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Red Arch Manufacturing Ltd.

amanufacturer and supplier of products for OEM automotive applications, establishedin 2010, has wonthe Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over three years. Its products are designed by asistercompany and are accessory products for production line and dealer fitting (for example power train accessories, tuning kits and exhaust products). The company’s portfolio of 400 products generates sales of over 100,000 parts per annum worldwidein the growing accessory or individualisation market. 95% of total turnover isin international sales and 97% of these sales are to Germany. Total growthin overseassales over three years has been over 120%.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Strata Products Ltd

Plymouth Avenue


NG16 6NS



Managing Director: Mr Michael Ilsen

Press Contact: Jay Ilsen

Tel: +44(0)7879 44***

Email: jayilsen**[ta]**taproducts.co.uk


Establishedin 1989, Strata Products Ltd

is aUK manufacturer of plastic consumer products for the home, garden and baby markets. Thecompany operates out of asingle manufacturing sitein the UK, where it performs 3 different moulding processes (Injection, Blow and Rotational),whichin itself makes them somewhat unique as amanufacturer. The company’s strategy is to develop niche, good quality products thatdifferentiates its offerin acrowded market place. Over recent years, the business has developed arange of decorative rotationally mouldedplanters. This range consists of various designs of wood effect, metal effect, stone effect and rattan effect planters and it exhibits these and otherproducts at leading International trade fairs. The majority of the company’s export sales go into Northern Europe, mainly France, Germany and theBenelux region. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 132% over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Bejay Mulenga


10 Southville





Press Contact: Naomi Brown

Email: press**[ta]**-academy.com


Bejay Mulenga is a20 year old entrepreneur who has been involved with enterprise and enterprise promotion since the age of 13. He initially demonstrated his entrepreneurial talent running asuccessful tuck shopin school. He went on to develop abusiness model for atuck shopenterprise which he then franchised to other schools under the Supa Tuck label, thus enabling young business studies students to earnas they learn about business. Supa Tuck was featuredin Lord Young’s ‘Enterprise For All’ report, publishedin June 2014. Bejay is also theco-founder of the new social enterprise Supa Academy which, through real life opportunities, seminars and events, engages young peoplethrough an applied learning model with advice from established business leaders.in July 2015, Supa Academy launched the UK’s firstpop-up Supa Market, athree day event run by over 400 young people and attended by over 5,000.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Condeco Limited

8th Floor Exchange Tower

2 Harbour Exchange Square

E14 9GE



CEO: Mr Paul Statham

Press Contact: Lynda Lowe

Tel: +44(0)7967 64***

Email: lynda.lowe**[ta]**ecosoftware.com


Condeco Ltd

wins aQueens Award for Innovation for its hardware and software solutions for workplace scheduling. Condeco Ltd’s(established 2000) innovations allows companies to monitor, measure and manage workspace across multiple buildings and countries.

The innovations include signage equipped with radio-frequency identification (RFID) card readers, ibeacon’s, wireless occupancy sensingand the use of touch-screens to check and book rooms. However, the main innovative aspect of this product is the successful integration of different pieces of hardware and software which create asystem able to deliver real-time data on space usagein the work environment.

Extreme Toys Ltd.

12 Deer Park Road SW19 3FB


Founder: Mr. Vernon Kerswell

Press Contact: Anita Lin

Tel: +44(0)20 8543 ***

Email: anita**[ta]**emefliers.co.uk


Extreme Toys Ltdhave been recognised with an Innovation Award for the development of apalm sized drone capable of carrying afull highdefinition camera. The microdrone 2.0 combines sensors developedin the mobile telecommunications industry with high power elect***

motors and double-sided circuit boards to achieve small form factor with high performance. After being first to market with at this particular

performance and price point the company has enjoyed excellent sales with exports quadrupling over the last two years. The company started tradingin 2011. This is its first Queen’s Award.

GeoLytix Ltd

Phoenix Yard

65 Kings Cross Road WC1X 9LW


Founder: Mr Blair Freebairn

Press Contact: Samantha Colebatch

Tel: +44(0)7971 20***

Email: info**[ta]**ytix.co.uk


GeoLytix Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for its modelling of retail consumer behaviour. The company has developed atool to solvebusiness problems where location is critical, GeoLytix Ltd

is able to answer questions such as where to open stores, what to sell, andhow to optimise home delivery and click & collect. GeoLytix Ltd

accounts for changing trendsin the market with people switching to discounters, shopping smaller baskets more frequently, shopping whilst at work, click & collect, online shopping and the explosion of Expresses and Locals. For every potential supermarket customerin the UK, GeoLytix Ltdmodels their propensity to shop online andin-store against the ease of travelling to their choice of local grocers. The model Geolytix Ltdhas created allows agrocer to not only review the optimal location for aphysical store, but also assess the cost benefits compared with the on-line channel. The company wasfoundedin 2011. This is its first Queen’s Award.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Lily’s Kitchen

