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Foundedin 1986 by Nicholas Charles Tyrwhitt Wheeler whilst still astudent at Bristol University. Its proposition is that they provide topquality shirts at great value and their vision is “to bring Jermyn Street to the world”. By 2008 it had grown to a£50m shirt business. Overthe past six years sales have more than trebled to £172m with growth mainly through online sales direct to consumers backed up by flagship retail storesin the UK and USA. Overseas Sales have grown throughout the six years from £25.7m to £87.9m, an overall growth of 242%. New markets established during the last six years include Australia. One of the secrets of their success has beenin keeping it simpleavoiding many of the challenges associated with international trade and fulfilling everything out of the UK. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas sales over the last six years.

Eskan Electronics Ltd

Unit 14 an***

Kelvin Industrial Estate Long Drive




Managing Director/Founder: Mr Shaun Anderson

Press Contact: Mr Andy Williams

Tel: +44(0)20 8813 ***

Email: andy.williams**[ta]**n.com


Eskan Electronics Ltd.

began tradingin 1987 specialisingin the design, development and manufacture of surveillance, counter-surveillanceand RF jamming/electronic counter measure solutions for law enforcement, intelligence and military organisations. 100% of products aredesignedin house and all are sold only to government agencies. All overseas sales are subject to securing export licences, which limitsthe countries it can sell to so the company has to target markets according to well-understood geopolitical issues. Its marketing activity includes referrals and user recommendations, attending exhibitions and conferences and ensuring active partner support, which includestraining, market activity reports and regular meetings. Staff numbers have more than doubled as export sales increased by 823%in threeyears.in recognition of this outstanding achievement Eskan Electronics Ltd

wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade.

First Point Group151 Wardour StreetSoho W1F 8WE



CEO: Mr Alistair Rynish

Press Contact: Stephanie Beaumont

Tel: +44(0)7590 18***

Email: sbeaumont**[ta]**tpointgroup.com


First Point Group began operatingin 2004 as arecruitment company specialisingin the telecommunications and technology industries.it has since grown to have aturnover of almost £50m, with more than three quarters of that from overseas. The company has alsoestablished officesin ten countries supporting workin 160 territories around the world.in the last six years international sales have grownby 225% by targeting the largest telecom vendors, including achieving supplier status with both Ericsson and Huawei, establishing local offices and recruiting staff with appropriate language skills. The company established an officein Chinain 2012, which has since beenexpanded three times to meet demand. The company’s top markets include the UAE, China, South Africa and Sweden. First Point Groupwins the Queen’s Award for International Tradein recognition of its continuous growth over the last six years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 31 JAC Travel Limi***

62-64 Chancellor’s Road W6 9RS



CEO: Mr Terry Williamson

Press Contact: David Tarsh

Tel: +44(0)7770 81***

Email: David**[ta]**h.com

in 1975 JACTravel Limited


was launched to bring students into the UK and gained aname as akey provider of tourism services.in 1980 Itexpanded into outbound travel from the UK and long haul markets into Europe. With overseas earnings growing by 300%, which counts as85% of turnover over the last six years, the company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade. The business operates aglobal B2B

distributor of directly contracted and aggregated hotels for worldwide flexible independent travel and an inbound tour operator of groups to the UK and Ireland and key European destinations. It covers 92 countries and directly contracts 12,500 hotels covering about 2,000 cities.over 80% of its customers are based outside the UK and it handles about 1m individual and group bookings per year. Management iscontrolled from the London head office with daily operations decentralised into 15 local offices around the time zones to deal with languageand cultural differenc***

Lifescience Dynamics Limited

23 Hanover Square



Employees: 11 President: Mr Rafaat Rahmani BBA, MBA

Press Contact: Rafaat Rahmani

Tel: +44(0)7887 54***

Email: rrahmani**[ta]**sciencedynamics.com


Lifescience Dynamics Limited

was foundedin 2004 as aprivately owned management consulting firm. They provide support to global pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostic companiesin three practise areas: 1. Market research 2. Competitiveintelligence 3. Market Access, Pricing & Reimbursements. The basein London was astrategic decision to access talent from the topinternational universitiesin the city, with employees from 15 nationalities, speaking 20 different languages. Offices are alsoin San Franciscoand New York. astrategic decision to work exclusively on overseas projects increased profitsin 2014. The main export markets are USA,Europe and Japan. Overseas sales have grown by 200% over the last three years with an increasein UK employees, overall sales andprofitability. The proportion of sales exported has increased to 95% of total sales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo routstanding growthin overseas sales over the last three yea***

