
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:



3M Technologies (S) Pte Ltd  www.mmm.com

A1 Training Pte Ltd  www.a1trg.com.sg

Accenture Pte Ltd  www.accenture.com

Ace Insurance Limited  www.aceinsurance.com.sg

Ace Peripherals Pte Ltd  www.aceperipherals.com

Achieve Group  www.achievegroup.asia

Acme Monaco Asia Pte Ltd  www.acmemonaco.com

Addleshaw Goddard LLP  www.addleshawgoddard.com

ADM Cocoa Pte Ltd  www.adm.com

Adtvance Law LLC  www.adtvancelaw.com

Afton Chemical Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.aftonchemical.com

AGC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.agc-flatglass.sg

Agilent Technologies Singapore (International) Pte Ltd  www.agilent.com

Agilent Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd  www.agilent.com

Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Pte Ltd  www.agilitylogistics.com

Aidid Trading Co. (Pte) Ltd

Aisling Analytics Pte Ltd  www.aislinganalytics.com

Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry Pte Ltd  www.akzonobel.com

Alert Disaster Control (Asia) Pte Ltd  www.alertdisastercontrol.com

Allen & Gledhill LLP  www.allenandgledhill.com

Alteco Chemical Pte Ltd  www.alteco.com.sg

Amereller Legal Consultancy  www.amereller.com

Ampersand Associates Pte Ltd  www.ampersandassociates.com.sg

Anbros Industries (S) Pte Ltd

Anderson Mori & Tomotsune (Singapore) LLP  www.amt-law.com/en/office/singapore.html

Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd  www.angliss.com.sg

AON Singapore Pte Ltd  www.aon.com/singapore

Apex Avalon Consulting Pte Ltd

Applus Rtd Pte Ltd  www.applusrtd.com

Archicom Singapore Pte Ltd  www.archicom-acm.com

Archroma Singapore Pte Ltd  www.archroma.com

Ardian Investment Singapore Pte Ltd  www.adrian-investment.com

Arnold Suhr Qimpex Pte Ltd  www.arnoldsuhr.nl

Ascendas Funds Management (S) Limited  www.a-reit.com

Ascendas Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.ascendas.com

Ascott International Management Pte Ltd  www.the-ascott.com

Ashurst LLP  www.ashurst.com

Asia Financial Consulting Pte Ltd  www.asia-fc.com

Asia Risk Management

Institute (Pte Ltd)  www.arimi.org

Asian Welcome Pte Ltd  www.asianwelcome.com

Asiatravel.Com Holdings Ltd  www.asiatravel.com

ASM Assembly Systems Singapore Pte Ltd  www.siplace.com

Astrabon (S) Pte Ltd  www.astrabon.com

Astraco Asia Trading Co. Pte Ltd  www.astraco.com.sg

Astrid Bek & Associates Pte Ltd  www.swissheadhunters.com

Atlas Copco (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd  www.atlascopco.com.sg

ATMC Singapore Pte Ltd  www.atmc.vic.edu.au

ATMD Bird & Bird LLP  www.twobirds.com

Austasia Food Pte Ltd  www.greenfieldsmilk.com

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited  www.anz.com

Australian International School Singapore  www.ais.com.sg

Australian Trade Commission  www.austrade.gov.au/singapore

Avanade Asia Pte Ltd  www.avanade.com/en-sg

AWP Pte Ltd  www.awp.com.sg

Baker & Mckenzie.Wong & Leow  www.bakerinfo.com

Bank Of America N.A.  www.bankofamerica.com

Bank Of China Limited  www.bankofchina.com/sg

Banyan Caverns Storage Services Pte Ltd

Banyan Tree Holdings Limited  www.banyantree.com

BASF South East Asia Pte Ltd  www.asiapacific.basf.com

Bayer (South East Asia) Pte Ltd  www.bayer.com

Becton Dickinson Holdings Pte Ltd  www.bd.com

Bedell Cristin (Singapore) LLP  www.bedellgroup.com

Behn Meyer & Co. (Pte) Ltd  www.behnmeyer.com

Benkel International Pte Ltd  www.benkelintl.com

Bernard & Rada Law Corp  www.brllawcorp.com

Berry Appleman & Leiden Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.balglobal.com

Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP  www.blplaw.com

Billion Commodities Pte Ltd

Biomin Singapore Pte Ltd  www.biomin.net

Bioquell Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.bioquell.com

Bloomberg L.P.  www.bloomberg.com

BMR & Associates (Singapore Branch)  www.bmradvisors.com

Bmw Asia Pte Ltd  www.bmw-asia.com

BNP Paribas Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.bnpparibas.com

BNP Paribas Singapore Branch  www.bnpparibas.com.sg

Boardroom Limited  www.boardroomlimited.com

Bombay Trading Co (Pte) Ltd

BP Singapore Pte Limited  www.bp.com

Bridgestone Singapore Pte Ltd  www.bridgestone.com.sg

British-American Tobacco (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.bat.com

Broadcast Solutions Pte Ltd  www.bsgroup.tv

Bruderer Presses (Far East) Pte Ltd  www.bruderer-presses.com

Bryan Cave LLP  www.bryancave.com

BZS Financial And Investment Pte Ltd

C. Melchers GmbH & Co.  www.melchers.com.sg

Cadbury Enterprises Pte Ltd  www.cadbury.com

Canadian International School Pte Ltd  www.cis.edu.sg

Canon Singapore Pte Ltd  www.canon.com.sg/contactus

Capitaland Limited  www.capitaland.com

Carbone Energia Pte Ltd  www.carbone.sg

Carrapateira Pte Ltd

Caterpillar Propulsion Production Pte Ltd  www.catpropulsion.com

CBRE Pte Ltd  www.cbre.com.sg

CCI (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd  www.ccivalve.com

Celanese Pte Ltd  www.celanesechemicals.com

Celergo Pte Ltd  www.celergo.com

Cems-Global Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd  www.cemsonline.com

Centrotrade Singapore Pte Ltd  www.centrotrade.net

Cerebos Pacific Ltd  www.cerebos.com

CFI Holding Pte Ltd  www.cfiholding.com

Chandra Global Pte Ltd  www.chandraglobal.com.sg

Chanel Pte Limited  www.chanel.com

Charles & Keith International Pte Ltd  www.charleskeith.com

Chemoil International Pte Ltd  www.chemoil.com

Chevron Phillips Chemicals Asia Pte Ltd  www.cpchem.com

Chevron Phillips Singapore Chemicals (Private) Limited  www.cpchem.com

Chevron Singapore Pte Ltd  www.chevron.com

China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd  www.caosco.com

Citibank N.A.  www.citibank.com

City Developments Limited  www.cdl.com.sg

CJ International Asia Pte Ltd  www.cj.net

CKE Manufacturing Pte Ltd  www.ckemfg.com

Clariant (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.clariant.com/www.seap.clariant.com

CM Houlder Insurance Brokers (S) Pte Ltd  www.cmhoulder.com

Cognita Asia Holdings Pte Ltd  www.cognitaschools.com

Cold Storage Singapore (1983) Pte Ltd  www.coldstorage.com.sg

Commerzbank AG  www.commerzbank.de

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia  www.commbank.com.au

Commscope Solutions Singapore Pte Ltd  www.commscope.com

Concord Energy Pte Ltd  www.concordenergygroup.com

Connell Bros Co (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.connellbrothers.com

Conrad Centennial Singapore  www.conradhotels.com

Constellations Consultancy Pte Ltd

Continental Tires Holding Singapore Pte Ltd  www.conti-online.com

Control Risks Group (S) Pte Ltd  www.controlrisks.com

Converge Asia Pte Ltd  www.converge.com

Convergence Concepts Pte Ltd  www.convergenceconcepts.com.sg

Conyers Dill & Pearman Pte Ltd  www.conyersdill.com

Core-IRM Pte Ltd  www.core-irm.com

Corporate Brokers International Pte Ltd

Cotty Vivant Marchisio & Lauzeral (S) Pte Ltd  www.cvml.com

Courts (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.courts.com.sg

Covidien Private Limited  www.tycohealthcareasia.com

CP Kelco Singapore Pte Ltd  www.cpkelco.com

Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank  www.ca-cib.com.sg

Credit Industriel Et Commercial  www.cic.com.sg

Credit Suisse AG  www.cspb.com.sg

Crimsonlogic Pte Ltd  www.crimsonlogic.com

Crocodile Holdings Pte Ltd  www.crocodileinternational.com


Crown Beverage Cans Singapore Pte Ltd

Crown Worldwide Pte Ltd  www.crownrelo.com/singapore

Cutech Solutions & Services Pte Ltd  www.cutechgroup.com

CW Singapore Pte Ltd  www.cwspore.com

CWT Limited  www.cwtlimited.com

D'Amico Shipping Singapore Pte Ltd  www.damicoship.com

DAC Beachcroft LLP  www.dacbeachcroft.com

DBJ Singapore Limited  www.dbj.jp/en.