PO Box 5***

Vale of Health




CEO: Ms Henrietta Morrison

Press Contact: Lisa Balliache

Tel: +44(0)7768 26***

Email: lisa**[ta]**lligentprofile.com


Lily’s Kitchen wins an Innovation Award for the development of meal free and grain free dry and wet pet foods. The company (foundedin 2009) use 100% prepared meat, fruits and vegetables which are clearly visiblein every bowl, with no unnecessary additives, flavours,rendered meats, animal or vegetable derivatives, fillers or fibrous leftovers. The company worked with arange of vets, nutritionists, herbalistsand animal behaviourists to create the range, highin quality vitamins and minerals that aims to have apositive effect on animal welfare.having identified the market and conducted the necessary research the premium pet food hit the shelvesin 2009 and is now making £18 millionin sales. This is the company’s first Queen’s Award.

Ncam Technologies

8/9 Carlisle StreetW1D 3BP



Chief Executive Officer: Mr Nic Hatch

Press Contact: Caroline Shawley

Tel: +44(0)7730 14***

Email: caroline**[ta]**marcomms.com


Ncam Technologies wins an Innovation Award for the development of aset of sensors that provides new capability to augmented reality fo rfilm and broadcast media. The needforthisinnovation was identified during the making of various blockbuster films over the past decade.

Directors wanted to see arough-cut of the special effects with the live action but, due to the constraints of standard cameras and theeffects process, this was impossible or took too much time. The innovation now provides the novel capability of being able to integrateeffects immediately into alive broadcast or to view effect sequences during alive take of film making. The set of sensors can be attached to any camera and provides an integration of the camera position and rotation data, along with lens mapping and distortions, to accurately recreate an exact digital replica of the real cameramap and the image stream. Ncam Technologies was set upin 2012 to develop andcommercialise augmented reality technolo***

Plumis Ltd

Unit 1c Clapham North Arts Centre26-32 Voltaire Rd

Greater London



Managing Director: Mr William Makant

Press Contact: Yusuf Muhammad

Tel: +44(0)20 7871 ***

Email: yusuf**[ta]**is.co.uk


Plumis Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for development of fire safety devices. The company was foundedin 2011 on asimple idea: to manufacture and sell aretrofit alternative to the fire sprinkler into ordinary homes, Automist. Smartscan is the latest generation of Automistit is able to perform better than atraditional fire sprinkler system with 90% less water. Smartscan surveys the room with an infrared

temperature sensor and uses arotating head to directly target the fire with ablade of water mist. Automist is more effective thantraditional sprinkler systems at reducing the temperature of the fire and reducing the production of gases that lead to asphyxiation.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

TestPlant Ltd

6 Snow Hill



CEO: Mr George Mackintosh

Press Contact: Milli d’Hangest d’Yvoy

Tel: +44(0)7918 65***

Email: milli.dyvoy**[ta]**plant.com


TestPlant Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for its product, eggPlant Functional, which is aunique method for software testing and has auser basein avariety of industries. TestPlant Ltd

started trading 2008, the innovation performs software testing from the perspective of auser, it uses an image-based approach to testing that works on all computers from mobiles to mainframes. Image-based meansthat eggPlant Functional interacts with any device or applicationin the same way auser does, by looking at the screen to identify user interface elements such as buttons and text fields, and then performing actions on these user interface elements such as typing,swiping, and clicking. This approach has many benefits over using manual testing or code based testing providing customers with timeand cost savings. The growth of TestPlant over the last five years has been exceptional and has allowed the company to expand from 12 to 31 employees.

trueCall Group Ltd t/a trueCall

2 Old Palace Lane

Richmond TW91PG


Founder and Director: Mr Steve Smith

Press Contact: Steve Smith

Tel: +44(0)7768 63***

Email: stevesmith**[ta]**call.co.uk


trueCall Group Ltd t/a trueCall wins aQueens Award for Innovation for creating call-blocking technology to stop unwanted and nuisancecalls. The technology is 95% effective and can be installed as astandalone device or built into telephones and networks. The technology was invented to address the problem of agrowing number of nuisance calls driven by new technologyin call centres, and the risinginstances of fraud being visited on elderly and vulnerable people. The applicant has several patents covering the invention. trueCall worksby answering the incoming call and asking the caller to identify themselves and press abutton. If this is completed the caller is announced to the recipient who can choose to take the call. The product has been licensed and is availablein phones marketed by BT and Telstraamongst others. The applicant started tradingin 2008, this is its first Queen’s Awa***

