
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco


SAID colorectal cancer awareness association

http://www.saidcrc.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kLBP 1'055.25

Donation to support the association in branding and dissemination to raise

awareness. This includes a website detailing information about the association, the

disease and its prevention

Lebanon Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation www.lbcfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kLBP 2'781.38

Travel Expenses for 1 Patient Organisation member to attend EEMEA EEPO in

Casablanca, Morocco

Lithuania Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition (POLA) http://www.europacolon.com/lithuania.php?Action=Lithu

ania Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 58.42

Global Cancer Patient Collaboration Project (CPOS)

Lithuania Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition (POLA) http://www.pola.lt/en/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 30.00

Reimbursed expenses for the participation of one representative at the Global

Action for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore


Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition (POLA)

http://www.pola.lt/en/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Cancer Patient Organization Forum

2016 in Copenhagen

Lithuania Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition (POLA) http://www.pola.lt/en/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kSGD 4.57

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the Global Action

for Cancer Patients 19 - 20 Nov 2016 in Singapore

Lithuania Association for aid to cancer patients (POLA) http://www.pola.lt/en/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.00

Support for development of Association for aid to cancer patients project providing

social support for cancer patients.

Lithuania Support for Charity Fund "Sanariukai" http://www.sanariukai.lt/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 300.00

Support for Charity Fund "Sanariukai" for raising awareness about Juvenille

rheumatoid arthritis.

Lithuania The National Association of Breast Disease NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 300.00 Support for organizing the awareness campaign about breast cancer prevention.


BC patients organization Alma

NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

EUR 1'000.00

Support for maintenance of patient organisation's activities regarding raising

awareness about breast cancer, providing information about the disease patients

and their relatives.

Lithuania Lithuanian Arthritis Association www.arthritis.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.00

Support for publishing of the booklet about the arthritis disease and the activities of

the Arthritis Association.

Lithuania Lithuanian Arthritis Association www.arthritis.lt/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.10

Support for organizing annual conference "Let's do it. Everything depends on us"

on rheumatoid arthritis, 12 October in Vilnius

Lithuania The Cystic Fibrosis Patients Association www.cistinefibroze.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00

Support for maintenance of patient organisation's activities regarding social and

educational adherence of cystic fibrosis patients and their relatives.

Lithuania Support for organisation "Gyvastis" www.donoras.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 1'000.00

Support for organisation "Gyvastis" dedicated to continue organisation's activities

regarding raising awareness about transplantation.


Lithuanian Association GYVASTIS

www.donoras.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 2.50

Support for organisation Gyvastis dedicated to raise awareness about

transplantation and organize annual event for transplanted patients and their


Lithuania BC patients organization "Eivena" www.eivena.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.80

Support for Eivena to organize the annual conference on breast cancer to mark the

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 27 October in Kaunas

Lithuania Breast Cancer patients organization Eivena www.eivena.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00

Support for the Organization for organizing breast cancer awareness month event

for patients, their relatives and media.

Lithuania Community of onko-hematology patient Blood www.kraujas.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.50

Support for creation and delivery of printed material about the Non-Hodgkin

lymphoma disease.

Lithuania Community of onko-hematology patient Blood www.kraujas.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 5.00

Support for holding the annual blood cancer patients event, media activities,

delivering printed material and maintaining organization's website.

Lithuania Community of onko-hematology patients "Blood" www.kraujas.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 9.00 Support for developing and enhancing a patient support center.

Lithuania Lithuanian Multiple Sclerosis Union www.liss.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 500.00

Support for the Union to organizie the annual conference "World MS Day" for

patients and their relatives on the 3rd of June, Kaunas

Lithuania Association Onkologija.lt www.onkologija.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 4.00

Support for Association Onkologija.lt to organise awareness campaign about

ovarian cancer.

Lithuania Association Onkologija.lt www.onkologija.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 4.00

Support for Onkologija.lt to raise awareness about cancer diseases and maintain

organisation's website.


The Council Of Representatives of Patients'

Organizations of Lithuania www.pacientutaryba.lt Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 2.00

Support for publishing of the booklet about the activities of their organisation.


Parkinson's disease Association

www.parkinsonas.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

EUR 500.00

Support for patient organisation's seminar for Parkinson's disease patients and for

participating in other important conferences which was dedicated for raising

awareness about Parkinson disease.

Luxembourg Europa Donna Luxembourg www.europadonna.lu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 1.50

Financial support for the realisation and the broadcasting of a sensibilisation spot

about breast cancer

Luxemburg Alzheimer Europe http://www.alzheimer-europe.org/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) CHF 690.00

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Dementia Forum, Frankfurt, 4-5 Feb.2016

Luxemburg Alzheimer Europe http://www.alzheimer-europe.org/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement) EUR 700.00 Speaking servivce of one member at the Roche Summit Meeting June 2016


APO - Alliance of Patient Organisations

http://apo.org.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kMKD 124.10

Travel costs for members of Alliance Patient Organziations for attending the

International Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Macedonia APO http://apo.org.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 220.00 Grant for the Patient Advocacy Group Coalition 2016

Macedonia Borka http://borka.org.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations MKD 230.00 Support for the organization's cancer awareness activities 2016

Macedonia Borka http://borka.org.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 120.00 Donation in order to support celebrating the Lymphoma Awareness Day

