
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

大型機械及設備|小型機械|汽車配件|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|紡織原料面料|化工產品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家具|玩具 香港特別行政區 We are a leading sourcing agent, manufacturer's representative and trade consulting. We good business contacts specially in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia and Middle-east. As a consultant and sourcing agent, we can help you in any business matters including import & export trade. As manufacturer's representative, we can put you in contact with good buyers of your products. The main lines of products we handle are computer & accessories including CD, DVD, electronic items, laboratory chemicals, textles, jewellery, electrical items, industrial machineries & equipments and stock-lot goods specially textiles. We can help you in investment and industrial ventures. 1 Tin Wu Road Tin Shui Wai New Territory I am looking for fabric, Denim R.Hamid 852-31655854 852-31655854 mainsource_impex**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|五金|車輛|工程機械|建筑及裝飾材料|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料||家具|浴室用品 烏干達 we are a wholesale distribution company. mainly dealing in small machinery and first moving consumable goods. We have annual sales of USD.3million. workforce of 25 stuff serving a market of over 200million peolpe Bukoto kampala central I am looking for toilet paper Alele Ronald 256700124927 256700124927 aleleronald**[ta]**o.com 小型機械|五金|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具|箱包|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|園林用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品 西班牙 Our company is dedicated to the products for home, also we have many customer for building materials. maria gil vallejos 14 local 2 y 3 pedro or julia 34669001566 965717492 mueblespedrodiaz**[ta]**ail.com 小型機械|五金|工程機械|電子電氣產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家具|鐵石制品 沙特阿拉伯 P.O.BOX 42113 JEDDAH 21541 SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIA www.Alarabi.Net WPVC Faisal F. Al Thaher 966-2-6689988 966-2-6689911 falthaher**[ta]**o.com 照明產品|家具 澳大利亞 Furniture Mohamed Abdo 61-3-93917945 61-3-93917945 marspropertiesvic**[ta]**l.com 地毯及掛毯|家居裝飾品|家具 新西蘭 We are a trading company which interested in Luxury Furniture, Gift items and decoaraion lamps. 99 Parnell Road www.hakimco.com Furniture Bahaa Jafar Al Hakim 6495364317 6492734009 hakimco**[ta]**.co.nz

大型機械及設備|工程機械|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|家居裝飾品|家具|餐廚用具|礦產冶金及有色金屬 尼日利亞 12.Ebitu Ukiwe Street Jabi-Abjua Nigeria Aliodun Bakave 23498708906 alphacell**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品 危地馬拉 We are importers from Orient since 1980, now we wholesale and distributed products from China. Department store products, medical assistant products, like wheelchairs, comodes, walkers, canes, pressure equipments etc etc., beds Calle 6-77 zona 9 tea bag machines Jacques Boussinot 502-241-14848 jboussinot**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|自行車|摩托車|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|照明產品|服裝飾物與配件|醫藥及保健品|體育及旅游休閑用品||家具|鐘表眼鏡|玩具 波多黎各 importer P.O.BOX 2801 SR.FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ 1-787-7801464 1-787-7801538 ajtrading6465**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|計算機及通訊產品|男女裝|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家具 印度 NAZER EMMENS 00914942461950 00914942461950 emmenstrading**[ta]**o.com

五金|工具|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具|箱包|家具|鐘表眼鏡|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|餐廚用具|節日用品|土特產品 黎巴嫩 I am a wholsaler in Lebanon, my Warehouses are in Ayen El Jedideh Aley, about000 sq meter square area, have several trucks for deleivery and all around Lebanon, have 5 office employee, and 10 warehouse employee along with 7 drivers, and 3 maintnance. Bahamdoun Road Ayen El Jedideh, Aley Lebanon vrla battey,car battey Kamel Ballout 96105551754 9615551754 kballout**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|家用紡織品|化工產品|家居裝飾品|家具|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品 土耳其 we are wholesaler of mobil phone accesories, also we are retailer of home decaration products. ?ncek K?yü Ankara Turkey Resit Seber 903124601440 903124601441 resitseber**[ta]**o.com 小型機械|自行車|五金|工具|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|家具|家居用品|餐廚用具 德國 Now i import only shower panels from China to Germany, but i am interested in other innovative products to get a better product range. if you mean you have interesting product, than you can offer me per email. Thank you very much. Goldrutenweg Halle 06118 shower panels Steffen Giersch 0049-178-3765371- 0049-392-66901818- steffengiersch**[ta]**o.de