Dove House




President and CEO: Dr Norman Smith

Press Contact: Nicola Sheppey

Tel: +44(0)20 8349 ***

Email: nsheppey**[ta]**onrt.com


Vision RT wins an Innovation Award for developing products to maximise apatient’s positional accuracy during cancer radiation therapy treatment. The applicant started tradingin 2001 and has created three products that work together. The core product AlignRT is aunique offering that can guarantee sub-millimetric tracking accuracy throughout the course of treatment and automatically hold theradiotherapy beam should any motion exceeding apre-defined threshold be detected. The other products focus on mitigating theeffects of apatient’s breathing on administration of the treatment. Traditional methods for immobilising the patient are very invasive anduncomfortable. Patients now spend less time on the treatment couch, the accuracy of the radiation treatment is increased and the whole

procedure is less invasive. One of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Welch and Tidy Ltd

Europa House

18 Wadsworth Road Perivale

Middlesex UB6 7JD



Managing Director: Mr Swarn Kandhari

Press Contact: Aston Singh

Tel: +44(0)7790 90***

Email: aston**[ta]**handtidy.co.uk


Welch and Tidy Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for developing an e-commerce wholesale platform and anew service model.

The applicant started tradingin 2002 and is one of London’s leading wholesale cash and carry’s. Customers’ orders are processedautomatically, with dispatch and courier tracking information relayed back to the retailer’s own e-commerce system. The software alsointegrates with awide range of online sales platforms (of which there are over 25 at present including Amazon and e-bay).in order to achieve this the applicant developed bespoke software that integrated retailing warehousing, dispatch and logistics while supporting avariety of languages. The applicant identifies that its service is the first of its kind for independent retailers. One of the key competitive differences is that the applicant can lead its clients through set up of e-retail from pricing and marketing to after-sales support.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Abra Wholesale Ltd

5 Picketts Lock Lane


N9 0AS



Managing Director: Mr Thuraichamy Thayananthan

Press Contact: Thuraichamy Thayananthan

Tel: +44(0)20 8887 ***

Email: dee**[ta]**wholesales.com


Abra Wholesale Ltd

was establishedin 2003 and is part of the Landmark Group. The company is awholesaler and exporter of branded FMCG products basedin London offering arange of nearly 10,000 lines.in 2010 the company up-scaled its Export Division and it nowexports worldwide including to Europe, the Middle East and Africa; to supermarkets, retail shops, independents, importers and otherwholesalers. Abra’s international trading strategy has been to build on its fast-growing Nigerian business by opening up new opportunities inEast Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe. Growthin international sales over the last six years has been from £500k to £8.2m with profitsalso rising tenfold during this period. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas sales over the lastsix years.

Afinium Ltd

83 Cambridge StreetSW1V 4PS


CEO: Mr Matthew Hooper

Press Contact: Matthew Hooper

Tel: +44(0)7824 81***

Email: matthew.hooper**[ta]**ium.com


Afinium Ltd

started tradingin 2012 and is acloud based technology business that offers amulti-channel sales and enrollment platform thatemulates and improves on face to face sellingin the highly regulated US insurance and financial services markets. It licenses its ‘Stream’product to Fortune 100 Insurance companiesin the US, and has Master Services Agreements that allows them to license their products to their branches worldwide,in more than 50 countries. Overseas Sales have grown by 300% with the company focused on building itsoverseas salesin the USA with plans to expand this further to linked countries and via its key client networks. Afinium has taken on atoughand highly regulated market with its focus on the USA as its key target and wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstandinggrowthin overseas sales during the last three years.

AIG Edenspiekermann Ltd. t/a Applied Wayfinding

22 Stukeley StreetWC2B 5LR

Website: appliedwayfinding.com


Partner: Mr Stephen Read

Press Contact: Hannah Kennell

Tel: +44(0)20 7017 ***

Email: hannah**[ta]**iedwayfinding.com


AIG Edenspiekermann Limitedwhich trades as Applied Wayfinding, started tradingin 2011. It has capitalised on the growing focuson promoting healthier lifestyles and environmental awarenessin leading cities to encourage walking and cycling, and greater use of trails and open spaces, as well as improving public transport. The company works at the cutting edge of navigation integrating healthand environment, with the latest technologyin satellite navigation. Legible London; I Walk New York; extensive work to help the City of Vancouver; and real-time digital mapping for London’s Heathrow Airport, are some of its projects of note. The last three years hasseen strong growth, particularlyin North and South America, Middle East and Asia, opening aUS officein April 2014 to add to theirexisting presencein Canada. With overseas sales growing by 490% across the last three years the company wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Tradeforthisoutstanding performance.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Charles Tyrwhittthe Cottons CentreCottons Lane



Employees: ***

CEO: Mr Greg Hodder

Press Contact: Carolyn Polo Del Vecchio

Tel: +44(0)20 8735 ***

Email: Carolyn.polo**[ta]**irts.co.uk


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