Macedonia Borka http://borka.org.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 450.00

Grant to support of the project "za sekoj nov den" for finalization and development

of the infrastructure for Cancer Coalition in Macedonia


Здружението на граѓани за ретки болести „Живот

со Предизвици“ - Rare Disease Coalition Life with

Challenges http://challenges.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kMKD 61.50

Donation for help and support of the patients with rare disease and for increasing

the public awareness of the Rare disease in Macedonia


Zdruzenie za Cisticna Fibroza- NGO Cystic Fibrosis

Macedonia http://www.cf.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 92.25

Donation to support initiation of a Round Table Conference to raise public

awareness and support patients suffering from Rare Disease in Macedonia



http://www.kids-cancer.info/?s=macedonia Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Macedonia Hepar Centar https://www.facebook.com/hepar.centar#sthash.wyy0d

LiD.dpuf Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 30.00

Support towards the Patient Group's Advocacy 2016 activities


Cancer Coalition

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Macedonia BORKA and Alliance of Patients Organizations -APO NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Macedonia Life with Chalenges NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 4.48

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Macedonia Sojuz na Dijabeticari NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 37.00 Partial funding of the Patient Advocacy Group's Annual Meeting

Macedonia Standard Plus NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 250.00

Donation to Standard Plus to increase the awareness, proper education and

improvment of early diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases in Macedonia

Macedonia Alliance of Patients Organizations (APO) www.apo.org.mk Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 470.00

Travel for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient Organizations in

Casablanca, Morocco

Macedonia Hepta www.nvohepta.mk Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMKD 217.25

Donation of tests to the association to support early detection of chronic hepatitis C

and B with free screening program targeting risk population in Macedonia

Macedonia HEPTA www.nvohepta.mk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMKD 60.00

Donation as a support for running project activities for "We want a world without

viral hepatitis" project

Madagascar Akbaraly Foundation www.fondationakbaraly.org - www.4awoman.org Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 580.00

Support for the participation of 1 participant at the Experience Exchange Patient

Organisations in Sub - Saharan Africa 2016 in Ivory Coast

Malaysia Sarawak Children's Cancer Society http://sccs.org.my Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMYR 32.12

Financial support raised through donations and contribution from Roche employees

and public in conjunction with Roche Children's Walk.


Together Against Cancer Association Malaysia

http://tacmalaysia.ucoz.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen

Malaysia Together Against Cancer Association Malaysia http://tacmalaysia.ucoz.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMYR 1.84

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the War Against

Cancer 2016 conference in Singapore


Together Against Cancer Association Malaysia

http://tacmalaysia.ucoz.com/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kMYR 3.38

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


National Cancer Society Malaysia

www.cancer.org.my/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Mexico ASOCIACION ALE INSTITUCION DE ASIST http://asociacionale.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMXN 240.00

Donations to various forums and brochures on medicines, quality of services and

renal organizations.


Asociación Ale

http://asociacionale.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kMXN 28.80

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Asociación Ale

http://asociacionale.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 4.48

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Mexico ASOCIACION MEXICANA DE FIBROSIS QUI http://fq.org.mx Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMXN 294.06


use of face-to-face and digital media

Mexico FUNDACION LUIS PASTEUR IAP http://fundacionpasteur.org/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 40.00

Support for the realization of the organization's health education program, to inform

the population of risk factors and promote healthy life schemes

Mexico ASOCIACION MEXICANA DE HEPATOLOGIA http://hepatologia.org.mx/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 39.49 Sponsorship in the area of Virology to the Clinical Key Annual Subscription tool

Mexico ASOCIACION MEXICANA DE HEPATOLOGIA http://hepatologia.org.mx/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 316.70 Sponsorship in the area of Virology to the Clinical Key Annual Subscription tool

Mexico TOMATELO A PECHO A C http://tomateloapecho.org.mx/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 182.00

Request for support for the realization of the Annual Assembly of 2016 of

(ULACCAM) Union Latinoamericana Contra el Cáncer de la Mujer

Mexico TOMATELO A PECHO A C http://tomateloapecho.org.mx/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMXN 300.00

Creation of a platform to involve government, civil society and patient groups to

promote public policy in breast cancer in Mexico.

Mexico UNIDOS ASOCIACION PRO TRASPLANTE DE http://uni2.org.mx/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 30.00

Request for support for $ 30,000.00 for the project "Non-Hodking Lymphoma Social

Networking Campaign"

Mexico FUNDACION ALMA IAP http://www.alma.org.mx/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 100.00

Support for the printing of 2,100 books "El brasier de mamá", which emphasizes

the importance of self - breast - check at an early age.


Asociación Mexicana de Familiares y Pacientes con

Artritis Reumatoide http://www.amepar.org.mx Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kMXN 28.80

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Asociación Mexicana de Familiares y Pacientes con

Artrítis Reumatoide http://www.amepar.org.mx Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kMXN 40.00

Execution of the medical day of 2016 through conferences for patients and relatives.


Asociación Mexicana de Familiares y Pacientes con

Artritis Reumatoide http://www.amepar.org.mx Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 5.18

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen


Asociación Mexicana de Lucha contra el Cáncer

http://www.amlcc.org.mx Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kMXN 28.80

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen



CANCER http://www.amlcc.org.mx Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMXN 45.00

3rd Patient Law Forum titled "Improving the Human Quality of Health Services"

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