial data about these projects and offer it to those wishing to invest.
Sixth: The region's Commission shall be connected to the Prime Minister of the region and is subject to the scrutiny of the region's Council. The governorate commission shall be connected to the Governor and is subject to the scrutiny of the governorate council in way that does not contradict with the provisions of this law.
Seventh: Regions and Governorates Commissions board of directors shall convene upon an invitation from their chairman. The quorum of convening and adopting resolutions and recommendations shall be determined by absolute majority. The conduct of work shall be organized by by-laws issued by the Commission.
Article 6
In addition to ordinary correspondence, the Commission may adopt electronic mail with the official entities connected with the work and activity of the Commission through local networks or the Internet according to guidelines set by the Commission.
Article 7
A. The Commission shall accept investment license requests for projects whose capital is not less than the minimum amount determined by the Council of Ministers or the Council of Ministers of region as the case, by a regulation issued based on a proposal by the Commission.
B. The Commission must obtain the approval of the Council of Ministers before granting the license if the value of the investment project is more than two hundred and fifty million dollars.
C. The Commission shall make its final decision concerning the requests of investment license within a period not exceeding (45) forty five days from the date of filing a request.
D. The decisions of the Commission regarding the approved investments projects shall be obligatory for the purposes of this law.
Article 8
The Commission shall have an independent annual budget whose revenues shall be made up of its allocated amounts in the State General Budget.
Article 9
The Commission shall promote investment by working on the following:
First: Building confidence in the investment environment, identifying investment opportunities, and promoting and stimulating investment in them.
Second: Simplifying the procedures for registration, issuing of investment projects licenses, and following up on existing projects and giving them priority in processing with the official entities. Completing the procedures of answering investor requests and obtaining the required approvals for the investor and the project.
Third: Establishing one window at the National Commission for Investment and the Regions and Governorates Commissions, which includes authorized representatives from the ministries, and members nominated by the Councils of the regions and governorates as the case and the concerned authorities to undertake issuing licenses and obtain the approvals of other authorities in accordance with the law.
Fourth: Providing advice, information, and data to investors and issuing special manuals in this regard.
Fifth: Setting forth and implementing programs to promote investment in different areas of Iraq in order to attract investors.
Sixth: Facilitating the allocation of the needed lands and renting them out for establishing projects for a sum to be determined by the Commission in coordination with the concerned authorities.
Seventh: Establishing secure and free investment areas with the agreement of the Council of Ministers.
Eighth: Encouraging Iraqi investors (residing in Iraq) through providing them with easy loans and financial facilities in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and with the assistance of Banking Institutions, provided that the investor obtaining the loan shall employ a number of unemployed Iraqis proportional with the volume of the loan.
Ninth: Any other tasks related to its work and assigned by the Council of Ministers.
Chapter Three
Privileges and Guarantees
Article 10
The Investor irrespective of his/her nationality shall enjoy all privileges, facilitations and guarantees and shall be subject to the obligations stated in this law. The Iraqi and foreign investor shall have the right for, the purposes of housing projects, the use of the land for a sum to be determined between him and the land owner without land speculation according to conditions set forth by the National Commission for Investment and the approval of the Council of Ministers. The Commission shall facilitate the allocation of the required lands for the housing projects. The housing units shall be allocated for ownership by the Iraqis after the completion of the project.
Article 11
The investor shall enjoy the following benefits:
First: The investor shall have the right to take out the capital he brought into Iraq and its proceeds in accordance with the provisions of this law and pursuant to the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq in an exchangeable currency after paying all his taxes and debts to the Iraqi Government and all other authorities.
Second: The foreign investor shall have the right to:
A. Exchange shares and bonds listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange.
B. Form investment portfolios in shares and bonds. Third: Renting or leasing lands needed for the project for the term of the investment project, provided that it does not exceed 50 years renewable with the agreement of the Commission, and provided that the nature of the project and its benefit for the national economy is taken into consideration when determining the period.
Fourth: Insuring the investment project with any foreign or national insurance company it deems suitable.
Fifth: Opening accounts in Iraqi or foreign currency or both at a bank inside or outside Iraq for the licensed project.
