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Kudos Blends was foundedin 1999 to manufacture baking powders and raising agents, focusing on technical excellence and innovation of its products.in recognition of the limitations of growthin the domestic market over the last three years the company has focused itsstrategies on growing export markets. The company’s export strategy is based on targeting global brands and focusing on markets wherethere is adrive towards sodium reductionin baked goods. Major current export markets are United States, Canada, Australia and SouthKorea. Overseas sales have grown by 350% over the last three years with an increasein UK employees, overall sales and profitability.it wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over the last three years.

Lock Stock & Barrel Grooming Company 187 Park Lane

B35 6AN


Managing Director: Mr Ben Snowdon

Press Contact: Charlotte Bishop

Tel: +44(0)20 7490 ***

Email: charlotte**[ta]**uois.co.uk


Lock Stock & Barrel Grooming Company was establishedin 2005 supplying professional salon products and started exporting to the USAin 2008 through adistributor.in 2010 adecision was made to bring manufacturingin house. The company’s export strategy continues to focus on selling to salons through anetwork of distributors. Currently main export markets are USA, Canada, South Africa, Germany andNetherlands, with adistributorin United Arab Emirates recently appointed to cover salesin the Middle East. Overseas sales have grown by over 50% over the last three years with an increasein overall sales and profitability and the proportion of sales exported is now 80% of totalin strict confidence 21 April 2016**

MCP Management Consultants Ltd.

Blythe Valley Innovation CentreBlythe Valley Business ParkCentral Boulevard

Blythe Valley ParkSolihull

B90 8AJ


Managing Director and Joint Owner: Mr Peter Gagg

Press Contact: Celia Cionnagh

Tel: +44(0)121 506***

Email: ccionnagh**[ta]**urope.com


The business originated from asuccessful asset maintenance benchmarking tool developed by the company for the Department of Tradeand Industry. i.e. MCP Management Consultants Ltd.

began tradingin 2001 supplying business change programmes and IT support to multinational companiesin the pharmaceutical, healthcare, food and drink and transport sectors. The business originated from asuccessfulasset maintenance benchmarking tool developed by the company for the Department of Trade and Industry. The main export markets havebeen North America, Europe and the Middle East, with consultancy delivered through anetwork of international partners. Overseas sales havegrown by over 500% over the last six years with an increasein UK employees and overall sales. The proportion of sales exported has increased to 74% of total sales. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas sales over the last six years.

Orchard Valley Foods Limited

4 Lower Teme Business ParkTenbury Wells

WR15 8SZ



Chairman: Mr Michael Forrester

Press Contact: Michael Forrester

Tel: +44(0)1584 81***

Email: mikef**[ta]**ard-valley.co.uk


Establishedin 2004, Orchard Valley Foods Ltd

produces food decorations, food ingredients, and food inclusions; and has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over three years. The company has the highest possible independent,international, third party assessed quality standard for its industry and has worked to help clients launch over 100 new productsin the last yearalone. Export markets are accessed either via an established and expanding distributor network or through the overseas operations of majormultinational corporations who make up its UK client base. As aresult international sales have increased by over 550%in three years.

Portmeirion Group PLC

London Road ST4 7QQ



Chief Executive: Mr Lawrence Bryan

Press Contact: Sara Plimbley

Tel: +44(0)1782 74***

Email: SPlimbley**[ta]**meiriongroup.com


Portmeirion Group PLC foundedin 1960, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding continuous growthin overseassales over six years. Previous winners of the Queen’s Award for International Tradein 2011, the company designs, markets and distributes highquality tableware, cookware, glassware, gifts, placemats, coasters, trays and tabletop accessories and has four major brands established inover 60 markets worldwide. Over 90% of exports arein ceramics and it manufactures over 60% of thesein the UK. Over 70% of total turnoveris exported with the USA being the main export market. Exports have risen year on year over six years by atotal of 51% over the period.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 97the Binding Site Group Ltd

8 Calthorpe Road Edgbaston

B15 1QT


Employees: ***

CEO: Mr Charles de Rohan

Press Contact: Claire Perkins

Tel: +44(0)121 456***

Email: claire.perkins**[ta]**ingsite.co.uk


The Binding Site Group Ltd

dates back to the early 1970s when agroup of researchers within the Medical School of Birmingham University first started looking at innovative ways of producing antibodies. They founded aprivate company to take the research forward and utilise any potential commercial benefits. That company has evolved into The Binding Site and for over 30 years it has specialisedin producing highly sensitive and highly specific antibodies for the detection of certain cancers and other serious disorders. The company exports over 89% of what it manufactures and has seen its international trade more than doublein value from 2010 to 2015. The company continues to developnew products for the markets it serves, keepingin its sights the ultimate beneficiary - the patient. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas earnings of 103% over the last six years.