大型機械及設備|小型機械|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|醫藥及保健品|體育及旅游休閑用品|家具|個人護理用具|禮品及贈品|土特產品|抽紗 孟加拉 Since 1983 we are in the business of Retailing, Wholesaling, Real Stae, Housing, Financing, Hotel and Tourism, Electrical and Electronics, Services etc. Ave. Yearly turn over about US$ 11.00 milion. There are 400+ regular/permanent employee with our own network. 11, Sayestha Khan Avenue, Sector 4 Uttara Dhaka Ceiling Fan Mahfuz Ali Quaderi 0088028956854 0088028956973 ctielectrobd**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|地毯及掛毯|食品|醫藥及保健品|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具|家居裝飾品|家具|家居用品|個人護理用具|禮品及贈品|土特產品 孟加拉 Since 1983 our company is doing business in the field of Retailing, Trading, Financing, Real state, Hotel Tourism, Water and Beverage, Market linkage, Engeneering etc. Average yearly turn over around 11 milion US Dolars. Rechargeable Ceiling Fan Mahfuz Ali Quaderi 0088028956854 0088-02-8956973--02 ctielectrobd**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|自行車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|地毯及掛毯|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家具|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|浴室用品 香港特別行政區 We are offering reliable serice of sourcing the products from China and engaged in freight forwarding/Logistics for your needs... We have own office in Shanghai, China Kowloon HK Hong Kong Auto Radiators,Tires,wheels Monsar 008613601737317 85227709374 carriersforwarding**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗|礦產冶金及有色金屬 香港特別行政區 shirt CHAN 008-52-97007298 008-52-53960567 leotinchan**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|五金|車輛|工程機械|建筑及裝飾材料|化工產品|工藝陶瓷|家具|浴室用品 墨西哥 ORIENTE2 No. 300 INT. 1 www.planetlogistic.com.mx Asaf G. Venegas Sam. 0052-777-3647147 0052-777-1633632 asafvesam**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|化工產品|體育及旅游休閑用品|家具 印度 trading and agent D-46, 2 Floor, Moti Nagar New Delhi -110005 school furniture,airport furniture,office furniture Sanjeev Bharti 91-11-45128263 91-11-45128263 bikeshut**[ta]**l.com 小型機械|工程機械|電子消費品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|家具|鐘表眼鏡|家居用品 科特迪瓦 watches DOUMBIA ALLASSANE 225-47-263251 225-22-506415 allassane5**[ta]**com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗|礦產冶金及有色金屬 法國 . 2 allee des nympheas l'union alexander 0613521859 0613521859 ibridelight**[ta]**.fr

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|汽車配件|五金|車輛|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|男女裝|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|家居用品|個人護理用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|土特產品|抽紗 斯里蘭卡 District Hospital,Weligepola DVD Gihan Gaika 2233570- 2233570- gihanenterprises**[ta]**o.com 男女裝|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具|家居裝飾品|家具|園林用品|家居用品|餐廚用具 加拿大 Import expert Canada est née dune idée simple; offrir le meilleur prix au Canada tout en ayant le meilleur service. Si nous ne pouvons offrir le meilleur prix sur un produit nous ne le vendons pas. Si la qualité ne bat pas celle de la compétition, nous ne le vendons pas. Nous nous effor?ons aussi d’offrir un service plus que personnalisé avec des conseils rigoureux et adéquats. Dans l’optique que chaque consommateur satisfait est un client qui reviendra nous donnons aussi une pleine garantie sur tous les produits. Vous n’êtes pas satisfait? Ramenez le produits et nous vous rembourserons sans poser de questions. Magasiner avec nous sera la promesse d’un achat sans stress, sans embarras et en sachant que vous aurez le meilleur rapport qualité-prix au Canada. La preuve, si vous trouvez mieux à qualité égale nous battrons ce prix par 5% supplémentaire. we mainly import bbq, gazebos, memory foam mattress and memory foam pillows. Our main target are small mattress store and independant reseller. BBQ are sold directly by the warehouse to customers and different association. <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/L_20100713065108107.jpg> 1217 blainville longueuil quebec memory foam mattresses, pillows, latex mattreses yanick st-martin 01514815-3143 015148153143 importexpertcanada**[ta]**ail.com 家居裝飾品|家具|編織及藤鐵工藝品|禮品及贈品|節日用品|抽紗 臺灣省 Rm. B1, No.41, Ln. 190, Sec. 1, Dunh Taipei City 106 Taiwan (R.O.C.) Yung Chung 886-02-27416632 886-02-27718703 bobo382138**[ta]**l.com 家用電器|電子消費品|計算機及通訊產品|家用紡織品|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具|家居裝飾品|家具|園林用品|餐廚用具 澳大利亞 We are one of the biggest wholesalers and distributors in Melbourne buying from China. UNIT 5 23 OLIVE GROVE KEYSBOROUGH MELBOURNE VIC 3173 wicker dinning chair Henry 87882812 87882813 LZY982**[ta]**L.COM 建筑及裝飾材料|紡織原料面料|家具 埃及 wholesale company for distributing everrything related to doors 3KHALED BEN ELWRLEED ST. CAIRO, EGYPT. door skin,door accesories,outside doors Moustafa A-Hatter 101359208 00202 22683199 nanoartone**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|五金|家具 印度 Shree Kali Fashions is a leading marketing and sourcing firm with expertise, knowledge and experience in the fields of Sourcing cum indenting, procurement, Export-Import & advertising and marketing. Our versatility has allowed us to grow successfully, developing close working partnerships with our clients in the process (Shree Kali Fashions is in the business of connecting buyers and sellers worldwide). The company and its associates have been involved in a broad range of activities and have very strong business presence, connections and dealings among various countries. The skills and expertise of our team mean that we can, and we do, deliver effective and strategic solutions on time and within budget but, perhaps the greatest benefit to our clients is the innovation and resources that we can access to ensure that each project is tailored to the specific needs of individual clients. We also function as Importer / Exporter Agents, as Buyers / Sellers Agents and also as an Exclusive Representatives of Manufacturers and Service Providers worldwide, in a wide range of products and services. adajn,gujrat gas circle www.kalifashions.com wire mesh kunal 91-9662548910 91-278-3005759 kunal_bhojak2005**[ta]**o.co.in 建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|紡織原料面料|化工產品|家具 俄羅斯 Company New Bridge is a manufactures a wide range of bathroom furniture - tables and dressers, mirrors, cabinets, cases, other non-standard furniture. In this directory you can view samples of our products. Also we had open new way of dealing with textile products S.NIKOL'SKOE,ST.6 STR.DIVIZII,BUL.13 394083,VORONEZH, RUSSIA RUSSIA Basin Tolets,bathroom furnitures Sirotina Karina 79268435464 7--255665 newbrige**[ta]**.ru

