
來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Study of insulin-dependent diabetes (Type I diabetes) especially for people younger

than 18 years old

Japan MDS Community http://www.geocities.jp/mdsrenraku/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00 Support for MDS Community in 2016

Japan Social Welfare Coporation HABATAKI project http://www.habatakifukushi.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Social Welfare Coporation HABATAKI project activity

Japan Hiroshima Hepatitis Community http://www.hironanren.info/?page_id=414 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for Hiroshima Hepatitis Community activity in 2016

Japan HIV support community"Janplus" http://www.janpplus.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for HIV support community"Janplus"

Japan Japan Cancer Society http://www.jcancer.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 500'000.00 Support for Relay for Life in 2016


Japan Chronic Disease Self-Management

Association http://www.j-cdsm.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 80'000.00

Support for Japan Chronic Disease Self-Management Association activity in 2016

Japan Japan Marrow Donor Program http://www.jmdp.or.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 500'000.00 Support for Japan Marrow Donor Program activity in 2016

Japan Japan Transplant Recipients Organization http://www.jtr.ne.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 500'000.00 Support for Japan Transplant Recipients Organization Program activity in 2016

Japan kidney disease support community http://www.kidneydirections.ne.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00 Support for information provision to prevent Kidney disease

Japan Japan Marrow Donor Registry Promotion Conference http://www.marrow.or.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00

Support for Japan Marrow Donor Registry Promotion Conference activity in 2016

Japan International Myeloma Foundation of Japan http://www.myeloma.gr.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 80'000.00 Support for the lecture and seminar about myeloma for patients in 2016


Nagasaki Parkinson's Disease Patient, Family and

Supporters Community


Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 10'000.00

Support for Nagasaki Parkinson's Disease Patient, Family and Supporters

Community activity in 2016


Tubomino Kai of Chiba Association for Diabetes

Education and Care


etail.php?p=15 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 5'000.00

Contribution to activities done at Tubomino Kai of Chiba Association of Diabetes

Education and Care


Tubomino Kai of Osaka Association for Diabetes

Education and Care


etail.php?p=31 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00

Contribution to activities done at Tubomino Kai of Osaka Association of Diabetes

Education and Care

Japan Diabetes in Children Hyogo area http://www.nittokyo.or.jp/event/patient/summer_camp/d

etail.php?p=33 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00

Contribution for summer camp of Diabetes in Children Hyogo area

Japan Osaka Diabetes Association http://www.nittokyo.or.jp/jadec_db/detail_t.php?club_id

=1818 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00

Annual membership fee for Osaka Diabetes Association


Public Interest Incorporated Group Corporation

Rheumatism Community http://www.nrat.or.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 500'000.00

Support for Public Interest Incorporated Group Corporation Rheumatism

Community in 2016

Japan Non profit organization related to cancer http://www.osaka-anavi.jp/from/2013/06/npo-1.html Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Non profit organization related to cancer in 2016

Japan NPO PanCAN Japan http://www.pancan.jp/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kSGD 4.88

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Global Action

for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore


NPO PanCAN Japan

http://www.pancan.jp/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Cancer Patient Organization Forum

2016 in Copenhagen

Japan PLACE TOKYO http://www.ptokyo.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Plase Tokyo Program activity in 2016

Japan Think Pearl Association http://www.thinkpearl.jp/about/index.html Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00 Support for Think Pearl Association activity in 2016

Japan Non profit organization related to kidney http://www.tomijin.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 50'000.00 Support for Non profit organization related to kidney in 2016


Pancreatic Cancer Action Network of

Japan(Hokkaido affiliate)





html Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

JPY 20'000.00

Support for educational event for pancreatic cancer patients & family


Pancreatic Cancer Action Network of Japan





html Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

JPY 500'000.00

Support for pancreatic cancer activity "purple ribbon seminar & walk run Tokyo in



Tubomino Kai of Wakayama Association for

Diabetes Education and Care http://www.watoukyou.jp/bunkai/tsubominokai.html Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 80'000.00

Study of insulin-dependent diabetes (Type I diabetes) especially for people younger

than 18 years old

Japan Japan Association of Kidney Disease Patients http://www.zjk.or.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 500'000.00 Support for Japan Association of Kidney Disease Patients in 2016

Japan Cancer forum Yamanashi http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~gf-yamanashi/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 100'000.00 Support for Cancer Forum Yamanashi

Japan Japan Federation of Cancer Patient Groups http://zenganren.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 320'000.00 Support for Japan Federation of Cancer Patient Groups Program activity in 2016

Japan Non profit organization Hyogo Kidney Community https://npohjk.or.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 40'000.00 Support for Non profit organization Hyogo Kidney Community

Japan Japan Parkinson's Disease Association https://sites.google.com/site/jpdaorg/home Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00 Support for Parkinson's Disease community Program activity in 2016


Workshop for summer camp of Diabetes in Children

Tokai area https://www.dmcamp-tokai.jp/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 19'000.00

Contribution to exhibition stand for summer camp of Diabetes in Children Tokai area