The JMB Partnership Ltd

Warwick Enterprise ParkWellesbourne

CV35 9EF


Managing Director,Founder: Mr James Blakemore

Press Contact: Sarah Kingston

Tel: +44(0)1926 35***

Tel: +44(0)7720 76***

Email: sarah**[ta]**artnership.com


The JMB Partnership Ltd

was foundedin 2006 starting as alead generation agency supporting UK companies. The company wasthen approached by non-UK companies looking for in-market sales support and market entry solutions with the objective of achievingsuccessful market penetration and to accelerate their UK and international business growth. Its client base is overseas organisationsentering the UK market; and to date it has supported over 600 international clients helping them to launch and grow their presencein theUK market. Recognised for its work internationally, the company has developed strong relations and accreditation internationally with Trade & Government Agencies. The company’s key markets and client base are Ireland 24%, USA 9% - closely followed by Northern and Central Europe. It has seen a64% growthin its international trade since 2013 and wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstandingWinsted Ltd

Unit D1 Sapphire Court

Isidore Road Bromsgrove Enterprise ParkB60 3FL


General Manager: Mr Terry Shough

Press Contact: Claire Brown

Tel: +44(0)1527 83***

Email: claire**[ta]**ted.co.uk


Winsted Ltd.

basedin Bromsgrove, is part of the Winsted Corporation, Minneapolis, USA. Set upin 1984, to service Europe, the Middle East,Africa, India and Russia, the company is afully operational organisation which designs, manufactures, distributes and installs control roomfurniture throughout these regions. Overseas contracts are achieved and implemented through amix of direct sales to customers and indirectly via its expanding number of distributors and local country partners. The development of new product lines and greater service flexibility haveallowed the company to diversify into new industry sectors, and has given it acompetitive advantagein its existing market place. Winsted haspreviously won the International Trade Awardin 2012 and 2013 and has continued its success with international sales growing on average by 46% over the last three years.in 2014 international business accounted for 74% of sales and totalled £2.15 million. It wins the Queen’s AwardFor International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

3Squared Ltd

Fountain Precinct

Balm Green


South Yorkshire

S1 2JA



Commercial Director,Founder: Mr James Fox

Press Contact: Marina Wood

Tel: +44(0)1709 30***

Email: marina**[ta]**onflypr.co.uk


Foundedin 2002, 3Squared is aSheffield based software developer workingin abroad range of sectors including Transport, Rail,Construction, Electronics, Retail, Manufacturing, Health Services and the Public Sector. They win an innovation award for the development of RailSmart. 3Squared has provided Rail customers with aproduct that allows rail companies to create via aweb and mobile basedplatform individual employee profiles to assess and record training needs, certification, key performance indicators and incidences whilstreducing the administration burden of compliance. The software enables the continuous management and improvement of employees’competenciesin the rail sector. The innovation has clearly demonstrated asuccessful impactf or the rail customers and for the 3Squared business this innovation has contributed directly to significant growthin new product sales and turnover.

AESSEAL plc (Complex Systems Division)

Mangham Road Rotherham

S61 4RJ



Immediate Parent: AES ENGINEERING Ltd.

United Kingdom

Managing Director: Mr Christopher Rea OBE

Press Contact: David Amory

Tel: +44(0)1709 36***

Email: david.amory**[ta]**eal.co.uk


The applicant manufactures mechanical seals and seal support systems, primarily for the oil and gas industry. The seal support systems havetraditionally been individually designed to meet the required specification, resultingin significantly long lead times not consistent with the supply times for the seals themselves.

AESSEAL PLC foundedin 1979, wins an Innovation Award for developing anovel modular approach withstandardized components, to deliver astep changein the supply chain for seal support systems. The innovation relates to anew product anddesign philosophy using modular components to significantly reduce the lead time and price, enabling the company to compete effectively,when supplying into the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) market, and to end users to significantly grow market share.

Byworth Boilers Ltd

Parkwood Boilerworks

Keighley West Yorkshire

BD21 4NW


Financial Director: Mrs Rachel Westerman

Press Contact: Alexandra Holdcroft

Tel: +44(0)1535 66***

Email: aholdcroft**[ta]**rth.co.uk


Byworth Boilers Ltd

receives aQueens Award for Innovation for their boiler control system, Unity. The company was establishedin 2010 andmanufactures steam boilers and associated control systems for industries including brewing and distilling. The innovation, Unity, is acentralisedcontrol and management system for aboiler house. The new system provides tight control of the system with aset of sensors and monitoringequipment to anticipate maintenance needs and the development of faults. The system is knownin the petrochemical and process industriesbut is anew technical area for Byworth Boilers Ltdand the industry associated with steam boilers. Unity reduces customers’ energy bills,carbon footprint and saves labour associated with boiler room maintenance.