DBS Bank Ltd  www.dbs.com

Deloitte & Touche LLP  www.deloitte.com/sg

Denis Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.denisfreres.com

Dentons Ukmea LLP  www.dentons.com

Deutsche Bank AGSingapore Office deutsche-bank.com

Deutz Asia-Pacific (Pte) Ltd  www.deutzasia.com.sg

Dexin Commodities Pte Ltd

DHL Express (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.dhl.com.sg

DHL Global Forwarding (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.dhl.com

Diasham Resources Pte Ltd  www.diasham.com.sg

Dimension Data (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.dimensiondata.com

Dimerco Express Group  www.dimerco.com

DKSH Singapore Pte Ltd  www.dksh.com

DMG Information Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.dmgt.com

Docomo Intertouch Pte Ltd  www.docomointertouch.com

Dow Chemical Pacific (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.dow.com

Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd  www.bouygues-construction.com

Drew & Napier LLC  www.drewnapier.com

DTZ Debenham Tie Leung (SEA) Pte Ltd  www.dtz.com/sg

DTZ Facilities & Engineering (S) Limited  www.dtz-ugl.com/

Du Pont Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd http//www.dupont.com.sg/

Dua Associates  www.duaassociates.com

Duane Morris & Selvam LLP  www.duanemorrisselvam.com

East Asia

Institute Of Management Pte Ltd  www.easb.edu.sg

Eastman Chemical Singapore Pte Ltd  www.eastman.com

Ebay Singapore Services Pte Ltd  www.ebay.com

Ecnet Limited  www.ecnet.com

Econroad Asia Pte Ltd  www.econroad.net

Edelman Public Relations Worldwide Pte Ltd  www.edelman.com

Educare Co-Operative Limited  www.educare.sg

Edwards Lifesciences (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.edwards.com

EFACEC Singapore Pte Ltd  www.efacec.com.sg

First Gulf Bank Pjsc - Singapore Branch  www.fgb.sg

FJ Benjamin (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.fjbenjamin.com

Foampartner Singapore Pte Ltd  www.foampartner.com

Foo Kon Tan Grant Thornton LLP  www.grantthornton.com.sg

Foster Wheeler Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.fwc.com

Fragomen Singapore Pte. Ltd.  www.fragomen.com

Fragrance Oils (Far East) Pte Ltd  www.fragrance-oils.com

Fraser And Neave (S) Pte Ltd  www.fraserandneave.com.sg

Frasers Centrepoint Limited  www.frasershospitality.com

Freight Links Express Holdings Limited  www.freightlinks.net

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Singapore Pte Ltd  www.freshfields.com

Fuji Trading (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.fujifts.com

Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd  www.fxap.com.sg

Fujitec Singapore Corpn Ltd  www.fujitecsg.com

Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd sg.fujitsu.com

Futurmaster Singapore Pte Ltd  www.futurmaster.com

FYFE Asia Pte Ltd  www.fyfeasia.com

Gadens Lawyers (Singapore) Pte Ltd  www.gadens.com.sg

Galaxy Insurance Consultants Pte Ltd  www.galaxyconsultants.com

Gammon Pte Limited  www.gammonconstruction.com

Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore  www.gazprom-mt.com

GE Pacific Pte Ltd  www.ge.com

GEA Westfalia Separator (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd  www.westfalia-separator.com.sg

GEMS Education (East Asia) Pte Ltd  www.gemseducation.com

German European School Singapore (GESS)  www.gess.sg

Givaudan Singapore Pte Ltd  www.givaudan.com

Glaxo Wellcome Manufacturing Pte Ltd  www.gsk.com

Global Coalition For Efficient Logistics  www.gcel.net

Global Emb-Tech Pte Ltd

Global Integrated Security (Asia Pacific) Pte Limited  www.globalgroup.com

Glutz Singapore Pte Ltd  www.glutz.com

Goh Joo Hin Pte Ltd  www.gjh.com.sg

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