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The Body Doctor Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing the Eye Doctor, ahot eye compress for the relief of various eye conditions.

The Eye Doctor can be heatedin the microwave or oven and placed over apatient’s eyes to treat common eye conditions, Dry Eye Disease,MGD, Blepharitis, Grittiness, Irritation, Inflamed, painful and sore eyes. Dry Eye Disease and associated symptoms occur when oilsin theglands thicken from the natural smooth oil to abuttery consistency. The Eye Doctor reaches optimum temperature to melt the thickenedbuttery oil allowing it to become liquid again. Once glands are unblocked healthy oil is produced. It features aremovable, washable cover,adjustable strap and storage pouch. The hot compress is filled with rehydrating BodyBeads which naturally absorb moisture from the air whennotin use, regenerating itself. The filling has been designed to fit snugly into the whole eye area. The applicant started tradingin 2012 and thisis its first Queens Award.

The Floow Limited

OXO House

4 Joiner StreetS3 8GW


CEO: Mr Aldo Monteforte

Press Contact: Ashlea Mcconnell

Tel: +44(0)114 275***

Email: ashlea.mcconnell**[ta]**ingshappen.co.uk


The Floow Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for the development of data collection and analysis capability for insurance companies, car makersand fleet operators. The applicant’s technologies are providing its customers with monitoring mechanisms and data analysis to betterunderstand mobility risk from the way adriver controls avehicle based on consistent evaluation of driver activities. The innovation is based ontelecommunication of data from the vehicle, telematics. Previous telematics solutions for insurance had been Limi***

to high cost policies due to the costs of device, data transmission and installation. The Floow Ltd(establishedin 2012) produced pioneering mobile applications capable of gathering telematics data without the need for bespoke hardware, the data could be gathered from anumber of different sources. Thisdisruptive introduction allowed telematics data capture to be significantly cheaper, thus allowing telematics to enter mainstream usage.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 101 Bureau UK Recruitment Limi***

Suite R37 - 43 Shirethorn House

Hull HU2 8PX


Managing Director: Mr David Blanchard

Press Contact: David Blanchard

Tel: +44(0)7771 39***

Email: david.blanchard**[ta]**auuk.co.uk


Establishedin 2010, Bureau UK Recruitment Ltd

assists private and public sector organisations source the highest calibre of talent fo rpermanent & contract engineering appointments within the Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure markets globally.in 2014 thecompany decided to increase its international offering due to the higher activityin international projects.in the last 24 months they have nowrecruited across 24 countriesin Asia Pacific, USA, Middle East and Europe for both permanent and contractor recruitment. During the lastthree years overseas sales have risen by 329%; with international clients now representing 75% of its client base. Working with asmall coreteam the company has successfully focused on being aniche sector provider working across several continents. The company wins theCamira Group Ltd

The Watermill

Wheatley ParkMirfield

WF14 8HE


Chief Executive: Mr Grant Russell

Press Contact: Ian Burn

Tel: +44(0)7747 10***

Email: ian.burn**[ta]**rafabrics.com


Establishedin 2006, Camira Group Ltd

is atextile organisation; designing and manufacturing contract upholstery fabrics for wide rangingcommercial interiors and passenger transport. Operating six UK sites and onein Lithuania, the company sold eight million metres of fabric in2014 to 66 countries worldwide with exports accounting for 57% of turnover. Many products have an environmental profile, benefiting fromrapidly renewable natural fibres or recycled content, which fits with the company’s sustainability ethos and ethical stance. Its clients include: BBC, Transportf or London, PWC, HSBC, Google, Apple, Swiss Rail, Moscow Airport Express, and the Paris Metro. The business hasfocused on growthin the key areas of North America, Asia Pacific, Germany, and healthcare market developmentin the UK, USA and coreEuropean markets, with overseas sales increasing by 50%in the last 6 years. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo rcontinuous growthin overseas sales over the last six years.

GO Superfoods Ltd t/a Green Originsand Rainforest Foods

Redwood Court

Campbell Way S25 3NQ


Managing Director: Mr Hardip Singh Nijjar

Press Contact: Viktorija Sevcenko

Tel: +44(0)1909 80***

Email: pr**[ta]**forestfoods.com


GO Superfoods Ltd t/a Green Origins and Rainforest Foods, has built asolid growth strategy based on good market research developinga business model to capitalise on that insight which has led to them winning the Queen’s Award for International Trade for its outstandingoverseas sales growth. About half of the turnover is overseas trade and there has been rapid growthin turnover almost quadruplingin thethree-year Award period. atreblingin profits and an increasein staff numbers from four to 23 clearly supports their success. Startedin 2009by Hardip Singh after completing an MBA, he chose the superfood sector due to personal interest, the growth potential, and the opportunity to work with producers from around the world. The marketing strategy is very well segmented, targeting specific sub-sectors and the spread of countries is tactically focused on those where it can effectively compete and offer acompetitive advantage.in strict confidence 21 April 2016***