Article 12
This law shall guarantee the following for the investor:
First: Priority in recruitment and employment shall be given to Iraqi workers. The right to employ and use non-Iraqi workers in case it is not possible to employ an Iraqi with the required qualifications and capable of performing the same task in accordance with guidelines issued by the Commission.
Second: Granting the foreign investor and non-Iraqis working in the investment projects the right of residency in Iraq and facilitating his/her entry and exit to and from Iraq.
Third: Non-seizure or nationalization of the investment project covered by the provisions of this law in whole or in part, except for projects on which a final judicial judgment was issued.
Fourth: Non-Iraqi technicians and administration employees working in any project shall have the right to transfer their salaries and compensations outside Iraq in accordance with the law after paying their dues and debts to the Iraqi government and all other entities.
Article 13
Any amendment to this Law shall not have any retroactive affect regarding the
guarantees, exemptions, and rights recognized by this Law.
Chapter Four
Investor Obligations
Article 14
The investor shall observe the following:
First: To notify the National Commission for Investment (inserted in handwriting ), the Region or Governorate Commission in writing immediately after the installation and equipping of the fixed assets for the purposes of the project and the date of the beginning of commercial activity.
Second: To keep proper records audited by a certified accountant in Iraq in accordance with the law.
Third: To provide an economic and technical feasibility study for the project and any information, data or documents required by the Commission or other competent authorities regarding the budget of the project and the progress made in its execution.
Fourth: To keep records of the project's duty-free imported materials in accordance with the provisions of this Law and specifying the depreciation periods of these materials.
Fifth: To protect the safety of the environment and to adhere to the valid quality control systems in Iraq and international regulations accredited in this field, also the laws related to security, health, public order and values of the Iraqi society.
Sixth: To adhere to the valid Iraqi laws regarding salaries, vacations, work hours and conditions and others as a minimum.
Seventh: Commitment to the correspondence of the work progress schedule submitted by the investor with reality provided that the time difference shall not exceed six months, and that the National Commission for Investment shall set forth punitive conditions in case of exceeding the six-month period and that the Commission shall have the right to withdraw the license.
Eighth: To train and rehabilitate its Iraqi employees as well as raising their efficiency, skill and capabilities. Priority in employment and recruitment shall be given to the Iraqis.
Chapter Five
Article 15
First: The project that has obtained an investment license from the Commission shall enjoy exemption from taxes and fees for a period of (10) ten years as of the date of commencing commercial operations in accordance with the areas of development defined by the Council of Ministers at the suggestion of the National Commission for Investment based on the degree of economic development and the nature of the investment project.
Second: The Council of Ministers shall have the right to propose draft laws to extend or grant exemptions in addition to the exemptions stipulated in paragraph (First) of this Article, or provide incentives, guarantees or other benefits to any project or sector or region and for the years and percentages it deems appropriate in accordance with the nature of the activity, its geographical location and its contribution to manpower employment and its effect on driving the economic development, and for considerations of national interest.
Third: The National Commission for Investment has the right to increase the years of tax and fees exemption in a way directly proportional to the increase in the Iraqi Investor share in the project to reach fifteen years if the Iraqi Investor share in the project was more than 50%.
Article 16
If the project is moved during the granted period of the exemption from a development area to another, the project shall receive, for the purposes of the exemption mentioned in paragraph (First) of Article (15) during the remaining term, the treatment of the projects in the development areas it is moving to, provided that the Commission is informed of such move.
Article 17
The project that obtains an investment license shall also enjoy the following:
First: Assets imported for the purposes of the investment project shall be exempted from fees, provided that their entry to Iraq is made within (3) three years from the date of granting the investment license.
Second: The imported assets required for the expansion, development or modernization of the project shall be exempted from fees in case they led to an increase in the designed capacity, provided they are brought in within three years from the date of notifying the Commission of the expansion or development. Expansion, for the purposes of this law, shall mean adding fixed capital assets aimed at increasing the designed capacity of the project in commodities or services or materials by a percentage exceeding (15%) fifteen percent. Development, for the purposes of this law, shall mean replacing project machines with more developed ones, totally or partially or making a development on the standing devices and equipments of the project by adding new machines and devices or parts thereof with the aim of raising the productive efficiency or improving and developing the quality of the products and services.