Nasco (UK) Ltd

Unit KDean Way Great Western Industrial Estate Southall



Director: Mr Suresh Vidani

Press Contact: Nisha Vidani

Tel: +44(0)20 8571 ***

Email: management**[ta]**o-uk.com


Nasco (UK) Ltd

was establishedin 2004 as awholesale company that supplies British and European food, drink, toiletries and householditems to 50 countries. The company exports mainly to developing markets within Asia, Africa and the Middle East, with the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria being the current main countries served. The company’s strategy is to focus on individual market requirements andpreferences, exhibiting at international trade fairs. The company has won the Queen’s Award for International Tradein 2013, 2014 and2015. Overseas sales have grown by 70% over the last three years with an increasein UK employees, profitability and overall sales. Theproportion of sales exported is 86% of total sales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas salesover the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

OMK Design Ltd

Stephen Building

30 Gresse StreetW1T 1QR



Chairman & Design Director: Prof Rodney Kinsman RDI

Press Contact: Matt Osborne

Tel: 0207631***

Email: matt.osborne**[ta]**esign.com


OMK Design Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin international sales over three years.

Establishedin 1964, it designs and manufactures seating systems for international transport terminals (airports, bus stations etc).in 2012the company developed an international strategy based on developing new products specifically to attack new markets and now has a20%

share of the world airport seating market and sells to over 200 airports and other transport hubs worldwide. Export sales have grown yearon year over the three years by atotal of 602% and exports now accountf or 95% of total turnover.

Pai Skincare

18 Colville Road W3 8BL



Founder and Director: Miss Sarah Brown

Press Contact: Flo Glendenning

Tel: +44(0)20 3397 ***

Email: flo**[ta]**kincare.com


Pai Skincare, foundedin 2007, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over threeyears. The company formulates and manufacturesin house arange of premium skincare products designed specifically for sensitive skin.

The product range is established as the cleanest on the international market, endorsed as such by the Soil Association, the Vegan Society and Cruelty Free International, the three key representative bodies for the industry. Pai Skincare’s export strategy is based on selling throughits own website and through anetwork of retail outlets internationally and this has resultedin overseas sales growth of 237% over the lastthree years.

Preqin Limited

Vintners Place

68 Upper Thames StreetEC4V 3BJ


CEO: Mr Mark O’Hare

Press Contact: William Clarke

Tel: 020 3207 ***

Email: press**[ta]**in.com


Establishedin 2002, Preqin Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas sales over six years.

A data provider to the alternative asset industry (private equity, venture capital, real estate, infrastructure, private debt and hedge funds) theirclient base are the investors themselves, fund managers, and professional advisers to both investors and fund managers. The sector is agrowth area for financial institutions and the company provides online data via an application that clients subscribe to. The database andapplication are designed, created, managed and hostedin the UK and business has been global since inception with over 80% of salesoverseas. International sales have grown over 6 years by just under 400% with data provided to over 36,000 professionalsin over 14,000 organisations worldwide. Offices have been establishedin the USA, Singapore and Hong Kong, and revenues outside Europe account fo rapproximately 71% of total sales.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Source Information Services Limited

20 St. Dunstan’s Hill



Co-Founder and Director: Dr Fiona Czerniawska

Press Contact: David Pippett

Tel: +44(0)7899 79***

Email: david**[ta]**ublicrelations.co.uk


Establishedin 2007, Source Information Services Limited

is asmall but rapidly growing British company that researches the globalmanagement consulting market from its officesin London and Dubai. About 50% of the company’s business comes from selling marketdata, forecasts and analysis relating to the consulting market and the firms within it. The other half comes from providing bespoke services to consulting firms, acting as “consultants to consultants” enabling the world’s biggest consulting firms to run their businesses moreefficiently. athird of the company’s export business comes from the USA, with afurther 27% from the Netherlands. During 2014, overseassales totaling £659,000 were made to 23 countries compared to total overseas sales of £73,000 to just 7 countriesin 2011. It wins theQueen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 150% over the last three years.

STEM Marketing Ltd

The Lightbox, Unit 143***

111 Power Road Chiswick

W4 5PY


CEO: Robert Wood

Press Contact: Rob Wood

Tel: +44(0)7786 33***

Email: Rob**[ta]**marketing.com


STEM Marketing Ltd

was foundedin July 2007 and has since has entered 35 countries with great success and achieved an overallmarket share of 80% for Marketing and Medical Audits’ to the pharmaceutical industry. These audits quantify and benchmark thestrategic alignment of peoplein an organisation behind strategy, patient focus and messaging. It now has adatabase regarded as theindustry standard globally, made up of more than 30,000 customer facing staff and 150,000 customer interactions. This has been amajorcontributor to blocking any potential competitor entrants. The company entered the large country markets of Europe, plus Canada andAustralia within the first 12 months, and more recently they have entered the US and Japanese markets followed by other large marketssuch as Russia, Brazil, China and South Korea. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 273%