Yorkshire and the Humberin strict confidence 21 April 2016**

72 Lairgate

Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire

HU17 8EU


Managing Director: Mr Michael Samways

Press Contact: Mike Samways

Tel: +44(0)7712 52***

Email: ms**[ta]**shield.com


Crewshield Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for their product Citadel, aself-contained, transportable, armoured safe haven, disguised as astandard ISO shipping container. The product was developed as asafe refuge for crews threatened by pirate attack but is also used for landbased, high risk environments where personnel may require protection from attack and it may take authorities time to respond. Each Citadelhas capacity to protect 24 occupants for extended periods, they are self-supporting, including power, sanitation and water with options fo rcommunications equipment and they come complete with four discreet CCTV cameras for monitoring the situation outside. The company used cutting edge battery technology as well as specialised knowledge from mining refuge shelters and from diving re-compression chambers to develop an extremely effective system. The innovation brings together different technologies and expertise from anumber of sectorsin order to solve acomplicated issue. Foundedin 2011, this is the applicant’s first Queen’s Award.

Granary Wharf House

2 Canal Wharf

Leeds LS11 5PS



CEO: Mr David Watson

Press Contact: Scott McDonald

Tel: +44(0)113 394***

Email: scott.mcdonald**[ta]**alimited.org


Lhasa Limited

receives an Innovation Award for development of ahuman knowledge-based expert system, which delivers assessments of the potential toxicity of potential new chemical entities. The product developed is known as Derek Nexus. The company was foundedin 1983as anot-for-profit organisation and educational charity to facilitate collaborative data sharing projectsin the pharmaceutical, cosmetics andchemistry-related industries.in order to predict the potential toxicity of adiscovered chemical Derek Nexus looks at the relationship betweenthe chemical structure and known toxicological endpoints such as the potential to induce cancer or cause skin sensitisation. Using structuraldata alongside aset of rules, references and expert comments alikelihood of toxicity can be given. This very transparent approach then allowsthe customers to make informed decisions about how to reduce the potential toxicity of achemical compound.

Medisoft Limited

Leeds Innovation Centre103 Clarendon Road LS2 9DF


Managing Director: Mr Christian Martin

Press Contact: Alf Lombardi

Tel: +44(0)1422 36***

Email: alflombardi**[ta]**wdd.com


Medisoft Limited

wins an Innovation Award for developing asoftware tool that solves manual record keeping problems within ophthalmology services. The software links together cliniciansin many settings including the high street to ensure efficient integrated treatment and allowsmaximum benefit to be obtained by calculating performance metrics and predicting treatment outcomes and risk. The software allows patientrecords to be fully integrated and securely stored, ensuring they can be accessed from any location across several sites. Prior to the launch of the system, it was difficult to gain insights from hospital eye departments, such as the proportion of cataract operations that resultedin significantly improved patient vision. One of the key innovative aspects was the introduction of asecure web portal allowing high-streetopticians to submit the results of post-operative assessments for review by the hospital. Medisoft Limited

was establishedin 1997 and this isits first Queen’s Award.in strict confidence 21 April 2016***

SG Technical Systems Ltd

Becklands Park Industrial Estate Market Weighton

East Yorkshire

YO43 3GA


Employees: ***

Managing Director: Mr Simon Chacksfield

Press Contact: Mr Simon Chacksfield

Tel: +44(0)7722 13***

Email: simon**[ta]**chsys.com


SG Technical Systems Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing apowered, folding ambulance ramp with key patent protected featuresthat improve the reliability and in-service time of the product. Ambulance ramps can be problematic and an ambulance with abroken rampmust be taken out of service for maintenance. The applicant (establishedin 2010) created a, innovative ramp which opens and closes likea book. When closed, the platform forms part of the vehicle floor and when open, the platform and pan form asingle continuous surfacebetween the road and the vehicle floor allowing stretchers and wheelchairs to be movedin and out of the ambulance. The applicant hasdesigned a‘sacrificial end’ that forms the rear of the ramp platform, which is strong enough at low speed impacts (very common fo rambulances) to allow this end to break off. When it does it is straightforwardly repaired, maximising in-service time for the vehicle.

The Body Doctor Limited

Denby Dale Industrial Estate Wakefield Road HD8 8QH


Managing Director: Ms Sue Grant

Press Contact: Sue Grant

Tel: +44(0)1484 86***

Email: sue.grant**[ta]**body-doctor.com


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