Third: Spare parts imported for the purposes of the project shall be exempted from fees if the value of these parts does not exceeded (20%) twenty percent of the fixed assets value, provided that they are not be used for any other purpose.
Fourth: Hotels, tourist institutions, hospitals, health institutions, rehabilitation centers and educational and scientific organizations projects shall be granted additional exemptions from duties and taxes on their imports of furniture, furnishings and requisites for renewing and updating purposes at least once every four years, provided that these items are brought into Iraq or used in the project within (3) three years from the date of the approval decision of the Commission on the import lists and their quantities, and provided that these items are not used for purposes other than the imported purposes.
Article 18
If it is found that the fixed assets exempted, in whole or in part, from taxes or fees were sold in violation of the provisions of this law or were used in anything other than the project or for purposes other than the authorized purposes, the investor must pay the taxes, fees, and fines incurred pursuant to the law.
Chapter Six
Procedures for Granting Investment and
Project Establishment License
Article 19
First: The investor shall obtain the license in addition to obtaining the rest of the licenses for the purpose of enjoying the privileges and exemptions provided by the Commission.
Second: The Commission shall grant the license for investment or project formation based on a request submitted by the investor according to conditions facilitated and prepared by the Commission. The request submitted by the investor shall include the following:
A. Filling a request form prepared by the Commission
B. Financial competency from an accredited bank
C. Projects performed by the investor inside or outside Iraq
D. Details of the project intended to invest in and its economic feasibility.
E. A timetable for completing the project.
Article 20
First: The Commission must issue the establishing license through establishing one window in the region or the governorate not organized in a region that includes authorized representatives of the ministries and relevant bodies. The Commission shall grant project formation license and obtain approvals from the entities in accordance with the law.
Second: The Commission must help the investor to obtain licenses by approaching the competent authorities and exploring the opinions of the entities concerning the issuance of the formation license. These entities must issue the decision to reject, approve or request amendment within 15 days from the date of being notified. The failure to reply from the entity from which the opinion is solicited shall be deemed as an approval and in case of a rejection there must be cause for it.
Third: In case of disagreement between the National Commission for Investment decision and the other relevant entity regarding the granting of the license other than the Region's Commissions, the dispute shall be brought before the Prime Minister for settlement.
Fourth: In case the request for registration is rejected, the requestor may file a complaint to the Chairman of the region or the governorate Commission concerned within (15) fifteen days after receiving notification of the rejection decision. The Chairman of the Commission concerned shall take a decision concerning the complaint in question within a period of seven days. The petitioner may appeal the decision of the Chairman of the Commission concerned rejecting his complaint to the authority to which the Commission concerned is connected to within 15 days from the date the complaint's rejection and its decision is deemed final.
Chapter Seven
General Provisions
Article 21
The project capital subject to the provisions of this law shall be made up of the following: First: Cash transferred to Iraq through financial banks and companies or any other legal means with the aim of investing it for the purposes of this law.
Second: The in-kind assets and incorporeal rights imported to Iraq or purchased
from the local markets by the cash transferred into Iraq:
A. In-kind assets related to the project.
B. The machinery, tools, equipment, buildings, constructions, transportation means, furniture and offices appliances required for establishing the project.
C. The incorporeal rights that include patents, registered trade marks, technical know-how, engineering services, administrative and marketing services and the similar.
Third: Profits, proceeds and reserves resulting from the capital invested in Iraq in the project if the capital of such a project was increased or was invested in another project covered by the provisions of this law.
Article 22
The foreign investor shall enjoy additional privileges in accordance with international agreements signed between Iraq and his country or multilateral international agreements which Iraq has joined.
Article 23
If the project ownership is transferred during the granted period of the exemption, it shall continue to enjoy granted exemption, facilities and guarantees until the end of that period, provided that the new investor continue to work on the project in the same specialization or in another, with the approval of the Commission. The new investor must take the place of the former investor in the rights and obligations consequent to the provisions of this law.
Article 24
First: The investor, with the approval of the Commission, may sell exempted fixed assets or relinquish it to another investor benefiting from the provisions of this law, provided that he uses them in his project.