Gripple Ltd

The Old West Gun works201 Savile Street East

S4 7UQ


Managing Director: Mr Edward Stubbs

Press Contact: Gordon Macrae

Tel: +44(0)7795 60***

Email: g.macrae**[ta]**ple.com


Establishedin 1983, Gripple Limited

is the global leaderin wire joining and tensioning systems for agricultural, civil and industrialapplications. Selling to over 80 countries with 15% global market share and 85% of turnover overseas, it has won the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for its continuous growthin international sales over the last 6 years. The company has awell thought out and executedstrategy built on providing technical supportf or what is essentially acommodity product. It has retained its UK manufacturing base;competing by promoting the benefits of the product, providing unparalleled service and the ability to solve technical problems locally. newmarkets entered include India, Japan and Poland and Gripple Limited

constantly reviews its strategyin response to the demands of eachmarket. Innovation is key and 5% of turnover is reinvested into Research and Development. Training and developing staff and moving intonew markets follow alogical and methodical approach.


Highfield International Ltd

Highfield House

Heavens Walk




Chairman: Mr Richard Sprenger

Press Contact: Richard Ford

Tel: +44(0)845 226***

Email: rford**[ta]**fieldabc.com


Foundedin 1982, the Highfield Group is the UK and Middle East’s leading supplier of compliance qualifications, training materials ande-learning solutions. agrowing companyin terms of staff numbers, overseas earnings, overall earnings and profitability, the Highfield Groupwins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for 200% growthin international sales over the last six years. From astrong UK base, fiveyears ago they established abasein the Middle East and are now looking for further growth into the Republic of Ireland, Far East and Australiathrough ajoint venture with one of their large international clients. The company sells its products to over 100 countries and delivers its trainingprogrammes to 30 countries often needing to adapt to meet local policies and customs.

Icon Office Design Ltd

Junction Close

Green Lane Industrial ParkFeatherstone



Managing Director: Mr Jon Wesson

Press Contact: Jon Wesson

Tel: +44(0)1977 69***

Email: jon.wesson**[ta]**owscreens.co.uk


Icon Office Design Ltd

is aBritish designer and specialist manufacturer of screens for workplace environments. Foundedin 2000 to servethe rapidly changing needs of the office furniture market, Icon provides bespoke, design-led screen solutions for clients that include

architects, specifiers and contract furniture suppliers. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for the outstandinggrowth of their overseas sales, which have more than doubledin the last three years. While each screen is designed and manufacturedin their Yorkshire factory, over 50% of Icon’s products are now shipped to clients across the globe including Benelux, France, Spain, theMiddle East, USA and Australia. By concentrating on the adjacent Northern European market, it has allowed them to offset some thechallenges of the UK market by achieving up to half of their earnings from overseas.in strict confidence 21 April 2016***

Nitesite Ltd


West Lane

Full Sutton Airfield

YO41 1HS


Managing Director: Mr Nick Bortone

Press Contact: Kenney Richardson

Tel: +44(0)1759 37***

Email: kenney**[ta]**site.com

Email: enquiries**[ta]**site.com


NiteSite Ltd

was establishedin 2011 and has introduced easy to use night vision rifle scope adaptors, which can be used on any rifle fo rhunting or pest control based on anew type of night vision technology utilising infrared technology. The company has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years. It identified agapin international markets anddeveloped anew technology and products to fill that gap. NiteSite Ltddeveloped an innovative international marketing strategy based on atailored, pragmatic approach to individual markets resultingin growthin international sales of over 502%in three years. The company nowsellsin over 30 markets worldwide and exports accountf or over 70% of their total business.

Polypipe Limited

Broomhouse Lane


DN12 1ES


Employees: ***

Immediate Parent: Polypipe Group PLC

 United Kingdom

Chief Executive Officer: Mr David Hall

Press Contact: Vince Fenson

Tel: +44(0)7917 53***

Email: vince.fenson**[ta]**pipe.com


Polypipe Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over three years. Originally establishedin 1980, the company was acquired by IMI plcin 1999 before amanagement buyoutin 2005 led to flotation to the London Stock Exchangein 2014 and they have now entered the FTSE250. Manufacturers of five product areas including plastic pipe, drainage, plumbingand water supply systems, the company is the largest British manufacturerin its field and isin the top 10in Europe with over 20,000 products.

Operating from 13 manufacturing sites, 9 of which arein the UK, its main export markets arein the Middle East and European markets usingBritish standards. Over the last 3 years it has expanded into Africa and the Indian subcontinent with exports increasing by over 30%.