大型機械及設備|自行車|五金|車輛|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|照明產品|衛浴設備|男女裝|運動服及休閑服|家用紡織品|食品|家具|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品 澳大利亞 2829 pt Nepean rd Blairgowrie Victoria,3942 Savvas Leontiades 61-03-59880327 61-03-59880396 bakedinsorrento**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|地毯及掛毯|家居裝飾品|家具|家居用品|個人護理用具|編織及藤鐵工藝品 香港特別行政區 FLAT D, 19 FLOOR, TOWER 2, PARC PALAIS, WYLIE ROAD, HO MAN TIN Home Furniture Gaurav Motwani 852 9744 2444 mobelkraft**[ta]**l.com 小型機械|五金|工具|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|照明產品|運動服及休閑服|家用紡織品|體育及旅游休閑用品|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|抽紗 香港特別行政區 UNIT 'J', 8/FL, WAH LIK IND. CENTRE 459 CASTLE PEAK ROAD TSUEN WAN, KOWLOON HONGKONG SAR Lawn and Gardening, Seed and Horticultural Gift and Support Products Gerry Geltner 852--24113798 852--24136566 ggeltner**[ta]**com

自行車|摩托車|車輛|計算機及通訊產品|醫藥及保健品|體育及旅游休閑用品|家具|個人護理用具|玩具 哥倫比亞 D.P PRODUCTOS DIVERSIFICADOS S.A are stablishied in Bogota-Colombia, conmercialize diferent products such as: home, fitness, electronic, etc <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/L_20100708231539171.jpg> CALLE 166 N° 20-58 BOGOTA CUNDINAMARCA www.productosdiversificados.com.co CLAUDIA BRICE&Ntilde;O 57-1-6708074-10 57-1-6780719 prodivers**[ta]**ail.com 家用電器|電子消費品|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|家用紡織品||家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|日用陶瓷|家居用品|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品 土耳其 Glass basin, glass sink, glass cases 00902126596327 00902126596328 adn_yildirim**[ta]**ail.com 家用紡織品|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|家具|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|禮品及贈品 美國 We're not the typical online retailer. We created Backyard Bargains around you and what you want: a home and garden that reflect who you are, decorated with high quality items at bargain prices. Our company labradors, Jackson and Cody, overlook the facilities and make sure everything runs smoothly. At BackyardBargain.com, we keep our environment friendly and happy and that's how we want our customers too! <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/L_20100722015550185.jpg> 1920 Sigman Road www.backyardbargain.com petitem,outdoor furniture,wood furniture,painte glasses,bottle topper,plush MS. REV JAIN 877.652.3954 877.652.3954 revbyb**[ta]**l.com

工具|紡織原料面料|辦公文具|家具|鐘表眼鏡|土特產品 俄羅斯 st.Mira,63a www.artinsib.ru Zubovich Dmitriy +383-3528828 +383-3528817 diman01**[ta]**.ru 電子電氣產品|建筑及裝飾材料|化工產品|家具 俄羅斯 SIMONENKO DMITRIY 0079132623599 unitrade-sib**[ta]**ex.ru

化工產品|家居裝飾品|家具 埃塞俄比亞 vertical blinds Medhin 00251-911-208918 mede200**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|自行車|摩托車|五金|工具|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|童裝|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|地毯及掛毯||工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|家居用品|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品|土特產品 突尼斯 graphic card KELILA MAHER 8613763341885 sadrubal**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|建筑及裝飾材料|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具 香港特別行政區 We are manufacturer of solvent printer,UV flatbed printer,outdoor and indoor printing medias and ink. FLAT H 5/F SIU KING BLDG 6 ON WAH KOWLOON HONG KONG solvent printer,UV flatbed printer ALICE LIN591640608 852-91886395 CRYSTAL2076**[ta]**AIL.COM

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