Second: The investor, after informing the Commission, may sell the exempted fixed assets to any person or other project not subject to the provisions of this law after paying the outstanding fees and taxes.
Third: The investor, with the approval of the committee, may re-export the exempted fixed assets.
Article 25
In the event two or more companies or enterprises merge, the new company or entity resulting from the merger must set up separate accounts for each project before the merger in order to register and apply exemptions and facilitations stipulated in this law during the remaining period of the exemption.
Article 26
Any project approved in accordance with the provisions of the previous applicable laws shall continue to benefit from all exemptions granted to it pursuant to that law and until the expiration of the exemption period and under the same terms.
Article 27
Disputes arising between parties who are subject to the provisions of this law shall be subject to the Iraqi law unless otherwise agreed, contrary to the cases that are subject to the provisions of the Iraqi law exclusively or the jurisdiction of Iraqi courts.
1 Disputes arising from the work contract shall exclusively be subject to the provisions of the Iraqi law and the jurisdiction of Iraqi courts. Non-Iraqi laborer shall be exempted if the work contract stipulated otherwise.
2 If parties to a dispute are non-Iraqis and in disputes not arising from a crime, the opponents may agree on the law to be applied, the competent court or any other agreement to resolve their dispute.
3 If a dispute between the partners or between the owner of the project and others in a project subject to the provisions of this law resulted in the stoppage of work for a period exceeding three months, the Investment Commission may withdraw the license and ask the owners of the project to settle the dispute within a period not to exceed three months. If such period elapsed without settling the dispute between the partners or between the owner of the project and others, the commission may take legal measures to liquidate the project and notify the owner of the project or one of the partners of such action. The liquidation money shall be deposited in one of the banks after paying the dues of the State or any other dues after final judgment of their entitlement is rendered.
4 If one of the parties to a dispute is subject to the provisions of this law, they may, at the time of signing the agreement, agree on a mechanism to resolve disputes including arbitration pursuant to the Iraqi law or any other internationally recognized entity.
5 Disputes arising between the Commission or any governmental entity and any of those subject to the provisions of this law on matters not related to violations of one of the provisions of this law shall be subject to Iraqi law and courts on civil matters. As for commercial disputes, parties may resort to arbitration provided that such an arrangement is stipulated in the contract organizing the relationship between parties.
Article 28
In case the investor violates any of the provisions of this law, the Commission shall have the right to warn the investor in writing to remove the violation within a specific period. In case the investor does not remove the violation within the specified period, the Commission shall summon the investor or who represents him to state his position and grant him other respite to settle the issue. Upon repeating or not removing the violation, the Commission shall have the right to withdraw the investor's license it issued and order stoppage of work on the project and retain the State's right to deny the investor the granted exemptions and privileges from the date of the violation and allow others to retain their rights to demand compensation for the damage caused by this violation, without breaching any punishments or other compensations stipulated in the applicable laws.
Article 29
All areas of investments shall be subject to the provisions of this law except:
First: Investment in Oil and Gas extraction and production.
Second: Investment in banks and insurance companies sectors.
Article 30
The Council of Ministers shall have the right to:
First: Issue regulations to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this law.
Second: Issue bylaws defining the Commission's formations, divisions, tasks, process of its work, its authorities, financial affairs, employee affairs and any others matters.
Article 31
The Committee may issue instructions to facilitate the implementation of regulations issued by the Council of Ministers pursuant to the provisions of this law.
Article 32
The Provisions of this law shall be applied to the existing and operating projects of the mixed and private sectors which have commenced before the issuance of this law and upon a request from its management and the approval of the Commission with no retroactive effect.
Article 33
No text shall be valid which contradicts the provisions of this law.
Article 34
The (dissolved) CPA Order No. 39 of 2003 shall be revoked.
Article 35
The Arab Investment Law no (62) of 2002 issued by the dissolved Revolution Command Council shall be annulled.
Article 36
This Law shall enter into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Justifying Reasons
For the purpose of driving the process of economic and social development and bringing technical and scientific experience and developing human resources, and for creating work opportunities for the Iraqis by encouraging investments and supporting the process of establishing investment projects in Iraq and their expansion and development at various economic levels and by granting privileges and exemptions for these projects, this law is legislated.