Xiros Ltd

Springfield House

Whitehouse Lane

LS19 7UE



Founder and Chairman: Dr Bahaa Seedhom

Press Contact: Roland Henney

Tel: +44(0)113 2387200 (direct +44(0)113 2387214)

Email: roland.henney**[ta]**s.eu.com


Establishedin 1982, the company changed its name to Xirosin 2000. The business specialisesin the design, development and manufacture of minimally invasive textile-based medical implants, and tissue sparing surgical procedures, for sports medicine and orthopaedics. Nearly 89% of its overseas sales are exported to the USA, with the majority of the balance going to Japan, Poland, South Africa, and Switzerland.

The company operates under astrict quality management system which adheres to anumber of international standards. It has achieved itsdramatic growthin turnover and profitability by focusing on entering new international markets. Over 95% of its sales are exported, achievingsubstantial growthin its export sales rising from £4.8 million to £9.4 millionin recent years - a44% growth year on year. It wins the Queen’sin strict confidence 21 April 2016***

Wooltex UK Ltd

Woodland Mill

Dale StreetHD3 4TG



Managing Director: Mr Peter Timmins

Press Contact: Mr Peter Timmins

Tel: 0797497***

Email: pt**[ta]**texuk.com


Wooltex UK was formed as apartnershipin 1996, then incorporated as Wooltex UK Ltdin August 2000. Its main area of business is thedesign and manufacture of fabrics for the office and seating markets within Europe. Most of its products are wool based and the company’s growth strategy involves designing market-leading products from wool, for consumption by the world’s leading office furniture manufacturers.

Wooltex’s products rigidly comply with technical specification, performance, colour and consistency. Overseas sales from 2009/10 to December 2014. have risen from £6.13 million to £17.24 millionin 2014. Its five top overseas markets are Denmark, Germany, Sweden,Benelux and Italy which together accountf or 60% of its international trade. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuousgrowthin overseas earnings of 181% over the last six years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016***


3Squared Ltd

98A.J. Power Limited

54Abiligroup Limited

6Abra Wholesale Ltd

29Access All Areas (GB) Ltd

68ActiveQuote Ltd

87Adare International Ltd

68Advanced Insulation Limited

83AESSEAL plc (Complex Systems Division)

98Afinium Ltd

29AIG Edenspiekermann Ltd. t/a Applied Wayfinding 29Alba Bioscience Limited(Trading as Quotient)

57Alpha Biolaboratories Legal Ltd t/a AlphaBiolabs 41 Anari Ltd

45Andusia Recovered Fuels Limited

11 Anglia Print Ltd

17apetito Ltd

80Aqua Fabrications Ltd

41 Argon Design Ltd


89AXA PPP International 68Base London Limited

11 Bejay Mulenga 24Benchmark Geophysical Consulting Limited

69Bibby Maritime Limited

45Blok N Mesh UK Limited

6Blue Eyed Sun Ltd

69British Converting Solutions Ltd

11 Bureau UK Recruitment Limited

101 Burland Technology Solutions Ltd.

12Byworth Boilers Ltd

98Calnet Systems Ltd t/a British Corner Shop

83Cambridge Integrated Circuits Ltd

12Camira Group Ltd

101 Captec Ltd

69Cara Technology Limited

70Cash Bases Limited

63CGC Technology Limited

70Charles Tyrwhitt 30Cheaney shoes Ltd

21 Claire Locke 62CNG Services Ltd

89Comline Auto Parts Limited

12CommAgility Ltd

19Communications Plus Ltd t/a O2 41 Condeco Limited

25Contamac Ltd.

7Content Guru Ltd

63Crawford Healthcare Ltd

45Crewshield Ltd

99Darktrace Limited

7Darrin M Disley 5David Harber Ltd

70DAWCOM Limited t/a Dawson 89Delamere Dairy Ltd

46Dermal Technology Laboratory Ltd

94Devenish Nutrition International 54Direct Healthcare Services Ltd

87Dog Rocks UK Distribution Ltd

71 Dorothy Francis 18Double First Ltd

71 Dryad Maritime Limited

63Ecoegg Ltd

64Elegant Address South of France 46Entier Limited

57Epos Now 7Eskan Electronics Ltd

30Esprit Digital Ltd

13Excalibur Screwbolts Ltd

8Exclaimer Limited

71 Extreme Toys Ltd.

25A-Zin strict confidence 21 April 2016

106Fairbanks Environmental Limited

46FAO27 Ltd

57First Point Group 30FISCAL Technologies Ltd

64Flowline Specialists Limited

58Focusrite Audio Engineering Limited

72Forces Support Ltd

64G and B North West Ltd

42G&P Group Holdings Ltd

90GA Pet Food Partners 47Genesys International Ltd.

47GeoLytix Ltd

25GGR Group Ltd

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