Sybarite UK Ltd

The Peoples Hall

2 Olaf StreetW11 4BE


Director: Mr Torquil McIntosh

Press Contact: Kunita Hoole

Tel: +44(0)20 7352 ***

Email: kh**[ta]**co.uk


Sybarite UK Ltd

is an architectural and design practice which aims to bring timeless style and luxury through its work. Since its formationin 2002, the practice has executed over 600 projectsin diverse locations worldwide. Having worked directly inside the Chinese & Hong Kong markets since 2008 the practice has seen an increasing pattern of growth and turnover from these markets. Workingin China hasincreased the company’s reachin this market, which has grown rapidly, and represents 90% of the organisation’s overseas sales. Sybariteis now alsoin the process of expanding into the Gulf Region and is looking for commissionsin Qatar and other statesin that region. It winsthe Queen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 279% over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

talkSPORT International Organisation

18 Hatfields


Website: talkSPORT.com/license-epl


Immediate Parent: Wireless Group PLC

 United Kingdom

Chief Operating Officer: Mr Scott Taunton

Press Contact: Amy Grantham

Tel: +44(0)20 7959 ***

Email: Amy.Grantham**[ta]**lessgroupplc.co.uk


talkSPORT International was establishedin May 2012, when it acquired the global audio rights to Premier League and FA Cup matches.

The station’s London studios provide multilingual commentary of matches via talkSPORT.com and agrowing network of overseas digitaland broadcast partnersin countries including China, Vietnam, Singapore, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates and U.S.A. The service nowbroadcastsin five languages with partner stationsin 69 markets around the world. As aresult of building the international broadcastcentre, hiring staff and buying the international audio rights to the Premier League, it made lossesin its first two years, but is now profitable.

International sales have grown by 680% over three years to the year ending December 2014. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

TLC Marketing Group Ltd

17 Harcourt StreetW1H 4HF



Chairman & Founder: Mr Nick True

Press Contact: Emma Critchley

Tel: +44(0)20 7725 ***

Email: emma.critchley**[ta]**arketing.com


TLC Marketing Group started tradingin its current formin 1991, having evolved from an advertising agency originally launchedin Londonin 1954. Today it is aworld-leading provider of fixed fee reward campaigns and free-to-consumer lifestyle incentives. The company enablesthe world’s best-known brands, such as McDonalds, Coke and Samsung, to offer free gifts with purchase and rewards that representextraordinary value. These rewards often outweigh the purchase cost of the product that carries the promotion. It currently has operationsin the UK, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, USA, South Africa, China, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.

The company offers end-to-end management of the entire reward campaign, from creative concept, planning and execution to engagementanalytics and Customer Service. International trade has grown by 53% since 2013 and it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo routstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years, with 88% of turnover coming from international sales.

Vision RT Ltd

Arcadia Avenue

N3 2JU


Foundedin 2001, Vision RT Ltd

design and manufacture advanced radiation therapy systems to assist radiographers, by protecting patientsafety, ensuring they arein the correct position throughout the duration of radiation delivery. Over five hundred Vision RT systems havebeen sold worldwide and the technology is becoming increasingly accepted as “the standard of care”, benefiting both cancer patients andradiotherapy practitioners. Although the US market has generated over 90% of sales to date, Vision RT is now expanding its reach intoEurope, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia- Pacific markets. It has seen growth of its international trade of 260% since 2013 and winsthe Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. One of only six double winnersFor the Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

World First UK Limited

10th & 11th Floor

Millbank Tower

21-24 Millbank Tower




CEO & Co-Founder: Mr Jonathan Quin

Press Contact: Jonathan Quin

Tel: +44(0)20 3432 ***

Email: jonathan.quin**[ta]**dfirst.com


Foundedin 2004, World First UK Ltd

was launched to provide afast and fair way to help people move money across borders. Its goal is to offer people areal alternative to big banks, by providing more favourable exchange rates to individuals and businesses and better customerservice than the traditional financial institutions that operatein the market. The company’s revenue has grown dramatically from £18 million to £36.3 millionin the three years to January 2015 - agrowth rate of 42% year on year. From its startin asouth London basement, it nowhas officesin London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney, Washington, and Austin (Texas). The company has also increased the range of currencies supported. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Matrix APA (UK) Limited

51 Clapham High StreetSW4 7TL


CEO: Mr Charlie Bradshaw

Press Contact: Samantha Curtis

Tel: +44(0)20 3053 ***

Email: samantha**[ta]**ixapa.com


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