Japan Non profit organization to prevent dialysis https://www.npohomepage.go.jp/npoportal/detail/008000672

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 30'000.00

Support for Non profit organization to prevent dialysis in 2016

Japan Non profit organization related to Lymphangioma https://www.npohomepage.go.jp/npoportal/detail/014000990

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mJPY 2.00

Support for Non profit organization related to Lymphangioma

Japan Non profit organization related to cancer "Orangety" https://www.npohomepage.go.jp/npoportal/detail/022000344

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 70'000.00

Support for Non profit organization "Orangety"activity in 2016


Non profit organization related to lung cancer"One



Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 20'000.00

Support for Non profit organization one step activity in 2016


Kouchi cander patient support (KCPS)

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Non-Profit Organization Kyoto Cancer Patients

Association NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


NPO Orange Tea

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Specified Nonprofit Corporation Menet

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


To Live with Cancer

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen



NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 10.36

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Japan Cancer support center www.gan-support.net Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 40'000.00 Support for Cancer patient's family community Program activity in 2016


Kazakhstan Association of Palliative Care

http://palliative.kz/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kKZT 328.91

Travel Expenses for 1 Patient Organisation member (Ticket, Travel Insurance and

Visa Fees) to attend at the Experience Exchange Patient Organisations in Sub -

Saharan Africa 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco

Kazakhstan Together against cancer NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Kenya Beth Mugo Cancer Foundation http://www.bethmugocancerfoundation.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 6.72

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Kenya Association for Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 1.95

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Kenya Faraja Cancer Trust www.farajacancersupport.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 1.90

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast


Kenya Cancer Association & Kenya Network of

Cancer Organizations (KENCO) www.kenyacancer.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 1.67

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Kenya Life to life foundation www.life2life.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 1.95

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Kenya Women For Cancer Foundation www.women4cancer.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kCHF 2.09

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Korea, Republic Of Korea Blood Cancer Society http://www.bloodcancer.or.kr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mKRW 8.00

Support to patients who suffer from blood cancer by sponsoring the Korea Blood

Cancer Association's activities

Korea, Republic Of Union Korea Breast Cancer Patient http://www.gakb.co.kr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mKRW 50.00

Sponsor Union of Korea Breast Cancer Patient financially to support the foundation

and its activities

Korea, Republic Of

Korean Organization for Rare Diseases

http://www.kord.or.kr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

mKRW 35.00

Sponsor KORD to support activities for education & database construction,

rehabilitation and increase of patients health, welfare & equality of life for Rare

diseases patients.

Korea, Republic Of Korea Leukemia Society https://www.hamggae.net:1044/hamggae2006/index.ph

p Financial contributions to Patient Organisations mKRW 15.00

Sponsor Korea Leukemia Patients Group financially to support the foundation and

its activities

Kosovo Jeta Vita (Patient Organisation) http://www.womensnetwork.org/?FaqeID=34&n=69 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.35 Support for the organization's Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Cancer Foundation

scf.org.sa/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Hayatt BC organization

https://www.hayatt.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kCHF 20.98

Support to establish a disease management program to better help Breast Cancer

patients, involves developing an electronic database and process management


Latvia Biedrība "Latvijas cistiskās fibrozes biedrība" http://cistiskafibroze.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 600.00 Support for International Conference "III Cystic Fibrosis Conference"


Onkoloģisko pacientu atbalsta biedība "Dzīvības

koks" http://dzivibaskoks.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 700.00

Support to Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center foundation


Biedrība "Atbalsta grupa inficētajiem ar HIV un AIDS

slimniekiem" http://www.apvienibahiv.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 300.00

Support for association members to participate in an educational camp organized

by the Patients' Association in Sweden "PositHIVa Gruppen"

Latvia Biedrība "Latvijas multiplās sklerozes asociācija" http://www.mslapa.lv/site Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00 Support to the World Multiple Sclerosis Day events

Latvia Biedrība "Latvijas Nieru slimnieku asociācija" http://www.niere.lv:3000 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00 Support for a summer rehabilitation camp for kidney patients


Biedrība "Latvijas kaulu, locītavu un saistaudu

slimnieku biedrība" http://www.reimatik.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00

Support for educational events for rheumatology patients and family members


Latvijas Kaulu, locītavu un saistaudu slimnieku

biedrība http://www.reimatik.lv Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) kEUR 2.10

Advertisement and banner in the patient newspaper "Artrīta ziņas" and the website



Latvijas Cilvēku ar īpašām vajadzībām sadarbības

organizācija "SUSTENTO" http://www.sustento.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 300.00

Support to the campaign "Es par 12%" - to increase social awareness on the need

for public healthcare funding

Latvia Biedrība"Latvijas reto slimību alianse" https://retasslimibas.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 260.00

Support to awareness raising activities about rare diseases organized by the


Latvia Latvijas sieviešu-volontieru biedrība VITA https://www.biedribavita.lv Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 350.00 Support to organization of meetings for members of the organisation

Lebanon Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation http://lbcfoundation.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

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